
957 lines
36 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/perl -wU
# heading : Configuration
# description : DHCP manager
# navigation : 2000 2500
# Copyright (c) 2003 Thierry Quaak
# 2014 Stephane de Labrusse
my $fm = esmith::FormMagick->new();
###Call Modules
use strict;
use CGI ':all';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use esmith::cgi;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::templates;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::FormMagick;
use Net::Ping;
use esmith::util::network qw(:all);
use Socket qw( inet_aton );
###Declare function prototypes
sub Main_Display ($$);
sub Load_leases ($);
sub Main_Save ($);
sub Del_Lease ($);
sub Perform_Del_Lease ($);
sub Wake_Up ($);
sub Perform_Wake_Up ($);
sub Message ($$);
sub Global_WinPopup ($);
sub Perform_Message ($);
sub Table_IP ($$);
sub Scan_Local_Network ($);
sub Del_all_Lease ($);
sub Perform_del_all_Lease ($);
sub Save_checkip ($);
### Clear PATH and related environment variables so that calls to
### external programs do not cause results to be tainted. See
### "perlsec" manual page for details.
$ENV {'PATH'} = '';
$ENV {'SHELL'} = '/bin/bash';
delete $ENV {'ENV'};
###Define package global to SME configuration paramters using "old" method.
###We are using this method, over esmith::ConfigDB, to satisfy syntax in
our %conf = ();
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';
our @liste_computer ;
our @liste_connected ;
###Change UID -- not sure what we are doing this, but all panels seem to
###call this function.
esmith::util::setRealToEffective ();
our %status = ('enabled' => $fm->localise('ENABLED'),
'disabled' => $fm->localise('DISABLED')
our %check = ('enabled' => $fm->localise('ENABLED'),
'disabled' => $fm->localise('DISABLED')
###Restrict uploads to form submittals only
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 100; # max 100K posts
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads
###Examine state parameter and display the appropriate form
my $q = new CGI;
if (! grep (/^state$/, $q->param)){ Main_Display($q, '');}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "main_display"){Main_Display ($q,'');}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq $fm->localise('REFRESH')){Table_IP ($q, '');}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "main_save"){Main_Save ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "del_lease"){Del_Lease ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "perform_del_lease"){Perform_Del_Lease ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "wake_up"){Wake_Up ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "perform_wake_up"){Perform_Wake_Up ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq $fm->localise('GLOBAL_WINPOPUP')){Global_WinPopup ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "message"){Message ($q,'');}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "perform_message"){Perform_Message ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq $fm->localise('CONNECTED_IP')){Table_IP ($q,'');}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq $fm->localise('SCAN_YOUR_NETWORK')){Scan_Local_Network ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq $fm->localise('REMOVE_ALL_LEASES')){Del_all_Lease ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq $fm->localise('REMOVE_ALL_LEASES_ACTION')){Perform_del_all_Lease ($q);}
elsif ($q->param ('state') eq 'Save_checkIP'){Save_checkip ($q);}
else{esmith::cgi::genStateError ($q, \%conf);}
exit (0);
sub Main_Display ($$){
###Pull cgi object from parameters array
my $q = shift;
my @computer;
my $status ;
###Pull action message, if any, from parameters array
my $action_message = shift;
###Retrieve SME configuration entry for dhcpd
my $dbh_sme = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/home/e-smith/db/configuration');
my %sme_conf = $dbh_sme->get('dhcpd')->props;
###Display Main Panel Title
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, $fm->localise('DHCPD_TITLE'));
###Check to see if we just processed a panel action. If so, display
###action message and bail.
