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Configurating PHPFM:
All configurating of PHPFM is done in the file "" which is located
in the folder "conf". Just use a normal text editor like notepad for windows and
nano or gnotepad for linux.
$home_directory is the root directory of PHPFM. This is where you will start browsing
from. You cannot browse out of this directory. Use forward slashes instead of back-
slashes and remember a trailing slash! For instance "d:\path\to\root" would become
$language chooses which language is used by PHPFM. To create a new language, you
will have to make a copy of "" in the directory "lang" and translate
all the strings. Then name the new file something like "", open
"" again and set $language to "german" or whatever you called the new
$session_save_path chooses where the session (login) data is stored. For *NIX systems
(i.e. LINUX, UNIX etc.) this should be set to "/tmp/". On WINDOWS based systems this
should be set to the temporary directory for windows. This is often "c:/windows/temp"
on Windows 9X systems and "c:/winnt/temp" on Windows NT, 2000 or XP systems.
*** Note, you should only change this if you are experiencing problems!
$phpfm_auth chooses whether you will have to enter a username and password to use PHPFM.
It can be set to either TRUE or FALSE.
$username is the username needed to login when $phpfm_auth is set to TRUE and $password
is the password.
$AllowCreate, $AllowEdit etc. chooses what the users of PHPFM are allowed to do. It
should be easy enough to guess what each variable will allow/disallow. Notice that
they can be set to either TRUE or FALSE.
$IconArray is an array containing first an icon and then the filetypes or extensions
belonging to it. Each filetype or extension is seperated by a whitespace.
$EditableFiles contains all the filetypes or extensions which are editable by PHPFM's
text editor, each seperated by a whitespace.
$ViewableFiles contains all the filetypes or extensions which are viewable by PHPFM's
image viewer, each seperated by a whitespace.
$ModifiedFormat is the format of the last modification date of files. It is in date()
format. See for more information.
$ZoomArray contains the different zoom levels used by PHPFM's image viewer. Notice that
you cannot change the base zoom level (100%).
$hide_file_extension contains all the extensions of the files, which are hidden. To add
more extensions, just add the extensions below those, which are already there. For
instance if you would like to hide all ".txt" files, you would add "txt", below "bar".
Just remeber the trailing comma.
$hide_file_string contain "strings" or parts of filenames to hide. For instance "secret"
would hide the files "secret.txt" or "asecretfile.php" or "file.secret".
$hide_directory_string is identical to $hide_file_string except that it hides directories
instead of files.
** Notice that hidden files will not be inaccessible, just hidden in PHPFM 0.2.0.