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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# modified on 23/05/2008
# direct access to /etc/shadow file
# thanks to Jeremy D. Zawodny, <>
# for his (getpwnams and ChopDec functions)
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use Date::Format;
use Date::Parse;
use Text::Template;
my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro() or die "Couldnt' open AccountsDB\n";
my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() or die "Couldnt' open ConfigDB\n";
my @accounts = $adb->get('admin');
push @accounts, $adb->users;
# get information about password ageing
my $pwdaging = $db->get('passwordaging');
my $pwdage = $pwdaging->prop('PwdAge');
my $pwdwarn = $pwdaging->prop('PwdWarn');
my $isactive = $pwdaging->prop('Active') || 'no';
my $lockaccount = $pwdaging->prop('LockAccount') || 'no';
# date/time parameters
my @lt = localtime(time);
my $template = '%s';
my $today = time() / 86400; # Today's date.
$today = &ChopDec($today); # no decimals
# system parameters
my $domain = $db->get_value("DomainName") || 'localhost';
my $interface = $db->get('InternalInterface');
my $ipaddress = $interface->prop('IPAddress');
# who is sending mail? :-)
my $sender = "admin\@$domain";
# mail body template for user
my $templates = '/etc/e-smith/templates';
my $source = '/usr/lib/e-smith-passexpire/passExpire.tmpl';
-f "${templates}-custom${source}" and $templates .= "-custom";
if ($isactive eq 'yes') {
foreach my $account (@accounts)
next unless (($account->prop('PasswordSet') || 'no') eq 'yes');
my $name = $account->key;
if (!($name eq 'admin'))
next unless (($account->prop('PasswordAge') || 'no') eq 'yes');
my @pw = split(/:/ , &getpwnams($name));
my $lastchange = $pw[2]; # Date of last change.
# Calculate days until expiration.
my $age = $today - $lastchange;
my $realaging = $pwdage - $pwdwarn;
my $days = $pwdage - $age;
my $time2warn = $age - $realaging;
if ($time2warn >= 0) {
if ($days < 0) {
$days = -1 * $days;
my $t = new Text::Template(TYPE => 'FILE', SOURCE => "${templates}${source}");
open(QMAIL, "|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -f$sender $name") || die "Could not send mail via qmail-inject!\n";
print QMAIL $t->fill_in( HASH => {
conf => \$db,
user => $name,
ip => $ipaddress,
number => $days,
close QMAIL;
# if time2warn >= pwdwarn then send email to admin too
if ($time2warn >= $pwdwarn) {
#message to admin is hardcoded in english; not so bad..
my $t1 = "To: admin\n";
$t1 .= "From: \"Administrator\" <admin\@$domain>\n";
$t1 .= "Subject: Password for user $name expired\n\n";
$t1 .= "This is an automatically generated mail message\n\n";
$t1 .= "Dear Admin,\n password for user $name has expired since $days days\n";
$t1 .= "Regards";
open(QMAIL, "|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -f$sender admin") || die "Could not send mail via qmail-inject!\n";
print QMAIL $t1;
close QMAIL;
# if $lockaccount eq yes, call signal-event to lock the account
if ($lockaccount eq 'yes'){
system "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event user-lock $name";
exit 0;
sub getpwnams {
my $name = $_[0];
my $line;
$name .= ":";
open(SHADOW, "/etc/shadow");
while(<SHADOW>) {
last if (/^$name/);
} # end while
$line = $_;
sub ChopDec {
my $num = $_[0];
if ($num =~ /\./) {
$num =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/;
$num = $1;
} # end if
return $num;