if ($action_message) {
print $q->h3 ($fm->localise('STATUS_REPORT') . " $action_message");
# Start DHCP client Panel
print $q->p ('');
print $q->startform (-method => 'POST',
-action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
print $q->Tr (esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,$q->submit (-name => 'state',-value => $fm->localise('CONNECTED_IP'))));
print $q->Tr (esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,$q->submit (-name => 'state',-value => $fm->localise('SCAN_YOUR_NETWORK'))));
print $q->Tr (esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,$q->submit (-name => 'state',-value => $fm->localise('GLOBAL_WINPOPUP'))));
print $q->hidden (-name => 'liste_connected', -override => 1, -default => "@liste_connected");
# Start DHCP daemon Panel
print $q->hr;
print $q->h3 ($fm->localise('DHCPD_SETTINGS_TITLE'));
if (! $sme_conf{'winscustom'} ) {
$sme_conf{'winscustom'} = 'disabled' ;
if (! $sme_conf{'dnscustom'} ) {
$sme_conf{'dnscustom'} = 'disabled' ;
if ( ! $sme_conf{'leasetime'} )
{ $sme_conf{'leasetime'} = "86400" ;
if (! $sme_conf{'gatewaycustom'} ) {
$sme_conf{'gatewaycustom'} = 'disabled' ;
#check the status (up or down) of dhcp client
print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4},
esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, $fm->localise('CHECK_CLIENT_STATUS'),
$q->popup_menu (-name => 'dhcp_check',
-values => ['disabled', 'enabled'],
-default => $sme_conf{'check'},
-labels => \%check)) );
# - modofication des plage DHCP
print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4},
esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, $fm->localise('STATUS_DHCP_SERVER'),
$q->popup_menu (-name => 'dhcp_enable',
-values => ['enabled', 'disabled'],
-default => $sme_conf{'status'},
-labels => \%status)) ,
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
$sme_conf{'start'}) ,
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
$fm->localise('DHCP_END') ,
esmith::cgi::genTextRow ($q,
$q->p ($fm->localise('CUSTOM_WINSERVER_TITLE'))),
esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, $fm->localise('CUSTOM_WINSERVER_STATUS'),
$q->popup_menu (-name => 'dhcp_winscustom',
-values => ['enabled', 'disabled'],
-default => $sme_conf{'winscustom'},
-labels => \%status)),
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
#### Custom DNS
esmith::cgi::genTextRow ($q,
$q->p ($fm->localise('CUSTOM_DNS_TITLE'))),
esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, $fm->localise('CUSTOM_DNS_STATUS'),
$q->popup_menu (-name => 'dhcp_dnscustom',
-values => ['enabled', 'disabled'],
-default => $sme_conf{'dnscustom'},
-labels => \%status)),
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
#### Custom default Gateway
esmith::cgi::genTextRow ($q,
$q->p ($fm->localise('CUSTOM_GATEWAY_TITLE'))),
esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, $fm->localise('CUSTOM_GATEWAY_STATUS'),
$q->popup_menu (-name => 'dhcp_gatewaycustom',
-values => ['enabled', 'disabled'],
-default => $sme_conf{'gatewaycustom'},
-labels => \%status)),
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
esmith::cgi::genTextRow ($q,
$q->p ($fm->localise('CUSTOM_LEASETIME_TITLE'))),
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
print '</table>';
print $q->start_table ({width => "100%", -class => "sme-noborders"}),
print esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,
$q->submit (-name => 'action', -value => $fm->localise('SAVE/RESTART')));
print $q->end_table,"\n";
print $q->hidden (
-name => 'state',
-override => 1,
-default => 'main_save'
print $q->endform;
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
#SUBROUTINE: Process Save From Main Panel
sub Main_Save ($){
##Pull CGI object from parameters array
my $q = shift;
###Build Hash of config parameters to update from cgi submit
my $dhcpd_status = $q->param ('dhcp_enable');
my $dhcpd_winscustom = $q->param ('dhcp_winscustom');
my $dhcpd_check = $q->param ('dhcp_check');
my $dhcpd_start = $q->param ('dhcp_start');
my $dhcpd_end = $q->param ('dhcp_end');
my $dhcpd_winsserver = $q->param ('dhcp_winsserver');
my $dhcpd_leasetime = $q->param ('dhcp_leasetime');
my $dhcpd_dnscustom = $q->param ('dhcp_dnscustom');
my $dhcpd_dns1server = $q->param ('dhcp_dns1server');
my $dhcpd_dns2server = $q->param ('dhcp_dns2server');
my $dhcpd_dns3server = $q->param ('dhcp_dns3server');
my $dhcpd_gatewaycustom = $q->param ('dhcp_gatewaycustom');
my $dhcpd_gateway = $q->param ('dhcp_gateway');
###Update SME configuration dbase
my $dbh_sme = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/home/e-smith/db/configuration');
##Initiate get method --> create record object
my $sme_record = $dbh_sme->get('dhcpd');
#get localip of server
my $local_ip = $dbh_sme->get_value('LocalIP');
##Set status of service
$sme_record->set_prop('status', $dhcpd_status);
$sme_record->set_prop('check' , $dhcpd_check);
$sme_record->set_prop('winscustom', $dhcpd_winscustom);
$sme_record->set_prop('leasetime' , $dhcpd_leasetime);
$sme_record->set_prop('dnscustom' , $dhcpd_dnscustom);
$sme_record->set_prop('gatewaycustom' , $dhcpd_gatewaycustom);
#checkip to the dhcpserver, perform the save in DB configuration or display an error if value != of a valid ip or if dhcp_start is greater than dhcp_end
if ($dhcpd_status eq "enabled")
if ( isValidIP ($dhcpd_start) && isValidIP ($dhcpd_end))
#check if $dhcpd_start is greater than $dhcpd_end and if yes, display an error message.
