96 lines
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96 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Overall tests for esmith::config
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
my %Expect = ( foo => 'bar',
'this key' => 'has whitespace',
'that key ' => 'has trailing whitespace',
' another key' => 'has leading whitespace',
'this value' => ' has leading whitespace',
'that value' => 'has trailing whitespace ',
'tricky value' => 'with=equals.',
# so we don't bork the original.
my $Scratch = '10e-smith-lib/mydummy.conf';
copy('10e-smith-lib/dummy.conf', $Scratch);
END { unlink $Scratch }
my %config;
tie %config, 'esmith::config', $Scratch;
ok( tied %config, 'tie worked' );
is_deeply( \%config, \%Expect, 'read in the config properly' );
# Test the tied interface.
is_deeply( [sort keys %config], [sort keys %Expect], 'keys' );
is_deeply( [sort values %config], [sort values %Expect], 'values' );
is_deeply( [@config{'foo', 'this key'}], [@Expect{'foo', 'this key'}],
'hash slice');
$config{foo} = 'baz';
is( $config{foo}, 'baz', 'STORE' );
my %config_copy;
tie %config_copy, 'esmith::config', $Scratch;
is( $config_copy{foo}, 'baz', ' STORE saved' );
skip "Locking is broken in perl 5.6.0", 2 if $] eq 5.006;
my $start_time = time;
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join ':', @INC;
system(qq{$^X -Mesmith::config -e 'alarm 4; tie %config, "esmith::config", q{$Scratch}'});
cmp_ok( time - 2, '<=', $start_time, 'write locks dont prevent read' );
$start_time = time;
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join ':', @INC;
system(qq{$^X -Mesmith::config -e 'alarm 4; tie %config, "esmith::config", q{$Scratch}; \$config{foo} = 42'});
cmp_ok( time - 1, '>=', $start_time, 'write locks prevent writes' );
my $new_conf = 'I_dont_exist';
unlink $new_conf;
ok( !-e $new_conf, 'config file doesnt exist' );
END { unlink $new_conf }
tie %config, 'esmith::config', $new_conf;
is( keys %config, 0, 'new() from nonexistent config' );
$config{wibble} = 'wobble';
tie %config_copy, 'esmith::config', $new_conf;
is( $config_copy{wibble}, 'wobble', ' new config file written' );
skip "Locking is broken in perl 5.6.0", 1 if $] eq 5.006;
# There was a bug where if you set something to its existing value
# it wouldn't unlock properly.
my $Alarm;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $Alarm = 1; die "ALARM!\n"; };
alarm 1;
$config_copy{wibble} = $config_copy{wibble};
$config{wibble} = 42;
alarm 0;
ok( !$Alarm, 'Unlocking works for setting the same value' );