{ PackageName: 'Nfsshare', prefix: 'nfs', MenuHeading: 'Network', MenuDescription: 'NFS data share', MenuNavigation: '2000 400', firstPanel: 'TABLE', signalEvent: 'smeserver-nfsshare-update', html: [ { Name: 'params', route: 'PARAMS', Header: 'NFS Share Contrib', SubHeader: 'Manage NFS Ibay settings:', Paragraph1: 'These parameters will be effective only if the share is enabled. The share is in /home/e-smith/files/ibays//files', Input1: { Name: 'IbayName', Type: 'Text', Label: 'Information Bay name', Value: 'stash("IbayName")', }, Input2: { Name: 'ShareOwnerGrp', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Share owner Group', Value: [ 'Write = admin, Read = group', 'Write = group, Read = everyone', 'Write = group, Read = group', ], Default: 0, }, Input3: { Name: 'EnableNFSshare', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Enable the NFS Share', Value: [ 'Disabled', 'Enabled', ], Default: 0, }, Input4: { Name: 'ShareOnLocalNetwork', Type: 'Select', Label: 'EnableShare on local network', Value: [ 'Disabled', 'Enabled', ], Default: 0, }, Paragraph2: 'For writing permissions,allowing the root user and using insecure ports, you must configure a list of one IP per line, being part of the local network(s).', Input5: { Name: 'NFSClientsAllowed', Type: 'Textarea', Label: 'NFS Client(s) allowed', rows : 5 }, Input6: { Name: 'FileSystemPermissions', Type: 'Select', Label: 'File system permissions', Value: [ 'Read only', 'Read and Write', ], Default: 0, }, Input7: { Name: 'WriteAsync', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Write (a)synchronously', Value: [ 'Synchronous', 'Asynchronous', ], }, Input8: { Name: 'DelayWrite', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Delays the disk writing', Value: [ 'Write delay', 'No write delay', ], Default: 1, }, Input9: { Name: 'Squash', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Squash the power of users', Value: [ 'All users squash', 'No root squash', 'root squash', ], Default: 2, }, Input10: { Name: 'BrowseParents', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Browse the parent folders', Value: [ 'Hide folder', 'Show folder', ], Default: 0, }, Input11: { Name: 'SecurePorts', Type: 'Select', Label: 'Requests on secure ports', Value: [ 'Secure', 'Insecure', ], Default: 0, }, Paragraph3: 'Set the uid and gid if you want all requests appear to be from one user or one group, otherwise leave blank', Input12: { Name: 'SetUID', Type: 'Textinput', Label: 'Set the UID.', }, Input13: { Name: 'SetGID', Type: 'Textinput', Label: 'Set the GID.', }, Submit: 'Save', }, { Name: 'select_ibay', route:'TABLE', Header: 'NFS Share Contrib', SubHeader: 'Manage NFS Ibay settings:', Nextpanel: 'PARAMS', Table1: { Type:'Table', TableControl:"ibays", TopHeadings: ['Name','Description','Nfs status', 'Action'], Columns: ['Name','Description','flag','Modify'] } } ] }