if (inet_aton($dhcpd_start) ge inet_aton($dhcpd_end))
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('DHCP_START_GREATER_DHCP_END_ERRORS') . ' (' . $dhcpd_start . '/' . $dhcpd_end .')');
elsif ( ( (inet_aton($dhcpd_start) le inet_aton($local_ip) ) && ( inet_aton($dhcpd_end)) ge inet_aton($local_ip) ) )
#display an error if the range of dhcp server include the ip of the server address
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('DHCP_RANGE_MUST_NOT_INCLUDE_SERVER_IP') . ' (' . $local_ip . ')');
#set value
my $dhcpd_start = cleanIP($dhcpd_start);
my $dhcpd_end = cleanIP($dhcpd_end);
$sme_record->set_prop('end', $dhcpd_end);
$sme_record->set_prop('start', $dhcpd_start);
#if $dhcpd_start or $dhcpd_end are not valid ip then display an error
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('DHCP_RANGE_WITH_BAD_IP') . ' (' . $dhcpd_start . '/' . $dhcpd_end .')');
#checkip to the winserver perform the save in DB configuration or display an error if value != of a valid ip
if ($dhcpd_winscustom eq "enabled")
if ( isValidIP ($dhcpd_winsserver) )
#set value
my $dhcpd_winsserver = cleanIP($dhcpd_winsserver);
$dbh_sme->set_prop('smb','WINSServer', $dhcpd_winsserver);
#if $dhcpd_winsserver is not valid ip then display an error
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('WINSSERVER_BAD_IP') . ' (' . $dhcpd_winsserver .')');
elsif ($dhcpd_winscustom eq "disabled")
my $delws = $dbh_sme->get('smb');
#checkip to the dnsserver custom, perform the save in DB configuration or display an error if value != of a valid ip
if ($dhcpd_dnscustom eq "enabled")
#check if $dhcpd_dns1server and ( $dhcpd_dns2server are valid ip or $dhcpd_dns2server = null )
if ( isValidIP ($dhcpd_dns1server) && (isValidIP($dhcpd_dns2server) || ( $dhcpd_dns2server eq "") ) && (isValidIP($dhcpd_dns3server) || ( $dhcpd_dns3server eq "") ) )
#set value
my $dhcpd_dns1server = cleanIP($dhcpd_dns1server);
$sme_record->set_prop('dns1server' , $dhcpd_dns1server);
my $dhcpd_dns2server = cleanIP($dhcpd_dns2server);
$sme_record->set_prop('dns2server' , $dhcpd_dns2server);
my $dhcpd_dns3server = cleanIP($dhcpd_dns3server);
$sme_record->set_prop('dns3server' , $dhcpd_dns3server);
##if $dhcpd_dns1server or $dhcpd_dns2server or $dhcpd_dns3server are not valid ip then display an error
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('DNS_SERVER_WITH_BAD_IP') . ' (' . $dhcpd_dns1server . '/' . $dhcpd_dns2server . '/' . $dhcpd_dns3server .')');
#checkip to the gateway_custom perform the save in DB configuration or display an error if value != of a valid ip
if ($dhcpd_gatewaycustom eq "enabled")
if ( isValidIP ($dhcpd_gateway) )
#set value
my $dhcpd_gateway = cleanIP($dhcpd_gateway);
$sme_record->set_prop('gateway' , $dhcpd_gateway);
#if $dhcpd_gateway is not valid ip then display an error
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('GATEWAY_BAD_IP') . ' (' . $dhcpd_gateway .')');
# - 4 expand templates
# changed to new sme standard signal-event
system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event","workgroup-update") == 0
or die "Error while saving settings: $!";
Main_Display($q, $fm->localise('SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED_SETTINGS') );
#SUBROUTINE: procedure qui supprime un bail dans le dhcpd.leases
sub Del_Lease ($){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Start Panel.
