
292 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# vim: ft=xml ts=4 sw=4 et:
# heading : Collaboration
# description : Users
# navigation : 2000 2100
# copyright (C) 2002 Mitel Networks Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Technical support for this program is available from Mitel Networks
# Please visit our web site for details.
use strict;
use esmith::TestUtils;
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts;
my $fm = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new();
# XXX: need to print custom http headers, so bypass FormMagick
use CGI;
my $q = new CGI;
if ($q->param('action') && $q->param('action') eq 'getCert')
=head1 NAME
useraccounts -- create/modify/delete user accounts
This screen allows the administrator to create, modify or delete user
accounts on the system.
=begin testing
use esmith::FormMagick::Tester;
use esmith::TestUtils;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
my $panel = $Original_File;
my $ua = esmith::FormMagick::Tester->new();
my $c = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
my $a = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
is (mode($panel), '4755', "Check permissions on script");
ok ($ua->get_panel($panel), "ABOUT TO RUN L10N TESTS");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/FORM_TITLE/, "Saw untranslated form title");
ok ($ua->set_language("en-us"), "Set language to U.S. English");
ok ($ua->get_panel($panel), "Get panel");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/User accounts/, "Saw translated form title");
# Testing creating users
ok ($ua->get_panel($panel), "ABOUT TO TEST CREATING USER");
ok ($ua->follow("Click here"), "Follow 'create user' link");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/Account name/, "Saw form fields");
# Check that address details are picked up from LDAP
my $ldap_record = $c->get('ldap');
my $city = $ldap_record->prop('DefaultCity');
like($ua->{content}, qr/$city/, "Pick up address from LDAP");
# Creating a new user
my $new_username = new_random_username();
can_ok($ua, "field");
ok ($ua->{form}->find_input('acctName'),
"Find acctName field to fill in");
$ua->field("acctName" => $new_username);
ok ($ua->click("Save"), "Click Save");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/must not be left blank/, "Saw validation messages");
$ua->field("FirstName" => "Fred");
$ua->field("LastName" => "Foonly");
ok ($ua->click("Save"), "Click Save");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
# Testing modify user
ok ($ua->get_panel($panel), "ABOUT TO TEST MODIFYING A USER");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
ok ($ua->follow('Modify'), "Follow modify link");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/value="Save"/, "Saw 'Save' on the button");
# Testing removal of a user
ok ($ua->get_panel($panel), "ABOUT TO TEST USER REMOVAL");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
ok ($ua->follow('Remove'), "Follow remove link");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/Remove/, "Saw 'Remove'");
like($ua->{content}, qr/value="Remove"/, "Saw 'Remove' on the button");
# Testing password reset
ok ($ua->get_panel($panel), "ABOUT TO TEST PASSWORD RESET");
is ($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
ok ($ua->follow('Reset password'), "Follow reset password link");
like($ua->{content}, qr/Reset password/,"Saw 'Reset password'");
skip 3, "Unsafe!" unless destruction_ok();
$ua->field(password1 => "test");
$ua->field(password2 => "test");
ok($ua->click('Save'), "Set password to 'test', click Save");
is($ua->{status}, 200, "200 OK");
like($ua->{content}, qr/Click here/, "Returned to first page");
=end testing
<form title="FORM_TITLE" header="/etc/e-smith/web/common/head.tmpl" footer="/etc/e-smith/web/common/foot.tmpl">
<page name="First" pre-event="print_status_message()">
<subroutine src="print_user_table()" />
<page name="CreateModify" pre-event="turn_off_buttons()" post-event="handle_user_accounts()">
<subroutine src="print_acctName_field()" />
<field type="text" id="FirstName" validation="nonblank, pseudonym_clash">
<field type="text" id="LastName" validation="nonblank">
<field type="text" id="Dept"
<field type="text" id="Company"
<field type="text" id="Street"
<field type="text" id="City"
<field type="text" id="Phone"
<field type="select" id="EmailForward" options="'local' =>
'both' => 'DELIVER_AND_FORWARD'" validation="nonblank" value='local'
<field type="text" id="ForwardAddress" validation="emailforward()"
<field type="select" id="VPNClientAccess" options="'yes' => 'YES',
'no' => 'NO'" validation="nonblank" value="get_vpn_value()">
<subroutine src="print_ipsec_client_section()" />
<subroutine src="print_groupMemberships_field()" />
<subroutine src="print_save_or_add_button()" />
<page name="ModifyAdmin" pre-event="turn_off_buttons()" post-event="modify_admin()">
<subroutine src="print_acctName_field()" />
<field type="text" id="FirstName" validation="nonblank, pseudonym_clash">
<field type="text" id="LastName" validation="nonblank">
<field type="select" id="EmailForward" options="'local' =>
'both' => 'DELIVER_AND_FORWARD'" validation="nonblank" value='local'
<field type="text" id="ForwardAddress" validation="emailforward()"
<field type="select" id="VPNClientAccess" options="'yes' => 'YES',
'no' => 'NO'" validation="nonblank" value="get_vpn_value()">
<subroutine src="print_ipsec_client_section()" />
<subroutine src="print_button('SAVE')" />
<page name="ResetPasswordDummy">
<page name="ResetPassword" pre-event="turn_off_buttons()" post-event="reset_password()">
<subroutine src="print_page_description('reset')" />
<field type="password" id="password1" validation="nonblank, check_password">
<field type="password" id="password2" validation="verifyPasswords">
<subroutine src="print_button('SAVE')" />
<page name="LockAccount" pre-event="turn_off_buttons()" post-event="lock_account()">
<subroutine src="print_page_description('lock')" />
<subroutine src="print_button('LOCK')" />
<page name="RemoveAccount" pre-event="turn_off_buttons()" post-event="remove_account()">
<subroutine src="print_page_description('remove')" />
<subroutine src="print_button('REMOVE')" />
<page name="SystemPasswordDummy">
<page name="SystemPassword" pre-event="turn_off_buttons()"
post-event="system_change_password" >
<field type="password" id="curpass" validation="nonblank, system_authenticate_password">
<field type="password" id="pass" validation="nonblank, system_check_password">
<field type="password" id="passVerify" validation="system_password_compare">
<subroutine src="print_button('SAVE')" />