Example Login Script

Below is an example login script which utilises all of the special '#ifx' tags:

ECHO Welcome to the XYZ computer network
ECHO -----------------------------------

#ifg finance, receipting
REM Map financedata iBay for finance and receipting groups:
NET USE F: \\server\financedata

#ifu fred
REM Say hello to Fred
ECHO Hello Fred!

#ifm fast-pc, speedy, killer-p3
REM Map the IT printer for the above named computers:
NET USE LPT1: \\server\itprn

#ifa Win95, WinNT
REM Run a virus update check on the Windows NT and 9x PCs:
call \\server\utils\files\virus\update.bat

REM The available Architectures are:
REM   WinNT = Windows NT or 2000
REM   Win95 = Windows 95 or 98
REM   WfWg = Windows for Workgroups

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