#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # mod_auth_tkt sample login script - runs as a vanilla CGI, under # mod_perl 1 via Apache::Registry, and under mod_perl2 via # ModPerl::Registry. # # This script can run in a few different modes, depending on how it is # named. Copy the script to a cgi-bin area, and create appropriately # named symlinks to access the different behaviours. # Modes: # - login mode (default): request a username and password and test via # $validate_sub - if successful, issue an auth ticket and redirect to # the back location # - guest mode ('guest.cgi'): automatically issues an auth ticket a # special username (as defined in $guest_sub, default 'guest'), and # redirect to the back location (now largely obsolete - use # TKTAuthGuestLogin instead) # - autologin mode ('autologin.cgi'): [typically used to allow tickets # across multiple domains] if no valid auth ticket exists, redirect # to the login (or guest) version; otherwise automatically redirect # to the back location passing the current auth ticket as a GET # argument. mod_auth_tkt (>= 1.3.8) will turn this new ticket into # an auth cookie for the new domain if none already exists. # use File::Basename; use lib dirname($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}); use Apache::AuthTkt 0.03; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Cookie; use URI::Escape; use URI; use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configure this section to taste # CSS stylesheet to use (optional) my $STYLESHEET = '/server-common/css/tkt.css'; # Page title (optional) my $TITLE = 'SME Server manager'; # For autologin, mode to fallback to if autologin fails ('login' or 'guest') my $AUTOLOGIN_FALLBACK_MODE = 'login'; # Boolean flag, whether to fallback to HTTP_REFERER for back link my $BACK_REFERER = 0; # For login mode (if used), setup username/password validation # (modify or point $validate_sub somewhere appropriate). # The validation routine should return a true value (e.g. 1) if the # given username/password combination is valid, and a false value # (e.g. 0) otherwise. # This version uses Apache::Htpasswd and a standard htpasswd file. sub validate { my ($username, $password) = @_; unless (open(PWAUTH, "|/usr/bin/pwauth")) { warn "Could not open pipe to pwauth: $!"; return 0; } print PWAUTH "$username\n"; print PWAUTH "$password\n"; return close(PWAUTH) ? 1 : 0; #require Apache::Htpasswd; # my $ht = Apache::Htpasswd->new({ # passwdFile => '/etc/httpd/conf/htpasswd', ReadOnly => 1 }); # return $ht->htCheckPassword($username, $password); } my $validate_sub = \&validate; # For guest mode (if used), setup guest username # Could use a counter or a random suffix etc. sub guest_user { return 'guest'; } my $guest_sub = \&guest_user; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main code begins my $debug = 0; my $at = Apache::AuthTkt->new(conf => "/etc/e-smith/web/common/cgi-bin/AuthTKT.cfg"); my $q = CGI->new; my $x_f = $q->http('X-Forwarded-Host'); #warn "X-Forwarded-Host is $x_f\n" if $x_f; #warn "HTTP_HOST is $ENV{HTTP_HOST}\n" if $ENV{HTTP_HOST}; my ($server_name, $server_port) = split /:/, $q->http('X-Forwarded-Host') || $ENV{HTTP_HOST}; $server_name ||= $ENV{SERVER_NAME} if $ENV{SERVER_NAME}; $server_port ||= $ENV{SERVER_PORT} if $ENV{SERVER_PORT}; #my $AUTH_DOMAIN = $at->domain || $server_name; my $AUTH_DOMAIN = $server_name; #warn "AUTH_DOMAIN is $AUTH_DOMAIN\n"; #warn "AuthTkt->domain was set\n" if $at->domain; my @auth_domain = $AUTH_DOMAIN && $AUTH_DOMAIN =~ /\./ ? ( -domain => $AUTH_DOMAIN ) : (); my $ticket = $q->cookie($at->cookie_name); my $probe = $q->cookie('auth_probe'); my $back = $q->cookie($at->back_cookie_name) if $at->back_cookie_name; #warn "back from cookie is $back\n" if $back; my $have_cookies = $ticket || $probe || $back || ''; $back ||= $q->param($at->back_arg_name) if $at->back_arg_name; #warn "back from cgi param is $back\n" if $back; $back ||= $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} if $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} && $BACK_REFERER; $back = uri_unescape($back) if $back && $back =~ m/^https?%3A%2F%2F/i; $back =~ s/^http:/https:/ if $server_name ne 'localhost' && defined($back); #warn "back is $back\n"; if ($back && $back =~ m!^/!) { my $hostname = $server_name; my $port = $server_port; $hostname .= ':' . $port if $port && $port != 80 && $port != 443; $back = sprintf "http%s://%s%s", ($port == 443 ? 's' : ''), $hostname, $back; #warn "back is $back\n"; } elsif ($back && $back !~ m/^http/i) { $back = 'http://' . $back; #warn "back is $back\n"; } #warn "back is $back\n"; my $back_esc = uri_escape($back) if $back; my $back_html = escapeHTML($back) if $back; my ($fatal, @errors); my ($mode, $location, $suffix) = fileparse($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}, '\.cgi', '\.pl'); $mode = 'login' unless $mode eq 'guest' || $mode eq 'autologin'; my $self_redirect = $q->param('redirect') || 0; my $username = lc($q->param('username')||''); my $password = $q->param('password'); my $timeout = $q->param('timeout'); my $unauth = $q->param('unauth'); my $ip_addr = $at->ignore_ip ? undef : $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; my $redirected = 0; my $b = URI->new($back); # If $back domain doesn't match $AUTH_DOMAIN, stop there do not give opportunity to log in my $domain = $AUTH_DOMAIN || $server_name; if (! defined($back)) { $fatal="Missing redirection parameter: \"back\"
\nPlease manually enter the address you were trying to reach if you followed a link.
\n"; } if (defined($back) && $b->host !~ m/\b$domain$/i) { $fatal="Bad redirection parameter: \"$back\" is not an authorized redirection.
\nYou may be experiencing an attack.
\nLogin is not possible on the above URL for your own security.
\nPlease manually enter the address you were trying to reach if you followed a link."; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set the auth cookie and redirect to $back my $set_cookie_redirect = sub { my ($tkt, $back) = @_; my @expires = $at->cookie_expires ? ( -expires => sprintf("+%ss", $at->cookie_expires) ) : (); my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new( -name => $at->cookie_name, -value => $tkt, -path => '/', -secure => $at->require_ssl, @expires, @auth_domain, ); # If no $back, just set the auth cookie and hope for the best if (! $back) { print $q->header( -cookie => $cookie ); print $q->start_html, $q->p("Login successful"), $q->end_html; return 0; } # Set (local) cookie, and redirect to $back print $q->header( -cookie => $cookie ); #return 0 if $debug; # For some reason, using a Location: header doesn't seem to then see the # cookie, but a meta refresh one does - weird print $q->start_html( -head => meta({ -http_equiv => 'refresh', -content => "0;URL=$back" }), ), $q->end_html; return 1; }; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Actual processing # If no cookies found, first check whether cookies are supported if (! $have_cookies) { # If this is a self redirect warn the user about cookie support if ($self_redirect) { $fatal = "Your browser does not appear to support cookies or has cookie support disabled.
\nThis site requires cookies - please turn cookie support on or try again using a different browser."; } # If no cookies and not a redirect, redirect to self to test cookies else { my $extra = ''; $extra .= 'timeout=1' if $timeout; $extra .= 'unauth=1' if $unauth; $extra = "&$extra" if $extra; print $q->header( -cookie => CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'auth_probe', -value => 1, @auth_domain), ); # For some reason, a Location: redirect doesn't seem to then see the cookie, # but a meta refresh one does - go figure print $q->start_html( -head => meta({ -http_equiv => 'refresh', -content => ("0;URL=" . sprintf("%s%s%s?redirect=%s&%s=%s%s", $location, $mode, $suffix, $self_redirect + 1, $at->back_arg_name, $back_esc || '', $extra)) })); $redirected = 1; } } elsif ($mode eq 'autologin') { # If we have a ticket, redirect to $back, including ticket as GET param if ($ticket && $back && ! $timeout) { my $b = URI->new($back); $back .= $b->query ? '&' : '?'; $back .= $at->cookie_name . '=' . $ticket; print $q->redirect($back); $redirected = 1; } # Can't autologin - change mode to either guest or login else { $mode = $AUTOLOGIN_FALLBACK_MODE; } } unless ($fatal || $redirected) { if (! $at) { $fatal = "AuthTkt error: " . $at->errstr; } elsif ($mode eq 'login') { if ($username && $validate_sub->($username, $password)) { # my $user_data = join(':', encrypt($password), time(), $ip_addr); my $user_data = join(':', time(), $ip_addr || ''); # Optional my $tkt = $at->ticket(uid => $username, data => $user_data, ip_addr => $ip_addr, debug => $debug); if (! @errors) { $redirected = $set_cookie_redirect->($tkt, $back); $fatal = "Login successful."; } } elsif ($username) { push @errors, "Invalid username or password."; } } elsif ($mode eq 'guest') { # Generate a guest ticket and redirect to $back my $tkt = $at->ticket(uid => $guest_sub->(), ip_addr => $ip_addr); if (! @errors) { $redirected = $set_cookie_redirect->($tkt, $back); $fatal = "No back link found."; } } } my @style = $STYLESHEET ? ('-style' => { src => $STYLESHEET }) : (); $TITLE ||= "\u$mode Page"; unless ($redirected) { # If here, either some kind of error or a login page if ($fatal) { print $q->header, $q->start_html( -title => $TITLE, @style, ); } else { push @errors, qq(Your session has timed out.) if $timeout; push @errors, qq(You are not authorised to access this area.) if $unauth; print $q->header, $q->start_html( -title => $TITLE, -onLoad => "getFocus()", @style, -script => qq( function getFocus() { document.forms[0].elements[0].focus(); document.forms[0].elements[0].select(); })); } print <




