* Tue Aug 13 2024 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <jpp@koozali.org> 11.0.0-7.sme

- esmith::util:ldap initial commit [SME: 12719]
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Philippe Pialasse 2024-08-13 16:43:10 -04:00
parent e1aa2c062a
commit 2a92781704
2 changed files with 688 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
# Copyright (C) 2024 Koozali Foundation inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package esmith::util::ldap;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::util;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use Unicode::Normalize;
use Text::Unidecode;
use Net::LDAP;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter Net::LDAP);
# Exporting as default.
our @EXPORT = qw(stringToASCII ldapgroup ldapdelgroup ldapsetgroupmembers ldapaddgroupmembers ldapuser ldapdeluser ldaplockuser ldapaddmachine ldapdelmachine);
# Exporting on demand basis.
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(ldapaddgroup ldapmodgroup ldapadduser ldapmoduser ldapexistsgroup ldapexistsuser ldapread);
#=for testing
#use_ok('esmith::util::system', 'killall', 'rsync', 'rsync_ssh');
my $c = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open config db\n";
our $domain = $c->get('DomainName')
|| die("Couldn't determine domain name");
$domain = $domain->value;
=head1 NAME
esmith::util::ldap - wrappers for ldap commands
use esmith::util::ldap;
This is for common functions that would normally require a complete setting
to bind and acces localhost LDAP server in order to read, add or modify entries
It is mostly a set of wrappers based on Net::LDAP.
If you find yourself writing a ldap related function, consider putting it
in here.
=head2 Functions
These may be pure Perl functions or they may well just be wrappers
around Net::LDAP.
Each can be imported on request.
=over 4
=begin testing
=end testing
=head2 new()
Initiate the perl object and binds to SME Server localhost ldap
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $obj = bless {}, $self;
my $c = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open config db\n";
my $a = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open accounts db\n";
# prepare LDAP bind ; Fail safe : if not root can not read password file !
my $pw = esmith::util::LdapPassword();
my $base = $self->base;
$obj = Net::LDAP->new('localhost')
or die "$@";
dn => "cn=root,$base",
password => $pw
return bless $obj, $self;
=head2 base()
Display base for ldap search or other usage
e.g. ou=domain,ou=org
sub base {
my $self = shift;
my $c = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open config db\n";
return esmith::util::ldapBase ($domain);
=head2 ldapgroup($group{})
Check if group is in ldap:
- if not it calls addgroup
- if yes it calls modgroup
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
It returns whatever addgroup or modgroup will.
sub ldapgroup {
my $self = shift ;
my $group = shift;
# get $key, this tests if not an account hash and returns 255
my $key = $group->key or return 255;
# get $type, if not returns 254, could also filter for user,group,system.ibay,machine...
my $type = $group->prop('type') or return 254;
# check if exists
# yes : modgroup
# no : addgroup
return ($self->ldapexistsgroup($key))? $self->ldapmodgroup($group) : $self->ldapaddgroup($group);
=head2 ldapaddgroup($group{})
Insert new group in ldap and return ldap err code if any.
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
From the type, it will extrapolate if we add a real group, an user main group
or an ibay group and chose the content to add.
sub ldapaddgroup {
my $self = shift ;
my $acct = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
# get $key, this tests if not an account hash and returns 255
my $acctName = $acct->key or return 255;
# get $type, if not what we want returns 254
my $type = $acct->prop('type') or return 254;
my $uid = $acct->prop('Uid') ;
my $gid = $acct->prop('Gid') || $uid; # this is a user group
# create the hash to submit with values common to all
my %attrs = (
"cn"=> $acctName,
"gidNumber"=> $gid,
"objectClass" => [ 'posixGroup', 'mailboxRelatedObject'],
if ($type eq "group") {
$attrs{'description'} = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Description') || $acctName );
$attrs{'mail'} = $acct->prop("$acctName\@$domain");
if ($type eq "ibay") {
$attrs{'description'} = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Name') || $acctName );
#$attrs{'mail'} = $acct->prop("$acctName\@$domain");# we might want to set email for ibay there?
$attrs{'objectClass'} = ['posixGroup'];
if ($type eq "machine") {
$attrs{'objectClass'} = ['posixGroup'];
# Create the group in ldap
my $result = $self->add("cn=$acctName,ou=Groups,$base",
attrs => [ %attrs ]);
return $result->code
=head2 ldapmodgroup($group{})
It modifies the group in ldap and return ldap err code if any.
