
356 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# mod_auth_tkt sample login script - runs as a vanilla CGI, under
# mod_perl 1 via Apache::Registry, and under mod_perl2 via
# ModPerl::Registry.
# This script can run in a few different modes, depending on how it is
# named. Copy the script to a cgi-bin area, and create appropriately
# named symlinks to access the different behaviours.
# Modes:
# - login mode (default): request a username and password and test via
# $validate_sub - if successful, issue an auth ticket and redirect to
# the back location
# - guest mode ('guest.cgi'): automatically issues an auth ticket a
# special username (as defined in $guest_sub, default 'guest'), and
# redirect to the back location (now largely obsolete - use
# TKTAuthGuestLogin instead)
# - autologin mode ('autologin.cgi'): [typically used to allow tickets
# across multiple domains] if no valid auth ticket exists, redirect
# to the login (or guest) version; otherwise automatically redirect
# to the back location passing the current auth ticket as a GET
# argument. mod_auth_tkt (>= 1.3.8) will turn this new ticket into
# an auth cookie for the new domain if none already exists.
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME});
use Apache::AuthTkt 0.03;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Cookie;
use URI::Escape;
use URI;
use strict;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configure this section to taste
# CSS stylesheet to use (optional)
my $STYLESHEET = '/server-common/css/tkt.css';
# Page title (optional)
my $TITLE = 'SME Server manager';
# For autologin, mode to fallback to if autologin fails ('login' or 'guest')
# Boolean flag, whether to fallback to HTTP_REFERER for back link
# For login mode (if used), setup username/password validation
# (modify or point $validate_sub somewhere appropriate).
# The validation routine should return a true value (e.g. 1) if the
# given username/password combination is valid, and a false value
# (e.g. 0) otherwise.
# This version uses Apache::Htpasswd and a standard htpasswd file.
sub validate
my ($username, $password) = @_;
unless (open(PWAUTH, "|/usr/bin/pwauth"))
warn "Could not open pipe to pwauth: $!";
return 0;
print PWAUTH "$username\n";
print PWAUTH "$password\n";
return close(PWAUTH) ? 1 : 0;
#require Apache::Htpasswd;
# my $ht = Apache::Htpasswd->new({
# passwdFile => '/etc/httpd/conf/htpasswd', ReadOnly => 1 });
# return $ht->htCheckPassword($username, $password);
my $validate_sub = \&validate;
# For guest mode (if used), setup guest username
# Could use a counter or a random suffix etc.
sub guest_user
return 'guest';
my $guest_sub = \&guest_user;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main code begins
my $debug = 0;
my $at = Apache::AuthTkt->new(conf => "/etc/e-smith/web/common/cgi-bin/AuthTKT.cfg");
my $q = CGI->new;
my $x_f = $q->http('X-Forwarded-Host');
#warn "X-Forwarded-Host is $x_f\n" if $x_f;
my ($server_name, $server_port) = split /:/, $q->http('X-Forwarded-Host') || $ENV{HTTP_HOST};
$server_name ||= $ENV{SERVER_NAME} if $ENV{SERVER_NAME};
$server_port ||= $ENV{SERVER_PORT} if $ENV{SERVER_PORT};
#my $AUTH_DOMAIN = $at->domain || $server_name;
my $AUTH_DOMAIN = $server_name;
#warn "AuthTkt->domain was set\n" if $at->domain;
my @auth_domain = $AUTH_DOMAIN && $AUTH_DOMAIN =~ /\./ ? ( -domain => $AUTH_DOMAIN ) : ();
my $ticket = $q->cookie($at->cookie_name);
my $probe = $q->cookie('auth_probe');
my $back = $q->cookie($at->back_cookie_name) if $at->back_cookie_name;
#warn "back from cookie is $back\n" if $back;
my $have_cookies = $ticket || $probe || $back || '';
$back ||= $q->param($at->back_arg_name) if $at->back_arg_name;
