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public function prefs_init($pref, $value, $username, $scope_ob)
if (is_null($username)) \{ // not logged in
return $value;
# get the virtualhost
$vdomain = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
# if it is an ip, let's use the Primary domain
if (filter_var($vdomain, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) \{
$vdomain = "{$DomainName}";
\} else\{ # else filter the virtual domain to remove unwanted parts
my @filtered = split /[;,: ]/, $horde{SubdomainFilter} || "www,mail,webmail";
$OUT .= " \$patterns = array();\n";
foreach my $filter (sort @filtered)
$OUT .= " array_push(\$patterns,'|^$filter\\.|i');\n";
$vdomain = preg_replace($patterns, '', $vdomain);
$vdomain = Horde_String::lower($vdomain);
{ # override to Primary Domain
my $UsePrimary = $horde{ForcePrimaryDomain} || "disabled";
$OUT .= ($UsePrimary eq "enabled") ? " \$vdomain = '$DomainName';\n" : " # ForcePrimaryDomain disabled\n # \$vdomain = '$DomainName';\n" ;
my $basedn = esmith::util::ldapBase ($DomainName);
$OUT .= " \$ldapServer = 'localhost';
\$ldapPort = '389';
\$searchBase = 'ou=Users,$basedn';
\$ds = \@ldap_connect(\$ldapServer, \$ldapPort);
if (\@ldap_bind(\$ds )) {
\$searchResult = \@ldap_search(\$ds, \$searchBase, 'uid=' . \$username);
\$information = \@ldap_get_entries(\$ds, \$searchResult);";
switch ($pref) \{
case 'default_share' :
if (is_null($username)) \{
return $value;
return $username;
case 'from_addr':
if($value == '') \{
$value = "$username@$vdomain";
return $value;
case 'fullname':
if($value == '') \{
$value = "$username";
if (($information['count'] > 0) && ($information[0]['displayname'][0] != '') ) \{
$value = $information[0]['displayname'][0];
\} else \{
$value = "$username";
return $value;