initial commit of file from CVS for smeserver-mailsorting on Sat Sep 7 19:56:19 AEST 2024

This commit is contained in:
Trevor Batley 2024-09-07 19:56:19 +10:00
parent 37ac171721
commit 747f415ed0
59 changed files with 6609 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Makefile for source rpm: smeserver-mailsorting
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2020/06/10 10:04:38 brianr Exp $
NAME := smeserver-mailsorting
SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
define find-makefile-common
for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
# attept a checkout
define checkout-makefile-common
test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))

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@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
# smeserver-mailsorting # <img src="" width="25%" vertical="auto" style="vertical-align:bottom"> smeserver-mailsorting
SMEServer Koozali developed git repo for smeserver-mailsorting smecontribs SMEServer Koozali developed git repo for smeserver-mailsorting smecontribs
## Wiki
<br />
## Bugzilla
Show list of outstanding bugs: [here](
## Description
<br />*This description has been generated by an LLM AI system and cannot be relied on to be fully correct.*
*Once it has been checked, then this comment will be deleted*
<br />

additional/CHANGELOG.git Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
commit 3966ffe4535843d7b3c2654299e543aa3350cc27
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Tue Dec 2 07:32:45 2014 +0100
sievesupport disabled by default
commit b9f552f3a0aed34f14feee0e59b722351bb7be0c
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Tue Dec 2 01:19:37 2014 +0100
* Tue Dec 2 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.4-2.sme
- allow the possibility to use sieve script if no rules has matched.
- Code developed by <> Mats Schuh
commit 2acccdf718159f4bf6090a11d28a77b4e1e54aa9
Author: mats-ng <>
Date: Sun Nov 30 02:01:59 2014 +0100
Modified user template for .procmailrc to deliver mails through dovecot if Sieve is enabled for the server and if procmail doesn't match rules
Added sieve detection for user .mailfilter file. Mail is sent further to dovecot if sieve is enabled for the server and if maildrop doesn't match rules
The use of sieve is enable by default, can be disable by user 'db accounts setprop user Sieve disabled' signal-event mailsorting-conf
Code developed by <> Mats Schuh
commit 0b1b68419e6281e42be1209f189681b5175c88a9
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Wed Sep 3 17:55:25 2014 +0200
first release to sme9
commit 90281b42942c78a1cac1cf7c8bda587549421a78
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Wed Sep 3 17:52:55 2014 +0200
first release to sme9
commit bea9d8cf84cb171ef66b76b885750b8fde02e5b8
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Mon Jun 23 18:48:25 2014 +0200
first commit to SME Server 9

additional/COPYING Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

additional/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
smeserver-mailsorting is a contrib for SME Server, a Linux distro oriented server. see

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@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
# $Id: smeserver-mailsorting.spec,v 1.7 2013/12/11 21:01:28 unnilennium Exp $
# Authority: dungog
# Name: Stephen Noble
Summary: Lets users configure procmail or maildrop rules.
%define name smeserver-mailsorting
Name: %{name}
%define version 1.4
%define release 2
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
Group: SMEserver/addon
Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArchitectures: noarch
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}
Requires: e-smith-release >= 9.0,
Requires: perl-Unicode-IMAPUtf7
Requires: e-smith-formmagick >= 1.4.0-12
#Requires: smeserver-userpanel, userpanel causes endless problems
BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03
AutoReqProv: no
SME Server enhancement to enable procmail or maildrop filtering for users.
Optionally provides user panels where users can create mail rules for themselves
* Tue Dec 2 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.4-2.sme
- allow the possibility to use sieve script if no rules has matched.
- Code developed by <> Mats Schuh
* Mon Jun 23 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.4-1.sme
- Initial release to sme9
* Wed Dec 11 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.2-45.sme
- fix bug as admin .procmail was not created [SME: 8023]
* Fri Nov 29 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.2-44.sme
- fix admin patch
* Wed Nov 28 2013 Steph DL <> 1.2-43.sme
- fix [SME: 8023] [SME: 8024]
* Thu Oct 09 2013 John Crisp <> 1.2-42.sme
- remove space from TO_ [SME: 6061] [SME: 2264]
* Sun Jul 14 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.2-41.sme
- apply locale 2013-07-14 patch
- documentation fix [SME: 7586]
- copy keeped even if forward [SME: 6847]
* Sun Mar 06 2011 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-40.sme
- apply locale 2011-03-06 patch
* Sun May 23 2010 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-39.sme
- apply locale 2010-05-23 patch
* Tue Mar 02 2010 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-38.sme
- apply locale 2010-03-02 patch
* Tue Oct 27 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-37.sme
- apply locale 2009-10-27 patch
* Mon Aug 24 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-36.sme
- apply locale 2009-08-24 patch
* Fri Jun 12 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-35
- don't escape spaces in folder names with zarafa enabled [SME: 5164]
* Wed May 20 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-34.sme
- apply locale 2009-05-20 patch
* Mon Apr 27 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-33.sme
- apply locale 2009-04-27 patch
* Sun Mar 22 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-32
- qmail FilterOrder enabled lets maildrop filter before forwarding [SME: 5044]
* Tue Mar 03 2009 SME Translation Server xyz 1.2-31
- apply locale 2009-03-03 patch
* Sun Mar 1 2009 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-30
- Apply 1 Mar 2009 locale patch [SME: 5018]
* Sat Feb 21 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-29
- remove drop down to select folders [SME: 5016]
* Sat Feb 21 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-28
- procmail sort to zarafa folders if enabled [SME: 5016]
* Thu Jan 1 2009 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-27
- Apply 1 Jan 2009 locale patch [SME: 4900]
* Tue Oct 14 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-26
- Apply 14 Oct 2008 locale patch
* Mon Sep 29 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-25
- remove internal forwarding [SME: 4605]
* Sat Sep 27 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-24
- move .qmail fragment after SME forwarding [SME: 4602]
* Sat Sep 27 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-23
- Apply 27 Sep 2008 locale patch
* Tue Jul 1 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-22
- Apply 1 July 2008 locale patch
* Thu May 21 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-21
- Apply 21 May 2008 locale patch
- Updating the release number (it was lagging behind about 10)
* Mon May 5 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-20
- Apply 5 May 2008 locale patch
* Sun Apr 27 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-19
- Add common <base> tags to e-smith-formmagick's general
* Tue Apr 22 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-18
- Added 22 April 2008 locale patch
* Tue Apr 1 2008 Shad L. Lords <> 1.2-17
- Update to UTF-8 translations
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-16
- block generation of procmail/maildrop rules [SME: 4051]
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-15
- update locale 2008-03-14
* Wed Mar 12 2008 Shad L. Lords <> - 1.2-14
- Add requires for e-smith-formmagick for UTF-8 support [SME: 3858]
* Tue Mar 11 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-13
- Add 2008-03-11 locale patch
* Sat Mar 07 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-12
- prepare en lexicons for pootle translations
* Tue Dec 25 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-11
- french translation fix
* Tue Dec 25 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-10
- add french translation, thanks Sylvain Gomez
* Mon Oct 29 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-9
- add spanish translation, thanks Normando Hall [SME 3503]
* Sun Jul 29 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-8
- Add Requires perl-Unicode-IMAPUtf7 [SME: 3218]
* Thu Jul 05 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-7
- touch processmail db, thanks dclarke
* Wed Jun 13 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-6
- add global maildrop delete duplicate db value
* Wed Jun 13 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- update .tar.gz to current version
* Sun Apr 29 2007 Shad L. Lords <>
- Clean up spec so package can be built by koji/plague
* Sat Mar 17 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- retry mail in .qmail [sme 2733]
- [1.2-5]
* Wed Feb 28 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- remove Requires: smeserver-userpanel
- [1.2-4]
* Tue Jan 9 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- remove .* after TO_ macro [sme 2264]
- Existing mail folders search improved [sme 2265]
- [1.2-3]
* Thu Dec 07 2006 Shad L. Lords <>
- Update to new release naming. No functional changes.
- Make Packager generic
* Mon Oct 30 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- improved german support, thanks Dietmar
- Unicode-IMAPUtf7 support [sme 1446]
- [1.2-2]
* Sat Oct 21 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- FormMagick version
- [1.2-1]
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- remove strict check on mailrule criterion [sme 1643]
- fix log rotation
- maildrop matching improved, [sme 1642]
- allow for spaces in folder names for maildrop [sme 1640]
- [0.9-6]
* Sat May 6 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- default shell for maildrop set to /bin/bash
- [contribs 1378] thanks mweinber
- [0.9-5]
* Wed Apr 6 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- delete duplicates
- globally enabled for procmail, works ok
- per user for maildrop, worked ok for user A, but started deleting mail for user B
- [0.9-4]
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- remove preun actions
- [0.9-3]
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- Requires: smeserver-userpanel
- bypass admin's .qmail
- [0.9-2]
* Sun Sep 25 2005 Stephen Noble <>
- initial release
- [0.9-1]
perl createlinks
LEXICONS=$(find root/etc/e-smith/{locale/,web/functions/} -type f )
for lexicon in $LEXICONS
/sbin/e-smith/validate-lexicon $lexicon
(cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
/sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT > %{name}-%{version}-filelist
echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
#new installs
if [ $1 = 1 ] ; then
echo ''
echo '#############################################################'
echo ' Please visit the url below to apprehend all the db commands'
echo ' '
echo '#############################################################'
echo ''
#upgrades (and new installs)
/bin/touch /home/e-smith/db/processmail
# this one is essential to avoid to lose mails !!!!
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event mailsorting-conf
if [ -d /etc/e-smith/events/conf-userpanel ] ; then
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event conf-userpanel
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
echo ''
echo '##################################'
echo 'to disable procmail or maildrop'
echo 'config delprop qmail FilterType'
echo 'signal-event email-update'
echo '##################################'
echo ''
DBS=`find /home/e-smith/db/navigation -type f -name "navigation.*"`
for db in $DBS ; do
/sbin/e-smith/db $db delete userpanel-mailsort 2>/dev/null
%files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist

contriborbase Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

createlinks Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use esmith::Build::CreateLinks qw(:all);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
event_link("mailsorting-cleanup", "user-delete", "65");
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", 'mailsorting-conf', "20");
event_link("qmail-update-user", 'mailsorting-conf', "30");
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", "email-update-quick", "20");
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", "email-update", "20");
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", "user-create", "60");
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", "user-modify", "60");
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", "bootstrap-console-save", "60");
my $event="smeserver-mailsorting-update";
event_link("mailsorting-update-user", $event, "20");
event_link("qmail-update-user", $event, "30");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: stephen noble
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::config;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::db;
my %conf;
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';
my %accounts;
tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts';
#get list of users
my @userAccounts = ();
foreach (keys %accounts)
push (@userAccounts, $_)
if (db_get_type(\%accounts, $_) eq "user" || $_ eq "admin");
#for each user
my $userName = '';
foreach $userName (sort @userAccounts)
my $path = ($userName eq 'admin')? "/home/e-smith":"/home/e-smith/files/users/$userName";
foreach ('procmail','mailfilter')
if (-f "$path/$_.log.2")
if (-f "$path/$_.log.1")
system("/bin/mv $path/$_.log.1 $path/$_.log.2");
if (-f "$path/$_.log")
system("/bin/mv $path/$_.log $path/$_.log.1");
exit (0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# copyright (C) 1999-2001 e-smith, inc.
# Author: Stephen Noble
# Contributor: Darrell May
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::config;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::db;
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
my $event = $ARGV [0];
my $userName = $ARGV [1];
die "Username argument missing." unless defined ($userName);
db_delete(\%processmail, $userName);
#get all users rules
my @userRules = ();
foreach (sort keys %processmail)
push (@userRules, $_)
if (db_get_type(\%processmail, $_) eq "$userName");
foreach (sort @userRules)
db_delete(\%processmail, $_);
exit (0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# copyright (C) 1999-2005 Mitel Networks Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::templates;
my $accountsdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or
die "Could not open accounts db\n";
my $event = shift;
my $userName = shift;
my @users;
if (defined $userName)
my $user = $accountsdb->get($userName);
"Account $userName is not a user account; update mailsorting failed.\n"
unless ($user && $user->prop('type') eq "user" || $userName eq "admin");
@users = ($user);
my $geekmode = $user->prop('geekmode') || 'disabled';
if($geekmode eq "enabled"){
print "User $userName in geek mode, do not update mailfilter and procmail rules.\n";
@users = ( $accountsdb->users );
push(@users, $accountsdb->get('admin'));
foreach my $userName (@users)
$userName = $userName->key;
my $geekmode = $accountsdb->get_prop ($userName,'geekmode') || 'disabled';
if ( $geekmode eq "enabled" )
print "User $userName in geek mode, do not update mailfilter and procmail rules.\n";
for my $dotfile ( qw(.procmailrc .mailfilter) )
my $pathtohome = ($userName eq 'admin')? "/home/e-smith":"/home/e-smith/files/users/$userName";
esmith::templates::processTemplate (
USERNAME => $userName ,
TEMPLATE_PATH => "/$dotfile",
OUTPUT_PREFIX => $pathtohome,
UID => $userName,
GID => $userName,
PERMS => 0600,
} );
exit (0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="bg">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Обработка на поща</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>настройка на сортирането на поща</trans>
<trans>Правила за сортиране на поща</trans>
<trans>Правилата се изпълняват при пристигането на поща във Вашата кутия на сървъра и не зависят от пощенския клиент. Текущите Ви правила, ако имате такива са показани тук.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Добави ново правило</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Текущи правила</trans>
<trans>Ще премахнете правило</trans>
<trans>Грешка при обновяване</trans>
<trans>Изберете част от съобщението за проверка. Можете да проверявате спрямо ел. адрес, заглавната част, относно-то, или размера на съобщението. Размерите са в байтове. Изтрийте, сортирайте или препратете при съвпадение. Второто съвпадение е по желание, но ако се използва тогава и двете проверки трябва да са изпълнени.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Промяна на правило. </p><p> Можете да промените реда в който правилата се обработват като промените числото в полето за ред на изпълнение. Приоритета се определя от ASCII стойността, и трябва да е уникален. например, правило user101 се изпълнява първо, след което user5 и тогава user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Проверка спрямо</trans>
<trans>2-ра проверка</trans>
<trans>2-ро правило</trans>
<trans>ел. адрес (ако се препраща)</trans>
<trans>ел. адрес (ако се препраща)</trans>
<trans>Папка (ако се сортира)</trans>
<trans>2-ро действие</trans>
<trans>Сортирай в папка с поща</trans>
<trans>Препращане на писмо</trans>
<trans>Изтриване на писмо</trans>
<trans>Прати в папката Входящи</trans>
<trans>Последователност на изпълнение на правилата</trans>
<trans>Заглавна част на писмо</trans>
<trans>Размер по-голям от</trans>
<trans>Размер по-малък от</trans>
<trans>Грешка: Изисква папка за да сортира в нея или ел. адрес за да препрати към</trans>
<trans>Нямате никакви правила</trans>
<trans>Сортирането на пощата беше изключена, моля, обърнете с към администратора.</trans>
<trans>Сортирането на поща беше изключено за този потребител, моля, обърнете се към администратора.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="da">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Behandl post</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>opsæt din postsortering</trans>
<trans>Regler udføres når e-post ankommer i din postkasse på serveren, og er uafhængig af din e-postklient. Dine nuværende regler, hvis du har nogen, er listet nedenfor.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">tilføj ny regel</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nuværende regler</trans>
<trans>Du er ved at fjerne en regel</trans>
<trans>Fejl ved opdatering</trans>
<trans>Vælg del af mailen til test. Du kan matche mellem dele af en emailadresse, overskrift, emne eller størrelsen af email. Størrelse angive i bytes. Slet, sorter eller videresend alle der matcher. Den anden match er valgfri. og hvis den bruges skal begge regler matche.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Ændre din regel. </p><p> Du kan ændre den rækkefølge reglerne udføres i ,ved at ændre talværdien for sorteringrækkefølgen. Prioriteten er bestemt af ascii værdien, og skal være entydig, det vil sige regel bruger101 kommer først, dernæst bruger5 så bruger99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Sammenlign med</trans>
<trans>Anden match</trans>
<trans>Anden regel</trans>
<trans>email adresse (hvis videresend)</trans>
<trans>email adresse (hvis videresend)</trans>
<trans>Mappe (hvis sortering)</trans>
<trans>Anden handling</trans>
<trans>Sorter til postmappe</trans>
<trans>Videresend email</trans>
<trans>Slet email</trans>
<trans>Send til min indbakke</trans>
<trans>Rækkefølge for eksekvering af regler</trans>
<trans>Email overskrift</trans>
<trans>Størrelse større end</trans>
<trans>Størrelse mindre end</trans>
<trans>Fejl: Kræver en mappe at kunne sortere til, eller en e-post adresse at videresende til</trans>
<trans>Du har ikke defineret nogen regler</trans>
<trans>Sortering af mail er deaktiveret, kontakt din administrator.</trans>
<trans>Sortering af mail er deaktiveret for denne bruger, kontakt din administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="de">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Prozessiere E-Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>E-Mail-Verteilung konfigurieren</trans>
<trans>E-Mail Verteilungsregeln</trans>
<trans>Regeln werden ausgeführt, wenn E-Mail in Ihrem Posteingang auf dem Server eintrifft, diese Regeln sind unabhängig von Ihrem E-Mail-Client. Ihre Regeln sind unten aufgeführt, sofern welche angelegt wurden.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Neue Regel hinzufügen</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Aktuelle Regeln</trans>
<trans>Sie sind dabei, eine Regel zu löschen</trans>
<trans>Fehler beim Aktualisieren</trans>
<trans>Geben Sie an, welcher Teil der E-Mail analysiert werden soll. Dabei können Sie zwischen Teil der E-Mail-Adresse, Kopfzeile, Betreff oder der Größe der E-Mail wählen. Die Größe wird in Bytes angegeben und kann anhand der E-Mail Logdateien verfolgt werden. Gefundene Treffer können gelöscht, verschoben oder weitergeleitet werden. Eine zweite Analyse ist optional. Wenn Sie eingesetzt wird, müssen beide Regeln für das Ausführen einer Aktion erfüllt sein.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Ändern Sie die Regelung. <P></p> Die Reihenfolge, nach der die Regeln abgearbeitet werden, können Sie ändern, wenn Sie den Wert für die Startreihenfolge der Regeln verändern. Die Priorität folgt eindeutigen Eingaben im ascii-Modus, z.B.: zuerst Regel Benutzer101, dann Benutzer5, dann Benutzer99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>1. Analyse von</trans>
<trans>2. Analyse von</trans>
<trans>1. Suchtext</trans>
<trans>2. Suchtext</trans>
<trans>E-Mail Adresse (bei Weiterleitung)</trans>
<trans>E-Mail Adresse (bei Weiterleitung)</trans>
<trans>Ordner (bei Verteilung)</trans>
<trans>zweite Aktion</trans>
<trans>In Mailordner verschieben</trans>
<trans>E-Mail weiterleiten</trans>
<trans>E-Mail löschen</trans>
<trans>In meinen Posteingang senden</trans>
<trans>Reihenfolge der Regelausführung</trans>
<trans>E-Mail Kopfzeile</trans>
<trans>Größe größer als</trans>
<trans>Größe weniger als</trans>
<trans>Fehler: Es ist ein Zielverzeichnis für die Sortierung erforderlich oder eine E-Mail Adresse an die weitergeleitet werden soll</trans>
<trans>Sie haben keine Regeln definiert</trans>
<trans>Die E-Mail-Verteilung wurde auf diesem Server deaktiviert, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Administrator.</trans>
<trans>Die E-Mail-Verteilung wurde für diesen Benutzer deaktiviert, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="el">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>διεύθυνση email</trans>
<trans>διεύθυνση email</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
<lexicon lang="en-us">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans> Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server,
and are independent of your email client.
Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.
<a class="button-like"
href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans> Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against
part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size.
Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches.
The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match. </trans>
<trans> <![CDATA[
Modify your rule.
You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value
in order of rule execution.
Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique.
eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>email address (if forwarding)</trans>
<trans>email address (if forwarding)</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="es">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Procesar Email</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configurar procesaminto de su email</trans>
<trans>Reglas de procesamiento de correo</trans>
<trans>Las reglas son ejecutadas cuando un email llega a su casilla en el servidor, y es independiente de su cliente de correo. Si ya tiene reglas definidas, las mismas son mostradas debajo.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Reglas actuales</trans>
<trans>Esta a punto de eliminar una regla</trans>
<trans>Error en la actualización</trans>
<trans>Seleccione el elemento del email para hacer coincidir. Puede hacer coincidir una parte de la dirección de email, cabecera, asunto, o tamaño. El tamaño es en bytes. Elimine, Ordene o Redireccione cualquier coincidencia. La segunda coincidencia es opcional, pero si la utiliza, deben coincidir ambas reglas.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>2º Elemento</trans>
<trans>2º regla</trans>
<trans>dirección de correo electrónico</trans>
<trans>dirección de correo electrónico</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2º Acción</trans>
<trans>Enviar a carpeta de email</trans>
<trans>Redirigir email</trans>
<trans>Eliminar email</trans>
<trans>Enviar a mi bandeja de entrada</trans>
<trans>Orden de ejecución</trans>
<trans>Tamaño mayor que</trans>
<trans>Tamaño menor que</trans>
<trans>Error: Se requiere una carpeta para ordenar en la misma o una dirección de email para reenviar</trans>
<trans>No tiene reglas definidas</trans>
<trans>El procesamiento de correo en este servidor ha sido deshabilitado, contacte con el administrador.</trans>
<trans>El procesamiento de correo para este usuario ha sido deshabilitado, contacte al administrador.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="et">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>Seadista oma e-posti filtreerimist</trans>
<trans>E-posti sorteerimise reeglid</trans>
<trans>Reeglid rakendatakse kui saabub email sinu meilboxi ja on sõltumatu sinu emaili kliendist. Sinu olemasolevad reeglid on näidatud allpool.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Olemasolevad reeglid</trans>
<trans>Soovid reeglit kustutada</trans>
<trans>Uuendamisel ilmnes viga</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>2 reegel</trans>
<trans>e-maili aadress</trans>
<trans>e-maili aadress</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Edasta e-posti</trans>
<trans>Kustuta e-posti</trans>
<trans>Saada minu inbox-i</trans>
<trans>Reeglite käivitamise järjekord</trans>
<trans>E-posti päised</trans>
<trans>Suurem kui </trans>
<trans>Väiksem kui</trans>
<trans>Viga: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>Sul pole reegleid lisatud</trans>
<trans>E-posti sorteerimine selles serveris on keelatud, kontakteeru oma administraatoriga.</trans>
<trans>E-posti sorteerimine sellel kasutajal on keelatud, kontakteeru oma administraatoriga.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="fr">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Traiter le courrier</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>Configurer le tri de vos courriels</trans>
<trans>Règles de tri des courriels</trans>
<trans>Les règles sont exécutées au fur et à mesure que les emails arrivent dans votre boite email sur le serveur, et sont indépendantes de votre client de messagerie. Vos règles en cours d'utilisation sont affichées ci-dessous (si vous en avez créé).</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Ajouter une nouvelle règle</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Règles en cours d'utilisation</trans>
<trans>Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer une règle</trans>
<trans>Erreur pendant la mise à jour</trans>
<trans>Sélectionnez la partie de l'email que vous voulez tester. Vous pouvez rechercher tout ou partie d'une adresse email, entête, sujet, ou taille de l'email. La taille est en octets. Supprimez, triez, transmettez toutes concordances. La seconde concordance est facultative, mais si elle est utilisée, les 2 règles doivent concorder.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modifiez votre règle. <P></p> Vous pouvez changer l'ordre d'exécution des règles en modifiant la valeur numérique dans l'Ordre d'exécution. La priorité est déterminée par une valeur ASCII et doit être unique. exemple : la règle user101 sera prioritaire sur user5 et user99 car 1<5<9 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>2ème concordance</trans>
<trans>2ème règle</trans>
<trans>adresse électronique (si transfert)</trans>
<trans>adresse électronique (si transfert)</trans>
<trans>Dossier (si déplacement)</trans>
<trans>2ème action</trans>
<trans>Déplacer l'email dans le dossier</trans>
<trans>Transférer l'email à</trans>
<trans>Supprimer l'email</trans>
<trans>Envoyer dans la Boîte de réception</trans>
<trans>Ordre d'exécution</trans>
<trans>Entêtes email</trans>
<trans>Taille supérieure à</trans>
<trans>Taille inférieure à</trans>
<trans>Erreur: Nécessite un dossier pour le tri ou une adresse email pour le transfert</trans>
<trans>Vous n'avez aucunes règles définies</trans>
<trans>Le tri d'email a été désactivé sur ce serveur, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</trans>
<trans>Le tri d'email pour cet utilisateur a été désactivé sur ce serveur, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="he">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>email address (if forwarding)</trans>
<trans>email address (if forwarding)</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="hu">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>e-mail cím</trans>
<trans>e-mail cím</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="id">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>Alamat IP tidak valid untuk DNS forwarder</trans>
<trans>Alamat IP tidak valid untuk DNS forwarder</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="it">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Elaborazione Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configura l'ordinamento della posta</trans>
<trans>Regole di ordinamento Email</trans>
<trans>Le regole sono eseguite sul server all'arrivo di un messaggio e sono indipendenti dal client email usato. Le tue regole, se ce ne sono, sono elencate sotto.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Aggiungi una nuova regola</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Regole correnti</trans>
