* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: class.WINNT.inc.php 699 2012-09-15 11:57:13Z namiltd $ * @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net */ /** * WINNT sysinfo class * get all the required information from WINNT systems * information are retrieved through the WMI interface * * @category PHP * @package PSI WINNT OS class * @author Michael Cramer * @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @version Release: 3.0 * @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net */ class WINNT extends OS { /** * holds the COM object that we pull all the WMI data from * * @var Object */ private $_wmi = null; /** * holds all devices, which are in the system * * @var array */ private $_wmidevices; /** * store language encoding of the system to convert some output to utf-8 * * @var string */ private $_codepage = null; /** * store language of the system * * @var string */ private $_syslang = null; /** * build the global Error object and create the WMI connection */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // don't set this params for local connection, it will not work $strHostname = ''; $strUser = ''; $strPassword = ''; try { // initialize the wmi object $objLocator = new COM('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator'); if ($strHostname == "") { $this->_wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(); } else { $this->_wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer($strHostname, 'root\CIMv2', $strHostname.'\\'.$strUser, $strPassword); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error->addError("WMI connect error", "PhpSysInfo can not connect to the WMI interface for security reasons.\nCheck an authentication mechanism for the directory where phpSysInfo is installed."); } $this->_getCodeSet(); } /** * store the codepage of the os for converting some strings to utf-8 * * @return void */ private function _getCodeSet() { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('CodeSet', 'OSLanguage')); if ($buffer) { $this->_codepage = 'windows-'.$buffer[0]['CodeSet']; $lang = ""; if (is_readable(APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini') && ($langdata = @parse_ini_file(APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini', true))) { if (isset($langdata['WINNT'][$buffer[0]['OSLanguage']])) { $lang = $langdata['WINNT'][$buffer[0]['OSLanguage']]; } } if ($lang == "") { $lang = 'Unknown'; } $this->_syslang = $lang.' ('.$buffer[0]['OSLanguage'].')'; } } /** * retrieve different device types from the system based on selector * * @param string $strType type of the devices that should be returned * * @return array list of devices of the specified type */ private function _devicelist($strType) { if (empty($this->_wmidevices)) { $this->_wmidevices = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PnPEntity', array('Name', 'PNPDeviceID')); } $list = array(); foreach ($this->_wmidevices as $device) { if (substr($device['PNPDeviceID'], 0, strpos($device['PNPDeviceID'], "\\") + 1) == ($strType."\\")) { $list[] = $device['Name']; } } return $list; } /** * Host Name * * @return void */ private function _hostname() { if (PSI_USE_VHOST === true) { if ($hnm = getenv('SERVER_NAME')) $this->sys->setHostname($hnm); } else { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_ComputerSystem', array('Name')); if ($buffer) { $result = $buffer[0]['Name']; $ip = gethostbyname($result); if ($ip != $result) { $long = ip2long($ip); if (($long >= 167772160 && $long <= 184549375) || ($long >= -1408237568 && $long <= -1407188993) || ($long >= -1062731776 && $long <= -1062666241) || ($long >= 2130706432 && $long <= 2147483647) || $long == -1) { $this->sys->setHostname($result); //internal ip } else { $this->sys->setHostname(gethostbyaddr($ip)); } } } else { if ($hnm = getenv('COMPUTERNAME')) $this->sys->setHostname($hnm); } } } /** * IP of the Canonical Host Name * * @return void */ private function _ip() { if (PSI_USE_VHOST === true) { if ((($hnm=$this->sys->getHostname()) != 'localhost') && (($hip=gethostbyname($hnm)) != $hnm)) $this->sys->setIp($hip); } else { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_ComputerSystem', array('Name')); if ($buffer) { $result = $buffer[0]['Name']; $this->sys->setIp(gethostbyname($result)); } else { if ((($hnm=$this->sys->getHostname()) != 'localhost') && (($hip=gethostbyname($hnm)) != $hnm)) $this->sys->setIp($hip); } } } /** * UpTime * time the system is running * * @return void */ private function _uptime() { $result = 0; date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('LastBootUpTime', 'LocalDateTime')); if ($buffer) { $byear = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LastBootUpTime'], 0, 4)); $bmonth = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LastBootUpTime'], 4, 2)); $bday = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LastBootUpTime'], 6, 2)); $bhour = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LastBootUpTime'], 8, 2)); $bminute = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LastBootUpTime'], 10, 2)); $bseconds = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LastBootUpTime'], 12, 2)); $lyear = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LocalDateTime'], 0, 4)); $lmonth = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LocalDateTime'], 4, 2)); $lday = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LocalDateTime'], 6, 2)); $lhour = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LocalDateTime'], 8, 2)); $lminute = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LocalDateTime'], 10, 2)); $lseconds = intval(substr($buffer[0]['LocalDateTime'], 12, 2)); $boottime = mktime($bhour, $bminute, $bseconds, $bmonth, $bday, $byear); $localtime = mktime($lhour, $lminute, $lseconds, $lmonth, $lday, $lyear); $result = $localtime - $boottime; $this->sys->setUptime($result); } } /** * Number of Users * * @return void */ private function _users() { if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("quser", "", $strBuf, false) && (strlen(trim($strBuf)) > 0)) { $lines = preg_split('/\n/', $strBuf); $users = count($lines)-1; } else { $users = 0; $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Process', array('Caption')); foreach ($buffer as $process) { if (strtoupper($process['Caption']) == strtoupper('explorer.exe')) { $users++; } } } $this->sys->setUsers($users); } /** * Distribution * * @return void */ private function _distro() { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('Version', 'ServicePackMajorVersion', 'Caption', 'OSArchitecture')); if ($buffer) { $kernel = $buffer[0]['Version']; if ($buffer[0]['ServicePackMajorVersion'] > 0) { $kernel .= ' SP'.$buffer[0]['ServicePackMajorVersion']; } if (isset($buffer[0]['OSArchitecture']) && preg_match("/^(\d+)/", $buffer[0]['OSArchitecture'], $bits)) { $this->sys->setKernel($kernel.' ('.$bits[1].'-bit)'); } elseif (($allCpus = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Processor', array('AddressWidth'))) && isset($allCpus[0]['AddressWidth'])) { $this->sys->setKernel($kernel.' ('.$allCpus[0]['AddressWidth'].'-bit)'); } else { $this->sys->setKernel($kernel); } $this->sys->setDistribution($buffer[0]['Caption']); if ((($kernel[1] == ".") && ($kernel[0] <5)) || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == "5.0.")) $icon = 'Win2000.png'; elseif ((substr($kernel, 0, 4) == "6.0.") || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == "6.1.")) $icon = 'WinVista.png'; elseif ((substr($kernel, 0, 4) == "6.2.") || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == "6.3.") || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == "6.4.") || (substr($kernel, 0, 5) == "10.0.")) $icon = 'Win8.png'; else $icon = 'WinXP.png'; $this->sys->setDistributionIcon($icon); } elseif (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("cmd", "/c ver 2>nul", $ver_value, false)) { if (preg_match("/ReactOS\r?\nVersion\s+(.+)/", $ver_value, $ar_temp)) { $this->sys->setDistribution("ReactOS"); $this->sys->setKernel($ar_temp[1]); $this->sys->setDistributionIcon('ReactOS.png'); } elseif (preg_match("/^(Microsoft [^\[]*)\s*\[\D*\s*(.+)\]/", $ver_value, $ar_temp)) { $this->sys->setDistribution($ar_temp[1]); $this->sys->setKernel($ar_temp[2]); $this->sys->setDistributionIcon('Win2000.png'); } else { $this->sys->setDistribution("WinNT"); $this->sys->setDistributionIcon('Win2000.png'); } } else { $this->sys->setDistribution("WinNT"); $this->sys->setDistributionIcon('Win2000.png'); } } /** * Processor Load * optionally create a loadbar * * @return void */ private function _loadavg() { $loadavg = ""; $sum = 0; $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Processor', array('LoadPercentage')); if ($buffer) { foreach ($buffer as $load) { $value = $load['LoadPercentage']; $loadavg .