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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for PHPFM:
Q) If I try to upload files over 2 MB all uploads fail. What can I do?
A) By default the maximum upload size it set to 2 MB in php.ini. Find the
following line ...
upload_max_filesize = 2M
... and increase the size to something more appropriate.
Q) If I upload files larger than 8 MB the script the script returns an error
similar to "Maximum post size reached - see docs/faq.txt for more information."
What is wrong?
A) Find the line ...
post_max_size = 8M
... in php.ini and replace 8 with the number og MB you want to be able to
Q) The script returns the an error similar to "Fatal error: Maximum execution
time of XX seconds exceeded in /path/to/phpfm/index.php on line X" when I
upload large files. What can I do?
A) You will have to edit the following line in php.ini ...
max_execution_time = 30
... and increase the number of seconds to whatever you need.
Q) PHPFM returns a lot of errors similar to "Notice: Undefined variable:
_SERVER in /path/to/phpfm/index.php on line X". What is wrong?
A) PHPFM requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher since the $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST
and $_COOKIE superglobals were introduced in 4.1.0.
Q) I run PHPFM from a Linux/UNIX server and everything fails. What is wrong?
A) This is probably caused by PHP running in safe-mode. This is very common
for webhosts. There is nothing you can do about this if the server is not
yours, other than CHMOD'ing files and folders to 777. If you are running
PHPFM on your own server, you should access the php.ini file and disable
Q) The login system does not work. I can't log in. What is the problem?
A) This is a know bug to me, but should (hopefully) be fixed in PHPFM 0.2.3.
If you are still experiencing problems, please e-mail me your system
configuration and I shall see what I can do.
Q) Is there / will there be multi-user support in PHPFM?
A) Not anytime soon. It's not because it is hard or takes long time to make,
but simple because I want all other features in place and working before
I expand PHPFM further.