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248 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lat-shadow
# =========
# 0.0.1 (2012-11-10)
# (copyleft)2012 Jean-Philippe Pialasse, inspired by Altiplano bvba
package esmith;
use strict;
#use Cwd;
use esmith::db;
use esmith::util;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use POSIX;
use constant DATETIME => strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", localtime);
my %conf;
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';
my %accounts;
tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts';
my ($Hlp, $Cml, $Frc, $Inp, $Pwf);
my $Add =0;
my $passwlist="./passwords.new";
my $shadowfile="./shadow_tmp"; # copy of shadow file to read
my $newshadow="/etc/shadow"; # shadow file in place
my $original_cp="./shadow_before_" . DATETIME; # copy in case
# Main
# Analyze commandline options
GetOptions ("help" => \$Hlp,
"add" => \$Add,
"force" => \$Frc,
"command-line=s" => \$Cml,
"input-file=s" => \$Inp);
if ( $Hlp ) { &PrintPod(9); exit; }
# We need one argument or the other, but not both
if ((($Cml && $Inp) || (! $Cml && ! $Inp))
{ &PrintPod(1); exit; }
my @records;
if ($Inp) {
open(LIST,"< $Inp") || die "Can't find $Inp.\n";
@records = grep(!/(^\s*#)|(^\s*$)/,<LIST>);
close(LIST); }
elsif ($Cml) { @records=($Cml); }
else { &PrintPod(1); exit; }
# Add accounts
if ($Add) {
die("change current directory, can not work in /etc/") unless getcwd ne "/etc";
# make a copy of shadow file in current directory
system("cp -f $newshadow $original_cp");
system("cp -f $newshadow $shadowfile");
#Process each user
foreach my $record (@records)
my @fields=split(/\|/,$record);
for (my $cnt=0; $cnt <= $#fields; ++$cnt) { for ($fields[$cnt]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }}
my $username = $fields[0];
if ( @fields >= 1) {
if ( &TestName($username) )# if username is with legal characters
if ( db_get_type(\%accounts, $username) eq "user" )
my $PasswordSet=db_get_prop(\%accounts, $username,'PasswordSet');
my $password = $fields[1];
# checkif present in shadow and password is empty (!!) ( if not forced)
print $username ." : " ;#." ". $password . " " .$PasswordSet . "\n";
open(SHADOWFILE,"$shadowfile") || die;
open(SHADOWNEW,">$newshadow") || die;
while(<SHADOWFILE>) {
if(m/^$username:!!:/ ) { # one of our users no password set
#print $_ ;
#print $_ ;
(print SHADOWNEW $_) or die "can not write $newshadow: $!";
print "password set.\n";
elsif (m/^$username:/ ) { # one of our users if there is already a pass set
#print $_ ;
if ($Frc) { # if we force
#print $_ ;
(print SHADOWNEW $_) or die "can not write $newshadow: $!";
print "password set.\n";
else { # if force not set
print "$username has already a password, you need to force.\n";
(print SHADOWNEW $_) or die "can not write $newshadow: $!";
else # not a user we want to change
(print SHADOWNEW $_) or die "can not write $newshadow: $!";
close(SHADOWFILE)or die "can not close $shadowfile";
close(SHADOWNEW) or die "can not close $newshadow";
system("cp -f $newshadow $shadowfile");
# Set password
#esmith::util::setUserPassword($username, $fields[3]);
db_set_prop(\%accounts, $username, 'PasswordSet', $PasswordSet);
# if success set db accounts to say password is set
else { print "'$username' is not present in db or is not set as user.\a\n"; }
else { print "'$username' contain illegal characters.\a\n"; }
else { print "Please provide at least an account username and encrypted password to transfert.\n\a";}
system("rm -f $shadowfile ");
# Test name for illegal characters and length
sub TestName {
if ( ! $_[0] =~ /^[a-z][a-z\-\d]*$/ ) {
print "The name '$_[0]' contains illegal characters.\n";
print "User names should contain only lower-case letters, ";
print "numbers, hyphens or periods\n";
print "and should start with a lower-case letter.\n\a";
return 0;
if ( length($_[0]) > 31 ) {
print "The name '$_[0]' is too long. The maximum is 31 characters.\n";
return 0;
return -1;
# Print the pod text as a help screen
sub PrintPod {
my ($verbose, $message) = @_;
pod2usage(-verbose => $verbose, -message => $message, -exitval => 64);
=head1 NAME
B<lat-shadow> - The lazy administrator's tool to transfer crypted password from a box to another
Transfer an user encrypted password fom one SME box shadow file to another box shadow file on SME servers (7.x/8.x).
This tool is functionally equivalent some python script that allow this kind of manipulation. This could be used when the adminsitrator do not know the plain apssword of its users and want to migrate a SME box.
It can be run from the command line or called from an other script.
It allows you, for example, to tranfert all your users password after creating them with lat-users and dump files obtains from the older box.
See F</usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools/example.shadow> for the format of the input file.
B<lat-shadow> -a -c "username | encryptedPassword"
B<lat-shadow> -a [-f] -i /path/to/password.list
=head1 OPTIONS
The following options are supported:
=over 4
=item B<-a>, B<--add>
Add the encrypted passwords for user account to the server.
B<-c "Arguments">, B<--command-line="Arguments">
Take arguments from the command line.
See the 'Arguments' section below for the various arguments that are accepted.
=item B<-f>, B<--force>
Force update if password is not empty in the shadow file on the SME box
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Extended help for this tool
=item B<-i=FILE>, B<--input-file=FILE>
Use the information from FILE to create or delete the user accounts.
See F</usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools> for an example of an input file.
=head2 Arguments:
user* - Must contain only lower-case letters, numbers,
hyphens, periods and underscores, and should start
with a lower-case letter. Wildcards (* and ?) can
only be used to delete users.
password* - Encrypted Password for the user from the /etc/shadow file
* mandatory field
B<lat-shadow -a -c "harry | fdasf57ertg73sdf">
Update empty password field in /etc/shadow for user 'harry' from the command line, with password entered.
B<lat-shadow -a -i /root/shadow.list>
Uses the arguments specified in F</root/shadow.list> to update user shadow encrypted password.
Please refer to F</usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools/example.shadow> for an example of an input file.
=head1 SEE ALSO
lat-group(8), lat-pseudonyms(8), lat-ibays(8), lat-quota(8), lat-domains(8), lat-hosts(8), lat-procmail(8), lat-pptp(8), lat-dump(8)
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.9.0 (2004-09-08). The latest version is hosted at B<http://www.contribs.org/contribs/mblotwijk/>
(c)2003-2004, Altiplano bvba (B<http://www.altiplano.be>). Released under the terms of the GNU license.
=head1 BUGS
Please report bugs to <Bugs@Altiplano.Be>