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Fri Mar 7 2025 23:02:54 CET
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41 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
12883 SME Cont smeserve tests RESO FIXE closure of openfusion repo 2025-02-07
12920 SME Cont smeserve tests RESO FIXE remove epel as in core 2025-02-21
12936 SME Cont smeserve tests RESO FIXE add mariadb LTS repos 10.5 10.6 10.11 11.4 11.7 2025-02-21
10239 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE configure external repo via rpm instead of wiki pages 2018-04-05
10581 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add elrepo-kernel 2018-11-14
10604 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE reetp repo URL is incorrect 2018-11-14
10605 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE Add Libreswan repo for ipsec 2018-11-14
10606 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE elrepo not found 2018-12-30
10673 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE adding Springdale Linux (SDL) / Formerly known as PUIAS Linux repos 2020-11-17
10675 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE zm repo url has changed 2019-01-01
10677 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS NOTA zmrepo Repo URL is incorrect 2018-12-30
10727 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add nodejs repos 2019-04-11
10900 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE update zabbix repo 2020-04-16
11057 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE Initial Import in SME 10 [smeserver-extrarepositories] 2020-11-17
11181 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add update event to avoid reboot 2021-03-31
11182 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE remove remi-safe 2021-03-22
11223 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE smeserver-nextcloud requires extra perl packages 2021-03-31
11482 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE remove digium /asterisk repos 2021-03-31
11483 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE remove geekery repo 2021-03-31
11484 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add support for postgsql 2021-03-31
11495 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS NOTA failed to reach a mirror - repo epel 2021-03-27
11512 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE asterisk repo for sme10 2022-02-15
11529 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS NOTA Removing rpm does not delete DB entries in yum-repositories 2021-04-06
11639 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE exclude pwauth from epel 2021-09-10
11740 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE lemonldap-ng 2022-02-15
11741 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE bareos 2022-02-15
11744 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add zabbix repos up to 55 2022-02-15
11751 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add fusioninventory repo 2022-02-25
11876 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE smeserver-extrarepositories-centos-sclo 2022-02-25
11888 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add collaboraoffice 2022-03-14
11894 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE needs docker-ce repo 2022-03-14
11905 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add mongodb repos 2022-06-29
12078 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add onlyoffice repo 2022-06-29
12079 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add extra nginx repos 2022-06-29
12080 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS DUPL add extra nginx repos 2022-06-23
12143 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add other version repo lemonldap 2024-02-20
12278 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE should add priority to sclo repo 2024-02-20
12345 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add wandisco git repository 2024-02-20
12389 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE Remove old Mongo repos 2024-02-20
12422 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE add new repo for elastic 2024-02-20
12473 SME Cont smeserve tests CLOS FIXE change key path pgsql 2024-02-21
41 bugs found.


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