<trans>Stai rimuovendo una regola</trans>
<trans>Errore nell'aggiornamento</trans>
<trans>Selezionare la parte di messaggio da controllare. Si può utilizzare per il confronto parte del messaggio, l'intestazione, l'oggetto o la dimensione del messaggio. Dimensione in bytes. Cancella, ordina o inoltra ciascuna delle corrispondenzei. La seconda corrisponenza è facoltativa, ma se utilizzata entrambe le condizioni devono essere soddisfatte.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modifica la regola. </p><p> è possibile cambiare l'ordine con il quale le regole vengono eseguite modificando il valore numerito relativo. La priorità è determinata in base ai valori ascii e ogni valore deve essere univoco. Per esempio, la regola user101 sarà eseguita per prima, seguita da user5 e quindi user99</p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Confronta con</trans>
<trans>Seconda corrispondenza</trans>
<trans>Seconda regola</trans>
<trans>Indirizzo e-mail (in caso di inoltro)</trans>
<trans>Indirizzo e-mail (in caso di inoltro)</trans>
<trans>Cartella (in caso di ordinamento)</trans>
<trans>Seconda azione</trans>
<trans>Smista nella cartella</trans>
<trans>Inoltra mail</trans>
<trans>Elimina mail</trans>
<trans>Invia nella mia Posta in arrivo</trans>
<trans>Ordine di esecuzione delle regole</trans>
<trans>Headers email</trans>
<trans>Dimensione maggiore di</trans>
<trans>Dimensione minore di</trans>
<trans>Errore: è necessaria una cartella di destinazione o un indirizzo di destinazione</trans>
<trans>Non ci sono regole definite</trans>
<trans>Lo smistamento posta su questo server è stato disattivato, si prega di contattare l'amministratore.</trans>
<trans>Lo smistamento posta per questo utente è stato disattivato, si prega di contattare l'amministratore.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="ja">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="nb">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="nl">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Verwerk E-mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>instellen van uw e-mail sortering</trans>
<trans>E-mail sorteer regels</trans>
<trans>Regels worden uitgevoerd als de e-mail arriveert in uw brievenbus op de server en is onafhankelijk van uw e-mail client software. Uw huidige regels, als u die hebt, worden hieronder weergegeven.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Nieuwe regel toevoegen</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Huidige regels</trans>
<trans>U gaat een regel verwijderen</trans>
<trans>Fout bij wijzigen</trans>
<trans>Kies het deel van de e-mail om getest te worden. U kunt vergelijken met een deel van het e-mail adres, berichtkop, onderwerp of de omvang. De omvang is in bytes. Verwijder, sorteer of doorsturen bij elke overeenkomst. De tweede vergelijking is optioneel maar als beide regels worden gebruikt moeten ze ook overeenkomen.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Uw regel aanpassen. </p><p> U kunt de volgorde waarin de regels actief zijn en evalueren wijzigen door het nummer voor de regel te veranderen. Prioriteit is bepaald door de ascii waarde en moet uniek zijn. Bijvoorbeeld regel user101 gaat eerst, dan user5 en dan user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Vergelijk met</trans>
<trans>2e Vergelijking</trans>
<trans>De regel</trans>
<trans>2e regel</trans>
<trans>e-mailadres (in geval van doorsturen)</trans>
<trans>e-mailadres (in geval van doorsturen)</trans>
<trans>Map (in geval van sorteren)</trans>
<trans>2e Actie</trans>
<trans>Sorteer naar e-mail map</trans>
<trans>Stuur e-mail door</trans>
<trans>Verwijder e-mail</trans>
<trans>Stuur naar mijn postvak in</trans>
<trans>Volgorde van regel uitvoering</trans>
<trans>E-mail berichtkoppen</trans>
<trans>Omvang meer dan</trans>
<trans>Omvang minder dan</trans>
<trans>Fout: Er is een map nodig om naar te sorteren of een e-mailadres om het bericht naar door te sturen</trans>
<trans>U hebt geen regels gedefineerd</trans>
<trans>E-mail sortering is op deze server uitgeschakeld, neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder.</trans>
<trans>E-mail sortering is voor deze gebruiker uitgeschakeld, neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="pl">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>adres e-mail</trans>
<trans>adres e-mail</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="pt-br">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Processamento de e-mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure a ordenação do seu e-mail</trans>
<trans>Regras de ordenação do e-mail</trans>
<trans>Regras são executadas quando o e-mail chega em sua caixa postal no servidor, e são independentes do seu cliente de e-mail. Suas regras atuais, se você tiver alguma, estão listadas abaixo.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Regras atuais</trans>
<trans>Você está para remover uma regra</trans>
<trans>Erro atualizando</trans>
<trans>Selecione a parte do e-mail a ser testada. Você pode testar contra uma parte do endereço de e-mail, cabeçalho, assunto ou o tamanho do e-mail. Tamanho é em bytes. Apagar, ordenar ou encaminhar qualquer ocorrencia. A segunda ocorrencia é opcional, mas se usada ambas as regras devem validar.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modificar sua regra.</p><p> Você pode mudar a ordem em que as regras são avalidadas alterando o valor numérico da ordem de execução da regra. A prioridade é determinada por um valor ASCII e deve ser única. Exemplo: regra usuario101 vem primeiro, depois usuario5 e só após usuario99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Comparar contra</trans>
<trans>Segunda comparação</trans>
<trans>A regra</trans>
<trans>Segunda regra</trans>
<trans>Endereço de e-mail (se encaminhando)</trans>
<trans>Endereço de e-mail (se encaminhando)</trans>
<trans>Pasta (se ordenando)</trans>
<trans>Segunda ação</trans>
<trans>Ordenar para pasta de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Encaminhar e-mail</trans>
<trans>Apagar e-mail</trans>
<trans>Enviar para minha Inbox</trans>
<trans>Ordem de execução da regra</trans>
<trans>Cabeçalhos de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Tamanho maior que</trans>
<trans>Tamanho menor que</trans>
<trans>Erro: precisa de uma pasta como destino para ordenação ou de um endereço de e-mail para encaminhar</trans>
<trans>Você não tem regras definidas</trans>
<trans>Ordenação de e-mail neste servidor foi desabilitado, por favor contacte seu administrador.</trans>
<trans>Ordenação de e-mail para este usuário foi desabilitado, por favor contacte seu administrador.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="pt">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Processamento de e-mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure a ordenação do seu e-mail</trans>
<trans>Regras de ordenação do e-mail</trans>
<trans>Regras são executadas quando o e-mail chega em sua caixa postal no servidor, e são independentes do seu cliente de e-mail. Suas regras atuais, se você tiver alguma, estão listadas abaixo.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Regras atuais</trans>
<trans>Você está para remover uma regra</trans>
<trans>Erro atualizando</trans>
<trans>Selecione a parte do e-mail a ser testada. Você pode testar contra uma parte do endereço de e-mail, cabeçalho, assunto ou o tamanho do e-mail. Tamanho é em bytes. Apagar, ordenar ou encaminhar qualquer ocorrencia. A segunda ocorrencia é opcional, mas se usada ambas as regras devem validar.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Comparar contra</trans>
<trans>Segunda comparação</trans>
<trans>A regra</trans>
<trans>Segunda regra</trans>
<trans>endereço de e-mail</trans>
<trans>endereço de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>Segunda ação</trans>
<trans>Ordenar para pasta de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Encaminhar e-mail</trans>
<trans>Apagar e-mail</trans>
<trans>Enviar para minha Inbox</trans>
<trans>Ordem de execução da regra</trans>
<trans>Cabeçalhos de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Tamanho maior que</trans>
<trans>Tamanho menor que</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>Você não tem regras definidas</trans>
<trans>Ordenação de e-mail neste servidor foi desabilitado, por favor contacte seu administrador.</trans>
<trans>Ordenação de e-mail para este usuário foi desabilitado, por favor contacte seu administrador.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="ro">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Procesează mailurile</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configurează sortarea emailurilor</trans>
<trans>Reguli de sortare mail</trans>
<trans>Regulile sunt executate pe măsura sosirii emailurilor pe server și sunt independente de clientul de mail.Regulile curente sunt listate mai jos (dacă există)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Adaugă regulă nouă</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Reguli curente</trans>
<trans>Sunteți pe cale să ștergeți o regulă</trans>
<trans>Eroare de actualizare</trans>
<trans>Selectați partea de mail ce trebuie testată.Puteți verifica contra unei părți din mail, antet, subiect, dimensiune. Dimensiunea este in octeți. Șterge, sortează sau retransmite în caz de potrivire. Potrivirea secundară este opțională, dar dacă există regulile trebuie să se potrivească împreună.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modifică regula. </p><p> Puteți schimba ordinea în care regulile sunt evaluate prin modificarea valuorii numerice in ordinea dorită de execuție. Prioritatea e determinată de valuarea ascii și trebuie să fie unică. De ex.regula user101 este prima, apoi user5 urmată de user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Confuntă cu</trans>
<trans>Potrivre secundară</trans>
<trans>Regula secundară</trans>
<trans>adresă e-mail</trans>
<trans>adresă e-mail</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>Acțiune secundară</trans>
<trans>Sortează în directorul</trans>
<trans>Retrimite email</trans>
<trans>Șterge email</trans>
<trans>Trimite în căsuța de recepție</trans>
<trans>Ordine de execuție reguli</trans>
<trans>De la</trans>
<trans>Antete email</trans>
<trans>Dimensiune mai mare de</trans>
<trans>Dimensiune mai mică de</trans>
<trans>Eroare: Este necesar un director destinație sau o adresă destinație pentru sortare</trans>
<trans>Nu sunt reguli definite</trans>
<trans>Sortarea mailurilor pe acest server a fost oprită, contactați administratorul.</trans>
<trans>Sortarea mailurilor pentru acest utilizator a fost oprită, contactați administratorul.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="ru">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Обработать почту</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>настроить сортировку вашей почты</trans>
<trans>Правила сортировки почты</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Текущие правила</trans>
<trans>Вы собираетесь удалить правило</trans>
<trans>Ошибка обновления</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Не совпадает</trans>
<trans>2-е совпадение</trans>
<trans>2-е правило</trans>
<trans>адрес электронной почты</trans>
<trans>адрес электронной почты</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2-е действие</trans>
<trans>Сортировать в папку почты</trans>
<trans>Переслать письмо</trans>
<trans>Удалить письмо</trans>
<trans>Отправить в мои входящие</trans>
<trans>Порядок применения правил</trans>
<trans>Заголовки письма</trans>
<trans>Размер более чем</trans>
<trans>Размер менее чем</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>Вы не определили правила</trans>
<trans>Сортировка почты была отключена на этом сервере, пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору.</trans>
<trans>Сортировка почты была отключена для этого пользователя, пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="sl">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>e-poštni naslov</trans>
<trans>e-poštni naslov</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="sv">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Behandla e-post</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>konfigurera din e-postsortering</trans>
<trans>Sorteringsregler för e-post</trans>
<trans>Reglerna exekveras när e-post anländer i din postlåda på servern och är ej knutna till din e-postklient. Dina nuvarande regler, om du har några, listas nedan.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nuvarande regler</trans>
<trans>Du håller på att ta bort en regel</trans>
<trans>Fel vid uppdateringen</trans>
<trans>Välj vilken del av e-postmeddelandet som du vill matcha. Du kan matcha mellan del av e-postadressen, huvud, ämne eller e-poststorlek. Storlek i bytes. Radera, sortera eller vidarebefordra alla matchningar. Den andra matchningen är valfri men om den används måste båda reglerna matcha.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Matcha mot</trans>
<trans>2:a matchningen</trans>
<trans>Andra regeln</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2:a åtgärden</trans>
<trans>Sortera till e-postfoldern</trans>
<trans>Vidarebefordra e-post</trans>
<trans>Radera e-post</trans>
<trans>Skicka till min inkorg</trans>
<trans>Ordning på regelkörning</trans>
<trans>Storlek större än</trans>
<trans>Storlek mindre än</trans>
<trans>Fel: Det krävs en mapp att sortera till eller en e-postadress att skicka till</trans>
<trans>Du har inga regler definierade</trans>
<trans>E-postsortering på denna server har avaktiverats, kontakta din administratör.</trans>
<trans>E-postsortering för denna användare har avaktiverats, kontakta din administratör.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="th">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>email address (if forwarding)</trans>
<trans>email address (if forwarding)</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>ลอก, คัดลอก, สำเนา</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>ส่งไปที่ inbox</trans>
<trans>ลำดับการประมวลผล rule</trans>
<trans>ผิดพลาด: ต้องระบุโฟล์เดอร์ปลายทาง หรือที่อยู่ส่งต่อ (forward) ปลายทาง</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>คุณสมบัติการจัดเรียงเมล์ของเซิฟเวอร์นี้ถูกปิดไว้ กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ</trans>
<trans>คุณสมบัติการจัดเรียงเมล์ของผู้ใช้นี้ถูกปิดไว้ กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="tr">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<trans>Process Mail</trans>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting rules</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">Add new rule</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>Current rules</trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Error updateing</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Match against</trans>
<trans>2nd Match</trans>
<trans>The rule</trans>
<trans>2nd rule</trans>
<trans>Eposta adresi</trans>
<trans>Eposta adresi</trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Forward email</trans>
<trans>Delete email</trans>
<trans>Send to my inbox</trans>
<trans>Order of rule execution</trans>
<trans>Email Headers</trans>
<trans>Size greater than</trans>
<trans>Size less than</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>You have no rules defined</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting on this server has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="zh-cn">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans>configure your email sorting</trans>
<trans>Rules are executed as email arrives in your mailbox on the server, and are independent of your email client. Your current rules, if you have any are listed below.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">添加新规则</a> ]]></trans>
<trans>You are about to remove a rule</trans>
<trans>Select the part of the email to be tested. You can match against part of an email address, header, subject, or the email size. Size is in bytes. Delete, sort or Forward any matches. The second match is optional, but if used both rules must match.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Modify your rule. </p><p> You can change the order in which rules are evaluated by altering the numeric value in order of rule execution. Priority is determined by ascii value, and must be unique. eg rule user101 goes first, then user5 then user99 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>
<trans>2nd Action</trans>
<trans>Sort to mail folder</trans>
<trans>Error: Requires a folder to sort to or email address to forward to</trans>
<trans>Mail sorting for this user has been disabled, please contact your administrator.</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<lexicon lang="zh-tw">
<base>Process Mail</base>
<base>configure your email sorting</base>
<trans><![CDATA[<a class="button-like" href="userpanel-mailsort?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&key=new&basis=Subject&action=sort&RULE_MODIFY">添加新規則</a>]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p>改變您的規則。</p><p> 透過改變規則執行順序中的數值當規則評估後您可改變次序。優先權取決於ascii值而且必須唯一。例如user101最先user5其次然後user99。</p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Folder (if sorting)</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# vim: ft=perl:
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open AccountsDB";
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open ConfigDB";
$user = $adb->get($USERNAME) or die "No user $USERNAME in AccountsDB";
%props = $user->props;
our $zarafa1 = $props{zarafa} || 'disabled1';
our $zarafa2 = ${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled2';
# If Sieve is enabled for user, mails should be delivered through dovecot-lda
# rather than going directly to users Maildir.
our $sievesupport = $cdb->get_prop('sieve','status') || 'disabled';
our $sieveuser = $props{Sieve} || 'enabled';
if (($sieveuser eq 'enabled') && ($sievesupport eq 'enabled'))
our $finaldeliverymethod = 'to "| /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver"';
our $finaldeliverymethod = 'to Maildir';
our $EmailForward = $props{EmailForward} || '';
our $ForwardAddress = $props{ForwardAddress} || '';
$OUT = '';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# ---------------------------------------
# ~/.mailfilter
# ---------------------------------------

