Here is an example of enabling the plugin on an "f33-infra" tag. Create the tag and ensure it has at least one arch and a package list (direct or inherited) so we can tag packages into it.
The hub will immediately queue a new distRepo task, using the tagBuild task host as the distRepo task owner. When the distRepo task completes, you can find the new repository under the ``topurl`` for your Koji instance.
To confirm that the tag has the correct options set, use the `koji taginfo` command:
For each RPM in the tag, Koji will use the first signed copy that it finds. In other words, Koji will try the first key (`44922a28`), and if Koji does not have the first key's signature for that RPM, then it will try the second key (`9867c58f`), third key (`38ab71f4`), and so on.