package esmith::console::serverManager; use strict; use warnings; use esmith::console; use Locale::gettext; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { name => gettext("Access server manager"), order => 50, }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub name { return $_[0]->{name}; } sub order { return $_[0]->{order}; } sub doit { my ($self, $console, $db) = @_; #------------------------------------------------------------ # MANAGER: #------------------------------------------------------------ my $SystemName = $db->get_value('SystemName'); my ($rc, $choice) = $console->yesno_page ( title => gettext("Access server manager"), text => gettext("This option will start a text-mode browser to access the server manager from this console. Normally you would access the server manager from a web browser at the following url:") . "\n\n" . "http://${SystemName}/server-manager/" . "\n\n" . gettext("You should only proceed if you are comfortable using a text-mode browser. Note that you will be prompted for the administrator password in order to access the server manager.") . "\n\n" . gettext("NOTE: The 'q' key is used to quit from the text-mode browser.") . "\n\n" . gettext("Do you wish to proceed?"), ); if ($rc == 0) { system( "/usr/bin/links", "http://localhost/server-manager" ); } $db->reload; } return new esmith::console::serverManager;