Moved css to own directory
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Alias for mailstats
Alias "/mailstats/css" "/opt/mailstats/css"
Alias "/mailstats" "/opt/mailstats/html"
<Directory "/opt/mailstats/html">
@ -7,3 +8,7 @@
Require all granted
<Directory "/opt/mailstats/css">
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ a.nextlink {
.cssclass1 {background-color:#ffff99;}
.cssclass2 {background-color:lightcoral;}
.cssclass3 {background-color:lightcyan;}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>SMEServer Mailstats</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='mailstats.css' />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/mailstats.css' />
<!-- Check links -->
function LinkCheck(url){
@ -9,10 +9,8 @@
# Todo
# 1. Make "yesterday" parameterised
# 2. Get data from SMEServer DB records
# 3. Other stats
# 4. Percentages for main table
# 5. Percentages and sort for Sub tables
# 2 Other stats
# 3. Extra bits for sub tables
# Centos7:
# yum install python3-chameleon --enablerepo=epel
@ -45,9 +43,6 @@ formatted_yesterday = yesterday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
html_page_dir = data_file_path+"/opt/mailstats/html/"
template_dir = data_file_path+"/opt/mailstats/templates/"
logs_dir = data_file_path+"/opt/mailstats/logs/"
#E-Smith Config DBs
db_dir = "/home/e-smith/db/"
#db_dir = "/home/brianr/SME11Build/GITFiles/smecontribs/smeserver-mailstats/"
# Column numbering
Hour = 0
@ -70,7 +65,9 @@ PERCENT = 16
ColTotals = 24
ColPercent = 25
def is_running_under_thonny():
# Check for the 'THONNY_USER_DIR' environment variable
return 'THONNY_USER_DIR' in os.environ
# Routines to access the E-Smith dbs
def parse_entity_line(line):
@ -122,6 +119,7 @@ def read_config_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
config_string =
return parse_config(config_string)
def get_value(config_dict, entity, key, default=None):
@ -519,12 +517,17 @@ def read_html_from_file(filepath):
# Need to add in here the contents of the css file at the end of the head section.
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
html_contents =
print("reading from html file")
# Get Filepath
css_path = os.path.dirname(filepath)+"/mailstats.css"
css_path = os.path.dirname(filepath)+"/../css/mailstats.css"
# Read in CSS
with open(css_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
css_contents =
html_contents = insert_string_after(html_contents,css_contents,"<!--css here-->")
html_contents = insert_string_after(html_contents,"\n"+css_contents,"<!--css here-->")
return html_contents
def read_text_from_file(filepath):
@ -606,6 +609,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
current_datetime =
formatted_datetime = current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
isThonny = is_running_under_thonny()
#E-Smith Config DBs
if isThonny:
db_dir = "/home/brianr/SME11Build/GITFiles/smecontribs/smeserver-mailstats/"
db_dir = "/home/e-smith/db/"
#From SMEServer DB
ConfigDB = read_config_file(db_dir+"configuration")
@ -639,17 +648,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
hello_string = "Mailstats:"+Mailstats_version+' for '+DomainName+" at "+formatted_datetime+" for "+formatted_yesterday
version_string = "Chameleon:"+chameleon_version+" Python:"+python_version
if isThonny:
version_string = version_string + "...under Thonny"
num_hours = 25 # Represents hours from 0 to 23 - adds extra one for column totals and another for percentages
log_file = logs_dir+'current.log'
log_entries,skip_count = read_in_yesterday_log_file(log_file)
if len(log_entries) == 0:
print(f"No records found in {log_file}")
print(f"Found {len(log_entries)} entries in log for for {formatted_yesterday} skipped {skip_count}")
# if len(log_entries) == 0:
# print(f"No records found in {log_file}")
# quit()
# else:
print(f"Found {len(log_entries)} entries in log for for {formatted_yesterday} skipped {skip_count}")
summary_log_entries,skip_count = filter_summary_records(log_entries)
print(f"Found {len(summary_log_entries)} summary entries and skipped {skip_count} entries")
sorted_log_dict = sort_log_entries(summary_log_entries)
@ -691,126 +702,130 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
i = 0;