#warn "back from cgi param is $back\n" if $back;
$back = uri_unescape($back) if $back && $back =~ m/^https?%3A%2F%2F/i;
$back =~ s/^http:/https:/ if $server_name ne 'localhost' && defined($back);
#warn "back is $back\n";
if ($back && $back =~ m!^/!) {
my $hostname = $server_name;
my $port = $server_port;
$hostname .= ':' . $port if $port && $port != 80 && $port != 443;
$back = sprintf "http%s://%s%s", ($port == 443 ? 's' : ''), $hostname, $back;
#warn "back is $back\n";
} elsif ($back && $back !~ m/^http/i) {
$back = 'http://' . $back;
#warn "back is $back\n";
#warn "back is $back\n";
my $back_esc = uri_escape($back) if $back;
my $back_html = escapeHTML($back) if $back;
my ($fatal, @errors);
my ($mode, $location, $suffix) = fileparse($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}, '\.cgi', '\.pl');
$mode = 'login' unless $mode eq 'guest' || $mode eq 'autologin';
my $self_redirect = $q->param('redirect') || 0;
my $username = lc($q->param('username')||'');
my $password = $q->param('password');
my $timeout = $q->param('timeout');
my $unauth = $q->param('unauth');
my $ip_addr = $at->ignore_ip ? undef : $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
my $redirected = 0;
my $b = URI->new($back);
# If $back domain doesn't match $AUTH_DOMAIN, stop there do not give opportunity to log in
my $domain = $AUTH_DOMAIN || $server_name;
if (! defined($back)) {
$fatal="Missing redirection parameter: \"back\" <br />\nPlease manually enter the address you were trying to reach if you followed a link.<br />\n";
if (defined($back) && $b->host !~ m/\b$domain$/i) {
$fatal="Bad redirection parameter: \"$back\" is not an authorized redirection.<br />\nYou may be experiencing an attack.<br />\nLogin is not possible on the above URL for your own security.<br />\nPlease manually enter the address you were trying to reach if you followed a link.";
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the auth cookie and redirect to $back
my $set_cookie_redirect = sub {
my ($tkt, $back) = @_;
my @expires = $at->cookie_expires ?
( -expires => sprintf("+%ss", $at->cookie_expires) ) :
my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(
-name => $at->cookie_name,
-value => $tkt,
-path => '/',
-secure => $at->require_ssl,
# If no $back, just set the auth cookie and hope for the best
if (! $back) {
print $q->header( -cookie => $cookie );
print $q->start_html, $q->p("Login successful"), $q->end_html;
return 0;
# Set (local) cookie, and redirect to $back
print $q->header( -cookie => $cookie );
#return 0 if $debug;
# For some reason, using a Location: header doesn't seem to then see the
# cookie, but a meta refresh one does - weird
print $q->start_html(
-head => meta({ -http_equiv => 'refresh', -content => "0;URL=$back" }),
return 1;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Actual processing
# If no cookies found, first check whether cookies are supported
if (! $have_cookies) {
# If this is a self redirect warn the user about cookie support
if ($self_redirect) {
$fatal = "Your browser does not appear to support cookies or has cookie support disabled.<br />\nThis site requires cookies - please turn cookie support on or try again using a different browser.";
# If no cookies and not a redirect, redirect to self to test cookies
else {
my $extra = '';
$extra .= 'timeout=1' if $timeout;
$extra .= 'unauth=1' if $unauth;
$extra = "&$extra" if $extra;
print $q->header(
-cookie => CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'auth_probe', -value => 1, @auth_domain),
# For some reason, a Location: redirect doesn't seem to then see the cookie,
# but a meta refresh one does - go figure
print $q->start_html(