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, $fm->localise('REMOVE_A_DHCP_LEASE_TITLE'));
print $q->h3($fm->localise('REMOVE_A_DHCP_LEASE'));
print $q->startform (-method => 'POST', -action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
my $ip = $q->param ('host');
my $name = $q->param ('name');
print $q->p ($fm->localise('REMOVE_A_DHCP_LEASE_ACTION') . ' (' . $name .'/' . $ip .')');
print $q->p ($q->b ($fm->localise('ARE_YOU_SURE')));
print $q->submit (-name => 'action', -value => $fm->localise('REMOVE'));
print $q->hidden (-name => 'host',
-override => 1,
-default => $ip
print $q->hidden (-name => 'name',
-override => 1,
-default => $name
print $q->hidden (-name => 'state',
-override => 1,
-default => 'perform_del_lease');
print $q->endform;
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
#SUBROUTINE: Perform delete lease
sub Perform_Del_Lease($){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Pull entry to delete
my $ip = $q->param('host');
my $name = $q->param('name');
my $name_in_file = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases' ;
my $name_tmp_file = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases.tmp' ;
my $name_out_file = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases~' ;
my $del_current = "0" ;
open(INFILE,"<$name_in_file") || die "Read Error $name_in_file, Read: $!";
open(OUTFILE,">$name_tmp_file") || die "Write error $name_in_file, Write: $!";
while (<INFILE>) {
if ( "$_" =~ /lease $ip/ ) {
$del_current = "1" ;
if ( $del_current == "0" ) { print OUTFILE "$_" ; }
if ( "$_" =~ /}/ ) {
$del_current = "0" ;
rename ($name_tmp_file,$name_in_file) ;
system ("/bin/cp","-f","$name_in_file","$name_out_file") ;
# changed to new sme standard signal-event
system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event","workgroup-update") == 0
or die "Error while saving settings: $!";
###Return action message
Table_IP($q, $fm->localise('SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_THE_CLIENT') . ' (' . $name . '/' . $ip .')');
#SUBROUTINE: procedure qui valide les parametres de l'host eteint
sub Wake_Up ($){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Start Panel.
