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" Standard e-smith .vimrc file.
" $Id: .vimrc,v 1.1 2003/04/10 17:11:29 msoulier Exp $
" version number for Vim
version 6.0
" Standard Vi options
" auto indentation for coding, I prefer to turn it on myself
set autoindent
" display changes after each editor command
set autoprint
" write the file before critical commands
set autowrite
" do not ignore all control characters during input
set nobeautify
" directory to store buffer files
set directory=/tmp
" don't remember the flags used with the most recent sub
" command to use in the next one
set noedcompatible
" turn off the bloody bells
set noerrorbells
" don't allow execution of local .exrc files, use :so instead
set noexrc
" do not ignore case in searches
set noignorecase
" turn off indents of lisp format
set nolisp
" don't print special chars for tabs and EOLs, just
" call this up whenever you need it
set nolist
" allow wildcard chars in regexps - magic good
set magic
" don't permit system messages to display while editing
set nomesg
" don't show line numbers by default
set nonumber
" don't remove carriage returns when printing multiple lines,
set nooptimize
" displays the ex prompt when vi's Q command is given
set prompt
" redraw the screen whenever edits are made
set redraw
" allow nested map sequences
set remap
" displays a message on the status line whenever you use a
" command that edits at least the lines specified - use 0
" so this is always on
set report=0
" location of command interpreter for :sh command
set shell=/bin/sh
" amount of shift for autoindent and >> << commands
set shiftwidth=4
" whenever ) or } is entered, jump briefly to matching ( or {,
" beep if none found - handy for coding
set showmatch
" show what mode we're in
set showmode
" size of the tabstops
set tabstop=4
" number of characters that are significant for tags - 0 means all
set taglength=0
" defines pathname of files containing tags (ie. ctags)
set tags=./tags,tags
" I like long error messages
set noterse
" allow keyboard maps to time out after 1 second
set timeout
" displays the warning message of "no write since last change"
set warn
" searches wrap around either end of file
set nowrapscan
" defines right margin - > 0 automatically inserts carriage returns
" to break lines - use for text mode, not for coding
set wrapmargin=0
" don't allow saving to any file
set nowriteany
" Turn on filetype support.
filetype on
" Turn on filetype indenting by default.
filetype indent on
" Turn on syntax shading.
syn on
" Default directory setup for the swapfile.
set directory=.,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp
" Default dictionary.
set dictionary=/usr/dict/words
" 'cause backups are for wimps ;-)
set nobackup
" laststatus: show status line? Yes, always!
" laststatus: Even for only one buffer.
set laststatus=2
" allow the last line to be a modeline
set modeline
" scan the first 5 lines of the file for modelines
set modelines=5
" Again, bells bad...
set visualbell
" I hate hlsearch most of the time.
set nohlsearch
" set the make program - use gmake if make is not GNU
set makeprg=make
" set the textwidth by default
set textwidth=78
" expand tabs
set expandtab
" 'cause I hate always having to save before switching buffers
set hidden
" so the >> and << commands do not shift just to tab boundaries
set noshiftround
" I like to see all possible completions for files
set wildmode=longest,list
set wildmenu
" we're on a fast terminal
set ttyfast
" toggle the paste option
set pastetoggle=<F12>
" I like incremental searching.
set incsearch
" Inform Vim that I use a dark background.
set bg=dark
" extra search paths for the SME server
" :h find for more information
set path+=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/esmith
set path+=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/esmith/DB
set path+=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/esmith/FormMagick/Panel
set path+=/home/e-smith
set path+=/etc/e-smith/events/actions
set path+=/etc/e-smith/web/functions