#!/bin/bash version=$(/usr/bin/xmllint --xpath 'string(/module/version)' /opt/freepbx/admin/modules/core/module.xml|cut -d. -f1) if [[ $version -ge 15 ]] ; then fwconsole="/sbin/e-smith/fwconsole" $fwconsole setting DISABLE_CSS_AUTOGEN 1 $fwconsole setting CHECKREFERER 0 $fwconsole setting AUTHTYPE none $fwconsole setting AMPWEBROOT /opt/freepbx $fwconsole setting MODULEADMINWGET 1 $fwconsole setting DYNAMICHINTS 1 $fwconsole setting ARI_ADMIN_PASSWORD $(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx AriPassword) 2>/dev/null 1>&2 $fwconsole setting AMPMGRPASS $(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx ManagerPassword) $fwconsole setting RSSFEEDS 'http://www.freepbx.org/rss.xml' $fwconsole setting BRAND_FREEPBX_ALT_FOOT FreePBX else # Change FreePBX database settings that should have come from /etc/amportal.conf, # this is a dynamic template for FreePBX > 1.9 as it update the file on the fly, and also the db FPBX_SETTING_PATH="/var/lib/asterisk/bin/freepbx_setting" $FPBX_SETTING_PATH DISABLE_CSS_AUTOGEN 1 $FPBX_SETTING_PATH CHECKREFERER 0 $FPBX_SETTING_PATH AUTHTYPE none $FPBX_SETTING_PATH AMPWEBROOT /opt/freepbx $FPBX_SETTING_PATH MODULEADMINWGET 1 $FPBX_SETTING_PATH DYNAMICHINTS 1 $FPBX_SETTING_PATH ARI_ADMIN_PASSWORD $(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx AriPassword) $FPBX_SETTING_PATH AMPMGRPASS $(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx ManagerPassword) $FPBX_SETTING_PATH RSSFEEDS 'http://www.freepbx.org/rss.xml' $FPBX_SETTING_PATH BRAND_FREEPBX_ALT_FOOT FreePBX fi # now regenrate the amportal.conf from mysql /sbin/e-smith/fwconsole r