sorted_len= len(sorted_log_dict)
# Initial call to print the progress bar
print_progress_bar(0, sorted_len, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
for timestamp, data in sorted_log_dict.items():
i += 1
print_progress_bar(i, sorted_len, prefix='Scanning for main table:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
# Count of in which hour it falls
#hour = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H')
# Parse the timestamp string into a datetime object
dt = timestamp
hour = dt.hour
# parse the data
parsed_data = parse_data(data)
# Increment Count in which headings it falls
#Hourly count and column total
columnCounts_2d[hour][Hour] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Hour] += 1
#Row Totals
columnCounts_2d[hour][TOTALS] += 1
#Total totals
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][TOTALS] += 1
#Queued email
if parsed_data['action'] == '(queue)':
columnCounts_2d[hour][Ham] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Ham] += 1
if parsed_data['spam-status'].lower().startswith('yes'):
#Extract other parameters from this string
# example: Yes, score=10.3 required=4.0 autolearn=disable
spam_pattern = r'score=([\d.]+)\s+required=([\d.]+)'
match =, parsed_data['spam-status'])
if match:
score = float(
required = float(
#print(f"{parsed_data['spam-status']} / {score} {required}")
if score >= SARejectLevel:
columnCounts_2d[hour][DelSpam] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][DelSpam] += 1
elif score >= required:
columnCounts_2d[hour][QuedSpam] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][QuedSpam] += 1
#Local send
elif DomainName in parsed_data['sendurl']:
columnCounts_2d[hour][Local] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Local] += 1
#Relay or webmail
elif not is_private_ip(parsed_data['ip']) and is_private_ip(parsed_data['sendurl1']) and parsed_data['action1'] == 'queued':
if parsed_data['action1'] == 'queued':
columnCounts_2d[hour][Relay] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Relay] += 1
elif WebmailIP in parsed_data['sendurl1'] and not is_private_ip(parsed_data['ip']):
columnCounts_2d[hour][WebMail] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][WebMail] += 1
#unless none to show
if sorted_len > 0:
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(0, sorted_len, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
for timestamp, data in sorted_log_dict.items():
i += 1
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(i, sorted_len, prefix='Scanning for main table:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
# Count of in which hour it falls
#hour = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H')
# Parse the timestamp string into a datetime object
dt = timestamp
hour = dt.hour
# parse the data
parsed_data = parse_data(data)
elif localhost in parsed_data['sendurl']:
# but not if it comes from fetchmail
if not FETCHMAIL in parsed_data['sendurl1']:
# might still be from mailman here
if MAILMAN in parsed_data['sendurl1']:
columnCounts_2d[hour][MailMan] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][MailMan] += 1
#$localflag = 1;
#Or sent to the DMARC server
#check for email address in $DMARC_Report_emails string
#my $logemail = $log_items[4];
if DMARCDomain in parsed_data['from-email']: #(index($DMARC_Report_emails,$logemail)>=0) or
localflag = 1;
# ignore incoming localhost spoofs
if not 'msg denied before queued' in parsed_data['error-msg']:
#$localflag = 1;
columnCounts_2d[hour][WebMail] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][WebMail] += 1
#$WebMailflag = 1;
#$localflag = 1;
#$WebMailflag = 1;
# Increment Count in which headings it falls
#Hourly count and column total
columnCounts_2d[hour][Hour] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Hour] += 1
#Row Totals
columnCounts_2d[hour][TOTALS] += 1
#Total totals
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][TOTALS] += 1
#Queued email
if parsed_data['action'] == '(queue)':
columnCounts_2d[hour][Ham] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Ham] += 1
if parsed_data['spam-status'].lower().startswith('yes'):
#Extract other parameters from this string
# example: Yes, score=10.3 required=4.0 autolearn=disable
spam_pattern = r'score=([\d.]+)\s+required=([\d.]+)'
