#!/bin/bash # # git-make-release.sh [usual options] # # Create the release (deleting one that is the same tag), # then uploads the .src.rpm and .rpm as an attachment (deleting any one of the same name) # # if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then echo "************make-release [local] [debug] [noisy]" exit 0 fi # # Pull in parameters from a config file ~/.smegit/config # inifilename=$(echo ~)"/.smegit/config" if [ ! -e $inifilename ] ; then # Not here, look at system default if [ ! -e /etc/smegit.ini ] ; then echo "No ini file found $inifiename or /etc/smegit.ini" echo "make-release [local] [debug] [noisy]" exit 1 else initfilename="/etc/smegit.ini" fi fi while read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do if [[ $line =~ ^\[.*\]$ ]] then section=${line#*[} section=${section%]*} else if [[ $line =~ ^[^#]*= ]] then key=${line%=*} value=${line#*=} declare "${section}_${key}=$value" fi fi done < "$inifilename" DEBUG= if [ ${smegit_DEBUG} == "true" ] ; then DEBUG=true ; fi GITEAUser=${remote_USER} GITEAACCESSTOKEN=${remote_GITEAACCESSTOKEN} GITEAHOST=${remote_GITEAHOST} NOISY= EXTRAPARAMS= for param in $4 $5 $6; do if [ $param ] ; then case $param in local ) GITEAUser=${local_USER} GITEAACCESSTOKEN=${local_GITEAACCESSTOKEN} GITEAHOST=${local_GITEAHOST} ;; debug ) DEBUG=true ;; noisy ) NOISY=true ;; * ) EXTRAPARAMS=$EXTRAPARAMS" "$param ;; esac else break fi done if [ $NOISY ] ; then echo "make-release $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6" ; fi if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "************found ini file: $inifilename" ; fi # Make this null if you want lots of output. Still quite a bit anyway QUIET="-q" SILENT4CURL="-s" SILENT4MAKE="-s" if [ $DEBUG ] ; then QUIET= SILENT4CURL="-v" SILENT4MAKE= fi # Make this null to get curl to check ssl cert checkSSL="-k" LOCALUser=${local_USER} if [[ $smegit_WORKDIR == ~* ]] ; then # relative to users home dir WORKDIR=$(echo ~)${smegit_WORKDIR:1} else # absolute path WORKDIR=${smegit_WORKDIR} fi if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "WORKDIR=$WORKDIR" ; fi RemoteRepoURL="$GITEAHOST/$2/$1" if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "URL="$RemoteRepoURL; fi # First see if release exists: RESPONSE=$(curl -X 'GET' \ "$GITEAHOST/api/v1/repos/$2/$1/releases/tags/$3" \ -H 'accept: application/json') if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "See if Release exists response="$RESPONSE; fi #parse result ID="" if echo "$RESPONSE" | jq empty >/dev/null 2>&1; then if echo "$RESPONSE" | jq 'has("errors")' | grep -q 'true'; then if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "Error detected:"; fi ERROR=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.message') if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "Error="$ERROR; fi elif echo "$RESPONSE" | jq 'has("id")' | grep -q 'true'; then if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "Id detected:"; fi ID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.id') else echo "No error or id detected ($RESPONSE)." exit 1 fi else echo "Invalid JSON string ($RESPONSE)" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$ID" ]]; then # Create Release if [ $NOISY ]; then echo "Creating Release $3 for $2/$1"; fi RESPONSE=$(curl -X 'POST' \ "$GITEAHOST/api/v1/repos/$2/$1/releases" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: token $GITEAACCESSTOKEN" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "body": "'"1st Release of rpm built from git - `date` "'", "draft": true, "name": "'"$1"'", "prerelease": true, "tag_name": "'SME"$3"'", "target_commitish": "" }') # Extract id from release if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "Create Release response="$RESPONSE; fi ID=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq -r '.id') if [[ -z $ID ]] ; then echo "Unable to create release for $2/$1 ($3)" exit 1 fi else if [ $NOISY ]; then echo "Found Release $ID for $2/$1 ($3)"; fi fi if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo "ID:"$ID; fi # And use it to upload the rpm and src rpm cd $WORKDIR/$2/$1 # Got to cd to rpm directory here RPMDIR=$(ls $(basename `pwd`)*.rpm | sort | head -n 1 | sed 's/.src.rpm//' | sed 's/\./_/g') echo $RPMDIR # List the existing attachments ASSETSRESPONSE=$(curl -X 'GET' \ "$GITEAHOST/api/v1/repos/$2/$1/releases/$ID/assets" \ -H 'accept: application/json') if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "Asset response:"$ASSETSRESPONSE; fi NAMES=$(echo $ASSETSRESPONSE | jq -r '.[].name' | paste -sd "," -) if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "Names:"$NAMES; fi if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo $(ls $RPMDIR/*.rpm); fi FULLPATH=$(pwd); for File in $(ls $RPMDIR/*.rpm) ; do if [ $NOISY ]; then echo "Uploading $File"; fi BASEFile=$(basename $File) if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo $BASEFile; fi # Need to check if file is there already if [[ "$NAMES" == *"$BASEFile"* ]] ; then #Delete it - need the ID for it if [ $NOISY ]; then echo "Deleting $BASEFile from $1/$2 $3 ($ID) release"; fi ATTID=$(echo $ASSETSRESPONSE | jq -r '[ .[] | select(.name == "'"$BASEFile"'") | .id]') #echo "ATTID:"$ATTID ATTID=$(echo $ATTID | sed 's/\[//' | sed 's/\]//' | sed 's/ //g') if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "ATTID:"$ATTID; fi RESPONSE=$(curl -X 'DELETE' \ "$GITEAHOST/api/v1/repos/$2/$1/releases/$ID/assets/$ATTID" \ -H "Authorization: token $GITEAACCESSTOKEN" \ -H 'accept: application/json') if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "DELETED Response:"$RESPONSE; fi if [[ -z $RESPONSE ]] ; then echo "Deleted $BASEFile from $1/$2 $3 ($ID) release" else echo "Delete failed $BASEFile from $2/$1 $3 ($ID) release ($RESPONSE)" fi else echo "Did not find $BASEFile in \"$NAMES\"" fi # Then send current version FULLFILENAME=$FULLPATH/$File if [ $DEBUG ] ; then echo $FULLFILENAME; fi RESPONSE=$(curl -X 'POST' \ "$GITEAHOST/api/v1/repos/$2/$1/releases/$ID/assets?name=$BASEFile" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: token $GITEAACCESSTOKEN" \ -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F "attachment=@$FULLFILENAME;type=application/x-rpm") if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "Send current version($File) response="$RESPONSE; fi if echo "$RESPONSE" | jq 'has("errors")' | grep -q 'true'; then ERROR=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.message') echo "$BASEFile not sucessfully uploaded ($ERROR)" else if [ $NOISY ]; then echo "$BASEFile sucessfully uploaded"; fi fi done