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				<th tal:repeat="header column_headers" tal:content="header">Header</th>
			<tr tal:repeat="row array_2d" tal:attributes="class python: 'row-total' if repeat.row.index == 24  else 'row-percent' if repeat.row.index == 25 else None">
				<td tal:condition="repeat.row.index == 24" tal:attributes="class python:'col-total'" tal:content="'TOTALS'">Totals</td>
				<td tal:condition="repeat.row.index == 25" tal:attributes="class python:'col-percent'" tal:content="'PERCENT'">Percent</td>
				<td tal:condition="repeat.row.index < 24" tal:content="string:${reporting_date}, ${repeat.row.index}">Hour</td>
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                                <!-- Check if cell value is zero and print "" -->
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                                <tal:case tal:condition="cell == 0" tal:content="''">-</tal:case>
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                        <tal:case tal:condition="cell == 0" tal:content="''">-</tal:case>
	<!-- Next Tab-->
	<div id="tab2" class="tab-content">
		<a href="stacked_bar_${reporting_date}.html">${structure: stacked_bar_graph}</a>
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		<a href="heatmap_${reporting_date}.html">${structure: heatmap}</a>
	<!-- Next Tab-->
	<div id="tab4" class="tab-content">
		<a href="line_graph_${reporting_date}.html">${structure: line_graph}</a>
	<div class = "subtables">
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