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
logfile "mailfilter.log"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %accounts;
tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts';
# get $USERNAME from esmith::config
die "Username criterion missing." unless defined ($USERNAME);
my $type = db_get_type(\%accounts, $USERNAME);
"Account $USERNAME is not a user account; "
. "update email forwarding failed.\n"
unless $type eq 'user' || $USERNAME eq 'admin';
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
# keep backups
my $backup = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $USERNAME, "backup") || '';
if ($backup eq 'yes')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- keep backups ----\n";
$OUT .= "cc backup\n";
$OUT .= "`cd backup/new && rm -f dummy \`ls -t | sed -e 1,50d\``\n";
## delete duplicates
my $deldups = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $USERNAME, "deldups") || 'no';
my $globaldeldups = db_get_prop(\%processmail, 'maildrop', "deldups") || 'no';
if (($deldups eq 'yes') ||($globaldeldups eq 'yes'))
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ----- delete duplicates ---\n";
$OUT .= "`reformail -D 8000 duplicate.cache`\n";
$OUT .= "if ( \$RETURNCODE == 0 )\n";
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--------- duplicate deleted -- \"\n";
$OUT .= "exit\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
# word filter, unix text file with bad words to match
if ( -e "/opt/wordfilter")
my $WordFilter = db_get_prop(\%processmail, 'maildrop', "WordFilter") || 'no';
if ($WordFilter =~ /(junkmail|delete)/)
my $target;
my $targetlog;
if ($WordFilter eq 'junkmail')
$targetlog = 'to junkmail';
$target = 'to Maildir/.junkmail';
elsif ($WordFilter eq 'delete')
$targetlog = 'delete';
$target = 'exit';
# bypass large email so we don't slow down server
# assume most offending emails are small
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ----- word filter ---\n";
$OUT .= "if (\$SIZE < 5000 )\n";
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= " if ( /.*/:b && lookup( \$MATCH, \"/opt/wordfilter\" ))\n";
$OUT .= " \{\n";
$OUT .= " log \"--------- word filter -- \"\n";
$OUT .= " log \"--- ----- $targetlog -- \"\n";
$OUT .= " $target \n";
$OUT .= " \}\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %conf;
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';
my %accounts;
tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts';
die "Username missing." unless defined ($USERNAME);
my $type = db_get_type(\%accounts, $USERNAME);
"Account $USERNAME is not a user account; "
. "update email forwarding failed.\n"
unless $type eq 'user' || $USERNAME eq 'admin';
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
# the syntax of imap folder names keeps changing
my $sep = '.';
#get Global rules
my @pmGlobRules = ();
foreach (sort keys %processmail)
push (@pmGlobRules, $_)
if (db_get_type(\%processmail, $_) eq 'pmGlobalRule');
#if they have rules add them to the templete
my $pmGlobRules = @pmGlobRules || '0';
if ($pmGlobRules > 0)
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ----start of Global rules--------\n";
my $pmGlobRule;
foreach $pmGlobRule (sort {$a <=> $b} @pmGlobRules)
my $basis = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "basis") || '';
my $criterion = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "criterion") || '';
my $basis2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "basis2") || '';
my $secondtest = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "basis2") || '';
my $criterion2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "criterion2") || '';
my $deliver = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "deliver") || '';
my $deliver2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "deliver2") || '';
my $copy = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "copy") || '';
my $action = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "action") || '';
my $action2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "action2") || '';
## headers include the basis in the criterion
if ($basis eq 'headers')
$basis = $criterion;
$criterion = '';
if ($basis2 eq 'headers')
$basis2 = $criterion2;
$criterion2 = '';
## convert to procmail 'TO_' macro equivalent ??
foreach ($basis, $basis2)
if ($_ eq 'TO_')
#$_ = '((Original-)?(Resent-)?(To|Cc|Bcc)|(X-Envelope|Apparently(-Resent)?)-To)';
$_ = '(To|Cc)';
## construct the deliver line
if ($action eq 'sort')
# to a folder
$deliver1 = "to \"Maildir/"."$sep"."$deliver"."/\"";
elsif ($action eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver1 = "to "."\"!$deliver\"";
elsif ($action eq 'delete')
# delete it, report, and add a blank line
$deliver1 = "log \" --deleted --\" \n log \"\" \n exit";
#$deliver1 = "log \"--- deleted --\" \n log \"From: $From \" \n log \"Subject: $Subject \" \n log \"\" \n exit";
# freeform
$deliver1 = "$deliver";
## construct the 2nd deliver line
if ($action2 eq 'sort')
# to a folder
$deliver2 = "\"Maildir/"."$sep"."$deliver2"."/\"";
elsif ($action2 eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver2 = "\"!$deliver2\"";
$OUT .= "\n";
if ($secondtest eq '')
if ($basis =~ /(>|<)/)
$OUT .= "if ( \$SIZE $basis $criterion )\n";
$OUT .= "if ( /^"."$basis".".*$criterion/ )\n";
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--------- match user rule -- \"\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--------- $basis $criterion -- \"\n";
#basis2 can't test on size
if ($basis =~ /(>|<)/)
$OUT .= "if (( \$SIZE $basis $criterion ) && ( /^"."$basis2".".*$criterion2/ ))\n";
$OUT .= "if (( /^"."$basis".".*$criterion/) && (/^"."$basis2".".*$criterion2/ ))\n";
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- match user rule ------------- \"\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- $basis $criterion & $basis2 $criterion2 -- \"\n";
if ($copy eq 'no')
$OUT .= "$deliver1\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
elsif ($copy eq 'yes' && $action2 eq 'inbox')
$OUT .= "cc Maildir\n";
$OUT .= "$deliver1\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
$OUT .= "cc $deliver2\n";
$OUT .= "$deliver1\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
}#foreach rule
}#if rules exist

