import os import argparse import re import json # Import the json module do_not_need_translating = ["AM", "PM", "AM/PM", "nfs", "cifs"] def infer_prefix(entries, filename, IsGeneral=False): """ Infer the prefix from entries that contain it, fallback to the first 3 characters of the filename. """ if IsGeneral: return "" # No prefix for General items for key in entries.keys(): match = re.match(r"(.*?_)?.*", key) if match: prefix = if prefix: print(f"Found prefix:{prefix} {filename}") return prefix # If no prefix is found, return the first 3 characters of the filename return filename.stem[:3].lower() + "_" def find_lex_files(modulename): base_locale_path = f"/home/brianr//Documents/smeserver-manager-locale/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/I18N/Modules/{modulename}/" base_en_path = f"/home/brianr//Documents/smeserver-manager/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/I18N/Modules/{modulename}/" # Get all .lex files in the specified directory lex_files = [f for f in os.listdir(base_locale_path) if f.endswith(".lex")] # Find the corresponding _en.lex file en_file = next((f for f in os.listdir(base_en_path) if f.endswith("_en.lex")), None) # Assuming the _en.lex file exists if en_file is None: print(f"No _en.lex file found for module: {modulename}") return # Read translation pairs from the _en file translations = {} with open(os.path.join(base_en_path, en_file), "r", encoding="utf-8") as en_f: for line in en_f: if "=>" in line: key, message = line.split("=>", 1) translations[key.strip().strip("'")] = ( message.strip().strip(",").strip("'") ) module_prefix = infer_prefix(translations, en_file) # Dictionary to accumulate missing translations missing_translations = {} key_not_in_en = {} # Compare against each lex file in the locale directory for lex_file in lex_files: # Skip any english lang file in there (there might be one) if lex_file.endswith("_en.lex"): continue with open( os.path.join(base_locale_path, lex_file), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as loc_f: print(f"File:{lex_file}") language_code = lex_file.split(".")[0][ -2: ] # Extracting language code from filename # Ensure the language code entry in the dictionary if language_code not in missing_translations: missing_translations[ language_code ] = [] # Initialize an empty list for this language code if language_code not in key_not_in_en: key_not_in_en[ language_code ] = [] # Initialize an empty list for this language code for line in loc_f: if "=>" in line: key, message = line.split("=>", 1) key = key.strip().strip("'") message = message.strip().strip(",").strip("'") # Remove the module prefix to check against do_not_need_translating stripped_key = key[ len(module_prefix) : ] # Remove the prefix and the underscore # Checking for missing translations if ( stripped_key not in do_not_need_translating ): # Check without prefix if key in translations: if message == translations[key] or message == "": # print(f"Missing translation in module '{modulename}', ({language_code})', key '{key}'") missing_translations[language_code].append(key) else: # print(f"Key '{key}' not found in english lex for module '{modulename} ({language_code})'.") key_not_in_en[language_code].append(key) for lang_code, keys in missing_translations.items(): if keys: print( f"Missing translations for module '{modulename}', ({lang_code}) - #{len(keys)}:" ) # print(keys) for lang_code, keys in key_not_in_en.items(): if keys: print( f"Keys not found in english lex for module '{modulename} ({lang_code}) - #{len(keys)}'." ) print(keys) # Remove keys that are not found in English lex from translation files for lex_file in lex_files: if lex_file.endswith("_en.lex"): continue print(f"File:{lex_file}") language_code = lex_file.split(".")[0][ -2: ] # Extracting language code from filename all_lines = [] with open( os.path.join(base_locale_path, lex_file), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as loc_f: all_lines = loc_f.readlines() # Filter out missing keys based on the key_not_in_en dictionary deleted = 0 with open( os.path.join(base_locale_path, lex_file), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as loc_f: for line in all_lines: if "=>" in line: key, message = line.split("=>", 1) key = key.strip().strip("'") # Get the key without quotes # Only write back lines that are not in the key_not_in_en list if key not in key_not_in_en.get(language_code, []): loc_f.write(line) else: deleted += 1 print(f"Updated {lex_file}, removed {deleted} keys.") # Write the missing_translations dictionary to a JSON file output_filename = f"missing_translations_{modulename}.json" with open(output_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(missing_translations, json_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) print(f"Wrote missing translations to {output_filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check for missing translations in lex files." ) parser.add_argument( "modulename", help="The name of the module to check translations for." ) args = parser.parse_args() find_lex_files(args.modulename)