
408 lines
12 KiB

package SrvMngr::Controller::Webhosting;
# heading : Network
# description : Webhosting
# navigation : 6000 150
# name : webhosting, method : get, url : /webhosting, ctlact : webhosting#main
# name : webhostingu, method : post, url : /webhosting, ctlact : webhosting#do_action
# name : webhostingr, method : get, url : /webhosting2, ctlact : webhosting#do_display
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw( theme_list init_session is_normal_password );
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
use esmith::php;
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
#TODO those 3 variables should be exported from esmith::php
our $defaultdisabledfunc='system,show_source,' .
'symlink,exec,dl,shell_exec,' .
'passthru,phpinfo,' .
our $BASEPHP = 54;
our %defaultproperties = (
MemoryLimit => '128M',
MaxExecutionTime => '30',
MaxInputTime => '60',
AllowUrlFopen => 'disabled',
PostMaxSize => '20M',
UploadMaxFilesize => '10M',
FileUpload => 'enabled',
PHPBaseDir => '/home/e-smith/files/ibays/$key:/var/lib/php/$key',
DisabledFunctions => $defaultdisabledfunc,
MailForceSender => "admin@".$cdb->get_value('DomainName'),
AllowPHTML => 'disabled',
ModDav => "disabled",
AllowOverride => "None",
FollowSymLinks => "disabled",
Indexes => "enabled",
# those are ok to be defined here and not in core.
our %sizehash = ('20M' => 'S0020MB', '30M' => 'S0030MB', '40M' => 'S0040MB', '50M' => 'S0050MB',
'75M' => 'S0075MB', '100M' => 'S0100MB', '125M' => 'S0125MB', '150M' => 'S0150MB', '175M' => 'S0175MB',
'200M' => 'S0200MB', '300M' => 'S0300MB','400M' => 'S0400MB', '500M' => 'S0500MB', '600M' => 'S0600MB',
'700M' => 'S0700MB', '800M' => 'S0800MB', '900M' => 'S0900MB', '1000M' => 'S1000MB', '1250M' => 'S1250MB',
'1500M' => 'S1500MB', '1750M' => 'S1750MB', '1999M' => 'S2000MB');
our %binary = ('disabled' => 'DISABLED', 'enabled' => 'ENABLED');
our %timehash = ( '60' => 'T001m', '120' => 'T002m', '180' => 'T003m', '240' => 'T004m', '300' => 'T005m',
'360' => 'T006m', '420' => 'T007m', '480' => 'T008m', '540' => 'T009m', '600' => 'T010m', '900' => 'T015m',
'1800' => 'T030m', '2700' => 'T045m', '3600' => 'T060m', '7200' => 'T120m', '0' => 'UNLIMITED');
our %optionsproperties =(
MemoryLimit => {'64M' => 'M0064MB', '128M' => 'M0128MB',
'256M' => 'M0256MB', '512M' => 'M0512MB', '768M' => 'M0768MB','1024M' => 'M1024MB' ,'2048M' => 'M2048MB','3072M' => 'M3072MB','4096M' => 'M4096MB','61444M' => 'M6144MB','8192M' => 'M8192MB'},
MaxExecutionTime => {%timehash},
MaxInputTime => {%timehash},
AllowUrlFopen => {%binary},
PostMaxSize => {%sizehash},
UploadMaxFilesize => {%sizehash},
FileUpload => {%binary},
DisabledFunctions => $defaultdisabledfunc,
AllowPHTML => {%binary},
ModDav => {%binary},
AllowOverride => { None =>'None' ,
All => 'All',
AuthConfig => 'AuthConfig',
FileInfo => 'FileInfo',
Indexes => 'Indexes',
Limit => 'Limit',
'FileInfo Indexes' => 'FileInfo Indexes',
FollowSymLinks => {%binary},
Indexes => {%binary},
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %wh_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('wh_FORM_TITLE');
$wh_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
my @ibays = $adb->ibays();
$c->stash( title => $title, wh_datas => \%wh_datas, ibays => \@ibays );
$c->render(template => 'webhosting');
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || '');
my $ibay = $c->param('ibay') || '';
my %wh_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('wh_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = '';
$wh_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
$wh_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
$wh_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name');
$wh_datas{indexes} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'Indexes');
$wh_datas{followsymLinks} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'FollowSymLinks');
$wh_datas{allowoverride} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'AllowOverride');
$wh_datas{allowurlfopen} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'AllowUrlFopen');
$wh_datas{memorylimit} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'MemoryLimit');
$wh_datas{uploadmaxfilesize} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'UploadMaxFilesize');