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
It is assumed the group exists, please use ldapgroup() as failsafe. Before altering,
ldap content, it will first check that the content has change to avoid unnecessary
ldap write access.
sub ldapmodgroup {
my $self = shift ;
#get variables an sanitize
my $acct = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
# get $key, this tests if not an account hash and returns 255
my $acctName = $acct->key or return 255;
# get $type, if not what we want returns 254
my $type = $acct->prop('type') or return 254;
my $gid = $acct->prop('Gid') or return 253;
# create the hash to submit with values common to all
my %attrs = (
"cn"=> [$acctName],
"gidNumber"=> [$gid],
if ($type eq "group") {
$attrs{'description'} = [ $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Description') || $acctName ) ];
$attrs{'mail'} = [ $acct->prop("$acctName\@$domain") ];
if ($type eq "ibay") {
$attrs{'description'} = [ $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Name') || $acctName ) ] ;
#$attrs{'mail'} = [ $acct->prop("$acctName\@$domain") ];
# if type user we add nothing
#get current content
#list attributes
my $result;
my @list = keys %attrs;
$result = $self->search ( base => "cn=$acctName,ou=Groups,$base",
filter => "(objectClass=*)",
attrs => [ @list ]
my $href = $result->as_struct;
my @arrayOfDNs = keys %$href;
$href = $$href{$arrayOfDNs[0]};
# filter out fields without changes
for my $field (@list){
delete($attrs{$field}) if ( defined($href->{lc($field)}) and $href->{lc($field)}[0] eq $attrs{$field}[0]);
# return if nothing to change
return 0 unless ( %attrs);
#use replace for any change
$result = $self->modify("cn=$acctName,ou=Groups,$base",
replace => %attrs
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapsetgroupmembers($groupName,\@groupMembers)
will set all members in array to this group.
sub ldapsetgroupmembers {
my $self = shift ;
my $groupName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $groupMembers_ref = shift;
my @groupMembers = @{ $groupMembers_ref };
my $arrSize = scalar @groupMembers;
# add admin, www to group if SME group group, not for ibays,user,computers dedicated group
my $a = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open accounts db\n";
push @groupMembers, 'admin', 'www' if ( $a->get($groupName) and $a->get($groupName)->prop("type") eq "group");
#remove duplicates
@groupMembers = uniq @groupMembers;
#TODO check that we are not sending empty array
#TODO check that it actually needs updating to avoid write access
my $result = $self->modify("cn=$groupName,ou=Groups,$base",
replace => {
"memberUid"=> \@groupMembers
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapaddgroupmembers($groupName,\@groupMembers)
will add members in array to this group. not removing existing
members. will return code 20 if one exist.
sub ldapaddgroupmembers{
my $self = shift ;
my $groupName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $groupMembers_ref = shift;
my @groupMembers = @{ $groupMembers_ref };
my $arrSize = scalar @groupMembers;
#TODO check that we are not sending empty array
#TODO check that it actually needs updating to avoid write access
my $result = $self->modify("cn=$groupName,ou=Groups,$base",
add => {
"memberUid"=> \@groupMembers
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapdelgroup($groupName)
Will delete the group which groupname is provided.
Returns ldap error code if any.
sub ldapdelgroup {
my $self = shift ;
my $groupName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->delete("cn=$groupName,ou=Groups,$base");
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapexistsgroup($groupName)
Will check if group exists in ldap.
Returns 0 if not, and 1 if it does.
sub ldapexistsgroup {
my $self = shift ;
my $groupName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->search ( base => "cn=$groupName,ou=Groups,$base",
filter => "(objectClass=*)",
attrs => ["uid"]
return ($result->code)? 0:1;
=head2 ldapuser($user{})
Check if user is in ldap:
- if not it calls ldapadduser
- if yes it calls ldapmoduser
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
It returns whatever ldapadduser or ldapmoduser will.
sub ldapuser {
my $self = shift ;
my $user = shift;
# get $key, this tests if not an account hash and returns 255
my $key = $user->key or return 255;
# get $type, if not what we want returns 254, we could also filter forallowed type
my $type = $user->prop('type') or return 254;
# check if exists
# yes : ldapmodgroup
# no : ldapaddgroup
return ($self->ldapexistsuser($key))? $self->ldapmoduser($user) : $self->ldapadduser($user);
=head2 ldapadduser($user{})
Insert new user in ldap and return ldap err code if any.
