Jean-Philippe Pialasse 8615e569eb * Sun Mar 16 2025 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 11.0.0-31.sme
- handle dh params with template [SME: 12826]
 TODO timer and event
- foolproofing dummy.module
2025-03-17 22:55:51 -04:00

328 lines
11 KiB

package esmith::ssl;
use strict;
use warnings;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( key_exists_good_size cert_exists_good_size cert_is_cert key_is_key related_key_cert SSLproto SSLprotoApache SSLprotoComa SSLprotoHyphen SSLprotoMin SSLprotoLDAP SSLprotoQpsmtpd $smeCiphers $smeSSLprotocol %existingSSLprotos dh_exists_good_size);
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
our $SystemName = $configdb->get('SystemName')->value;
our $DomainName = $configdb->get('DomainName')->value;
our $FQDN = "$SystemName.$DomainName";
#default cipher list
#default protocol list
# 2024 phase out : TLS 1.1 and 1.0 ; insuficient: SSL 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0
our $smeSSLprotocol = "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3";
# SSLv2 and SSLv3 are not available in el8 openssl-1.1.1, while -ssl3 still in man page
# it will throw Option unknown option -ssl3
our %existingSSLprotos=%{ {'SSLv3'=>1, 'TLSv1'=>1, 'TLSv1.1'=>1, 'TLSv1.2'=>1, 'TLSv1.3'=>1}};
=head1 NAME
esmith::ssl - A few tools to help with ssl handling
use esmith::ssl;
my $booleanK=key_exists_good_size;
This is intended to help playing with installed SSL self-generated certificates and keys.
=head1 Methods
=head2 key_exists_good_size
test key exists, then test key size correct. Obviously it also test that the files is indeed a key
planned to be called in :
returns 0 if key is missing or wrong size
returns 1 if key exists and key size is correct
sub key_exists_good_size {
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my %modSSL = $configdb->as_hash('modSSL');
my $KeySize = $modSSL{KeySize} ||'4096';
my $key = shift || "/home/e-smith/ssl.key/$FQDN.key";
if ( -f $key )
#print "$key exists\n";
# check key size openssl rsa -in /home/e-smith/ssl.key/$host.$domain.key -text -noout | sed -rn "s/Private-Key: \((.*) bit\)/\1/p"
my $signatureKeySize = `openssl rsa -in $key -text -noout | grep "Private-Key" | head -1`;
chomp $signatureKeySize;
$signatureKeySize =~ s/^.*Private-Key: \((.*) bit.*\)/$1/p;
if ( $signatureKeySize == $KeySize ) {
#print "key size is correct ($KeySize)\n";
# key exists and key size is correct, we can proceed
return 1;
# key is either missing or wrong key size.
return 0;
# test key is key
#openssl rsa -check -in $key
=head2 cert_exists_good_size
# check cert exist
# check cert is cert
# check cert size Public-Key
# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in domain.key | openssl md5
# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in domain.crt | openssl md5
sub cert_exists_good_size {
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my %modSSL = $configdb->as_hash('modSSL');
my $KeySize = $modSSL{KeySize} ||'4096';
my $crt = shift || "/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/$FQDN.crt";
if ( -f $crt )
#openssl x509 -text -noout -in /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/$host.$domain.crt| sed -rn "s/Public-Key: \((.*) bit\)/\1/p"
my $signatureKeySize = `openssl x509 -text -noout -in $crt | grep "Public-Key" | head -1`;
chomp $signatureKeySize;
$signatureKeySize =~ s/^.*Public-Key: \((.*) bit\)/$1/p;
if ( $signatureKeySize == $KeySize ) {
#print "$signatureKeySize\n";
# cert is correct size and exists, we can proceed.
# next check key and cert are related
# next check cert is still valid
# next check alt name are still the same
return 1;
return 0;
=head2 cert_is_cert
check if file is really a certificate
sub cert_is_cert {
my $crt = shift || "/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/$FQDN.crt";
if ( -f $crt )
open my $oldout, ">&STDERR"; # "dup" the stdout filehandle
close STDERR;
my $exit_code=system("openssl","x509", "-noout", "-in", "$crt");
open STDERR, '>&', $oldout; # restore the dup'ed filehandle to STDOUT
if ($exit_code==0){
#print "certificate is a certificate\n";
return 1;
return 0;
=head2 key_is_key
check if file is really a key
sub key_is_key {
my $key = shift || "/home/e-smith/ssl.key/$FQDN.key";
if ( -f $key )
open my $oldout, ">&STDERR"; # "dup" the stdout filehandle
close STDERR;
my $exit_code=system("openssl","rsa", "-noout", "-in", "$key");
open STDERR, '>&', $oldout; # restore the dup'ed filehandle to STDOUT
if ($exit_code==0){
#print "key is a key\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub related_key_cert {
my $key = shift || "/home/e-smith/ssl.key/$FQDN.key";
my $crt = shift || "/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/$FQDN.crt";
if ( key_is_key($key) and cert_is_cert($crt) )
# check the cert and the key are related, if key has been changed, then we need to change the cert
my $crt_md5 = `openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $crt | openssl md5`;
my $key_md5 = `openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $key | openssl md5`;
#print "$key_md5 eq $crt_md5\n";
return 1 if $key_md5 eq $crt_md5;
return 0;
=head2 dh_exists_good_size
# check dh exist
# check dh is indeed dh
# check dh size
# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in domain.key | openssl md5
# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in domain.crt | openssl md5
sub dh_exists_good_size {
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my %modSSL = $configdb->as_hash('modSSL');
my $KeySize = shift || $modSSL{DHSize} ||'4096';
my $dh = shift || "/home/e-smith/dh.pem/$KeySize.pem";
if ( -f $dh )
my $signatureKeySize = `openssl dhparam -text -noout -in $dh 2>/dev/null | grep "DH Parameters:" | head -1`;
chomp $signatureKeySize;
$signatureKeySize =~ s/^.*DH Parameters: \((.*) bit\)/$1/p;
if ( $signatureKeySize == $KeySize ) {
#print "$signatureKeySize\n";
# cert is correct size and exists, we can proceed.
# next check key and cert are related
# next check cert is still valid
# next check alt name are still the same
return 1;
return 0;
##TODO write sub and migrate those actions from template fragments
# check cert is related to key
# => /etc/e-smith/templates/home/e-smith/ssl.crt
# check cert domain and alt
# => /etc/e-smith/templates/home/e-smith/ssl.crt
# check is valid / expiry date
# => /etc/e-smith/templates/home/e-smith/ssl.crt
=head2 SSLprotoApache
output a list of allowed protocols with apache format
e.g. -all +TLSv1.2 +TLSv1.3
sub SSLprotoApache{
my $protocols = " -all +".join(" +",split(" ",$smeSSLprotocol)) ." ";
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my $httpd = $configdb->get('httpd-e-smith');
# SSLv2 and SSLv3 are not available in el8 openssl-1.1.1, while -ssl3 still referenced
# it will throw Option unknown option -ssl3
#$protocols .= " +SSLv3" if ($httpd->{'SSLv3'} || 'disabled') eq 'enabled';
# TODO: a loop using existingSSLprotos
$protocols .= " +TLSv1" if ($httpd->{'TLSv1'} || 'disabled') eq 'enabled';
$protocols .= " +TLSv1.1" if ($httpd->{'TLSv1.1'} || 'disabled') eq 'enabled';
# look closely this is to remove what has been added on first line,
# hence the minus sign and reverse logic.
$protocols .= " -TLSv1.2" unless ($httpd->{'TLSv1.2'} || 'enabled') eq 'enabled';
$protocols .= " -TLSv1.3" unless ($httpd->{'TLSv1.3'} || 'enabled') eq 'enabled';
return $protocols;
=head2 SSLprotoQpsmtpd
output an expected IO::Socket::SSL string to enable
only the wanted TLS versions
sub SSLprotoQpsmtpd{
my $service= shift || 'qpsmtpd';
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my %qpsmtpd = %{$configdb->get($service)};
# SSLv2 and SSLv3 are not available in el8 openssl-1.1.1, while -ssl3 still referenced
# it will throw Option unknown option -ssl3
my $protocols = "SSLv23:!SSLv2:!SSLv3";
# TODO: a loop using existingSSLprotos and SSLprotoHyphen()
$protocols .= ':!TLSv1' unless ($qpsmtpd{'TLSv1'} || 'disabled') eq 'enabled';
$protocols .= ':!TLSv1_1' unless ($qpsmtpd{'TLSv1.1'} || 'disabled') eq 'enabled';
$protocols .= ':!TLSv1_2' unless ($qpsmtpd{'TLSv1.2'} || 'enabled') eq 'enabled';
$protocols .= ':!TLSv1_3' unless ($qpsmtpd{'TLSv1.3'} || 'enabled') eq 'enabled';
return $protocols;
=head2 SSLproto
default display of list of protocol. This is how it will be displayed in
httpd.conf and proftpd.conf
e.g. TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
sub SSLproto{
return $smeSSLprotocol;
=head2 SSLprotoComa
way to display protocols in Mariadb as a string list separated by coma
e.g. TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
sub SSLprotoComa{
my $string = shift || $smeSSLprotocol;
$string =~ s/[ :]/,/g;
return $string;
=head2 SSLprotoHyphen
convert TLSv1.2 to TLSv1_2
This is the format required by perl IO::Socket::SSL; and as the result by
qpsmtpd, uqpsmtpd, sqpsmtpd SME Server services
sub SSLprotoHyphen {
my $string = shift || $smeSSLprotocol;
$string =~ s/[ ,]/:/g;
$string =~ s/\./_/g;
return $string;
=head2 SSLprotoMin
display only the lower protocol, as expected for dovecot
ssl_min_protocol = TLSv1.2
# limit : will not handle all or sslv23 as input
sub SSLprotoMin{
my @SSLarray = split(" ",shift || $smeSSLprotocol);
my %hash ;
foreach my $value (@SSLarray) {
my $toto = $value =~ s/(.*)(\d{1})+$/$2/r;
# hack for TLS > SSL
$toto = ($value =~ /^TLS/) ? "2$toto" : "1$toto";
$hash{$toto}=$value ;
my @keys_sorted_by_value = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash;
my $lowest_value = $keys_sorted_by_value[0] ;
return $hash{$lowest_value};
=head2 SSLprotoLDAP
convert min protocol suported to LDAP format
TLSProtocolMin 3.3
To require TLS 1.x or higher, set this option to 3.(x+1), e.g., TLSProtocolMin 3.2 would require TLS 1.1.
from $smeSSLprotocol = "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3";
sub SSLprotoLDAP{
# convert to array
my @SSLarray = split(" ",shift || $smeSSLprotocol);
return "3.0" if (grep /^SSLv3$/, @SSLarray);
# TLSv1
return "3.1" if (grep /^TLSv1$/ , @SSLarray);
# keep only digit after .
@SSLarray = grep{ $_ =~ s/(.*)(\d{1})+$/$2/ } @SSLarray;
# order
@SSLarray = sort @SSLarray;
# get lower
my $num = $SSLarray[0];
# sum 3.1 + 0.$x
$num = "0.".$num;
# return
$num = $num +3.1;
return $num;