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %conf;
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';
my %accounts;
tie %accounts, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/accounts';
die "Username criterion missing." unless defined ($USERNAME);
my $type = db_get_type(\%accounts, $USERNAME);
"Account $USERNAME is not a user account; "
. "update email forwarding failed.\n"
unless $type eq 'user' || $USERNAME eq 'admin';
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
# the syntax of imap folder names keeps changing
my $sep = '.';
# get users rules
my @pmRules = ();
foreach (sort keys %processmail)
push (@pmRules, $_)
if (db_get_type(\%processmail, $_) eq $USERNAME);
# if they have rules add them to the templete
my $pmRules = @pmRules || '0';
if ($pmRules > 0)
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ----- user rules ----\n";
my $pmRule;
foreach $pmRule (sort @pmRules)
my $basis = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "basis") || '';
my $criterion = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "criterion") || '';
my $basis2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "basis2") || '';
my $secondtest = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "basis2") || '';
my $criterion2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "criterion2") || '';
my $deliver = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "deliver") || '';
my $deliver1 = '';
my $deliver2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "deliver2") || '';
my $copy = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "copy") || '';
my $action = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "action") || '';
my $action2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "action2") || '';
## headers include the basis in the criterion
if ($basis eq 'headers')
$basis = $criterion;
$criterion = '';
if ($basis2 eq 'headers')
$basis2 = $criterion2;
$criterion2 = '';
## convert to procmail 'TO_' macro equivalent ??
foreach ($basis, $basis2)
if ($_ eq 'TO_')
#$_ = '((Original-)?(Resent-)?(To|Cc|Bcc)|(X-Envelope|Apparently(-Resent)?)-To)';
$_ = '(To|Cc)';
## construct the deliver line
if ($action eq 'sort')
# to a folder
$deliver1 = "to \"Maildir/"."$sep"."$deliver"."/\"";
elsif ($action eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver1 = "to "."\"!$deliver\"";
elsif ($action eq 'delete')
# delete it, report, and add a blank line
$deliver1 = "log \"--- $basis $criterion --deleted --\" \n log \"\" \n exit";
# freeform
$deliver1 = "$deliver";
## construct the 2nd deliver line
if ($action2 eq 'sort')
# to a folder
$deliver2 = "\"Maildir/"."$sep"."$deliver2"."/\"";
elsif ($action2 eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver2 = "\"!$deliver2\"";
$OUT .= "\n";
if ($secondtest eq '')
if ($basis =~ /(>|<)/)
$OUT .= "if ( \$SIZE $basis $criterion )\n";
$OUT .= "if ( /^"."$basis".".*$criterion/ )\n";
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--------- match user rule -- \"\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--------- $basis $criterion -- \"\n";
#basis2 can't test on size
if ($basis =~ /(>|<)/)
$OUT .= "if (( \$SIZE $basis $criterion ) && ( /^"."$basis2".".*$criterion2/ ))\n";
$OUT .= "if (( /^"."$basis".".*$criterion/) && (/^"."$basis2".".*$criterion2/ ))\n";
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- match user rule ------------- \"\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- $basis $criterion & $basis2 $criterion2 -- \"\n";
if ($copy eq 'no')
$OUT .= "$deliver1\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
elsif ($copy eq 'yes' && $action2 eq 'inbox')
$OUT .= "cc Maildir\n";
$OUT .= "$deliver1\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
$OUT .= "cc $deliver2\n";
$OUT .= "$deliver1\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
}#foreach rule
}#if rules exist