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
From the type, it will extrapolate if we add a real user, a dummy group user
or a dummy ibay group and chose the content to add.
sub ldapadduser {
my $self = shift;
#check if posixAccount or dummy for group/Machine/ibay
my $acct = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
# get $key, this tests if not an account hash and returns 255
my $acctName = $acct->key or return 255;
# get $type, if not what we want returns 254
my $type = $acct->prop('type') or return 254;
my $uid = $acct->prop('Uid') or return 253;
my $gid = $acct->prop('Gid') || $uid ;
my $first = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('FirstName')) || '';
my $last = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('LastName')) || '';
my $phone = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Phone')) || '';
my $company = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Company')) || '';
my $dept = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Dept')) || '';
my $city = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('City')) || '';
my $street = $acct->prop('Street') || '';
my $shell = $acct->prop('Shell') || '/usr/bin/false';
# create the hash to submit with values common to all
my %attrs = (
"uidNumber" => $uid,
"gidNumber"=> $gid,
"objectClass" => [ 'inetOrgPerson', 'posixAccount', 'shadowAccount' ],
"homeDirectory" => "/home/e-smith/files/users/$acctName",
"loginShell" => "$shell",
"shadowExpire" => -1,
"shadowFlag" => 134538308,
"shadowInactive" => -1,
"shadowLastChange" => 15997,
"shadowMax" => 99999,
"shadowMin" => -1,
"shadowWarning"=> 7,
'userPassword' => "{crypt}!*"
if ($type eq "user") {
$attrs{"cn"}= "$first $last";
$attrs{"givenName"}= "$first";
$attrs{"sn"}= "$last";
$attrs{"displayName"}= "$first $last";
$attrs{"mail"}= "$acctName\@$domain";
$attrs{"telephoneNumber"}= $phone;
$attrs{"o"}= $company;
$attrs{"ou"}= $dept;
$attrs{"l"}= $city;
$attrs{"street"}= $street;
} elsif ($type eq "group") {
$attrs{"objectClass"}=['account', 'posixAccount', 'shadowAccount'];
$attrs{"homeDirectory"} = "/home/e-smith";
$attrs{"loginShell"} = "/bin/false";
} elsif ($type eq "ibay") {
my $Name = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Name')) || $acctName;
$attrs{"objectClass"}=['account', 'posixAccount', 'shadowAccount'];
$attrs{"homeDirectory"} = "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/$acctName";
$attrs{"loginShell"} = "/bin/false";
# Create the group in ldap
my $result = $self->add("uid=$acctName,ou=Users,$base",
attrs => [ %attrs ]);
return $result->code
=head2 ldapmoduser($user{})
Updates user.
It modifies the user in ldap and return ldap err code if any.
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
It is assumed the user exists, please use ldapuser() as failsafe. Before altering,
ldap content, it will first check that the content has change to avoid unnecessary
ldap write access.
sub ldapmoduser {
my $self = shift ;
my $acct = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
# get $key, this tests if not an account hash and returns 255
my $acctName = $acct->key or return 255;
# get $type, if not what we want returns 254
my $type = $acct->prop('type') or return 254;
my $uid = $acct->prop('Uid') or return 253;
my $gid = $acct->prop('Gid') || $uid;
my $first = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('FirstName')) || '';
my $last = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('LastName')) || '';
my $phone = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Phone')) || '';
my $company = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Company')) || '';
my $dept = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Dept')) || '';
my $city = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('City')) || '';
my $street = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Street')) || '';
my $shell = $acct->prop('Shell') || '/usr/bin/false';
# create the hash to submit with values common to all
my %attrs = (
"uidNumber" => $uid,
"gidNumber"=> $gid ,
"homeDirectory" => "/home/e-smith/files/users/$acctName",
"loginShell" => "$shell",
if ( $type eq "user") {
$attrs{"cn"}= "$first $last";
$attrs{"o"}= $company;
$attrs{"displayName"}= "$first $last";
} elsif ($type eq "group") {
$attrs{"loginShell"} = "/bin/false";
} elsif ($type eq "ibay") {
my $Name = $self->stringToASCII($acct->prop('Name')) || $acctName;
$attrs{"homeDirectory"} = "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/$acctName";
$attrs{"loginShell"} = "/bin/false";
#get current content
#list attributes
my $result;
my @list = keys %attrs;
$result = $self->search ( base => "uid=$acctName,ou=Users,$base",
filter => "(objectClass=*)",
attrs => [ @list ]
my $href = $result->as_struct;
my @arrayOfDNs = keys %$href;
$href = $$href{$arrayOfDNs[0]};