$wh_datas{postmaxsize} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'PostMaxSize');
$wh_datas{maxexecutiontime} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'MaxExecutionTime');
$wh_datas{maxinputtime} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'MaxInputTime');
$wh_datas{fileupload} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'FileUpload');
$wh_datas{allowphtml} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'AllowPHTML');
$wh_datas{mailforcesender} = $rec->prop('MailForceSender');
my $df = ($rec->prop('DisabledFunctions'))? $rec->prop('DisabledFunctions') : $defaultdisabledfunc;
$wh_datas{disabledfunctions} = $df; # yes we want todo this one this way.
$wh_datas{phpbasedir} = $rec->prop('PHPBaseDir'); # yes we keep this one simple
$wh_datas{moddav} = get_current_value($c, $ibay, 'ModDav');
$wh_datas{phpversion} = get_current_php_value($c, $ibay, 'PHPVersion');
# we set phpversion using function called by cgi file
if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
my @ibays = $adb->ibays();
$c->stash( ibays => \@ibays );
$c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, wh_datas => \%wh_datas );
$c->render( template => 'webhosting' );
sub do_action {
my $c = shift;
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || '');
my %wh_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('wh_FORM_TITLE');
$wh_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
my $result = '';
my $res;
if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
# controls
$res = validate_up_post( $c );
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if ( ! $result ) {
$res = modify_ibay( $c, $name );
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if ( ! $result ) {
$result = $c->l('wh_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
$wh_datas{trt} = 'LST';
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
$c->stash( error => $result );
$c->stash( title => $title, wh_datas => \%wh_datas );
return $c->render('webhosting');
my $message = "'Ibays' updates ($trt) DONE";
$c->flash( success => $result );
sub modify_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg;
my $acct = $adb->get($name);
if ( ! $acct or $acct->prop('type') ne 'ibay') {
return $c->l('wh_CANT_FIND_IBAY') if $msg ne 'OK';
# real & current ibay
my %doing=( Indexes => 'indexes',
FollowSymLinks => 'followSymLinks',
AllowOverride => 'allowOverride',
ModDav => 'modDav',
PHPVersion => 'phpVersion',
AllowUrlFopen => 'allowUrlFopen',
MemoryLimit => 'memorylimit',
FileUpload => 'fileupload',
UploadMaxFilesize => 'uploadmaxfilesize',
PostMaxSize => 'postmaxsize',
MaxExecutionTime => 'maxexecutiontime',
MaxInputTime => 'maxinputtime',
AllowPHTML => 'allowphtml',
MailForceSender => 'mailforcesender',
DisabledFunctions => 'disabledfunctions',
PHPBaseDir => 'phpbasedir',
foreach my $prop (keys %doing) {
my $value = $c->param($doing{$prop});
$value = "" if ( $value eq "$BASEPHP" && $prop eq 'PHPVersion');
my $default = $defaultproperties{$prop} || "";
# exceptions to handle
# DisabledFunctions if equal def delprop
if ($prop eq 'DisabledFunctions' && $value eq $default) {
$acct->delete_prop($prop) ;
# MailForceSender if empty delprop
if ($prop eq 'MailForceSender' && $value eq "" ) {
$acct->delete_prop($prop) ;
# PHPBaseDir if empty delprop
if ($prop eq 'PHPBaseDir' && $value eq "" ) {
$acct->delete_prop($prop) ;
# others if == default delprop
if ($value eq "default") {
$acct->delete_prop($prop) ;
$acct->merge_props($prop => $value);
#TODO store them in a hash and call merge_props once
# Untaint $name before use in system()
$name =~ /(.+)/; $name = $1;
if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "webhosting-modify",
$name) == 0)
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
$msg = $c->l('wh_ERROR_WHILE_MODIFYING_IBAY');
return $msg;
sub get_current_value{
my ($c, $name, $property) = @_;
my $ibay = $adb->get($name);
my $key = $ibay->key;
my $default = $defaultproperties{$property} || "";
$default =~ s/\$key/$key/g if $property eq "PHPBaseDir";
my $value = ($ibay->prop($property))? $ibay->prop($property) : "default" ;
return $value;
=head2 validate_up_post
verify that the upload_max_filesize value is not greater than the post_max_size value. If yes then display an error message.
