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423 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lat-hosts
# =========
# 0.9.0 (2004-09-08)
# (c)2003-2004 Altiplano bvba
package esmith;
use strict;
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
use esmith::util;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
my %conf;
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';
my %accounts;
tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts';
my %hosts;
tie %hosts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/hosts';
my %domains;
tie %domains, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/domains';
my ($Hlp, $Cml, $Frc, $Inp);
my $Add =0;
my $Del =0;
# Main
sub performCreateLocalHostEntry ($$$$$$$);
# Analyze commandline options
GetOptions ("help" => \$Hlp,
"add" => \$Add,
"delete" => \$Del,
"force" => \$Frc,
"command-line=s" => \$Cml,
"input-file=s" => \$Inp);
if ( $Hlp ) { &PrintPod(9); exit; }
# We need one argument or the other, but not both
if ((($Cml && $Inp) || (! $Cml && ! $Inp)) ||
($Add + $Del != 1))
{ &PrintPod(1); exit; }
my @records;
if ($Inp) {
open(LIST,"< $Inp") || die "Can't find $Inp.\n";
@records = grep(!/(^\s*#)|(^\s*$)/,<LIST>);
close(LIST); }
elsif ($Cml) { @records=($Cml); }
else { &PrintPod(1); exit; }
if ($Add) {
# Process each user
foreach my $record (@records)
my @fields=split(/\|/,$record);
for (my $cnt=0; $cnt <= $#fields; ++$cnt) { for ($fields[$cnt]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }}
performCreateLocalHostEntry ($fields[0], # HostName
$fields[1], # DomainName
$fields[2], # Location
$fields[3], # Visibility
$fields[4], # Local IP
$fields[5], # Global IP
$fields[6]); # Mac Address
if ($Del) {
&ExpandWildCard; # Check for wildcards and expand if necessary
# Process each user
foreach my $record (@records)
my @fields=split(/\|/,$record);
for (my $cnt=0; $cnt <= $#fields; ++$cnt) { for ($fields[$cnt]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }}
if (! $fields[1] ) { $fields[1] = db_get(\%conf, 'DomainName') }
my $FullHostName = lc($fields[0]).".".lc($fields[1]);
if ((db_get(\%hosts, $FullHostName)) &&
(db_get_type(\%hosts, $FullHostName)) eq "host") {
my $yn = 'yes';
if (! $Frc) {
print "Do you want to delete host '$FullHostName' [yes/NO/all]? ";
$yn = <STDIN>;
if ($yn =~ /^a/i) { $Frc = -1; $yn="yes"; }
if ($yn =~ /^y/i) {
print "Deleting '$FullHostName'...\n";
db_delete(\%hosts, $FullHostName);
system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-delete", "$FullHostName") == 0
or die ("Error occurred while deleting '$FullHostName'.\n");
else { print "Can't find host '$FullHostName'.\n\a";}
# Subroutines
# Create local host
sub performCreateLocalHostEntry ($$$$$$$)
my $REGEXPMACAddress = '([0-9a-f][0-9a-f](:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){5})';
my $REGEXPIPAddress = '(self|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})';
my $REGEXPHostname = '([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*)';
my ($q) = @_;
my ($HostName, $DomainName, $Location, $Visibility, $InternalIP, $ExternalIP, $MACAddress) = @_;
my %hostProperties;
# Validate parameters and untaint them
# Hostname
$HostName = lc($HostName);
if ($HostName =~ /^$REGEXPHostname$/) {
$HostName = $1;
else {
print "Bad hostname ($HostName).\a\n";
if (length $HostName > 32) {
print "Hostname too long.\a\n";