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
if ($qmail{FilterOrder})
# honour EmailForward
my $EmailForward = $props{EmailForward} || '';
my $ForwardAddress = $props{ForwardAddress} || '';
if ($EmailForward eq 'forward')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- forward mail ---------------- \"\n";
$OUT .= "to \"!$ForwardAddress\"";
elsif ($EmailForward eq 'both')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- to the inbox and forward ----- \"\n";
$OUT .= "cc Maildir\n";
$OUT .= "to \"!$ForwardAddress\"";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- to the inbox ----------------- \"\n";
$OUT .= "$finaldeliverymethod";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "log \"--- to the inbox ----------------- \"\n";
$OUT .= "$finaldeliverymethod\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# vim: ft=perl:
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open AccountsDB";
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open ConfigDB";
$user = $adb->get($USERNAME) or die "No user $USERNAME in AccountsDB";
%props = $user->props;
our $sievesupport = $cdb->get_prop('sieve','status') || 'disabled';
our $sieveuser = $props{Sieve} || 'enabled';
our $zarafa1 = $props{zarafa} || 'disabled1';
our $zarafa2 = ${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled2';
our $EmailForward = $props{EmailForward} || '';
our $ForwardAddress = $props{ForwardAddress} || '';
$OUT = '';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
if ($USERNAME ne 'admin')
$OUT .= "# ---- Defaults ------------------\n";
$OUT .= "SHELL=/bin/bash\n";
$OUT .= "DEFAULT=\$HOME/Maildir/\n";
$OUT .= "FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail\n";
$OUT .= "MAILDIR=\$HOME/Maildir/\n";
$OUT .= "PMDIR=\$HOME\n";
$OUT .= "SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail\n";
elsif ($USERNAME eq 'admin')
$OUT .= "# ---- Defaults ------------------\n";
$OUT .= "SHELL=/bin/bash\n";
$OUT .= "DEFAULT=/home/e-smith/Maildir/\n";
$OUT .= "FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail\n";
$OUT .= "MAILDIR=/home/e-smith/Maildir/\n";
$OUT .= "PMDIR=/home/e-smith\n";
$OUT .= "SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
$OUT = '';
# control level of logging
my $loglevel = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $USERNAME, "loglevel") || 'some';
if ($loglevel eq 'none')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- no logging ------------------\n";
elsif ($loglevel eq 'some')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- some logging------------------\n";
$OUT .= "VERBOSE=no\n";
if ($USERNAME ne "admin")
$OUT .= "LOGFILE=\$HOME/procmail.log\n";
if ($USERNAME eq "admin")
$OUT .= "LOGFILE=/home/e-smith/procmail.log\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- verbose, for debugging only --------------\n";
$OUT .= "VERBOSE=yes\n";
$OUT .= "LOGABSTRACT=all\n";
if ($USERNAME ne "admin")
$OUT .= "LOGFILE=\$HOME/procmail.log\n";
if ($USERNAME eq "admin")
$OUT .= "LOGFILE=/home/e-smith/procmail.log\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- delete duplicates -------\n";
$OUT .= ":0 Wh: msgid.lock\n";
$OUT .= "| \$FORMAIL -D 8192 msgid.cache\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
#get Global rules
my @pmGlobRules = ();
foreach (sort keys %processmail)
push (@pmGlobRules, $_)
if (db_get_type(\%processmail, $_) eq 'pmGlobalRule');
#if they have rules add them to the templete
my $pmGlobRules = @pmGlobRules || '0';
if ($pmGlobRules > 0)
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---start of Global rules---------\n";
my $pmGlobRule;
foreach $pmGlobRule (sort {$a <=> $b} @pmGlobRules)
my $basis = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "basis") || '';
my $criterion = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "criterion") || '';
my $basis2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "basis2") || '';
my $secondtest = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "basis2") || '';
my $criterion2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "criterion2") || '';
my $deliver = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "deliver") || '';
my $deliver2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "deliver2") || '';
my $copy = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "copy") || '';
my $action = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "action") || '';
my $action2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmGlobRule, "action2") || '';
unless (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
$deliver =~ s/ /\\ /g;
$deliver2 =~ s/ /\\ /g;
foreach ($basis, $basis2)
## headers include the basis in the criterion
if ($_ eq 'headers')
$_ = '';
## size doesn't use '^. *' but needs a space
if ($_ ne '<')
if ($_ ne '>')
#[sme 2264] remove .* after TO_ macro
if ($_ eq 'TO_')
#[sme 6061 remove space after TO_
$_ = "^"."$_"."";
$_ = "^"."$_".".*";
$_ = $_.' ';
$_ = $_.' ';
##construct the deliver line
if (($action eq 'sort') || ($action eq 'create'))
# to a folder
if (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
if ($deliver eq 'junkmail')
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent -j $USERNAME"; }
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent $USERNAME -C -F 'Inbox\\$deliver'"; }
{ $deliver = "\$MAILDIR/".'.'."$deliver"."/"; }
elsif ($action eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver = "! "."$deliver";
elsif ($action eq 'delete')
# delete it
$deliver = '/dev/null';
# freeform
$deliver = "$deliver";
##construct the 2nd deliver line
if ($action2 eq 'sort')
# to a folder
if (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
if ($deliver eq 'junkmail')
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent -j $USERNAME"; }
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent $USERNAME -C -F 'Inbox\\$deliver'"; }
{ $deliver = "\$MAILDIR/".'.'."$deliver2"."/"; }
elsif ($action2 eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver2 = "! "."$deliver2";
## construct the rule
if ($secondtest ne '')
$secondtest = "* "."$basis2"."$criterion2"."\n";
if ($copy eq 'no')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= ":0\n";
$OUT .= "* "."$basis"."$criterion"."\n";
$OUT .= $secondtest;
$OUT .= "$deliver\n";
elsif ($copy eq 'yes' && $action2 eq 'inbox')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= ":0 c\n";
$OUT .= "* "."$basis"."$criterion"."\n";
$OUT .= $secondtest;
$OUT .= "$deliver\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= ":0\n";
$OUT .= "* "."$basis"."$criterion"."\n";
$OUT .= $secondtest;
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= " :0 c\n";
$OUT .= " $deliver\n";
$OUT .= " \n";
$OUT .= " :0\n";
$OUT .= " $deliver2\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
}#foreach rule
}#if rules exist

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
my %processmail;
tie %processmail, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/db/processmail';
# get users rules
my @pmRules = ();
foreach (sort keys %processmail)
push (@pmRules, $_)
if (db_get_type(\%processmail, $_) eq $USERNAME);
# if they have rules add them to the templete
my $pmRules = @pmRules || '0';
if ($pmRules > 0)
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- user rules ------------------\n";
my $pmRule;
foreach $pmRule (sort @pmRules)
my $basis = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "basis") || '';
my $criterion = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "criterion") || '';
my $basis2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "basis2") || '';
my $secondtest = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "basis2") || '';
my $criterion2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "criterion2") || '';
my $deliver = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "deliver") || '';
my $deliver2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "deliver2") || '';
my $copy = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "copy") || '';
my $action = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "action") || '';
my $action2 = db_get_prop(\%processmail, $pmRule, "action2") || '';
#allow for spaces _ to \_
unless (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
$deliver =~ s/ /\\ /g;
$deliver2 =~ s/ /\\ /g;
foreach ($basis, $basis2)
## headers include the basis in the criterion
if ($_ eq 'headers')
$_ = '';
## size doesn't use '^. *' but needs a space
if ($_ ne '<')
if ($_ ne '>')
#[sme 2264] remove .* after TO_ macro
if ($_ eq 'TO_')
#[sme 6061 remove space after TO_
$_ = "^"."$_"."";
$_ = "^"."$_".".*";
$_ = $_.' ';
$_ = $_.' ';
##construct the deliver line
if (($action eq 'sort') || ($action eq 'create'))
# to a folder
if (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
if ($deliver eq 'junkmail')
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent -j $USERNAME"; }
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent $USERNAME -C -F 'Inbox\\$deliver'"; }
{ $deliver = "\$MAILDIR/".'.'."$deliver"."/"; }
elsif ($action eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver = "! "."$deliver";
elsif ($action eq 'delete')
# delete it
$deliver = '/dev/null';
# freeform
$deliver = "$deliver";
##construct the 2nd deliver line
if ($action2 eq 'sort')
# to a folder
if (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
if ($deliver eq 'junkmail')
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent -j $USERNAME"; }
{ $deliver = "| zarafa-dagent $USERNAME -C -F 'Inbox\\$deliver'"; }
{ $deliver = "\$MAILDIR/".'.'."$deliver2"."/"; }
elsif ($action2 eq 'forward')
# to an email
$deliver2 = "! "."$deliver2";
## construct the rule
if ($secondtest ne '')
$secondtest = "* "."$basis2"."$criterion2"."\n";
if ($copy eq 'no')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= ":0\n";
$OUT .= "* "."$basis"."$criterion"."\n";
$OUT .= $secondtest;
$OUT .= "$deliver\n";
elsif ($copy eq 'yes' && $action2 eq 'inbox')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= ":0 c\n";
$OUT .= "* "."$basis"."$criterion"."\n";
$OUT .= $secondtest;
$OUT .= "$deliver\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= ":0\n";
$OUT .= "* "."$basis"."$criterion"."\n";
$OUT .= $secondtest;
$OUT .= "\{\n";
$OUT .= " :0 c\n";
$OUT .= " $deliver\n";
$OUT .= " \n";
$OUT .= " :0\n";
$OUT .= " $deliver2\n";
$OUT .= "\}\n";
}#foreach rule
}#if rules exist

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- to the inbox------------------\n";
if (($zarafa1 eq 'enabled') || ($zarafa2 eq 'enabled'))
$OUT .= ":0\n";
$OUT .= "| zarafa-dagent $USERNAME \n";
elsif (($sieveuser eq 'enabled') && ($sievesupport eq 'enabled'))
$OUT .= ":0 w\n";
$OUT .= "\| /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver\n";
$OUT .= ":0\n";
$OUT .= "\$DEFAULT\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# ---- end of rules ------------------\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
if ($qmail{FilterOrder})
if ($props{MailFilter})
my $MailFilter = $props{MailFilter} || 'on';
return '# Procmail/Maildrop disabled for this user'
if ($MailFilter eq 'bypass');
if ($props{EmailForward})
my $EmailForward = $props{EmailForward} || 'on';
return '# Procmail/Maildrop disabled for forwarding mail purpose'
if ($EmailForward eq 'forward');
if ($qmail{FilterType})
return '| /usr/bin/procmail ~/.procmailrc ; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;'
if ($qmail{FilterType} eq 'procmail');
return '| /usr/bin/maildrop ; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;'
if ($qmail{FilterType} eq 'maildrop' );
return '# Procmail/Maildrop disabled for all users'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
if ($qmail{FilterOrder})
return '# qmail FilterOrder enabled'
if ($props{MailFilter})
my $MailFilter = $props{MailFilter} || 'on';
return '# Procmail/Maildrop disabled for this user'
if ($MailFilter eq 'bypass');
if ($props{EmailForward})
my $EmailForward = $props{EmailForward} || 'on';
return '# Procmail/Maildrop disabled for forwarding mail purpose'
if ($EmailForward eq 'forward');
if ($qmail{FilterType})
return '| /usr/bin/procmail ~/.procmailrc ; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;'
if ($qmail{FilterType} eq 'procmail');
return '| /usr/bin/maildrop ; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;'
if ($qmail{FilterType} eq 'maildrop' );
return '# Procmail/Maildrop disabled for all users'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# heading : Your Settings
# description : Process Mail
# longdesc : configure your email sorting
# navigation : 100 500
# Modified (c) 2002,2006 Stephen Noble <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
use strict;
use warnings;
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::mailsort;
my $fm = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::mailsort->new();
<form title="FORM_TITLE"
<subroutine src="filter_status" />
<subroutine src="user_status" />
<field type="literal" id="User" value="get_panel_user()">
<field type="literal" id="FullName" value="get_full_name()">
<subroutine src="print_rules_table" />
<subroutine src="modify_or_create_description" />
type="text" size="40"
type="text" size="40"
options="'sort' => 'SORT',
'forward' => 'FORWARD',
'delete' => 'DELETE',"
type="text" size="40"
options="'no' => 'NO',
'yes' => 'YES',"
options="'' => '',
'inbox' => 'INBOX',
'forward' => 'FORWARD',
'delete' => 'DELETE',"
type="text" size="40"
<subroutine src="priority" />
<subroutine src="print_button('SAVE')" />
<subroutine src="print_button('REMOVE')" />

