#!/usr/bin/perl -w package esmith; use strict; use Errno; use esmith::ConfigDB; use esmith::AccountsDB; use NetAddr::IP; use Net::Netmask; use NetAddr::IP; my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open; my $netdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open('networks'); my $accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open; esmith::ConfigDB->create('/home/e-smith/db/wireguard') unless (-f '/home/e-smith/db/wireguard'); my $wg = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/home/e-smith/db/wireguard') or die 'wireguard db missing'; my $wg0 = $conf->get('wg-quick@wg0'); my $wgip = $wg0->prop('ip') or die 'wireguard IP not configured'; my $wgmask = $wg0->prop('mask') or die 'wireguard network mask not configured'; #wg-quick@wg0=service # ip= # mask=22 my $block = Net::Netmask->new("$wgip/$wgmask", shortnet => 1); my $ip = $block->base; my $mask = $block->mask; #count clients my @client = $wg->get_all_by_prop(type=>"wg0"); my $clients = scalar @client; #check is_rfc1918 #if yes proceed my $skipme = 0; my $rfc=NetAddr::IP->new($wgip,$wgmask); unless ( $rfc->is_rfc1918() ) { if ($clients == 0 ) { #if not and no clients make it compliant as default my $minimum=16; my $maximum=32; my $x = $minimum + int(rand($maximum - $minimum)); warn("$wgip/$wgmask is not considered as a LAN addressing, set default to 172.$x.0.1/22"); $wgip="172.$x.0.1";$wgmask="22"; $wg0->set_prop('ip',$wgip); $wg0->set_prop('mask',$wgmask); $block = Net::Netmask->new("$wgip/$wgmask", shortnet => 1); $ip = $block->base; $mask = $block->mask; } else { #if not and clients configured, disable service delete network warn("$wgip/$wgmask is not considered as a LAN addressing, adding this network to SME trusted network could allow email relaying. Disabling service."); warn("Please remove configured client and start your configuration from scratch"); $wg0->set_prop('status','disabled'); $skipme=1; $ip="nop"; } } #if yes proceed #if not and no clients make it compliant as default #if not and clients configured, disable service delete network #First delete any already there. my @wg = $netdb->get_all_by_prop(Wireguard=>"wg0"); foreach my $netwg (@wg) { next if ($netwg->key eq $ip and $netwg->prop('Mask') eq $mask); print "delete " . $netwg->key; $netwg->delete(); } # and then create one from the wireguard server ip my $iswg=$netdb->get($ip); unless ($iswg or $skipme == 1) { $netdb->new_record("$ip",{ type => "network", Mask => "$mask", Wireguard => "wg0", }); system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event network-create $ip"); print "creating $ip network with $mask for $wgip/$wgmask"; exit; }