# Domainname
if (! $DomainName) { $DomainName = db_get(\%conf, 'DomainName') }
$DomainName = lc($DomainName);
if ((! db_get(\%domains, $DomainName)) &&
( db_get(\%conf, 'DomainName') ne $DomainName)) {
print "\nThe domainname '$DomainName' is not hosted on this server.\a\n";
if ($DomainName =~ /^([a-z0-9\-\.]+)$/) {
$DomainName = $1;
else {
print "Unexpected characters in '$DomainName'.\a\n";
print "\nCreating $HostName.$DomainName...\n";
# Location
if (! $Location) { $Location = "Self" }
if ( $Location =~ /(local)|(remote)|(self)/i ) {
$Location = ucfirst lc $Location;
else { $Location = "Self" }
# Visibility
if ( ! $Visibility ) {
$Visibility = "Local";
$ExternalIP = "";
if ( $Visibility =~ /(local)|(global)/i ) {
$Visibility = ucfirst lc $Visibility;
else { $Visibility = "Local" }
if ($Visibility eq "Local") { $ExternalIP = "" }
# Internal IP address
if (! $InternalIP) { $InternalIP = ''; }
if ($Location eq 'Self') { $InternalIP = '' }
elsif ($InternalIP =~ /^$REGEXPIPAddress$/ ) { $InternalIP = $1; }
else {
print "Error: IP Address '$InternalIP' is invalid. Did not create hostname.\a\n";
# MAC address
if (( ! $MACAddress ) || ($Location ne "Local")) { $MACAddress = "" }
if ( length($MACAddress) == 0 )
# They don't want one
elsif ($MACAddress =~ /^$REGEXPMACAddress$/i )
$MACAddress = $1;
print "Invalid Mac Address \n";
# External IP
if ( ! $ExternalIP ) { $ExternalIP = "" }
if ($Visibility eq 'Global') # Wants externally visible - needs external IP
if ( length ($ExternalIP) == 0 )
print "Error: You did not enter a Global IP value for '$HostName'.\a\n";
elsif ($ExternalIP =~ /^$REGEXPIPAddress$/ )
$ExternalIP = $1;
print "Error: IP Address '$ExternalIP' is invalid. Did not create hostname.\a\n";
else # Wants internally visible - optional external IP
if ( length ($ExternalIP) == 0 )
# They didn't specify one
elsif ($ExternalIP =~ /^$REGEXPIPAddress$/ )
$ExternalIP = $1;
print "Error: IP Address '$ExternalIP' is invalid. Did not create hostname.\a\n";
# Looks good. Find out if this entry has been taken
my $fullHostName = join (".", $HostName, $DomainName);
if (defined (db_get(\%hosts, $fullHostName)) )
print "HostName '$fullHostName' already exists. \n";
# Host entry is available! Update hosts database.
print "HostName : $HostName\n";
print "DomainName : $DomainName\n";
print "Location : $Location\n";
print "Visibility : $Visibility\n";
print "Local IP : $InternalIP\n";
print "Global IP : $ExternalIP\n";
print "Mac Address : $MACAddress\n";
$hostProperties{'Visibility'} = $Visibility;
$hostProperties{'HostType'} = $Location;
$hostProperties{'InternalIP'} = $InternalIP;
$hostProperties{'ExternalIP'} = $ExternalIP;
$hostProperties{'MACAddress'} = $MACAddress;
db_set(\%hosts, $fullHostName, 'host', \%hostProperties);
# Signal the create-host event.
system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-create", "$HostName") == 0
or die ("Error occurred while creating hostname.\n");
# Test for wildcards in the hostname. If any wildecards are found, the array
# @records is expanded with the hostnames that meet the conditions.
sub ExpandWildCard {
my $ctrec = 0;
foreach my $record (@records)
my @fld=split(/\|/,$record);
for (my $cnt=0; $cnt <= $#fld; ++$cnt) { for ($fld[$cnt]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }}
if ($fld[0] =~ /\*|\?/) { # Does it contain the wildcards?
$fld[0] =~ s/\*/\.\*/g; # Replace * with .* to allow for grep.
