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# This file stores uid/gid information from the CreatingSystemUsers topic of
# the Engineering Wiki. It is read by the uidgid.t test script. Please keep it
# up to date.
0 root 0
1 bin 1
2 daemon 2
3 adm 4
4 lp 7
8 mail 12
9 news 13
10 uucp 14
11 operator 0
12 games 100
13 gopher 30
14 ftp 50
23 squid 23
27 mysql 27
32 rpc 32
37 rpm 37
38 ntp 38
48 apache 48
53 dns 53
55 ldap 55
69 vcsa 69
74 sshd 74
77 pcap 77
99 nobody 99
100 www 101
101 admin 101
102 public 103
400 alias 400
401 qmaild 400
402 qmaill 400
403 qmailp 400
404 qmailq 401
405 qmailr 401
406 qmails 401
407 qmailscan 407
408 jabber 408
410 dnscache 410
411 dnslog 411
420 nutups 420
421 trend 421
422 fax 422
451 stunnel 451
452 memtestlog 452
1001 imaplog 1001
1002 smelog 1002
1003 cvmlog 1003
1004 mn_dvr 1004
1005 spamd 1005
2999 smelastsys 2999
0 root
1 bin
2 daemon
3 sys
4 adm
5 tty
6 disk
7 lp
8 mem
9 kmem
10 wheel
12 mail
13 news
14 uucp
15 man
19 floppy
20 games
21 slocate
22 utmp
23 squid
27 mysql
30 gopher
32 rpc
37 rpm
38 ntp
40 dip
48 apache
50 ftp
53 dns
54 lock
55 ldap
69 vcsa
74 sshd
77 pcap
99 nobody
100 users
101 admin
102 www
103 public
400 nofiles
401 qmail
407 qmailscan
408 jabber
410 dnscache
411 dnslog
420 nutups
421 trend
422 fax
451 stunnel
452 memtestlog
500 shared
1001 imaplog
1002 smelog
1003 cvmlog
1004 mn_dvr
1005 spamd
2999 smelastsys