
217 lines
6.6 KiB

#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Update pathname appropriately to where you have Perl installed
# And update the path below of the configuration file as appropriate.
$lpinfo_ph = "/usr/local/lprng/info/";
#-------------- Should be fairly boilerplate from here on out --------------
# lpinfo_lprm - a Perl script to allow httpd to lprm selected jobs
# Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Alek Komarnitsky,
# Use and distribution of this software is covered by the GNU GPL license.
# Please see the LICENSE file and
# Note: this will only work if the print server is running LPRng ...
$debug = 0;
require 5.002;
use Socket;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n\n" ;
print $meta_tags if ( defined($meta_tags));
#Grab stuff from ...
if ( -r "$lpinfo_ph" ) {
require "$lpinfo_ph";
} else {
print "could not open $lpinfo_ph - serious error ... \n";
$| = 1;
$printer = $in{'printer'};
$jobnumber = $in{'jobnumber'};
if ( defined($in{'printserver'})) {
$printserver = $in{'printserver'};
} else {
$printserver = "unix";
$queue_is_nt = $in{'queue_is_nt'} if ( defined($in{'queue_is_nt'})) ;
$adminmode = 0;
$_ = get_env_variable("^SCRIPT_NAME");
if ( $_ eq $lprmURLadmin ) {
$_ = get_env_variable("^REMOTE_USER");
$adminmode = $_;
print "adminmode is $adminmode <br> " if ($debug);
$_ = get_env_variable("^REMOTE_ADDR");
print "We got $_ as the REMOTE ADDR <br> " if ($debug);
if ( $queue_is_nt) {
$browserhost = $_;
} else {
if ( $_ ne "" ) {
@iplist = split(/\./,$_);
$ip = pack('C4',@iplist);
$browserhost = gethostbyaddr($ip,AF_INET);
$browserhost = get_env_variable("^REMOTE_ADDR") if ( $browserhost eq "");
print "We got $browserhost as the browserhost <br> " if ($debug);
if ( (! defined($in{'printer'}) ) || (! defined($in{'jobnumber'}) )) {
close_er_out ("Did not get everything in that we needed ... <br> printer was $printer and $jobnumber was $jobnumber and browserhost was $browserhost and adminmode was $adminmode");
print "<br><br> printer is $printer and jobnumber is $jobnumber and browserhost is $browserhost and printserver is $printserver and queue_is_nt is $queue_is_nt end <br>" if ( $debug );
$findjob = &find_job;
if ( $findjob =~ "FAILED" ) {
print "<br>sending $lprm_suid $adminmode $browserhost $printer $printserver $jobnumber\n" if ($debug);
$lprmout = `$lprm_suid $adminmode $browserhost $printer $printserver $jobnumber`;
print "<br><br>from lprm_suid, we got $lprmout <br> " if ($debug);
if ( $lprmout eq "" ) {
&close_er_out("FAILED: lprm returned nothing, which typically means it failed");
} else {
#Lets see if it really got removed ...
if ($lprmout =~ /Queue Purged/ ) {
$findjob = "Could not find any job";
} else {
$findjob = &find_job;
print "<br>second findjob shows $findjob <br>" if ($debug);
if ("$findjob" =~ "Could not find any job" ) {
close_er_out("SUCCESS: Print job $jobnumber \@ $jobhost on $printer removed");
} else {
close_er_out("FAILED: lprm of job $jobnumber \@ jobhost on $printer failed from $browserhost");
print "at the end</html>";
sub find_job {
if ( defined($in{'queue_is_nt'})) {
$command = "$lpq_nt $printer $printserver" ;
} else {
$command = "$lpq -P$printer $jobnumber";
print "executing $command <br> " if ($debug);
@lpqout = `$command`;
# Parse output and stuff everything below "Rank Owner/ID" into @jobs
foreach $_ (@lpqout) {
next if ($_ =~ /^\s*$/);
if ($foundrank ) {
push (@jobs,$_);
$foundrank = 1 if ( $_ =~ "Rank Owner/ID") ;
if ($queue_is_nt) {
$foundrank = 1 if ( $_ =~ /--------------------/) ;
# Make sure that we can find the job ... in case user goofs we can tell them that ...
foreach $_ (@jobs) {
($rank,$owner,$class,$job,$misc) = split();
print "<br>rank is $rank owner is $owner class is $class job is $job misc is $misc\n" if ($debug);
$foundjob = 1 if (($queue_is_nt) && ( $jobnumber eq "all"));
if ( $job eq $jobnumber ) {
$foundjob = 1;
if ( ($jobnumber eq "all") && ( $foundrank) ) {
return("SUCCESS: all found some jobs");
if (! $foundjob ) {
return ("FAILED: Could not find any job $jobnumber in $printer");
# Lets see if it truly comes from your machine ...
$_ = $owner;
$jobhost = $_;
print "jobhost is $jobhost \n" if ( $debug );
if (($jobhost ne $browserhost ) && ( ! ($adminmode) ) ){
close_er_out("FAILED: Print job $jobnumber on $printer came from $jobhost, not your machine $browserhost");
return ("at the end of findjob");
sub close_er_out {
print "<br><br> @_ ";
if ( $adminmode ) {
print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$thisURLadmin?printer=$printer\" target=bottom>";
} else {
print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$thisURL?printer=$printer\" target=bottom>";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"printer\" value=\"$printer\">";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auto\" value=\"0\">";
print "<br><br><center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go back to queue status\">";
print "</form></html>";
# HTML parsing ...
sub ReadParse {
if (@_) { local (*in) = @_; }
local ($i, $loc, $key, $val);
# Read in text
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") {
} elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") {
for ($i = 0; $i < $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; $i++) {
$in .= getc; }
@in = split(/&/,$in);
foreach $i (0 .. $#in) {
# Convert plus's to spaces
$_ = $in[$i];
$in[$i] = &sanitize($_);
$in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g;
# Convert %XX from hex numbers to alphanumeric
$in[$i] =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
# Split into key and value.
$loc = index($in[$i],"=");
$key = substr($in[$i],0,$loc);
$val = substr($in[$i],$loc+1);
$in{$key} .= '\0' if (defined($in{$key})); # \0 is the multiple separator
$in{$key} .= $val;
# Added per CERT advistory - send Alek EMail if you want changes here ...
sub sanitize {
local ($OK_CHARS);
$OK_CHARS='-a-zA-Z0-9_.@=?+/ \s';
return $_;
sub get_env_variable{
$env_variable = @_[0];
@env = `env`;
chomp($_ = $array[0]);
$_ = &sanitize($_);
return $_;