main page = status config page: -nut status : enable/disabled nut mode : standalone|netserver|netclient if netclient mode ask for SlaveUPS "UPSNAME@IP" and SlavePass "" set Master as no when saving if standalone or netserver either use default value for NUT device, or allow to set them ${nut-driver@UPS }{Model} usbhid-ups you can use a drop-down listing all the device rpm -ql nut|grep /usr/sbin ${nut-driver@UPS }{Device} auto only if Model genericups: ${nut-driver@UPS }{Type} ${nut-driver@UPS }{mfr} ${nut-driver@UPS }{mdl} on saving set nut{Master} to yes if mode standalone or netserver if mode=netserver set nut{access} to private otherwise set as localhost run signal-event nut-conf if enabled the status page could return upsc UPS@localhost, or if slave upsc UPSNAME@IP if netclient set nut-monitor status to enabled and set status disabled to nut-server and all existing nut-driver@* ( we can set multiple via cli, so a loop would be great there) if standalone|netserver then enable all nut related service if nut enabled if nut disabled then set all related services to disabled