package SrvMngr::Controller::Qmh; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # heading : System # description : E-Mail queue management # navigation : 4000 550 # menu : A # # name : qmhandle, method : get, url : /qmh, ctlact : qmh#main # name : qmhandle2, method : post, url : /qmh, ctlact : qmh#do_update # name : qmhandled, method : get, url : /qmh2, ctlact : qmh#do_update # routes : end # Copyright (C) 2005/2008 Peter Schubert, SACO Software and Consulting GmbH #---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use esmith::FormMagick qw(gen_locale_date_string); use esmith::ConfigDB; use Locale::gettext; use SrvMngr::I18N; use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session); our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die 'Cannot open configuration base'; sub main { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my %qmh_datas = (); my $title = $c->l('qmh_QMH_TITLE'); $qmh_datas{'trt'} = 'LST'; $qmh_datas{'altq'} = 0; $c->stash( title => $title, qmh_datas => \%qmh_datas ); $c->render('qmh'); }; sub do_update { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my %qmh_datas = (); my $result = ""; my $report_type = $c->param('Report_type'); my $trt = $c->param('trt'); $qmh_datas{'trt'} = $trt; my $altq = $c->param('altq'); $qmh_datas{'altq'} = $altq; if ($trt eq 'LST') { if ($report_type =~ /^(\S+)$/) { $report_type = $1; } else { $result = $c->l('INVALID_REPORT_TYPE') . " : $report_type"; $report_type = undef; } $altq = 0; my $function = $report_type || ''; if ($function =~ s/^alt-//) { $altq = 1; } $qmh_datas{'altq'} = $altq; if ($function eq 'list-queues') { $result = showListQueues ($c, $altq); } elsif ($function eq 'list-local-queue') { $result = showListLocalQueue ($c, $altq); } elsif ($function eq 'list-remote-queue') { $result = showListRemoteQueue ($c, $altq); } elsif ($function eq 'resend') { $result = resend($c, $altq); } $qmh_datas{'trt'} = 'REP'; } if ($trt eq 'REP') { $c->redirect_to('/qmh'); } if ($trt eq 'MSG') { my $msgid = $c->param('msgid'); $result = $c->render_to_string(inline => showDeleteMessageNumber($c, $msgid, $altq, $report_type)) if $msgid; $qmh_datas{'msgid'} = $msgid; } if ($trt eq 'DEL') { my $msgid = $c->param('msgid'); $result = $c->render_to_string(inline => deleteMessageNumber($c, $msgid, $altq, $report_type)) if $msgid; my $message = $c->l('qmh_DELETE') . '
' . $msgid; #$c->app->log->info($message.' '.$result); } my $title = $c->l('qmh_QMH_TITLE'); $c->stash( title => $title, qmh_datas => \%qmh_datas, modul => $result ); $c->render('qmh'); }; sub reportType_list { my $c = shift; my $rec = $cdb->get('altqmail'); my $altqmail = ($cdb->get('altqmail')->value || 0) if $rec; return [[ $c->l('qmh_LIST_QUEUE') => 'list-queues' ], [ $c->l('qmh_LIST_LOCAL_QUEUE') => 'list-local-queue' ], [ $c->l('qmh_LIST_REMOTE_QUEUE') => 'list-remote-queue' ], [ $c->l('qmh_RESEND_QUEUE') => 'resend' ]] unless $altqmail; return [[ $c->l('qmh_LIST_QUEUE') => 'list-queues' ], [ $c->l('qmh_LIST_LOCAL_QUEUE') => 'list-local-queue' ], [ $c->l('qmh_LIST_REMOTE_QUEUE') => 'list-remote-queue' ], [ $c->l('qmh_RESEND_QUEUE') => 'resend' ], [ "altqmail: ". $c->l('qmh_LIST_QUEUE') => 'alt-list-queues' ], [ "altqmail: ". $c->l('qmh_LIST_LOCAL_QUEUE') => 'alt-list-local-queue' ], [ "altqmail: ". $c->l('qmh_LIST_REMOTE_QUEUE') => 'alt-list-remote-queue' ], [ "altqmail: ". $c->l('qmh_RESEND_QUEUE') => 'alt-resend' ]]; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # subroutine to showListQueues #------------------------------------------------------------ sub showListQueues { my ($c, $altq) = @_; my $out = ''; my $reporttype = 'list-queues'; my $opt = ($altq ? 'altqmail: ' : ''); $out .= sprintf("


