#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # mod_auth_tkt sample logout script # # Note that this needs script needs to be available locally on all domains # if using multiple domains (unlike login.cgi, which only needs to exist # on one domain). # use File::Basename; use lib dirname($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}); use Apache::AuthTkt 0.03; use CGI qw(:standard); use URI::Escape; use URI; use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configure this section to taste # CSS stylesheet to use (optional) my $STYLESHEET = '/server-common/css/tkt.css'; # Page title (optional) my $TITLE = ''; # Boolean flag, whether to fallback to HTTP_REFERER for back link my $BACK_REFERER = 1; # Additional cookies to clear on logout e.g. PHPSESSID my @NUKE_COOKIES = qw(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main code begins my $debug = 0; my $at = Apache::AuthTkt->new(conf => "/etc/e-smith/web/common/cgi-bin/AuthTKT.cfg"); my $q = CGI->new; my ($server_name, $server_port) = split /:/, $q->http('X-Forwarded-Host') || $ENV{HTTP_HOST}; #warn "servername is $server_name; HOST is $ENV{HTTP_HOST}\n"; $server_name ||= $ENV{SERVER_NAME}; $server_port ||= $ENV{SERVER_PORT}; $server_port = '443'; my $AUTH_DOMAIN = $server_name; my $back = $q->cookie($at->back_cookie_name) if $at->back_cookie_name; $back ||= $q->param($at->back_arg_name) if $at->back_arg_name; $back ||= $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} if $BACK_REFERER; $back = "/user-manager/"; if ($back && $back =~ m!^/!) { my $hostname = $server_name; my $port = $server_port; $hostname .= ':' . $port if $port && $port != 80 && $port != 443; $back = sprintf "http%s://%s%s", ($port == 443 ? 's' : ''), $hostname, $back; } elsif ($back && $back !~ m/^http/i) { $back = 'http://' . $back; } $back = uri_unescape($back) if $back =~ m/^https?%3A%2F%2F/; my $back_html = escapeHTML($back) if $back; # Logout by resetting the auth cookie my @cookies = cookie(-name => $at->cookie_name, -value => '', -expires => '-1h', ($AUTH_DOMAIN && $AUTH_DOMAIN =~ /\./ ? (-domain => $AUTH_DOMAIN) : ())); push @cookies, map { cookie(-name => $_, -value => '', -expires => '-1h') } @NUKE_COOKIES; my $redirected = 0; if ($back) { my $b = URI->new($back); # If $back domain doesn't match $AUTH_DOMAIN, add ticket reset to back if ($b->host !~ m/\b$AUTH_DOMAIN$/i) { $back .= $b->query ? '&' : '?'; $back .= $at->cookie_name . '='; } if ($debug) { print $q->header(-cookie => \@cookies); } else { # Set (local) cookie, and redirect to $back print $q->header( -cookie => \@cookies, # -location => $back, ); # For some reason, a Location: redirect doesn't seem to then see the cookie, # but a meta refresh one does - weird print $q->start_html( -head => meta({ -http_equiv => 'refresh', -content => "0;URL=$back" })); $redirected = 1; } } # If no $back, just set the auth cookie and hope for the best else { print $q->header(-cookie => \@cookies); } my @style = $STYLESHEET ? ('-style' => { src => $STYLESHEET }) : (); $TITLE ||= 'Logout Page'; unless ($redirected) { # If here, either some kind of error or no back ref found print $q->start_html( -title => $TITLE, @style, ); print <


EOD if ($debug) { print < back: $back back_html: $back_html EOD } print <You are now logged out.

EOD print qq(

Return to server manager login

\n) if $back_html; print < EOD } # arch-tag: 09c96fc6-5119-4c79-8086-6c6b24951f96 # vim:sw=2:sm:cin