sub validate_up_post{
my $c = shift;
my $upmaxfilesize = $c->param('uploadmaxfilesize');
my $postmaxsizeform = $c->param('postmaxsize');
##set value to "0M" if disabled in order to compare uploadmaxfilesize and postmaxsize
$upmaxfilesize = "0M" if $upmaxfilesize eq 'disabled';
$upmaxfilesize = $defaultproperties{'UploadMaxFilesize'} if $upmaxfilesize eq 'default';
$postmaxsizeform = "0M" if $postmaxsizeform eq 'disabled';
$postmaxsizeform =$defaultproperties{'PostMaxSize'} if $postmaxsizeform eq 'default';
##remove the 'M' unit
my $upmaxfilesizechop = chop($upmaxfilesize);
my $postmaxsizeformchop = chop($postmaxsizeform);
##test the condition
if ( $upmaxfilesize > $postmaxsizeform ) {
} else {
return "OK";
sub get_current_php_value {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $ibay= $adb->get($name);
return "default" unless defined $ibay->prop('PHPVersion');
return VersionToUse($adb->get($name));
sub get_php_options {
my ($c) = @_;
my $translate = $c->l('wh_DEFAULT');
my %opts= listPHPVersionHash();
# transform options list
my @opts = [ "$translate: ".PHPdefault(), 'default' ];
foreach my $key ( sort keys %opts ) {
push @opts, [ $opts{$key}, $key ];
# push @opts, [ "$translate: ".PHPdefault(), 'default' ];
return \@opts;
sub print_options {
my ($c, $property) = @_;
my $translate = $c->l('wh_DEFAULT');
my $name = $c->param('ibay');
my $ibay = $adb->get($name);
my $key = $ibay->key;
my $default = $defaultproperties{$property} || "";
$default =~ s/\$key/$key/g if $property eq "PHPBaseDir";
$default=$c->l(uc("$default")) unless ($property eq 'AllowOverride');
# transform options list
my @opts;
foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$optionsproperties{$property}} ) {
push @opts, [ $c->l($optionsproperties{$property}{$key}), $key ];
push @opts, ["$translate: ".$default => 'default'];
return \@opts
sub print_disabledfunctions {
my ($c) = @_;
my $translate = $c->l('wh_DESC_DISABLEDFUNCTIONS');
my $name = $c->param('ibay');
my $ibay= $adb->get($name); # ??
return "$translate : ". $defaultdisabledfunc ;
sub print_phpbasedir {
my ($c) = @_;
my $translate = $c->l('wh_DESC_PHPBASEDIR');
my $name = $c->param('ibay');
my $ibay= $adb->get($name);
my $key = $ibay->key;
my $default = $defaultproperties{'PHPBaseDir'} ||'';
$default =~ s/\$key/$key/g;
my $basedir = ($ibay->prop('PHPBaseDir')) ? $ibay->prop('PHPBaseDir') : $defaultproperties{'PHPBaseDir'};
return "$translate : ". $default ;