Welcome to SME server

EOD if ($debug) { my $cookie_name = $at->cookie_name; my $back_cookie_name = $at->back_cookie_name || ''; my $back_cookie_path = $q->cookie($at->back_cookie_name) || ''; my $back_arg_name = $at->back_arg_name || ''; my $cookie_expires = $at->cookie_expires || 0; my $referer = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}; print < server_name: $server_name server_port: $server_port domain: $AUTH_DOMAIN mode: $mode suffix: $suffix cookie_name: $cookie_name cookie_expires: $cookie_expires back_cookie_name: $back_cookie_name back_cookie_path: $back_cookie_path back_arg_name: $back_arg_name referer: $referer back: $back back_esc: $back_esc back_html: $back_html have_cookies: $have_cookies ip_addr: $ip_addr EOD } if ($fatal) { print qq(


\n); } else { print qq(

\n), join(qq(
\n), @errors), "

\n" if @errors; print <
EOD print qq(\n) if $back_html; print qq(\n); } # print qq(

Previous Page

\n) if $back_html; print <

Remember that SME Server is free to download and use, but it is not free to build

Please help the project


-- The SME Server Team --

EOD } # arch-tag: 1cac856d-534c-4c81-9e9a-34e39d26f4f2 # vim:sw=2:sm:cin