{ # vim: ft=perl ts=4 sw=4 et: # perltidy -pbp if ( ( $mxbackup{status} || "disabled" ) eq "enabled" ) { $OUT = "# Following is a list of systems or domains.\n"; $OUT .= "# This system is configured to act as a MX Backup for\n"; $OUT .= "# these systems (if there's only one line) or domains.\n"; $OUT .= "# If there is a line beginning with a dot, then this\n"; $OUT .= "# system will accept mails for any hosts of this domain\n"; $OUT .= "# MX Backup start\n"; my $MXFlag = 0; my %MXValues = split /,/, ( $mxbackup{name} || "" ); foreach my $data ( sort { ( join( "\.", reverse( split /\./, $a ) ) ) cmp( join( "\.", reverse( split /\./, $b ) ) ) } keys %MXValues ) { $OUT .= "$data\n"; $OUT .= ".$data\n" if ( $MXValues{$data} ); $MXFlag = 1; } $OUT .= "### No MX Backup set Now ...\n" if ( !$MXFlag ); $OUT .= "# MX Backup end\n"; } }