* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: class.ps.inc.php 692 2012-09-08 17:12:08Z namiltd $ * @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net */ /** * process Plugin, which displays all running processes * a simple tree view which is filled with the running processes which are determined by * calling the "ps" command line utility, another way is to provide * a file with the output of the ps utility, so there is no need to run a execute by the * webserver, the format of the command is written down in the phpsysinfo.ini file, where also * the method of getting the information is configured * * @category PHP * @package PSI_Plugin_PS * @author Michael Cramer * @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @version Release: 3.0 * @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net */ class PS extends PSI_Plugin { /** * variable, which holds the content of the command * @var array */ private $_filecontent = array(); /** * variable, which holds the result before the xml is generated out of this array * @var array */ private $_result = array(); /** * read the data into an internal array and also call the parent constructor * * @param String $enc encoding */ public function __construct($enc) { parent::__construct(__CLASS__, $enc); switch (strtolower(PSI_PLUGIN_PS_ACCESS)) { case 'command': if (PSI_OS == 'WINNT') { try { $objLocator = new COM("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); $wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(); $os_wmi = $wmi->InstancesOf('Win32_OperatingSystem'); foreach ($os_wmi as $os) { $memtotal = $os->TotalVisibleMemorySize * 1024; } $process_wmi = $wmi->InstancesOf('Win32_Process'); foreach ($process_wmi as $process) { if (strlen(trim($process->CommandLine)) > 0) { $ps = trim($process->CommandLine); } else { $ps = trim($process->Caption); } if (trim($process->ProcessId) != 0) { $memusage = round(trim($process->WorkingSetSize) * 100 / $memtotal, 1); //ParentProcessId //Unique identifier of the process that creates a process. Process identifier numbers are reused, so they //only identify a process for the lifetime of that process. It is possible that the process identified by //ParentProcessId is terminated, so ParentProcessId may not refer to a running process. It is also //possible that ParentProcessId incorrectly refers to a process that reuses a process identifier. You can //use the CreationDate property to determine whether the specified parent was created after the process //represented by this Win32_Process instance was created. //=> subtrees of processes may be missing (WHAT TODO?!?) $this->_filecontent[] = trim($process->ProcessId)." ".trim($process->ParentProcessId)." ".$memusage." ".$ps; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } } else { CommonFunctions::executeProgram("ps", "axo pid,ppid,pmem,args", $buffer, PSI_DEBUG); if (((PSI_OS == 'Linux') || (PSI_OS == 'Android')) && (!preg_match("/^[^\n]+\n.+/", $buffer))) { //alternative method if no data if (CommonFunctions::rfts('/proc/meminfo', $mbuf)) { $bufe = preg_split("/\n/", $mbuf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $totalmem = 0; foreach ($bufe as $buf) { if (preg_match('/^MemTotal:\s+(.*)\s*kB/i', $buf, $ar_buf)) { $totalmem = $ar_buf[1]; break; } } $buffer = " PID PPID %MEM COMMAND\n"; $processlist = glob('/proc/*/status', GLOB_NOSORT); if (($total = count($processlist)) > 0) { natsort($processlist); //first sort $prosess = array(); foreach ($processlist as $processitem) { //second sort $process[] = $processitem; } $buf = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { if (CommonFunctions::rfts($process[$i], $buf, 0, 4096, false)) { if (($totalmem != 0) && (preg_match('/^VmRSS:\s+(\d+)\s+kB/m', $buf, $tmppmem))) { $pmem = round(100 * $tmppmem[1] / $totalmem, 1); } else { $pmem = 0; } $name = null; if (CommonFunctions::rfts(substr($process[$i], 0, strlen($process[$i])-6)."cmdline", $namebuf, 0, 4096, false)) { $name = str_replace(chr(0), ' ', trim($namebuf)); } if (preg_match('/^Pid:\s+(\d+)/m', $buf, $tmppid) && preg_match('/^PPid:\s+(\d+)/m', $buf, $tmpppid) && preg_match('/^Name:\s+(.+)/m', $buf, $tmpargs)) { $pid = $tmppid[1]; $ppid = $tmpppid[1]; $args = $tmpargs[1]; if ($name !== null) { if ($name !== "") { $args = $name; } else { $args = "[".$args."]"; } } $buffer .= $pid." ".$ppid." ".$pmem." ".$args."\n"; } } } } } } } break; case 'data': CommonFunctions::rfts(APP_ROOT."/data/ps.txt", $buffer); break; default: $this->global_error->addConfigError("__construct()", "PSI_PLUGIN_PS_ACCESS"); break; } if (PSI_OS != 'WINNT') { if (trim($buffer) != "") { $this->_filecontent = preg_split("/\n/", $buffer, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); unset($this->_filecontent[0]); } else { $this->_filecontent = array(); } } } /** * doing all tasks to get the required informations that the plugin needs * result is stored in an internal array
the array is build like a tree, * so that it is possible to get only a specific process with the childs * * @return void */ public function execute() { if (empty($this->_filecontent)) { return; } foreach ($this->_filecontent as $roworig) { $row = preg_split("/[\s]+/", trim($roworig), 4); if (count($row) != 4) { break; } foreach ($row as $key=>$val) { $items[$row[0]][$key] = $val; } if ($row[1] !== $row[0]) { $items[$row[1]]['childs'][$row[0]] = &$items[$row[0]]; } } foreach ($items as $item) { //find zombie if (!isset($item[0])) { foreach ($item["childs"] as $subitem) { $zombie = $subitem[1]; if ($zombie != 0) { $items[$zombie]["0"] = $zombie; $items[$zombie]["1"] = "0"; $items[$zombie]["2"] = "0"; $items[$zombie]["3"] = "unknown"; $items[0]['childs'][$zombie] = &$items[$zombie]; } break; //first is sufficient } } } if (isset($items[0])) { $this->_result = $items[0]; } else { $_result = array(); } } /** * generates the XML content for the plugin * * @return SimpleXMLElement entire XML content for the plugin */ public function xml() { if ($this->_result) { $positions = array(0=>0); $this->_addchild($this->_result['childs'], $this->xml, $positions); } return $this->xml->getSimpleXmlElement(); } /** * recursive function to allow appending child processes to a parent process * * @param Array $child part of the array which should be appended to the XML * @param SimpleXMLExtended $xml XML-Object to which the array content is appended * @param Array &$positions array with parent positions in xml structure * * @return SimpleXMLExtended Object with the appended array content */ private function _addchild($child, SimpleXMLExtended $xml, &$positions) { foreach ($child as $key=>$value) { $xmlnode = $xml->addChild("Process"); if (isset($value[0])) { array_push($positions, $value[0]); $xmlnode->addAttribute('PID', $value[0]); $parentid = array_search($value[1], $positions); $xmlnode->addAttribute('ParentID', $parentid); $xmlnode->addAttribute('PPID', $value[1]); $xmlnode->addAttribute('MemoryUsage', $value[2]); $xmlnode->addAttribute('Name', str_replace("...","",$value[3])); if (PSI_OS !== 'WINNT') { if ($parentid === 1){ $xmlnode->addAttribute('Expanded', 0); } if (defined('PSI_PLUGIN_PS_SHOW_KTHREADD_EXPANDED') && (PSI_PLUGIN_PS_SHOW_KTHREADD_EXPANDED === false) && ($value[3] === "[kthreadd]")) { $xmlnode->addAttribute('Expanded', 0); } } } if (isset($value['childs'])) { $this->_addChild($value['childs'], $xml, $positions); } } return $xml; } }