$fld[0] =~ s/\?/\./g; # Replace ? with . to allow for grep.
if (! $fld[1]) { $fld[1] = db_get(\%conf, 'DomainName'); }
open USRS, "</home/e-smith/db/hosts" or die "Can't open /home/e-smith/db/hosts: $!";
my @match = grep /^$fld[0]\.$fld[1]=host\|/i, <USRS>;
my $cu = 0;
foreach my $tst (@match) {
$tst =~ /\.$fld[1]\=/; $tst = $`;
for (my $cnt=1; $cnt <= $#fld; ++$cnt) { $tst = $tst." | ".$fld[$cnt]; };
if ($cu == 0 ) {
$records[$ctrec] = $tst;
$cu =1;
else {
push(@records, $tst);
# Print the pod text as a help screen
sub PrintPod {
my ($verbose, $message) = @_;
pod2usage(-verbose => $verbose, -message => $message, -exitval => 64);
=head1 NAME
B<lat-hosts> - The lazy administrator's tool to manage hostnames
Creates or deletes hosnames on Mitel's SME servers.
This tool is functionally equivalent to the 'Hostnames and addresses' option in the server-manager, but can be run from the command line or called from an other script.
It allows you, for example, to create a large number of hostnames in a batch process, or delete hostnames on a remote machine via an ssh console.
See F</usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools/example.hosts> for the format of the input file.
B<lat-hosts> -a -c "host| domain| loc. | visib. | loc.ip | glob.ip | mac"
B<lat-hosts> -a -i /path/to/hosts.list
B<lat-hosts> -d [-f] -c "Host | Domain"
B<lat-hosts> -d [-f] -i /path/to/hosts.list
=head1 OPTIONS
The following options are supported:
=over 4
=item B<-a>, B<--add>
Add a host name to the server
=item B<-c "Arguments">, B<--command-line="Arguments">
Take arguments from the command line. See below for the various arguments that are accepted.
=item B<-d>, B<--delete>
Delete a hostname from the server. Wildcards (* and ?) are accepted.
=item B<-f>, B<--force>
Don't prompt before deleting.
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Extended help for this tool
=item B<-i FILE>, B<--input-file=FILE>
Use the information from F<FILE> to create or delete the hostname(s).
=head2 Arguments:
host* : Must contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens,
and must start with a letter or number. Wildcards
(* and ?) can only be used to delete hostnames.
domain : Must be an existing (virtual) domain name. If
omitted, the primary site is assumed.
loc. : Location of the server:
'Local' (on the LAN)
'Remote' (on the Internet)
'Self' (alias for the SME server)
visib. : 'Local' (only visible on the LAN)
'Global' (visible on the entire Internet).
loc.ip : Internal IP number
glob.ip : Public IP number
mac : The ethernet address is optional and causes the
DHCP server to statically bind the local IP address
to the computer with this ethernet address.
* mandatory field
B<lat-hosts -a -c "ntp | hogwarts.net | self | local">
Creates host name 'ntp.hogwarts.net' on the SME server. The host name will be visible only on the LAN.
B<lat-hosts -a -i /root/hosts.list>
Creates the host names defined in F</root/hosts.list>. Refer to F</usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools/example.hosts> for an example of an input file.
B<lat-hosts -d -f -c "ftp*">
Deletes all host names that start with 'ftp'. The host names will be deleted without prompting (-f).
=head1 SEE ALSO
lat-group(8), lat-pseudonyms(8), lat-ibays(8), lat-quota(8), lat-domains(8), lat-users(8), lat-procmail(8), lat-pptp(8), lat-dump(8)
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.9.0 (2004-09-08). The latest version is hosted at B<http://www.contribs.org/contribs/mblotwijk/>
(c)2003-2004, Altiplano bvba (B<http://www.altiplano.be>). Released under the terms of the GNU license.
=head1 BUGS
Please report bugs to <Bugs@Altiplano.Be>