* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: class.psstatus.inc.php 692 2012-09-08 17:12:08Z namiltd $ * @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net */ /** * process Plugin, which displays the status of configured processes * a simple view which shows a process name and the status * status determined by calling the "pidof" command line utility, another way is to provide * a file with the output of the pidof utility, so there is no need to run a executeable by the * webserver, the format of the command is written down in the phpsysinfo.ini file, where also * the method of getting the information is configured * processes that should be checked are also defined in phpsysinfo.ini * * @category PHP * @package PSI_Plugin_PSStatus * @author Michael Cramer * @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License * @version Release: 3.0 * @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net */ class PSStatus extends PSI_Plugin { /** * variable, which holds the content of the command * @var array */ private $_filecontent = array(); /** * variable, which holds the result before the xml is generated out of this array * @var array */ private $_result = array(); /** * read the data into an internal array and also call the parent constructor * * @param String $enc target encoding */ public function __construct($enc) { parent::__construct(__CLASS__, $enc); switch (strtolower(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_ACCESS)) { case 'command': if (PSI_OS == 'WINNT') { try { $objLocator = new COM("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); $wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(); $process_wmi = $wmi->InstancesOf('Win32_Process'); foreach ($process_wmi as $process) { $this->_filecontent[] = array(strtolower(trim($process->Caption)), trim($process->ProcessId)); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } else { if (defined('PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES') && is_string(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES)) { if (preg_match(ARRAY_EXP, PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES)) { $processes = eval(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES); } else { $processes = array(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES); } if (defined('PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_USE_REGEX') && PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_USE_REGEX === true) { foreach ($processes as $process) { CommonFunctions::executeProgram("pgrep", "-n -x ".$process, $buffer, PSI_DEBUG); if (strlen(trim($buffer)) > 0) { $this->_filecontent[] = array($process, trim($buffer)); } } } else { foreach ($processes as $process) { CommonFunctions::executeProgram("pidof", "-s ".$process, $buffer, PSI_DEBUG); if (strlen(trim($buffer)) > 0) { $this->_filecontent[] = array($process, trim($buffer)); } } } } } break; case 'data': CommonFunctions::rfts(APP_ROOT."/data/psstatus.txt", $buffer); $processes = preg_split("/\n/", $buffer, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($processes as $process) { $ps = preg_split("/[\s]?\|[\s]?/", $process, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($ps) == 2) { $this->_filecontent[] = array(trim($ps[0]), trim($ps[1])); } } break; default: $this->global_error->addError("switch(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_ACCESS)", "Bad psstatus configuration in phpsysinfo.ini"); break; } } /** * doing all tasks to get the required informations that the plugin needs * result is stored in an internal array
the array is build like a tree, * so that it is possible to get only a specific process with the childs * * @return void */ public function execute() { if (empty($this->_filecontent)) { return; } if (defined('PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES') && is_string(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES)) { if (preg_match(ARRAY_EXP, PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES)) { $processes = eval(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES); } else { $processes = array(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_PROCESSES); } if ((PSI_OS == 'WINNT') && (strtolower(PSI_PLUGIN_PSSTATUS_ACCESS) == 'command')) { foreach ($processes as $process) { if ($this->_recursiveinarray(strtolower($process), $this->_filecontent)) { $this->_result[] = array($process, true); } else { $this->_result[] = array($process, false); } } } else { foreach ($processes as $process) { if ($this->_recursiveinarray($process, $this->_filecontent)) { $this->_result[] = array($process, true); } else { $this->_result[] = array($process, false); } } } } } /** * generates the XML content for the plugin * * @return SimpleXMLElement entire XML content for the plugin */ public function xml() { foreach ($this->_result as $ps) { $xmlps = $this->xml->addChild("Process"); $xmlps->addAttribute("Name", $ps[0]); $xmlps->addAttribute("Status", $ps[1] ? 1 : 0); } return $this->xml->getSimpleXmlElement(); } /** * checks an array recursive if an value is in, extended version of in_array() * * @param mixed $needle what to find * @param array $haystack where to find * * @return boolean true - found
false - not found */ private function _recursiveinarray($needle, $haystack) { foreach ($haystack as $stalk) { if ($needle == $stalk || (is_array($stalk) && $this->_recursiveinarray($needle, $stalk))) { return true; } } return false; } }