match =, parsed_data['spam-status'])
if match:
score = float(
required = float(
#print(f"{parsed_data['spam-status']} / {score} {required}")
if score >= SARejectLevel:
columnCounts_2d[hour][DelSpam] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][DelSpam] += 1
elif score >= required:
columnCounts_2d[hour][QuedSpam] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][QuedSpam] += 1
#Local send
elif DomainName in parsed_data['sendurl']:
columnCounts_2d[hour][Local] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Local] += 1
#Relay or webmail
elif not is_private_ip(parsed_data['ip']) and is_private_ip(parsed_data['sendurl1']) and parsed_data['action1'] == 'queued':
if parsed_data['action1'] == 'queued':
columnCounts_2d[hour][Relay] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Relay] += 1
elif WebmailIP in parsed_data['sendurl1'] and not is_private_ip(parsed_data['ip']):
columnCounts_2d[hour][WebMail] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][WebMail] += 1
#Now increment the column which the plugin name indicates
if parsed_data['action'] == '(deny)' and parsed_data['error-plugin']:
#print(f"Found plugin {parsed_data['error-plugin']}")
if parsed_data['error-plugin']:
row = search_2d_list(parsed_data['error-plugin'],columnPlugin)
if not row == -1:
#print(f"Found row: {row}")
columnCounts_2d[hour][row] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][row] += 1
# a few ad hoc extra extractons of data
if row == Virus:
match = virus_pattern.match(parsed_data['action1'])
if match:
found_viruses[] += 1
found_viruses[parsed_data['action1']] += 1
elif parsed_data['error-plugin'] == 'naughty':
match = qpcodes_pattern.match(parsed_data['action1'])
if match:
rejReason =
found_qpcodes[parsed_data['error-plugin']+"-"+rejReason] += 1
found_qpcodes['Unknown'] += 1
elif localhost in parsed_data['sendurl']:
# but not if it comes from fetchmail
if not FETCHMAIL in parsed_data['sendurl1']:
# might still be from mailman here
if MAILMAN in parsed_data['sendurl1']:
columnCounts_2d[hour][MailMan] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][MailMan] += 1
#$localflag = 1;
found_qpcodes[parsed_data['action1']] += 1
print() #seperate the [progress bar]
#Or sent to the DMARC server
#check for email address in $DMARC_Report_emails string
#my $logemail = $log_items[4];
if DMARCDomain in parsed_data['from-email']: #(index($DMARC_Report_emails,$logemail)>=0) or
localflag = 1;
# ignore incoming localhost spoofs
if not 'msg denied before queued' in parsed_data['error-msg']:
#$localflag = 1;
columnCounts_2d[hour][WebMail] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][WebMail] += 1
#$WebMailflag = 1;
#$localflag = 1;
#$WebMailflag = 1;
columnCounts_2d[hour][WebMail] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][WebMail] += 1
#Now increment the column which the plugin name indicates
if parsed_data['action'] == '(deny)' and parsed_data['error-plugin']:
#print(f"Found plugin {parsed_data['error-plugin']}")
if parsed_data['error-plugin']:
row = search_2d_list(parsed_data['error-plugin'],columnPlugin)
if not row == -1:
#print(f"Found row: {row}")
columnCounts_2d[hour][row] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][row] += 1
# a few ad hoc extra extractons of data
if row == Virus:
match = virus_pattern.match(parsed_data['action1'])
if match:
found_viruses[] += 1
found_viruses[parsed_data['action1']] += 1
elif parsed_data['error-plugin'] == 'naughty':
match = qpcodes_pattern.match(parsed_data['action1'])
if match:
rejReason =
found_qpcodes[parsed_data['error-plugin']+"-"+rejReason] += 1
found_qpcodes['Unknown'] += 1
found_qpcodes[parsed_data['action1']] += 1
print() #seperate the [progress bar]
# Compute percentages
total_Count = columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][TOTALS]
#Column of percentages
@ -844,24 +859,27 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
i = 0
j = 0
log_len = len(log_entries)
print_progress_bar(0, log_len, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
for data in log_entries:
i += 1
print_progress_bar(i, log_len, prefix='Scanning for sub tables:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
