import json5 #import pandas as pd import sys import argparse from chameleon import PageTemplateFile,PageTemplate import pkg_resources import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET version = 0.5 json5_dict: dict = {} json5_html_list: list = [] print(f"Generate SM2 code from JSON5 - Version {version}") # Get the version of Chameleon using pkg_resources try: version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("Chameleon").version print("Using Chameleon version:", version) except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: print("Chameleon is not installed or found.") def parse_json(json_obj, prefix=''): structured_list = [] if isinstance(json_obj, dict): for k, v in json_obj.items(): new_key = f"{prefix}.{k}" if prefix else k structured_list.extend(parse_json(v, new_key)) elif isinstance(json_obj, list): for i, v in enumerate(json_obj): new_key = f"{prefix}[{i}]" structured_list.extend(parse_json(v, new_key)) else: structured_list.append(f"{prefix}: {json_obj}") return structured_list def json5_to_list(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: data = json5.load(file) return parse_json(data) def json5_to_pandas(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: data = json5.load(file) print (data) return data.json_normalize(data) def json5_to_dict(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: data = json5.load(file) return data def rec_print(data, prefix=''): # Check if this item is a dictionary. if isinstance(data, dict): for key, val in data.items(): rec_print(val, f"{prefix}.{key}") # Check if this item is a list. elif isinstance(data, list): for idx, val in enumerate(data): rec_print(val, f"{prefix}[{idx}]") # If neither, it's a basic type. else: print(f"{prefix}: {data}") def find_item(nested_dict, target_key): for key, val in nested_dict.items(): if key == target_key: return val elif isinstance(val, dict): result = find_item(val, target_key) if result is not None: return result def find_dicts_with_key(nested_dict, target_key): results = [] for key, val in nested_dict.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): if target_key in val: results.append(val) results.extend(find_dicts_with_key(val, target_key)) return results def lint_json5(filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as file: data = json5.loads(data) print(f"{filename} as JSON5 data is valid") except Exception as e: print(f"{filename} as JSON5 data is invalid") print("Error:", str(e)) sys.exit() def flatten_hash_of_lists(hash_of_lists): flattened = {} for key, value in hash_of_lists.items(): if isinstance(value, list): for i, item in enumerate(value): new_key = f"{key}_{i}" # Appending index to the key to maintain uniqueness flattened[new_key] = item else: flattened[key] = value return flattened def hl(keyname): # Return highest level value for the keyname if keyname in json5_dict: return json5_dict[keyname] else: print(f"{keyname} not found in JSON5 - top level") return 'None' def get_all_routes(): route_list = [html_block.get('route') for html_block in json5_dict.get('html', [])] return route_list def lc_get_all_routes(): # All routes in lower case route_list = [html_block.get('route').lower() for html_block in json5_dict.get('html', [])] return route_list import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def parse_xml_to_dict(xml_file): # Parse the XML file tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() xml_dict = {} # Initialize an empty dictionary to store the data # Iterate through the XML tree and extract data for elem in root: tag = elem.tag if elem.text: xml_dict[tag] = elem.text else: cdata_content = elem.find('.//').text # Extract CDATA text xml_dict[tag] = cdata_content return xml_dict if __name__ == "__main__": filename = '/home/brianr/clients/SM2/SM2Gen/nfsshare.json5' # Command line parameters parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SM2Gen") parser.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='Specify a filename for the JSON5 file', default=filename) parser.add_argument('-nc', '--noController', help='Stop it creating a controller file', default="no") parser.add_argument('-nh', '--noHtml', help='Stop it creating html files(s)', default="no") args = parser.parse_args() filename = args.filename print(f"JSON5 from {filename} with noController={args.noController} and noHtml={args.noHtml}") #print("Chameleon version:", chameleon.