root/usr/lib/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
package esmith::FormMagick::Panel::mailsort;
use strict;
use warnings;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::FormMagick;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use Unicode::IMAPUtf7;
use Unicode::String qw(utf8 latin1);
use Exporter;
use Carp qw(verbose);
use HTML::Tabulate;
our @ISA = qw(esmith::FormMagick Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw();
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
our $pdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open('processmail') or die "Could not open processmail DB\n";
our $PanelUser = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ||'';
$PanelUser = $1 if ($PanelUser =~ /^([a-z][\.\-a-z0-9]*)$/);
sub get_panel_user
return $PanelUser;
sub get_full_name
return $adb->get_prop($PanelUser, "FirstName") . " " .
$adb->get_prop($PanelUser, "LastName");
sub new {
my $self = esmith::FormMagick->new();
$self->{calling_package} = (caller)[0];
bless $self;
return $self;
sub print_rules_table
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my @rules = $pdb->get_all_by_prop(type => "$PanelUser");
return $self->localise("NO_RULES") if (@rules == 0);
my $rules_table =
title => $self->localise("CURRENT_RULES"),
stripe => "#D4D0C8",
fields => [ qw(b1 criterion b2 criterion2 action deliver copy deliver2 Modify Remove) ],
labels => 1,
field_attr => {
b1 => { label => $self->localise("BASIS") },
criterion => { label => $self->localise("CRITERION") },
b2 => { label => $self->localise("2ND_BASIS") },
criterion2 => { label => $self->localise("2ND_CRITERION") },
action => { label => $self->localise("ACTION") },
deliver => { label => $self->localise("DESTINATION") },
copy => { label => $self->localise("COPY") },
deliver2 => { label => $self->localise("DESTINATION") },
Modify => {
label => $self->localise("MODIFY"),
link => \&modify_link
Remove => {
label => $self->localise("REMOVE"),
link => \&remove_link
my @data = ();
my $a = $self->localise('ACTION');
my $b = $self->localise('BASIS');
my $c = $self->localise('CRITERION');
foreach my $rule (@rules)
my $key = $rule->key;
my $basis = $rule->prop("basis") || '';
my $basis2 = $rule->prop("basis2") || '';
my $deliver = $rule->prop("deliver") || '';
my $deliver2 = $rule->prop("deliver2") || '';
my $action = $rule->prop("action") || '';
my $action2 = $rule->prop("action2") || '';
my $folder = ("$action" eq "sort" )? $deliver : '';
$folder = "INBOX" if "$folder" eq "" && "$action" eq "sort";
my $copy = $rule->prop("copy") || '';
my $oldpmRule = '';
for ($basis, $basis2)
if ($_ eq '<')
{ $_ = 'sizelt'; }
elsif ($_ eq '>')
{ $_ = 'sizegt'; }
my $b1 = $self->localise($basis);
my $b2 = $self->localise($basis2);
my $copyto = $rule->prop("deliver2") || '';# useless
if (($copy eq 'yes') && ($action2 eq 'inbox'))
{ $deliver2 = ""; $copyto = 'inbox'; } # copyto is useless
$deliver = GetDisplayName($deliver);
$deliver2 = GetDisplayName($deliver2);
push @data,
key => $rule->key,
basis => $basis,
basis2 => $basis2,
criterion => $rule->prop("criterion") || '',
criterion2 => $rule->prop("criterion2") || '',
deliver => $deliver,
deliver2 => $deliver2,
folder => $folder,
action => $action,
action2 => $action2,
copy => $copy,
Modify => $self->localise('MODIFY'),
Remove => $self->localise('REMOVE'),
b1 => $b1,
b2 => $b2,
a => $a,
b => $b,
c => $c,
my $t = HTML::Tabulate->new($rules_table);
$t->render(\@data, $rules_table);
sub modify_or_create_description
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $key = $q->param('key');
if ($key eq 'new')
{ return $self->localise('CREATE_RULE_DESCRIPTION'); }
{ return $self->localise('MODIFY_RULE_DESCRIPTION'); }
sub priority
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $key = $q->param('key');
if ($key eq 'new')
{ return ''; }
my $start = ' <tr>
<td class="sme-noborders-label">' . $self->localise('PRIORITY') . '
<td class="sme-noborders-content"><INPUT VALUE="' . $key . '" NAME="key" TYPE="text" SIZE="40"></td>
</tr> ';
return $start;
sub filter_status
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $FilterType = $db->get_prop('qmail', "FilterType") || 'Disabled';
if ($FilterType eq 'Disabled')
my $start = '<tr><td colspan="2"><p>' .
$self->localise('FILTERTYPE_DISABLED') .
'</p></td></tr> ';
{ return ''; }
sub user_status
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $MailFilter = $adb->get_prop($PanelUser, "MailFilter") || '';
if ($MailFilter eq 'bypass')
my $start = '<tr><td colspan="2"><p>' .
$self->localise('USER_DISABLED') .
' </p></td></tr> ';
{ return ''; }
sub modify_link
my ($data_item, $row, $field) = @_;
#avoid duplicate data if we sort we use folder field
my $deliver = $row->{deliver};
$deliver="" if $row->{action} eq "sort";
return "userpanel-mailsort?" .
"key=" . $row->{key},
"oldkey=" . $row->{key},
"basis=" . $row->{basis},
"basis2=" . $row->{basis2},
"criterion=" . $row->{criterion},
"criterion2=" . $row->{criterion2},
"deliver=" . $deliver,
"deliver2=" . $row->{deliver2},
"folder=" . $row->{folder},
"action=" . $row->{action},
"action2=" . $row->{action2},
"copy=" . $row->{copy},
sub remove_link
my ($data_item, $row, $field) = @_;
return "userpanel-mailsort?" .
"key=" . $row->{key},
"desc=" . $row->{b} .' = '. $row->{basis} . '<br>' .
$row->{c} .' = '. $row->{criterion} . '<br>' .
$row->{a} .' = '. $row->{action},
sub remove_rule
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $rule = $q->param('key');
my $rec = $pdb->get($rule);
unless ( system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event mailsorting-conf $PanelUser") == 0 )
{ return $self->error('ERROR_UPDATING'); }
return $self->success("SUCCESS");
sub save_rule
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $rule = $q->param ('key') || '';
if (($rule eq '') || ($rule eq 'new'))
my $random = int(rand(999999));
$rule = $PanelUser.$random;
$pdb->new_record($rule, { type => "$PanelUser" });
my %filtered;
$filtered{criterion} .= $q->param ('criterion') || '';
$filtered{criterion2} .= $q->param ('criterion2') || '';
$filtered{basis} .= $q->param ('basis') || '';
$filtered{basis2} .= $q->param ('basis2') || '';
$filtered{action} .= $q->param ('action') || '';
$filtered{action2} .= $q->param ('action2') || '';
$filtered{deliver} .= $q->param ('deliver') || '';
$filtered{deliver2} .= $q->param ('deliver2') || '';
$filtered{folder} .= $q->param ('folder') || '';
$filtered{copy} .= $q->param ('copy') || '';
$filtered{oldkey} .= $q->param ('oldkey') || '';
if ($filtered{basis} eq 'sizelt') { $filtered{basis} = '<'; }
if ($filtered{basis} eq 'sizegt') { $filtered{basis} = '>'; }
if ($filtered{basis2} eq 'sizelt') { $filtered{basis2} = '<'; }
if ($filtered{basis2} eq 'sizegt') { $filtered{basis2} = '>'; }
# we use the folder drop box selection if asked to sort
$filtered{folder} = "" if $filtered{folder} eq "INBOX";
$filtered{deliver} = $filtered{folder} if $filtered{action} eq "sort";
if ($filtered{copy} eq 'no') { $filtered{deliver2} = ''; $filtered{action2} = ''; }
if ($filtered{copy} eq 'yes' && $filtered{action2} eq 'inbox') { $filtered{deliver2} = ''; }
# keys are different but rule at least has part of users name so is likely changed
if (($filtered{oldkey} ne $rule) && ($filtered{oldkey} =~ /$PanelUser/))
$pdb->new_record($rule, { type => "$PanelUser" });
my $rec = $pdb->get($filtered{oldkey});
foreach ("criterion","criterion2","action","action2","copy","basis","basis2","deliver","deliver2" )
{ $pdb->set_prop($rule, "$_", $filtered{$_}); }
unless ( system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event mailsorting-conf $PanelUser") == 0 )
{ return $self->error('ERROR_UPDATING'); }
return $self->success("SUCCESS");
sub GetDisplayName ($)
my $s = shift;
my $t = Unicode::IMAPUtf7->new();
$s =~ s/(.*)//; # untaint it
my $u = utf8($t->decode($1));
return $u->utf8;#$u->latin1;
sub listfolders
use File::Find::Rule;
my $root="/home/e-smith/files/users/$PanelUser/Maildir";
$root="/home/e-smith/Maildir" if "$PanelUser" eq "admin" ;
my @dirs = File::Find::Rule->new
->extras({ untaint => 1 , untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w&. /]+)$| })
my %out_dir;
$out_dir{"INBOX"} .= "INBOX";
$out_dir{""} .= "";
for (sort @dirs) {
my @exclu =("cur", "tmp", "new" , "INBOX" );
next if $_ ~~ @exclu;
$out_dir{$_} .= GetDisplayName(join('/',split('\.', $_)));
return \%out_dir;
sub nonblankWithForward
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $action = $q->param ('action') || '';
my $deliver = $q->param ('deliver') || '';
if ( $action eq 'sort')
return "ERROR_SHOULD_BE_EMPTY" unless not $deliver;
return "OK";
elsif ( $action ne 'delete')
if (not $deliver)
elsif ( $deliver =~ /^\s+$/ )
{ return "OK"; }
else { return "OK"; }
sub nonblankWithForward2
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $copy = $q->param ('copy') || '';
my $action = $q->param ('action2') || '';
my $deliver = $q->param ('deliver2') || '';
if (( $action eq 'forward') && ( $copy eq 'yes'))
if (not $deliver)
elsif ( $deliver =~ /^\s+$/ )
{ return "OK"; }
else { return "OK"; }
sub nonblankWithSort
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{cgi};
my $action = $q->param ('action') || '';
my $folder = $q->param ('folder') || '';
if ( $action eq 'sort')
return "ERROR_SORT_NO_FOLDER" if not $folder;
return "OK";
else { return "OK"; }