", $opt . $c->l('qmh_SHOWLISTQUEUES')); $out .= sprintf("%s
%s", $c->l('qmh_VIEW_TIME'), scalar localtime(time)); $opt = ($altq ? '-X -l' : '-l'); my $MailQueues = `/usr/bin/qmHandle $opt`; $MailQueues =~ s//'/g; $MailQueues = AddLinks($MailQueues, $altq, $reporttype); $out .= sprintf "
    $out .= "$MailQueues";
    $out .= sprintf "
"; $out .= sprintf ""; return $out; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # subroutine to showListLocalQueue #------------------------------------------------------------ sub showListLocalQueue { my ($c, $altq) = @_; my $out = ''; my $reporttype = 'list-local-queue'; my $opt = ($altq ? 'altqmail: ' : ''); $out .= sprintf("


", $opt . $c->l('qmh_LIST_LOCAL_QUEUE')); $out .= sprintf("%s
%s", $c->l('qmh_VIEW_TIME'), scalar localtime(time)); $opt = ($altq ? '-X -L' : '-L'); my $LocalQueue = `/usr/bin/qmHandle $opt`; $LocalQueue =~ s//'/g; $LocalQueue = AddLinks($LocalQueue, $altq, $reporttype); $out .= sprintf "
    $out .= "$LocalQueue";
    $out .= sprintf "
"; $out .= sprintf ""; return $out; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # subroutine to showListRemoteQueue #------------------------------------------------------------ sub showListRemoteQueue { my ($c, $altq) = @_; my $out = ''; my $reporttype = 'list-remote-queue'; my $opt = ($altq ? 'altqmail: ' : ''); $out .= sprintf("


", $opt . $c->l('qmh_LIST_REMOTE_QUEUE')); $out .= sprintf("%s
%s", $c->l('qmh_VIEW_TIME'), scalar localtime(time)); $opt = ($altq ? '-X -R' : '-R'); my $RemoteQueue = `/usr/bin/qmHandle $opt`; $RemoteQueue =~ s//'/g; $RemoteQueue = AddLinks($RemoteQueue, $altq, $reporttype); $out .= sprintf "
    $out .= "$RemoteQueue";
    $out .= sprintf "
"; $out .= sprintf ""; return $out; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # subroutine to send ALARM to qmail #------------------------------------------------------------ sub resend { my ($c, $altq) = @_; my $out = ''; my $reporttype = 'resend'; my $opt = ($altq ? 'altqmail: ' : ''); $out .= sprintf("


", $opt . $c->l('qmh_TRY_SEND_QUEUE')); $out .= sprintf("%s
%s", $c->l('qmh_SEND_QUEUE_AT'), scalar localtime(time)); $opt = ($altq ? '-X -a' : '-a'); my $Res = `/usr/bin/qmHandle $opt`; $Res =~ s//'/g; $Res = AddLinks($Res, $altq, $reporttype); $out .= sprintf "
    $out .= "$Res";
    $out .= sprintf "
"; $out .= sprintf ""; $out .= sprintf "


"; return $out; } sub AddLinks { my ($queues, $altq, $reporttype) = @_; my @splitq = split(/\n/, $queues); for (my $i = 0; $i < $#splitq; $i++) { if ($splitq[$i] =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\(\d+\,\s+\d+\/+\d+\)\s*)$/ ) { $splitq[$i] = "$1 $2"; } } $queues = join("\n", @splitq); return $queues; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # subroutine to showDeleteMessageNumber #------------------------------------------------------------ sub showDeleteMessageNumber { my ($c, $msgid, $altq, $reporttype) = @_; if ($msgid =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $msgid = $1; } else { $msgid = undef; } my $out = ''; my $opt = ($altq ? 'altqmail: ' : ''); $out .= sprintf("


", $opt . $c->l('qmh_DELETE_MSG_TITLEB')); $out .= sprintf("%s", $c->l('qmh_DELETE_MESSAGE')); $opt = ($altq ? "-X -m$msgid|head -100" : "-m$msgid|head -100"); my $Message = `/usr/bin/qmHandle $opt`; $out .= sprintf "
    $out .= "";
    $out .= sprintf "
"; $out .= sprintf ""; return $out; } sub deleteMessageNumber { my ($c, $msgid, $altq, $reporttype) = @_; if ($msgid =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $msgid = $1; } else { $msgid = undef; } my $out = ''; my $opt = ($altq ? "-X -d$msgid" : "-d$msgid"); my $Output = `/usr/bin/qmHandle $opt`; $out .= sprintf "
    $out .= "$Output";
    $out .= sprintf "
"; $out .= sprintf ""; return $out; } 1;