-head => meta({
-http_equiv => 'refresh', -content => ("0;URL=" . sprintf("%s%s%s?redirect=%s&%s=%s%s",
$location, $mode, $suffix, $self_redirect + 1, $at->back_arg_name,
$back_esc || '', $extra))
$redirected = 1;
elsif ($mode eq 'autologin') {
# If we have a ticket, redirect to $back, including ticket as GET param
if ($ticket && $back && ! $timeout) {
my $b = URI->new($back);
$back .= $b->query ? '&' : '?';
$back .= $at->cookie_name . '=' . $ticket;
print $q->redirect($back);
$redirected = 1;
# Can't autologin - change mode to either guest or login
else {
unless ($fatal || $redirected) {
if (! $at) {
$fatal = "AuthTkt error: " . $at->errstr;
elsif ($mode eq 'login') {
if ($username && $validate_sub->($username, $password)) {
# my $user_data = join(':', encrypt($password), time(), $ip_addr);
my $user_data = join(':', time(), $ip_addr || ''); # Optional
my $tkt = $at->ticket(uid => $username, data => $user_data, ip_addr => $ip_addr, debug => $debug);
if (! @errors) {
$redirected = $set_cookie_redirect->($tkt, $back);
$fatal = "Login successful.";
elsif ($username) {
push @errors, "Invalid username or password.";
elsif ($mode eq 'guest') {
# Generate a guest ticket and redirect to $back
my $tkt = $at->ticket(uid => $guest_sub->(), ip_addr => $ip_addr);
if (! @errors) {
$redirected = $set_cookie_redirect->($tkt, $back);
$fatal = "No back link found.";
my @style = $STYLESHEET ? ('-style' => { src => $STYLESHEET }) : ();
$TITLE ||= "\u$mode Page";
unless ($redirected) {
# If here, either some kind of error or a login page
if ($fatal) {
print $q->header,
-title => $TITLE,
else {
push @errors, qq(Your session has timed out.) if $timeout;
push @errors, qq(You are not authorised to access this area.) if $unauth;
print $q->header,
-title => $TITLE,
-onLoad => "getFocus()",
-script => qq(
function getFocus() {
print <<EOD;
<div align="center">
<h2>Welcome to SME server</h2>
if ($debug) {
my $cookie_name = $at->cookie_name;
my $back_cookie_name = $at->back_cookie_name || '';
my $back_cookie_path = $q->cookie($at->back_cookie_name) || '';
my $back_arg_name = $at->back_arg_name || '';
my $cookie_expires = $at->cookie_expires || 0;
my $referer = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
print <<EOD;
server_name: $server_name
server_port: $server_port
domain: $AUTH_DOMAIN
mode: $mode
suffix: $suffix
cookie_name: $cookie_name
cookie_expires: $cookie_expires
back_cookie_name: $back_cookie_name
back_cookie_path: $back_cookie_path
back_arg_name: $back_arg_name
referer: $referer
back: $back
back_esc: $back_esc
back_html: $back_html
have_cookies: $have_cookies
ip_addr: $ip_addr
if ($fatal) {
print qq(<p class="error">$fatal</p>\n);
else {
print qq(<p class="error">\n), join(qq(<br />\n), @errors), "</p>\n"
if @errors;
print <<EOD;
<form name="login" method="post" action="$mode$suffix">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><th>Username:</th><td><input type="text" name="username" /></td></tr>
<tr><th>Password:</th><td><input type="password" name="password" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Login" />
print qq(<input type="hidden" name="back" value="$back_html" />\n) if $back_html;
print qq(</form>\n);
# print qq(<p><a href="$back_html">Previous Page</a></p>\n) if $back_html;
print <<EOD;
<!-- Start Donate section -->
<p>Remember that SME Server is <i>free to download</i> and use, but it is <i><b>not</b>
free to build</i></p>
<p>Please help the project</p>
<p><a href="https://wiki.koozali.org/Donate" target="_blank"><img
alt="https://wiki.koozali.org/Donate" align="middle"></a>
<p>-- The SME Server Team --</p>
<!-- Finish Donate section -->
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