#Pull out Geoip countries for analysis table
if "check_badcountries: GeoIP Country" in data:
j += 1
match = geoip_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
country =
found_countries[country] += 1
total_countries += 1
#Pull out DMARC approvals
match = dmarc_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
DMARCOkCount += 1
if log_len > 0:
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(0, log_len, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
for data in log_entries:
i += 1
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(i, log_len, prefix='Scanning for sub tables:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
#Pull out Geoip countries for analysis table
if "check_badcountries: GeoIP Country" in data:
j += 1
match = geoip_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
country =
found_countries[country] += 1
total_countries += 1
#Pull out DMARC approvals
match = dmarc_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
DMARCOkCount += 1
#print(f"J:{j} I:{i}")
#Now apply the results to the chameleon template - main table
@ -871,11 +889,17 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(template_path, 'r') as template_file:
template_content =
# Create a Chameleon template instance
template = PageTemplate(template_content)
template = PageTemplate(template_content)
# Render the template with the 2D array data and column headers
rendered_html = template(array_2d=columnCounts_2d, column_headers=columnHeaders, reporting_date=formatted_yesterday, title=hello_string, version=version_string)
rendered_html = template(array_2d=columnCounts_2d, column_headers=columnHeaders, reporting_date=formatted_yesterday, title=hello_string, version=version_string)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Chameleon template Exception {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Chameleon render Exception {e}")
total_html = rendered_html
#Now apply the results to the chameleon template - subservient tables
#qpsmtd codes
qpsmtpd_headers = ["Code",'Count','Percent','Reason']
@ -907,8 +931,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
<div class='divshowindex'><a class='showindex' href='http://${DomainName}/mailstats/'>Index of files</a></div>\
<a class='nextlink' href='http://${DomainName}/mailstats/mailstats_for_${NextDate}.html'>Next</a>\
template = PageTemplate(navigation_str_html)
Nav_str = template(PreviousDate=previous_date_str,NextDate=next_date_str,TodayDate=formatted_yesterday,DomainName=DomainName)
template = PageTemplate(navigation_str_html)
Nav_str = template(PreviousDate=previous_date_str,NextDate=next_date_str,TodayDate=formatted_yesterday,DomainName=DomainName)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Chameleon nav template Exception {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Chameleon nav render Exception {e}")
# And insert it
total_html = insert_string_after(total_html,Nav_str, "<!---Navigation here-->")
@ -930,9 +960,17 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Send html email (default))
filepath = html_page_dir+"mailstats_for_"+formatted_yesterday+".html"
html_content = read_html_from_file(filepath)
# Replace the Navigation by a "See in browser" prompt
replace_str = f"<div class='divseeinbrowser' style='text-align:center;'><a class='seeinbrowser' href='http://{DomainName}/mailstats/mailstats_for_{formatted_yesterday}.html'>See in browser</a></div>"
html_content = replace_between(html_content, "<div class='linksattop'>", ">Next</a></div>", replace_str)
# Write out te email html to a web page
email_file = html_page_dir + "Email_mailstats_for_"+formatted_yesterday
with open(email_file+'.html', 'w') as output_file:
if EmailTextOrHTML == "Text" or EmailTextOrHTML == "Both":
filepath = html_page_dir+"mailstats_for_"+formatted_yesterday+".txt"
text_content = read_text_from_file(filepath)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
exec 1> >(logger -t $(basename $0)) 2>&1
#exec 1> >(logger -t $(basename $0)) 2>&1
perl /usr/bin/ /var/log/qpsmtpd/\@* /var/log/qpsmtpd/current /var/log/sqpsmtpd/\@* /var/log/sqpsmtpd/current
# and run new python one - start by copying and decoding log files
cd /var/log/qpsmtpd
Reference in New Issue
Block a user