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, $fm->localise('WAKING_A_REMOTE_COMPUTER_TITLE'));
print $q->h3($fm->localise('WAKING_A_REMOTE_COMPUTER'));
print $q->startform (-method => 'POST', -action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
my $mac = uc($q->param ('MAC'));
my $name = uc($q->param ('name'));
print $q->p ($q->b ($fm->localise('WAKING_A_REMOTE_COMPUTER_ACTION') . ' (' . $name . '/' . $mac . ')'));
print $q->submit (-name => 'action', -value => $fm->localise('WAKE_UP') . " $name");
print $q->hidden (-name => 'mac',
-override => 1,
-default => $mac
print $q->hidden (-name => 'name',
-override => 1,
-default => $name
print $q->hidden (-name => 'state',
-override => 1,
-default => 'perform_wake_up');
print $q->endform;
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
#SUBROUTINE: Perform wake UP
sub Perform_Wake_Up($){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Get Mac Adress
my $mac = uc($q->param('mac'));
my $name = uc($q->param('name'));
#Send Wake Up to the station
#Old version obsolete since 1.5.0 - system ("/usr/bin/wol","$mac") ;
system ("/sbin/ether-wake","$mac") ;
###Return action message
Table_IP($q, $fm->localise('SUCCESSFULLY_CLIENT_WOL_REQUEST') . ' (' . $name . '/' . $mac . ')');
# Procedure qui charge le dhcpd.conf
# retourne un tableau contenant les informations
sub Load_leases ($){
#Definition de variable
use vars qw/
@detail $work_line $header /;
my $name_file = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases' ;
@liste_computer = '' ;
#Ouverture du fichier en lecture seule
open(FILE,"<$name_file") || die "Read error $name_file, Error: $!" ;
#Parcours du fichier dhcpd.leases
while (<FILE>) {
# suppression des commentaires
if ($_ =~ /^#/) { next; }
#spurresion des lignes vides
if ($_ =~ /^$/) { next; }
#supression de la ligne uid de windows
if ($_ =~ /uid/) { next; }
#supression de la ligne tstp de XP
if ($_ =~ /tstp/) { next; }
#supression de la ligne "binding state active"
if ($_ =~ /binding/) { next; }
#supression de la ligne "next binding state"
if ($_ =~ /next/) { next; }
#suprresion des commentaire et des ;
$_ =~ s/\s#.*$//;
$_ =~ s/(;|{) *$//;
#supression des espace en debut de lignes
$_ =~ s/^ *\s//;
#Suppression des retours chariot en fin de lignes.
chomp $_ ;
#Chargement d'un tableau avec le contenu de la ligne.
(@detail) = split(/ /, $_) ;
#initialisation d'un nouveau poste connect<63>
if ($_ =~ /lease/) {
$work_line = "" ;
$header = shift(@detail);
$work_line = $work_line . ";" . join(" ",@detail) ;
if ($header =~ /}/) {
$work_line =~ s/ /;/g;
$work_line =~ s/^;//;
$work_line =~ s/"//g;
$work_line =~ s/;$//;
#we want the last entry is the first element of the array
unshift(@liste_computer,$work_line) ;
sub Message($$){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Pull entry to delete
my $name = $q->param('name');
my @liste_connected = $q->param('liste_connected');
my $message2send ;
if ( $name ) {
@liste_connected = () ;
push(@liste_connected,$name) ; }
else {$name = $fm->localise('ALL_OF_THEM')}
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf,$fm->localise('SENDING_A_WINPOPUP'));
print $q->h3($fm->localise('SENDING_A_WINPOPUP_TO') . " @liste_connected.");
print $q->startform (-method => 'POST', -action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4},
esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,$fm->localise('YOUR_MESSAGE'), 'message2send',
$fm->localise('WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE')) );
print '</table>';
print $q->hr;
print $q->p ($q->p ($fm->localise('DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SENT') . " $name"));
print $q->submit (-name => 'action', -value => $fm->localise('SEND_WINPOPUP_TO') . " $name");
print $q->hidden (-name => 'liste_connected', -override => 1,
-default => @liste_connected);
print $q->hidden (-name => 'message2send', -override => 1, -default => $message2send);
print $q->hidden (-name => 'state', -override => 1, -default => 'perform_message');
print $q->endform;
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
#SUBROUTINE: Perform message
sub Perform_Message($){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Get Mac Adress
my @liste_connected = split(' ',$q->param('liste_connected'));
my $message2send = $q->param('message2send');
foreach (@liste_connected){
system ("/etc/e-smith/events/actions/send-message","$_","$message2send") ;
Table_IP($q, $fm->localise('SUCCESSFULLY_SENT_MESSAGE') . " @liste_connected." . $fm->localise('WARNING_NO_WINPOPUP_GARANTY'));
#SUBROUTINE: Win Popup for all connected hosts
sub Global_WinPopup($){
my $q = shift;
my @liste_connected = $q->param('liste_connected');
#SUBROUTINE: Create Table_IP of dhcp server
sub Table_IP ($$) {
###Pull cgi object from parameters array
my $q = shift;
my @computer;
my $status ;
###Pull action message, if any, from parameters array
my $action_message = shift;
###Retrieve SME configuration entry for dhcpd
my $dbh_sme = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/home/e-smith/db/configuration');
my %sme_conf = $dbh_sme->get('dhcpd')->props;
###Display Main Panel Title
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, $fm->localise('MANAGING_DHCP_CLIENT'));
###Check to see if we just processed a panel action. If so, display
###action message and bail.
if ($action_message) {
print $q->h3 ($fm->localise('STATUS_REPORT') . " $action_message");
# Start DHCP client Panel
print $q->p ('');
print $q->startform (-method => 'POST',
-action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
#refresh the list
print esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,$q->submit (-name => 'state',-value => $fm->localise('REFRESH')));
#Remove all dhcpd lease
print esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,$q->submit (-name => 'state',-value => $fm->localise('REMOVE_ALL_LEASES')));
print $q->hr;
print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4},
esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, $fm->localise('CHECK_CLIENT_STATUS'),
$q->popup_menu (-name => 'dhcp_check',
-values => ['disabled', 'enabled'],
-default => $sme_conf{'check'},
-labels => \%check)) );
##save checkip ('Saving modification and restart the daemon...') and go to sub Save_checkip :)
print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4},
esmith::cgi::genTextRow ($q,
$q->p ($fm->localise('SAVE_TITLE'))));
print $q->start_table ({width => "100%", -class => "sme-noborders"}),
print esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,
$q->submit (-name => 'action', -value => $fm->localise('SAVE/RESTART')));
print $q->end_table,"\n";
print $q->hidden (
-name => 'state',
-override => 1,
-default => 'Save_checkIP'
print $q->endform;
# Refresh Liste
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
&Load_leases ($q) ;
if ( 2 > 1 ) {
print $q->p ($q->b (''));
print $q->table ({border => 1, cellspacing => 1, cellpadding => 4,nowarp => 1});
print $q->Tr (esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->p ( '<center>' . 'IP')),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->p ( '<center>' . $fm->localise('NETWORK_NAME'))),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->p ( '<center>' . $fm->localise('STATUS_CLICK_FOR_WOL'))),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->p ( '<center>' . $fm->localise('START_DATE'))),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->p ( '<center>' . $fm->localise('END_DATE'))),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->p ( '<center>' . $fm->localise('MAC_ADDRESS') .
##9(sme8)12(sme9)->netbios (ancien10)::8(sme8)11(sme9)->mac address (ancien8)::0->ip::
##it is possible you may adapt array number if more options/lines are added to the dhcpd.leases
##symptoms are a blank or wrong line in Table_IP
my @mac = ();
my @count = ();
foreach (@liste_computer){
@computer = split(/;/, $_) ;
#we want to sort elements the array by mac address
$computer[11] = uc($computer[11]) ;
push @mac, ($computer[11]);
my @count;
push @count , (grep /$computer[11]/ , @mac);
next if (scalar @count > 1);
#we start the table if it is a valid IP
if ( $computer[0] ) {
$computer[12] = uc($computer[12]) ;
my $datedeb = $computer[2] . "-" . $computer[3] ;
my $datefin = $computer[5] . "-" . $computer[6] ;
$status = $q->a ({href => $q->url (-absolute => 1) .
"?state=wake_up&MAC=" . $computer[11] . "&name=" .
$computer[12]}, $fm->localise('NOT_CHECKED')) ;
if ( $sme_conf{'check'} =~ /enabled/ ) {
use Net::Ping;
my($ping_obj) = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
# formatage des dates
$computer[3] = substr($computer[3],0,5);
$computer[6] = substr($computer[6],0,5);
if ($ping_obj->ping("$computer[0]")) {
push(@liste_connected,$computer[12]) ;
$status = $fm->localise('ACTIVE_DEVICE');
#alimentation de la liste des connect<63>
else { $status = $q->a ({href => $q->url (-absolute => 1) .
"?state=wake_up&MAC=" . $computer[11] . "&name=" .
$computer[12]}, $fm->localise('WAKE_UP_ACTION'));
else {
push(@liste_connected,$computer[12]) ;
print $q->Tr (esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, "$computer[0]"),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, "$computer[12]"),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, "<CENTER>" ."$status" ),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, "<CENTER>" . "$datedeb" . "</CENTER>"),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, "<CENTER>" . "$datefin" . "</CENTER>"),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, "$computer[11]"),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q,
$q->a ({href => $q->url (-absolute => 1)
. "?state=del_lease&host=" . $computer[0] . "&name=" .
$computer[12]}, $fm->localise('REMOVE_ACTION'))),
esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q,
$q->a ({href => $q->url (-absolute => 1)
. "?state=message&name=" . $computer[12]}, $fm->localise('WINPOPUP_ACTION')))
print '</table>';
print $q->p ($q->b ($fm->localise('NO_CONNECTED_COMPUTERS')));
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
#SUBROUTINE: procedure qui sauve le checkip de la subroutine Table_ip
sub Save_checkip ($){
##Pull CGI object from parameters array
my $q = shift;
###Build Hash of config parameters to update from cgi submit
my $dhcpd_check = $q->param ('dhcp_check');
##Initiate get method --> create record object
my $dbh_sme = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/home/e-smith/db/configuration');
my $sme_record = $dbh_sme->get('dhcpd');
$sme_record->set_prop('check' , $dhcpd_check);
system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event","workgroup-update") == 0
or die "Error while saving settings: $!";
Table_IP($q, $fm->localise('SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED_SETTINGS'));
#SUBROUTINE: procedure qui supprime tous les bail dans le dhcpd.leases
sub Del_all_Lease ($){
###Pull CGI object from parameters array
$q = shift;
###Start Panel.
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, $fm->localise('REMOVE_DHCP_LEASE_TITLE'));
print $q->h3($fm->localise('REMOVE_DHCP_LEASE_WARNING'));
print $q->startform (-method => 'POST', -action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
print $q->p ( $fm->localise('REMOVE_DHCP_LEASE_WARNING2'));
print $q->p ($q->b ($fm->localise('ARE_YOU_SURE')));
print $q->submit (-name => 'state', -value => $fm->localise('REMOVE_ALL_LEASES_ACTION'));
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
print $q->endform;
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
#SUBROUTINE: supprime tous les bail dans le dhcpd.leases
sub Perform_del_all_Lease ($){
system ('/bin/echo "" > /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases') ==0
or die "Error while removing all leases: $!";
system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event","workgroup-update") == 0
or die "Error while saving settings: $!";
Table_IP($q, $fm->localise('SUCCESSFULLY_REMOVED_ALL_LEASES'));
#SUBROUTINE: Scan The Local Network
sub Scan_Local_Network ($) {
esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, $fm->localise('SCANNING_NETWORK_TITLE'));
my $nmap_sme = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/home/e-smith/db/configuration');
my $mask = $nmap_sme->get_value('LocalNetmask');
my $network = $nmap_sme->get_prop('InternalInterface','Network');
#we start to calculate the method to find the cidr (we want to use network/cidr with nmap)
sub dec2bin {
my $str = unpack("B32", pack("N", shift));
return $str;
sub netmask2cidr {
my ($mask, $network) = @_;
my @octet = split (/\./, $mask);
my @bits;
my $binmask;
my $binoct;
my $bitcount=0;
foreach (@octet) {
$binoct = dec2bin($_);
$binmask = $binmask . substr $binoct, -8;
# let's count the 1s
@bits = split (//,$binmask);
foreach (@bits) {
if ($_ eq "1") {
my $cidr = $network . "/" . $bitcount;
return $cidr;
#Then lets go to calculate the cidr
my $cidr = netmask2cidr($mask, $network);
#ok go to use nmap with nmap -T4 -sP network/cidr
print $q->p ;
print $q->h3($fm->localise('NETWORK_VALUES_FOUND') . " $cidr \($mask\)");
print $q->p ;
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
foreach (`/usr/bin/nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse -p U:137,T:139 $cidr|
/bin/grep -Ev "MAC|NetBIOS|OS CPE"| /bin/grep -E "scan|done|Computer|OS"|
/bin/sed -e 's/Nmap scan/-- Scan/g'|/bin/sed -e 's/done/Done/g'|
/bin/sed -e 's/Nmap//g'|/bin/sed -e 's/|/ /g'`) {
print $q->br($_);}
print $q->p ;
print $q->p($fm->localise('CLICK_HERE_TO_MAIN_PANEL'));
esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);