#!/usr/bin/perl -wT #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # heading : Administration # description : Update system # navigation : 4000 4390 # # copyright (C) Eneo Tecnología S.C. # contributor: Darrell May # contributor: Stephen Noble # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #---------------------------------------------------------------------- package esmith; use strict; use CGI ':all'; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use FileHandle; use esmith::cgi; use esmith::config; use esmith::util; use esmith::db; sub showInitial ($$); sub performAndShowResult ($); BEGIN { # Clear PATH and related environment variables so that calls to # external programs do not cause results to be tainted. See # "perlsec" manual page for details. #path hack see /sbin/e-smith/yum line 12 & 17 $ENV {'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $ENV {'SHELL'} = '/bin/bash'; delete $ENV {'ENV'}; } esmith::util::setRealToEffective (); my %conf; tie %conf, 'esmith::config'; #------------------------------------------------------------ # examine state parameter and display the appropriate form #------------------------------------------------------------ my $q = new CGI; if (! grep (/^state$/, $q->param)) { showInitial ($q, ''); } elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "perform") { performAndShowResult ($q); } else { esmith::cgi::genStateError ($q, \%conf); } exit (0); #------------------------------------------------------------ # subroutine to display initial form #------------------------------------------------------------ sub showInitial ($$) { my ($q, $msg) = @_; my %yesnoLabels = ('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'); if ($msg eq '') { esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, 'Update system'); } else { esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, 'Update system'); print $q->p ($msg); print $q->hr; } print $q->start_multipart_form ( -method => 'POST', -action => $q->url (-absolute => 1)); print $q->p ('The Update system panel is used for uploading and installing rpms. The rpm will be installed with YUM and will attempt to meet any dependancies from your configured repositories, if the dependancies fail the install will not proceed.

WARNING: as this is automatic, you are not given the [y/n] option to cancel.

Use the Browse button below to find the .rpm file on your workstation. The Update button will upload the file to the server and automatically launch the install process. When completed you will be shown a log file which you may review to see if the update was successful and without errors.

NOTE: The screen will not refresh until the install is complete'); print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4}, esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q, "Update file ", $q->filefield (-name => 'updateFile', -default => "update.rpm", -size => 32))); print $q->p (esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q, $q->submit (-name => 'action', -value => 'Update'))); print $q->hidden (-name => 'state', -override => 1, -default => 'perform'); print $q->endform; esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q); } sub performAndShowResult ($) { my ($q) = @_; my $updateFile = $q->param ('updateFile'); if (-e "/tmp/update.rpm") { unlink ("/tmp/update.rpm"); } if ("$updateFile" ne "") { unlink ("/tmp/update.rpm"); open (WR,">/tmp/update.rpm")||die ("Error while opening temporally file.\n"); while (<$updateFile>) { print WR; } close WR; } system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "update-system") == 0 or die ("Error occurred while updating the system.\n"); sleep 3; system ("/usr/bin/tail -200 /var/log/messages > /var/log/update-system.log") == 0 or die ("Error occurred while creating /var/log/update-system.log.\n"); esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable ($q, \%conf, "Update uploaded successfully"); print $q->p ('Your server has being updated. Please review the log file below for the last Processing event: update-system to make sure no errors occured.'); print ''; print $q->hr; if ( -f "/var/log/update-system.log" ) { print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4}); print "

      open (INF,"/var/log/update-system.log")
       or die ("can't open /var/log/update-system.log file: $1");

      while ()
          print "$_";

      close INF;
      print "
\n"; } else { print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4}, (esmith::cgi::genSmallRedCell ($q, "NOTE: You have no /var/log/update-system.log ". "file, you shouldn't see this?"))); } esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q); return; }