## $Id: smeserver-hylafax-0.9-Add-FaxDispatch-config.patch,v 1.1 2021/11/02 09:52:38 brianr Exp $ ## ## Default FaxDispatch file - routes all inbound faxes to FaxMaster as PDF ## ## Consult the faxrcvd(8C) man page for more information ## SENDTO=FaxMaster; # by default email to FaxMaster FILETYPE=pdf; # in PDF format ## ## This excerpt from the man page gives you an idea of what's possible here ## ## You can route by sender's TSI #case "$SENDER" in # *1*510*526*1212*) SENDTO=sam;; # Sam's test rig in Berkeley # *1*415*390*1212*) SENDTO=raster@asd;; # 7L Xerox room, used for scanning # *5107811212) SENDTO=peebles@mti;; # stuff from home #esac ## and/or by device #case "$DEVICE" in # ttyS1) SENDTO=john;; # all faxes received on ttyS1 # ttyLT0) SENDTO=mary@home;; # all faxes received on ttyLT0 #esac ## and/or by caller id #case "$CIDNUMBER" in # 435*) SENDTO=lee; FILETYPE=pdf;; # all faxes from area code 435 # 5059627777) SENDTO=amy; FILETYPE=tif;; # Amy wants faxes in TIFF #esac