smeserver-mailsorting.spec Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
# $Id: smeserver-mailsorting.spec,v 1.7 2024/09/06 00:45:51 terryfage Exp $
# Authority: dungog
# Name: Stephen Noble
Summary: Lets users configure procmail or maildrop rules.
%define name smeserver-mailsorting
Name: %{name}
%define version 1.4
%define release 16
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
Group: SMEserver/addon
Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
BuildArchitectures: noarch
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}
Requires: e-smith-release >= 9.0
Requires: perl-Unicode-IMAPUtf7
Requires: e-smith-formmagick >= 1.4.0-12
Requires: perl-File-Find-Rule >= 0.33
Requires: maildrop
Requires: procmail
#Requires: smeserver-userpanel, userpanel causes endless problems
BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03
AutoReqProv: no
SME Server enhancement to enable procmail or maildrop filtering for users.
Optionally provides user panels where users can create mail rules for themselves
* Sat Sep 07 2024 aka Brian Read <> 1.4-16.sme
- Roll up patches and move to git repo [SME: 12338]
* Sat Sep 07 2024 BogusDateBot
- Eliminated rpmbuild "bogus date" warnings due to inconsistent weekday,
by assuming the date is correct and changing the weekday.
* Fri Sep 06 2024 Terry Fage <> 1.4-15.sme
- apply locale locale-2024-09-06.patch
* Mon Aug 23 2021 Terry Fage <> 1.4-14.sme
- apply locale 2021-08-22 patch
* Sun Apr 25 2021 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 1.4-13.sme
- add requirement for maildrop and procmail [SME: 11578]
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.4-12.sme
- add update event to avoid need of reboot [SME: 10952]
* Tue Nov 24 2020 Brian Read <> 1.4-11.sme
- First import to SME10 [SME: 10952]
* Sat Dec 02 2017 SME Translation Server <> 1.4-10.sme
- apply locale 2017-12-02 patch
* Tue Jul 04 2017 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.4-9.sme
- fix geekmode not honoured [SME: 10366]
- thanks to John Crisp for the fix.
- Eliminated rpmbuild "bogus date" warnings due to inconsistent weekday
* Sat Mar 25 2017 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.4-8.sme
- apply locale 2017-03-25 patch
* Sat Feb 25 2017 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.4-7.sme
- requires perl-File-Find-Rule >= 0.33
* Wed Feb 08 2017 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.4-5.sme
- NFR droplist to choose the directory to sort to [SME: 8044]
- few tidying in code of panel
* Wed Mar 09 2016 JP Pialasse <> 1.4-4.sme
- apply locale 2016-03-09 patch
* Sat Aug 22 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.4-3.sme
- Initial release to contribs9
* Tue Dec 2 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.4-2.sme
- allow the possibility to use sieve script if no rules has matched.
- Code developed by <> Mats Schuh
* Mon Jun 23 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.4-1.sme
- Initial release to sme9
* Wed Dec 11 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.2-45.sme
- fix bug as admin .procmail was not created [SME: 8023]
* Fri Nov 29 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.2-44.sme
- fix admin patch
* Thu Nov 28 2013 Steph DL <> 1.2-43.sme
Wed Nov 28 2013 --> Wed Nov 27 2013 or Thu Nov 28 2013 or Wed Dec 04 2013 or ....
- fix [SME: 8023] [SME: 8024]
* Wed Oct 09 2013 John Crisp <> 1.2-42.sme
- remove space from TO_ [SME: 6061] [SME: 2264]
* Sun Jul 14 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.2-41.sme
- apply locale 2013-07-14 patch
- documentation fix [SME: 7586]
- copy keeped even if forward [SME: 6847]
* Sun Mar 06 2011 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-40.sme
- apply locale 2011-03-06 patch
* Sun May 23 2010 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-39.sme
- apply locale 2010-05-23 patch
* Tue Mar 02 2010 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-38.sme
- apply locale 2010-03-02 patch
* Tue Oct 27 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-37.sme
- apply locale 2009-10-27 patch
* Mon Aug 24 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-36.sme
- apply locale 2009-08-24 patch
* Fri Jun 12 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-35
- don't escape spaces in folder names with zarafa enabled [SME: 5164]
* Wed May 20 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-34.sme
- apply locale 2009-05-20 patch
* Mon Apr 27 2009 SME Translation Server <> 1.2-33.sme
- apply locale 2009-04-27 patch
* Sun Mar 22 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-32
- qmail FilterOrder enabled lets maildrop filter before forwarding [SME: 5044]
* Tue Mar 03 2009 SME Translation Server xyz 1.2-31
- apply locale 2009-03-03 patch
* Sun Mar 1 2009 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-30
- Apply 1 Mar 2009 locale patch [SME: 5018]
* Sat Feb 21 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-29
- remove drop down to select folders [SME: 5016]
* Sat Feb 21 2009 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-28
- procmail sort to zarafa folders if enabled [SME: 5016]
* Thu Jan 1 2009 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-27
- Apply 1 Jan 2009 locale patch [SME: 4900]
* Tue Oct 14 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-26
- Apply 14 Oct 2008 locale patch
* Mon Sep 29 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-25
- remove internal forwarding [SME: 4605]
* Sat Sep 27 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-24
- move .qmail fragment after SME forwarding [SME: 4602]
* Sat Sep 27 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-23
- Apply 27 Sep 2008 locale patch
* Tue Jul 1 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-22
- Apply 1 July 2008 locale patch
* Wed May 21 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-21
Thu May 21 2008 --> Thu May 15 2008 or Wed May 21 2008 or Thu May 22 2008 or ....
- Apply 21 May 2008 locale patch
- Updating the release number (it was lagging behind about 10)
* Mon May 5 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-20
- Apply 5 May 2008 locale patch
* Sun Apr 27 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-19
- Add common <base> tags to e-smith-formmagick's general
* Tue Apr 22 2008 Jonathan Martens <> 1.2-18
- Added 22 April 2008 locale patch
* Tue Apr 1 2008 Shad L. Lords <> 1.2-17
- Update to UTF-8 translations
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-16
- block generation of procmail/maildrop rules [SME: 4051]
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-15
- update locale 2008-03-14
* Wed Mar 12 2008 Shad L. Lords <> - 1.2-14
- Add requires for e-smith-formmagick for UTF-8 support [SME: 3858]
* Tue Mar 11 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-13
- Add 2008-03-11 locale patch
* Fri Mar 07 2008 Stephen Noble <> - 1.2-12
- prepare en lexicons for pootle translations
* Tue Dec 25 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-11
- french translation fix
* Tue Dec 25 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-10
- add french translation, thanks Sylvain Gomez
* Mon Oct 29 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-9
- add spanish translation, thanks Normando Hall [SME 3503]
* Sun Jul 29 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-8
- Add Requires perl-Unicode-IMAPUtf7 [SME: 3218]
* Thu Jul 05 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-7
- touch processmail db, thanks dclarke
* Wed Jun 13 2007 Stephen Noble <> 1.2-6
- add global maildrop delete duplicate db value
* Wed Jun 13 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- update .tar.gz to current version
* Sun Apr 29 2007 Shad L. Lords <>
- Clean up spec so package can be built by koji/plague
* Sat Mar 17 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- retry mail in .qmail [sme 2733]
- [1.2-5]
* Wed Feb 28 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- remove Requires: smeserver-userpanel
- [1.2-4]
* Tue Jan 9 2007 Stephen Noble <>
- remove .* after TO_ macro [sme 2264]
- Existing mail folders search improved [sme 2265]
- [1.2-3]
* Thu Dec 07 2006 Shad L. Lords <>
- Update to new release naming. No functional changes.
- Make Packager generic
* Mon Oct 30 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- improved german support, thanks Dietmar
- Unicode-IMAPUtf7 support [sme 1446]
- [1.2-2]
* Sat Oct 21 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- FormMagick version
- [1.2-1]
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- remove strict check on mailrule criterion [sme 1643]
- fix log rotation
- maildrop matching improved, [sme 1642]
- allow for spaces in folder names for maildrop [sme 1640]
- [0.9-6]
* Sat May 6 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- default shell for maildrop set to /bin/bash
- [contribs 1378] thanks mweinber
- [0.9-5]
* Thu Apr 06 2006 Stephen Noble <>
Wed Apr 06 2006 --> Wed Apr 05 2006 or Thu Apr 06 2006 or Wed Apr 12 2006 or ....
- delete duplicates
- globally enabled for procmail, works ok
- per user for maildrop, worked ok for user A, but started deleting mail for user B
- [0.9-4]
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- remove preun actions
- [0.9-3]
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Stephen Noble <>
- Requires: smeserver-userpanel
- bypass admin's .qmail
- [0.9-2]
* Sun Sep 25 2005 Stephen Noble <>
- initial release
- [0.9-1]
perl createlinks
LEXICONS=$(find root/etc/e-smith/{locale/,web/functions/} -type f )
for lexicon in $LEXICONS
/sbin/e-smith/validate-lexicon $lexicon
(cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
/sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT > %{name}-%{version}-filelist
echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
#new installs
if [ $1 = 1 ] ; then
echo ''
echo '#############################################################'
echo ' Please visit the url below to apprehend all the db commands'
echo ' '
echo '#############################################################'
echo ''
#upgrades (and new installs)
/bin/touch /home/e-smith/db/processmail
# this one is essential to avoid to lose mails !!!!
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event mailsorting-conf
if [ -d /etc/e-smith/events/conf-userpanel ] ; then
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event conf-userpanel
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
echo ''
echo '##################################'
echo 'to disable procmail or maildrop'
echo 'config delprop qmail FilterType'
echo 'signal-event email-update'
echo '##################################'
echo ''
DBS=`find /home/e-smith/db/navigation -type f -name "navigation.*"`
for db in $DBS ; do
/sbin/e-smith/db $db delete userpanel-mailsort 2>/dev/null
%files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist