195 lines
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195 lines
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diff -Nur -x '*.orig' -x '*.rej' qpsmtpd-plugins-openfusion-20050429/plugins/check_goodrcptto mezzanine_patched_qpsmtpd-plugins-openfusion-20050429/plugins/check_goodrcptto
--- qpsmtpd-plugins-openfusion-20050429/plugins/check_goodrcptto 2007-04-12 09:49:31.000000000 -0600
+++ mezzanine_patched_qpsmtpd-plugins-openfusion-20050429/plugins/check_goodrcptto 2007-04-12 09:49:13.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
-=head1 NAME
-This plugin denies all recipients except those in the goodrcptto config file
-(i.e. like badrcptto, but whitelisting). It supports recipient username
-extension stripping, and both domain ('@domain.com') and username (bare
-'postmaster') wildcard entries in the config file.
-Useful where something like check_delivery is overkill or not an option
-(e.g. relays, bastion hosts).
-=head1 CONFIG
-The following parameters can be passed to check_goodrcptto:
-=over 4
-=item extn <char>
-If set, check_goodrcptto does its checks using both the username as given and
-the username stripped of any extensions beginning with <char>.
-=item deny_note <name>
-If set, check_goodrcptto will set a connection note with the given name when
-denying a recipient. If <name> is of the form 'name=value', then the specified
-value will be used instead of the default '1'. If the connection note already
-exists, the value will be incremented (if numeric), instead of set.
-my $VERSION = 0.03;
-sub register {
- my ($self, $qp, %arg) = @_;
- $self->register_hook("rcpt", "check_goodrcptto");
- $self->{_extn} = $arg{extn} if $arg{extn};
- $self->{_deny_note} = $arg{deny_note} if $arg{deny_note};
-sub check_goodrcptto {
- my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
- return (DECLINED) if $self->qp->connection->relay_client;
- $self->log(LOGINFO, "stripping '$self->{_extn}' extensions") if $self->{_extn};
- my @goodrcptto = $self->qp->config("goodrcptto") or return (DECLINED);
- my $host = lc $recipient->host;
- my $user = lc $recipient->user;
- return (DECLINED) unless $host && $user;
- # Setup users and address stripped of extensions
- my (@parts, @users, @addresses);
- my $extn = $self->{_extn};
- if ($extn) {
- @parts = split /$extn/, $user;
- foreach (0..$#parts) {
- push @users, join $extn, @parts[0..$_];
- }
- $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "address includes extn '$extn', checking users: " . (join ' ', @users));
- } else {
- push @users, $user;
- }
- @addresses = map { $_ . "@" . $host } @users;
- for my $good (@goodrcptto) {
- $good =~ s/^\s*(\S+).*/\L$1/;
- foreach (@addresses) {
- return (DECLINED) if $good eq $_;
- }
- # Allow wildcard '@domain.com' entries
- return (DECLINED) if substr($good,0,1) eq '@' && $good eq "\@$host";
- # Allow wildcard bare 'username' entries e.g. 'postmaster'
- if (index($good,'@') < 0) {
- foreach (@users) {
- return (DECLINED) if $good eq $_;
- }
- }
- }
- $self->log(LOGWARN, "recipient $addresses[$#addresses] denied");
- # Set/increment the specified deny_note, if applicable
- if ($self->{_deny_note}) {
- my ($name, $value) = ($self->{_deny_note} =~ m/^([-\w]+)(?:=([\d.]+))?/);
- $value ||= 1;
- $self->qp->connection->notes($name, ($self->qp->connection->notes($name) || 0) + $value)
- if $name;
- $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "deny_note: $name=" . $self->qp->connection->notes($name));
- }
- return (DENY, "invalid recipient $addresses[$#addresses]");
-# arch-tag: 2d2195a5-27b0-465d-a68f-f425efae2cc0
+=head1 NAME
+This plugin denies all recipients except those in the goodrcptto config file
+(i.e. like badrcptto, but whitelisting). It supports recipient username
+extension stripping, and both domain ('@domain.com') and username (bare
+'postmaster') wildcard entries in the config file.
+Useful where something like check_delivery is overkill or not an option
+(e.g. relays, bastion hosts).
+=head1 CONFIG
+The following parameters can be passed to check_goodrcptto:
+=over 4
+=item extn <char>
+If set, check_goodrcptto does its checks using both the username as given and
+the username stripped of any extensions beginning with <char>.
+=item deny_note <name>
+If set, check_goodrcptto will set a connection note with the given name when
+denying a recipient. If <name> is of the form 'name=value', then the specified
+value will be used instead of the default '1'. If the connection note already
+exists, the value will be incremented (if numeric), instead of set.
+my $VERSION = 0.03;
+sub register {
+ my ($self, $qp, %arg) = @_;
+ $self->register_hook("rcpt", "check_goodrcptto");
+ $self->{_extn} = $arg{extn} if $arg{extn};
+ $self->{_deny_note} = $arg{deny_note} if $arg{deny_note};
+sub check_goodrcptto {
+ my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
+ return (DECLINED) if $self->qp->connection->relay_client;
+ $self->log(LOGINFO, "stripping '$self->{_extn}' extensions") if $self->{_extn};
+ my @goodrcptto = $self->qp->config("goodrcptto") or return (DECLINED);
+ my $host = lc $recipient->host;
+ my $user = lc $recipient->user;
+ return (DECLINED) unless $host && $user;
+ # Setup users and address stripped of extensions
+ my (@parts, @users, @addresses);
+ my $extn = $self->{_extn};
+ if ($extn) {
+ @parts = split /$extn/, $user;
+ foreach (0..$#parts) {
+ push @users, join $extn, @parts[0..$_];
+ }
+ $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "address includes extn '$extn', checking users: " . (join ' ', @users));
+ } else {
+ push @users, $user;
+ }
+ @addresses = map { $_ . "@" . $host } @users;
+ for my $good (@goodrcptto) {
+ $good =~ s/^\s*(\S+).*/\L$1/;
+ foreach (@addresses) {
+ return (DECLINED) if $good eq $_;
+ }
+ # Allow wildcard '@domain.com' entries
+ return (DECLINED) if substr($good,0,1) eq '@' && $good eq "\@$host";
+ # Allow wildcard bare 'username' entries e.g. 'postmaster'
+ if (index($good,'@') < 0) {
+ foreach (@users) {
+ return (DECLINED) if $good eq $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->log(LOGWARN, "recipient $addresses[$#addresses] denied");
+ # Set/increment the specified deny_note, if applicable
+ if ($self->{_deny_note}) {
+ my ($name, $value) = ($self->{_deny_note} =~ m/^([-\w]+)(?:=([\d.]+))?/);
+ $value ||= 1;
+ $self->qp->connection->notes($name, ($self->qp->connection->notes($name) || 0) + $value)
+ if $name;
+ $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "deny_note: $name=" . $self->qp->connection->notes($name));
+ }
+ return (DENY, "invalid recipient $addresses[$#addresses]");
+# arch-tag: 2d2195a5-27b0-465d-a68f-f425efae2cc0