#!/bin/sh # Original script from xtables-addons # SME specific use of ConfigDB # replace /usr/libexec/xtables-addons/xt_geoip_dl in /usr/share/xt_geoip/update_base # Koozali SME v11 # Now migrated to using files in /usr/share/xt_geoip status=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop geoip status) if [[ "$status" != "enabled" ]] then echo "Geoip is not enabled. No download." exit 1 fi LicenseKey=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop geoip LicenseKey) if [ -z $LicenseKey ] then echo "No License Key available. Downloading cannot be performed" exit 1 fi rm -rf GeoLite2-Country-CSV_* if ( ! wget -O GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip -q "https://download.maxmind.com/app/geoip_download?edition_id=GeoLite2-Country-CSV&license_key=${LicenseKey}&suffix=zip" ) then echo "Error while downloading" exit 2 fi # unzip -q GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip if [ ! -d "/usr/share/xt_geoip/GeoLite2-Country-CSV" ]; then mkdir -p "/usr/share/xt_geoip/GeoLite2-Country-CSV"; fi unzip -o -q -j GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip -d /usr/share/xt_geoip/GeoLite2-Country-CSV rm -f GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip