#!/usr/bin/perl -w #============================================================================== # lat-users # ========= # 0.9.0 (2004-09-08) # (c)2003-2004 Altiplano bvba #============================================================================== package esmith; use strict; use esmith::db; use esmith::util; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my %conf; tie %conf, 'esmith::config'; my %accounts; tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts'; my %processmail; tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail'; my ($Hlp, $Cml, $Inp); #============================================================================== # Main #============================================================================== # Analyze commandline options GetOptions ("help" => \$Hlp, "command-line=s" => \$Cml, "input-file=s" => \$Inp); if ( $Hlp ) { &PrintPod(9); exit; } # Check for e-smith-user-panel my $UPanel=`rpm -qa | grep -c "smeserver-userpanel"`; my $MSorting=`rpm -qa | grep -c "smeserver-mailsorting"`; if ( $UPanel < 1 || $MSorting < 1) { print "\nThis tool requires the smeserver-userpanel and smeserver-mailsorting contribution.\n"; print "Please download them with yum from smecontribs repo and configure them first.\n\n\a"; exit; } # We need one argument or the other, but not both if (($Cml && $Inp) || (! $Cml && ! $Inp)) { &PrintPod(1); exit; } my @records; if ($Inp) { open(LIST,"< $Inp") || die "Can't find $Inp.\n"; @records = grep(!/(^\s*#)|(^\s*$)/,); close(LIST); } elsif ($Cml) { @records=($Cml); } else { &PrintPod(1); exit; } &ExpandWildCard; # Check for wildcards and expand if necessary # Process each user foreach my $record (@records) { my @fields=split(/\|/,$record); for (my $cnt=0; $cnt <= $#fields; ++$cnt) { for ($fields[$cnt]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }} my $username = $fields[0]; if ( @fields >= 2) { # The first two arguments are manadatory. my $enabled = 0; if ($fields[1] =~ /^e/i) { $enabled=-1 } my %user = ("deldups", $fields[2], "loglevel", $fields[3], "mode", $fields[4]); if ( $fields[2] ) { $user{'deldups'} = $fields[2] } else { $user{'deldups'} = "no" } if ( $fields[3] ) { $user{'loglevel'} = $fields[3] } else { $user{'loglevel'} = "some" } if ( $fields[4] ) { $user{'mode'} = $fields[4] } else { $user{'mode'} = "normal" } if ((db_get(\%accounts, $username)) && (db_get_type(\%accounts, $username) eq "user")) { if ($enabled) { if (&ValidArguments(\%user, $username)) { print "Activating procmail for user '$username'.\n"; db_set(\%processmail, $username, 'settings', \%user); db_set_prop(\%accounts, $username, 'EmailForward', 'procmail'); system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update-quick", $username) == 0 or die ("An error occurred while updating account '$username'.\n"); } } else { print "Deactivating procmail for user '$username'.\n"; db_delete(\%processmail, $username, 'settings', \%user); db_set_prop(\%accounts, $username, 'EmailForward', 'local'); system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update-quick", $username) == 0 or die ("An error occurred while updating account '$username'.\n"); } } else { print "User '$username' doesn't exist on this server.\n\a"; } } else { print "We need at least a user name and its status ('enabled' or 'disabled').\n\a"; } } #============================================================================== # Subroutines #============================================================================== # Test the various arguments for their validity sub ValidArguments { my $href = $_[0]; my $nm = $_[1]; my $ret = 1; if ( ! ($href->{'deldups'} =~ /^[yn]/i )) { print "Can't activate procmail for user '$nm'.\n"; print "The 'delete duplicates' argument must be either 'yes' or 'no'.\n\a"; $ret = 0; } if ( ! ($href->{'loglevel'} =~ /^[nsl]/i )) { print "Can't activate procmail for user '$nm'.\n"; print "The 'loglevel' argument must be either 'none', 'some' or 'lots'.\n\a"; $ret = 0; } if ( ! ($href->{'mode'} =~ /^[ng]/i )) { print "Can't activate procmail for user '$nm'.\n"; print "The 'mode' argument must be either 'normal' or 'geek'.\n\a"; $ret = 0; } return $ret; } #============================================================================== # Test for wildcards in the username. If any wildecards are found, the array # @records is expanded with the user names that meet the conditions. sub ExpandWildCard { my $ctrec = 0; foreach my $record (@records) { my @fld=split(/\|/,$record); for (my $cnt=0; $cnt <= $#fld; ++$cnt) { for ($fld[$cnt]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }} if ($fld[0] =~ /\*|\?/) { # Does it contain the wildcards? $fld[0] =~ s/\*/\.\*/g; # Replace * with .* to allow for grep. $fld[0] =~ s/\?/\./g; # Replace ? with . to allow for grep. open USRS, "; close(USRS); my $cu = 0; foreach my $tst (@match) { $tst =~ /\=/; $tst = $`; for (my $cnt=1; $cnt <= $#fld; ++$cnt) { $tst = $tst." | ".$fld[$cnt]; }; if ($cu == 0 ) { $records[$ctrec] = $tst; $cu =1; } else { push(@records, $tst); } } } ++$ctrec; } } #============================================================================== # Print the pod text as a help screen sub PrintPod { my ($verbose, $message) = @_; pod2usage(-verbose => $verbose, -message => $message, -exitval => 64); } #============================================================================== =pod =head1 NAME B - The lazy administrator's tool to (de)activate procmail for individual users =head1 DESCRIPTION Activates or deactivates procmail for individual users on Mitel's SME servers. This tool is primarily intended to activate B system-wide, but can also be used for other purposes. It requires smeserver-userpanel and smeserver-mailsorting. See F for the format of the input file. =head1 SYNOPSIS B -c "user| status| deldups| loglevel| mode" B -i /path/to/users.list =head1 OPTIONS The following options are supported: =over 4 =item B<-c "Arguments">, B<--command-line="Arguments"> Take arguments from the command line. See the 'Arguments' section below for the various arguments that are accepted. =item B<-h>, B<--help> Extended help for this tool =item B<-i FILE>, B<--input-file=FILE> Use the information from F to (de)activate procmail for individual users. See F for an example of an input file. =back =head2 Arguments: user* : Must be an existing account on the server. Wildcards (* and ?) are accepted. status : Either 'enabled' or 'disabled'. Default is 'disabled'. deldups : Delete duplicates. Use 'yes' or 'no'. Default is 'no'. loglevel : Amount of log info. Use 'none', 'some' or 'lots'. Default is 'some'. mode : Set 'normal' or 'geek' mode. Default is 'normal'. * mandatory field =head1 EXAMPLES B Activates procmail for user 'harry', deletes duplicate mails with extensive logging and activates geek-mode. B Activates procmail for the users defined in F. Refer to F for an example of an input file. =head1 SEE ALSO lat-group(8), lat-pseudonyms(8), lat-ibays(8), lat-quota(8), lat-domains(8), lat-hosts(8), lat-users(8), lat-pptp(8), lat-dump(8) =head1 VERSION Version 0.9.0 (2004-09-08). The latest version is hosted at B =head1 COPYRIGHT (c)2003-2004, Altiplano bvba (B). Released under the terms of the GNU license. =head1 BUGS Please report bugs to =cut #==============================================================================