/** * dmarc-srg - A php parser, viewer and summary report generator for incoming DMARC reports. * Copyright (C) 2020 Aleksey Andreev (liuch) * * Available at: * https://github.com/liuch/dmarc-srg * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ class ITable { constructor(params) { this._table = null; this._class = null; this._header = null; this._status = null; this._frames = []; this._columns = []; this._body = null; this._onsort = null; this._onclick = null; this._onfocus = null; if (params) { this._class = params.class || null; this._onsort = params.onsort || null; this._onclick = params.onclick || null; this._onfocus = params.onfocus || null; this._nodata_text = params.nodata_text || null; } this._focused = false; this._focused_row = null; this._selected_rows = []; } element() { if (!this._table) { let that = this; this._table = document.createElement("div"); if (this._class) this._table.setAttribute("class", this._class); this._table.classList.add("table"); this._table.setAttribute("tabindex", -1); this._table.addEventListener("focus", function(event) { that._focused = true; that._update_focus(); }, true); this._table.addEventListener("blur", function(event) { that._focused = false; that._update_focus(); 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} frames_count() { return this._frames.length; } add_column(data) { let col = new ITableColumn(data.content, { name: data.name, class: data.class, sortable: data.sortable, sorted: data.sorted }); this._columns.push(col); if (this._header) this._header.appendChild(col.element()); return col; } get_column_by_element(el) { el = el && el.closest("div.table-cell"); if (el) { for (let i = 0; i < this._columns.length; ++i) { let col = this._columns[i]; if (el === col.element()) return col; } } } display_status(status, text) { if (this._status && !status) { this._status.remove(); this._status = null; return; } this.element(); this._status = document.createElement("div"); this._status.setAttribute("class", "table-row colspanned"); let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("class", "table-cell"); this._status.appendChild(el); let el2 = document.createElement("div"); el2.setAttribute("class", "table-cell"); el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u00A0")); // Non breaking space this._status.appendChild(el2); 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this._focused_row = fr.row(fr.first_index()); } } if (this._focused_row) this._focused_row.element().focus(); } sort(col_name, direction) { if (this._frames.length == 1) { for (let i = 0; i < this._columns.length; ++i) { let col = this._columns[i]; if (col.is_sortable() && col.name() === col_name) { let fr = this._frames[0]; fr.sort(i, direction); if (this._body) { remove_all_children(this._body); this._body.appendChild(fr.element()); } return; } } } } set_sorted(col_name, direction) { this._columns.forEach(function(col) { if (col.is_sortable()) { if (col.name() !== col_name) { col.sort(null); } else { if (direction === "toggle") { direction = null; if (col.sorted() === "ascent") { direction = "descent"; } else if (col.sorted() === "descent") { direction = "ascent"; } } col.sort(direction); } } }); } _fill_columns() { this._columns.forEach(function(col) { this._header.appendChild(col.element()); }, this); } _fill_frames() { this._frames.forEach(function(fr) { this._body.appendChild(fr.element()); 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while (p_elem) { let p_rect = p_elem.getBoundingClientRect(); if (t_rect.top < p_rect.top || t_rect.bottom > p_rect.bottom) { return p_elem; } p_elem = p_elem.paretnElement; } } } class ITableFrame { constructor(data, pos) { this._pos = pos; this._more = data.more && true || false; let id = pos; this._rows = data.rows.map(function(rd) { if (!(rd instanceof ITableRow)) { rd = new ITableRow(rd); } rd.id(id++); return rd; }); } count() { return this._rows.length; } first_index() { return this._pos; } last_index() { let cnt = this._rows.length; if (cnt > 0) { return this._pos + cnt - 1; } return null; } row(id) { let idx = id - this._pos; if (idx >= 0 && idx < this._rows.length) { return this._rows[idx]; } return null; } more() { return this._more; } element() { let fr = document.createDocumentFragment(); this._rows.forEach(function(row) { fr.appendChild(row.element()); }); return fr; } sort(col_idx, direction) { let dir = (direction === "ascent" && 1) || (direction === "descent" && 2) || 0; if (dir) { let that = this; this._rows.sort(function(a, b) { let c1 = a.cell(col_idx); let c2 = b.cell(col_idx); if (dir === 1) { return that._compare_cells(c2, c1); } return that._compare_cells(c1, c2); }); let id = this._pos; this._rows.forEach(function(row) { row.id(id++); }); } } _compare_cells(c1, c2) { return c1.value("sort") < c2.value("sort"); } } class ITableRow { constructor(data) { this._id = -1; this._focused = false; this._tabindex = -1; this._selected = false; this._element = null; this._class = data.class || null; this._userdata = data.userdata || null; this._cells = data.cells.map(function(col) { if (col instanceof ITableCell) { return col; } let props = null; if (col.title || col.class || col.label) { props = { title: col.title || null, class: col.class || null, label: col.label || null }; } return new ITableCell(col.content, props); }); } userdata() { return this._userdata; } element() { if (!this._element) { this._element = document.createElement("div"); this._element.setAttribute("data-id", this._id); 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this._name = props.name; this._sortable = !!props.sortable; this._sorted = props.sorted || null; } element() { if (this._element !== super.element()) { this._update_sorted(); } return this._element; } is_sortable() { return this._sortable; } sort(dir) { if (this._sorted !== dir) { this._sorted = dir || null; if (this._element) { this._update_sorted(); } } } sorted() { return this._sorted; } name() { return this._name; } _update_sorted() { if (this._sortable) { this._element.classList.add("sortable"); let c_act = { asc: "remove", des: "remove" }; if (this._sorted) { this._element.classList.add("arrows"); if (this._sorted === "ascent") { c_act["asc"] = "add"; } else if (this._sorted === "descent") { c_act["des"] = "add"; } } else { this._element.classList.remove("arrows"); } for (let key in c_act) { this._element.classList[c_act[key]]("sorted-" + key); } } } } class ModalDialog { constructor(params) { this._params = params; this._element = null; this._title = null; this._buttons = []; this._content = null; 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this._content.appendChild(lblock); } _submit() { this.hide(); } }