#!/bin/bash path='PATH=\/usr\/local\/sbin:\/usr\/local\/bin:\/usr\/sbin:\/usr\/bin:\/root\/bin' cronfile='/var/spool/cron/asterisk' [ ! -f $cronfile ] && exit 0 status=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop freepbx status || echo "disabled") # add PATH to fist line if not present; else update it sed -i "1!b;s/^PATH.*/$path/; t; 1i $path" $cronfile # remove any other occurence of PATH sed -i "1p;t; /^PATH.*/d" $cronfile # check if freepbx enabled if [[ $status == "enabled" ]]; then # if enabled uncomment sed -ri 's/^#(\@[a-zA-Z]+ .*|[0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ .*)/\1/' $cronfile else # if disabled comment out sed -ri 's/^(\@[a-zA-Z]+ .*|[0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ [0-9*]+ .*)/#\1/' $cronfile fi #remove any duplicate entry awk '!x[$0]++' ${cronfile} >${cronfile}-tmp && cat ${cronfile}-tmp > ${cronfile} && rm -f ${cronfile}-tmp