= $value.' '; $sum += $value; } $this->sys->setLoad(trim($loadavg)); if (PSI_LOAD_BAR) { $this->sys->setLoadPercent($sum / count($buffer)); } } } /** * CPU information * * @return void */ private function _cpuinfo() { $allCpus = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Processor', array('Name', 'L2CacheSize', 'CurrentClockSpeed', 'ExtClock', 'NumberOfCores', 'MaxClockSpeed')); foreach ($allCpus as $oneCpu) { $coreCount = 1; if (isset($oneCpu['NumberOfCores'])) { $coreCount = $oneCpu['NumberOfCores']; } for ($i = 0; $i < $coreCount; $i++) { $cpu = new CpuDevice(); $cpu->setModel($oneCpu['Name']); $cpu->setCache($oneCpu['L2CacheSize'] * 1024); $cpu->setCpuSpeed($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed']); $cpu->setBusSpeed($oneCpu['ExtClock']); if ($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed'] < $oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed']) $cpu->setCpuSpeedMax($oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed']); $this->sys->setCpus($cpu); } } } /** * Machine information * * @return void */ private function _machine() { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_ComputerSystem', array('Manufacturer', 'Model')); if ($buffer) { $buf = ""; if (isset($buffer[0]['Manufacturer'])) { $buf .= ' '.$buffer[0]['Manufacturer']; } if (isset($buffer[0]['Model'])) { $buf .= ' '.$buffer[0]['Model']; } if (trim($buf) != "") { $this->sys->setMachine(trim($buf)); } } } /** * Hardwaredevices * * @return void */ private function _hardware() { foreach ($this->_devicelist('PCI') as $pciDev) { $dev = new HWDevice(); $dev->setName($pciDev); $this->sys->setPciDevices($dev); } foreach ($this->_devicelist('IDE') as $ideDev) { $dev = new HWDevice(); $dev->setName($ideDev); $this->sys->setIdeDevices($dev); } foreach ($this->_devicelist('SCSI') as $scsiDev) { $dev = new HWDevice(); $dev->setName($scsiDev); $this->sys->setScsiDevices($dev); } foreach ($this->_devicelist('USB') as $usbDev) { $dev = new HWDevice(); $dev->setName($usbDev); $this->sys->setUsbDevices($dev); } } /** * Network devices * * @return void */ private function _network() { $allDevices = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface', array('Name', 'BytesSentPersec', 'BytesTotalPersec', 'BytesReceivedPersec', 'PacketsReceivedErrors', 'PacketsReceivedDiscarded')); $allNetworkAdapterConfigurations = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', array('Description', 'MACAddress', 'IPAddress', 'SettingID')); foreach ($allDevices as $device) { $dev = new NetDevice(); $name=$device['Name']; if (preg_match('/^isatap\.({[A-Fa-f0-9\-]*})/', $name, $ar_name)) { //isatap device foreach ($allNetworkAdapterConfigurations as $NetworkAdapterConfiguration) { if ($ar_name[1]==$NetworkAdapterConfiguration['SettingID']) { $dev->setName($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['Description']); if (defined('PSI_SHOW_NETWORK_INFOS') && PSI_SHOW_NETWORK_INFOS) { $dev->setInfo(preg_replace('/:/', '-', $NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress'])); if (isset($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['IPAddress'])) foreach($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['IPAddress'] as $ipaddres) if (($ipaddres!="") && !preg_match('/^fe80::/i', $ipaddres)) $dev->setInfo(($dev->getInfo()?$dev->getInfo().';':'').$ipaddres); } break; } } } if ($dev->getName() == "") { //no isatap or no isatap description $cname=preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '_', $name); //convert to canonical if (preg_match('/\s-\s([^-]*)$/', $name, $ar_name)) $name=substr($name, 0, strlen($name)-strlen($ar_name[0])); $dev->setName($name); if (defined('PSI_SHOW_NETWORK_INFOS') && PSI_SHOW_NETWORK_INFOS) foreach ($allNetworkAdapterConfigurations as $NetworkAdapterConfiguration) { if (preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '_', $NetworkAdapterConfiguration['Description']) == $cname) { if (!is_null($dev->getInfo())) { $dev->setInfo(''); //multiple with the same name } else { $dev->setInfo(preg_replace('/:/', '-', $NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress'])); if (isset($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['IPAddress'])) foreach($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['IPAddress'] as $ipaddres) if (($ipaddres!="") && !preg_match('/^fe80::/i', $ipaddres)) $dev->setInfo(($dev->getInfo()?$dev->getInfo().';':'').$ipaddres); } } } } // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wmisdk/wmi/win32_perfrawdata_tcpip_networkinterface.asp // there is a possible bug in the wmi interfaceabout uint32 and uint64: http://www.ureader.com/message/1244948.aspx, so that // magative numbers would occour, try to calculate the nagative value from total - positive number $txbytes = $device['BytesSentPersec']; $rxbytes = $device['BytesReceivedPersec']; if (($txbytes < 0) && ($rxbytes < 0)) { $txbytes += 4294967296; $rxbytes += 4294967296; } elseif ($txbytes < 0) { if ($device['BytesTotalPersec'] > $rxbytes) $txbytes = $device['BytesTotalPersec'] - $rxbytes; else $txbytes += 4294967296; } elseif ($rxbytes < 0) { if ($device['BytesTotalPersec'] > $txbytes) $rxbytes = $device['BytesTotalPersec'] - $txbytes; else $rxbytes += 4294967296; } $dev->setTxBytes($txbytes); $dev->setRxBytes($rxbytes); $dev->setErrors($device['PacketsReceivedErrors']); $dev->setDrops($device['PacketsReceivedDiscarded']); $this->sys->setNetDevices($dev); } } /** * Physical memory information and Swap Space information * * @link http://msdn2.microsoft.com/En-US/library/aa394239.aspx * @link http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394246.aspx * @return void */ private function _memory() { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, "Win32_OperatingSystem", array('TotalVisibleMemorySize', 'FreePhysicalMemory')); if ($buffer) { $this->sys->setMemTotal($buffer[0]['TotalVisibleMemorySize'] * 1024); $this->sys->setMemFree($buffer[0]['FreePhysicalMemory'] * 1024); $this->sys->setMemUsed($this->sys->getMemTotal() - $this->sys->getMemFree()); } $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PageFileUsage'); foreach ($buffer as $swapdevice) { $dev = new DiskDevice(); $dev->setName("SWAP"); $dev->setMountPoint($swapdevice['Name']); $dev->setTotal($swapdevice['AllocatedBaseSize'] * 1024 * 1024); $dev->setUsed($swapdevice['CurrentUsage'] * 1024 * 1024); $dev->setFree($dev->getTotal() - $dev->getUsed()); $dev->setFsType('swap'); $this->sys->setSwapDevices($dev); } } /** * filesystem information * * @return void */ private function _filesystems() { $typearray = array('Unknown', 'No Root Directory', 'Removable Disk', 'Local Disk', 'Network Drive', 'Compact Disc', 'RAM Disk'); $floppyarray = array('Unknown', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', 'Other', 'HD', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '8 in.'); $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_LogicalDisk', array('Name', 'Size', 'FreeSpace', 'FileSystem', 'DriveType', 'MediaType')); foreach ($buffer as $filesystem) { $dev = new DiskDevice(); $dev->setMountPoint($filesystem['Name']); $dev->setFsType($filesystem['FileSystem']); if ($filesystem['Size'] > 0) { $dev->setTotal($filesystem['Size']); $dev->setFree($filesystem['FreeSpace']); $dev->setUsed($filesystem['Size'] - $filesystem['FreeSpace']); } if ($filesystem['MediaType'] != "" && $filesystem['DriveType'] == 2) { $dev->setName($typearray[$filesystem['DriveType']]." (".$floppyarray[$filesystem['MediaType']].")"); } else { $dev->setName($typearray[$filesystem['DriveType']]); } $this->sys->setDiskDevices($dev); } if (!$buffer && ($this->sys->getDistribution()=="ReactOS")) { // test for command 'free' on current disk if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("cmd", "/c free 2>nul", $out_value, true)) { for ($letter='A'; $letter!='AA'; $letter++) if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("cmd", "/c free ".$letter.": 2>nul", $out_value, false)) { if (preg_match('/\n\s*([\d\.\,]+).*\n\s*([\d\.\,]+).*\n\s*([\d\.\,]+).*$/', $out_value, $out_dig)) { $size = preg_replace('/(\.)|(\,)/', '', $out_dig[1]); $used = preg_replace('/(\.)|(\,)/', '', $out_dig[2]); $free = preg_replace('/(\.)|(\,)/', '', $out_dig[3]); if ($used + $free == $size) { $dev = new DiskDevice(); $dev->setMountPoint($letter.":"); $dev->setFsType('Unknown'); $dev->setTotal($size); $dev->setFree($free); $dev->setUsed($used); $this->sys->setDiskDevices($dev); } } } } } } /** * get os specific encoding * * @see OS::getEncoding() * * @return string */ public function getEncoding() { return $this->_codepage; } /** * get os specific language * * @see OS::getLanguage() * * @return string */ public function getLanguage() { return $this->_syslang; } public function _processes() { $processes['*'] = 0; if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("qprocess", "*", $strBuf, false) && (strlen(trim($strBuf)) > 0)) { $lines = preg_split('/\n/', $strBuf); $processes['*'] = (count($lines)-1) - 3 ; //correction for process "qprocess *" } if ($processes['*'] <= 0) { $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Process', array('Caption')); $processes['*'] = count($buffer); } $processes[' '] = $processes['*']; $this->sys->setProcesses($processes); } /** * get the information * * @see PSI_Interface_OS::build() * * @return Void */ public function build() { $this->_distro(); if ($this->sys->getDistribution()=="ReactOS") { $this->error->addError("WARN", "The ReactOS version of phpSysInfo is a work in progress, some things currently don't work"); } $this->_hostname(); $this->_ip(); $this->_users(); $this->_machine(); $this->_uptime(); $this->_cpuinfo(); $this->_network(); $this->_hardware(); $this->_filesystems(); $this->_memory(); $this->_loadavg(); $this->_processes(); } }