__version__) # check syntax of JSON5 lint_json5(filename); # Get dict of it all json5_dict = json5_to_dict(filename) #print(json5_dict) # Get dict of just the html bit json5_html_list = json5_dict['html'] #print(json5_html_list) #Identify message print(f"\nGenerating mojo panels for {hl('PackageName')}") print( "-----------------------------------") # Routes for each panel routes = get_all_routes(); lc_routes =lc_get_all_routes(); #Generate controller file try: controller_template = PageTemplateFile("Templates/") try: controller_perl = controller_template.render(**json5_dict,conditions=routes,lcPackageName=json5_dict['PackageName'].lower()) #print() #print(controller_perl) # Map '$ 'to '$' to overcome problem with escaping $ signs #controller_perl = controller_perl.replace("$ ", "$") with open('Targets/'+hl('PackageName')+'.pm', 'w') as file: file.write(controller_perl) print("Targets/"+hl('PackageName')+'.pm controller generated ok') except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon controller render error occurred: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon controller template error occurred: {e}") #generate Layout file layout_template = PageTemplateFile("Templates/layout.html.ep.tem") try: try: layout_mojo = layout_template.render(**json5_dict,conditions=routes) # Map '$ 'to '$' to overcome problem with escaping $ signs #layout_mojo = layout_mojo.replace("$ ", "$") with open('Targets/'+hl('PackageName')+'.html.ep', 'w') as file: file.write(layout_mojo) print("Targets/"+hl('PackageName')+'.html.ep mojo template generated ok') except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon render on layout file error occurred: {e}") #print() #print(layout_mojo_template) except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon template layout file error occurred: {e}") #Generate a partial file for each of the entries in the html list #Pull in the template code for each of the input types #html_controls = json5_to_dict('Templates/html_controls.html.ep.tem') html_controls = parse_xml_to_dict('Templates/html_controls.html.ep.xml') #print(html_controls) for html in json5_html_list: # Generate a mojo template file, and then add in the controls # main file first try: partial_template = PageTemplateFile("Templates/partial.html.ep.tem") partial_mojo_context = {**json5_dict,**html} try: partial_mojo_template = partial_template.render(**partial_mojo_context) # Map '$ 'to '$' to overcome problem with escaping $ signs #partial_mojo_template = partial_mojo_template.replace("$ ", "$") with open('Targets/_'+hl('prefix')+"_"+html['route']+'.html.ep', 'w') as file: file.write(partial_mojo_template) print('Targets/_'+hl('prefix')+"_"+html['route']+'.html.ep mojo template generated ok') except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon render on partial file {html['route']} occurred: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon html {html['route']} error occurred: {e}") #Now generate the controls from the rest of the entries in the dict. #print() #print(html['route']); all_controls_html = ""; prefix_is = hl('prefix') for html_control in html: #print(html_control) inner_html = html[html_control] if isinstance(inner_html, dict): #print("\t\t"+inner_html['route']+":"+inner_html['Type']) try: control_template = PageTemplate(html_controls[inner_html['Type']]) try: control_html = control_template.render(**inner_html,prefix=prefix_is) # Map '$ 'to '$' to overcome problem with escaping $ signs #control_html = control_html.replace("$ ", "$") # Add in two tabs before each newline #control_html = control_html.replace("\n", "\n\t\t") # and an extra tab before each "%" #control_html = control_html.replace("%", "\t%") #print(control_html) all_controls_html = all_controls_html + control_html except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon render on partial file control {inner_html['Name']} error occurred: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon render on partial file control {inner_html['Name']} error occurred: {e}") else: #just a simple entry - name less numerics is type html_Type = ''.join(char for char in html_control if not char.isdigit()) #print(html_Type); try: simple_control_template = PageTemplate(html_controls[html_Type]) try: simple_control_html = simple_control_template.render(value=inner_html,prefix=prefix_is) # Map '$ 'to '$' to overcome problem with escaping $ signs #simple_control_html = simple_control_html.replace("$ ", "$") # Add in two tabs before each newline #simple_control_html = simple_control_html.replace("\n", "\n\t\t") all_controls_html = all_controls_html + simple_control_html except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon render on partial file control {inner_html['Name']} error occurred: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An chameleon template partial file control {html_control} error occurred: {e}") # Now insert it into the partial file in the correct place. # Read in the text file and split at "%# Inputs etc in here." with open('Targets/_'+hl('prefix')+"_"+html['route']+'.html.ep', 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() index = next((i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if "%# Inputs etc in here." in line), len(lines)) # Insert the string at the specified index lines.insert(index+1, all_controls_html + '\n') # Write the modified content back to the file with open('Targets/_'+hl('prefix')+"_"+html['route']+'.html.ep', 'w') as file: file.writelines(lines) print('Content modified and saved to Targets/_'+hl('prefix')+"_"+html['route']+'.html.ep .')