# filter out fields without any change.
for my $field (@list){
delete($attrs{$field}) if ( defined ($href->{lc($field)}) and $href->{lc($field)}[0] eq $attrs{$field});
# return if nothing changed
return 0 unless ( %attrs);
# update only if changes
$result = $self->modify("uid=$acctName,ou=Users,$base",
replace => [ %attrs]
return $result->code;
=head2 ldaplockuser($username)
Lock a user password
sub ldaplockuser {
my $self = shift ;
my $userName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->modify("uid=$userName,ou=Users,$base",
replace => { 'userPassword' => "{crypt}!*"});
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapdeluser($userName)
Will delete the user which username is provided.
Returns ldap error code if any.
sub ldapdeluser {
my $self = shift ;
my $userName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->delete("uid=$userName,ou=Users,$base");
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapexistsuser($userName)
Checks if user does exists in ldap.
sub ldapexistsuser {
my $self = shift ;
my $userName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->search ( base => "uid=$userName,ou=Users,$base",
filter => "(objectClass=*)",
attrs => ["uid"]
return ($result->code)? 0:1;
# TODO machine account add modify delete
=head2 ldapaddmachine($m{})
Insert new Machine in ldap and return ldap err code if any.
It expects as argument output of e-smith account db $account->get($key).
sub ldapaddmachine {
my $self = shift ;
my $acct = shift;
my $machineName = $acct->key or return 253;
my $uid = $acct->prop('Uid') or return 253;
return 253 unless ($acct->prop('type') eq "machine");
my $gid = $acct->prop('Gid') || $uid;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->add("uid=$machineName,ou=Computers,$base",
attrs => [
"uidNumber" => $uid,
"gidNumber" => $gid,
"cn" => "Hostname account for $machineName",
"objectClass" => [ 'account','posixAccount', 'shadowAccount'],
"homeDirectory" => "/noexistingpath",
"loginShell" => "/bin/false",
"shadowExpire" => -1,
"shadowFlag" => 134538308,
"shadowInactive" => -1,
"shadowLastChange" => 15997,
"shadowMax" => 99999,
"shadowMin" => -1,
"shadowWarning"=> 7,
"userPassword" => "{crypt}!*"
return $result->code
=head2 ldapdelmachine($machineName)
Will delete the user which machinename is provided.
Returns ldap error code if any.
sub ldapdelmachine {
my $self = shift ;
my $machineName = shift;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->delete("uid=$machineName,ou=Computers,$base");
return $result->code;
=head2 ldapread($entry)
Will returns all the field of an existing entry in ldap.
Should provides something like "uid=john,ou=Users" or
This is an easy way of verifying all is good in db.
sub ldapread {
my $self = shift ;
my $entry = shift ;
my $base = $self->base;
my $result = $self->search ( base => "$entry,$base",
filter => "(objectClass=*)",
attrs => [ ]
return $result->code if $result->error > 0;
my $href = $result->as_struct;
# get an array of the DN names
my @arrayOfDNs = keys %$href; # use DN hashes
# process each DN using it as a key
foreach ( @arrayOfDNs ) {
print $_, "\n";
my $valref = $$href{$_};
# get an array of the attribute names
# passed for this one DN.
my @arrayOfAttrs = sort keys %$valref; #use Attr hashes
my $attrName;
foreach $attrName (@arrayOfAttrs) {
# skip any binary data: yuck!
next if ( $attrName =~ /;binary$/ );
# get the attribute value (pointer) using the
# attribute name as the hash
my $attrVal = @$valref{$attrName};
print "\t $attrName: @$attrVal \n";
print "#-------------------------------\n";
# End of that DN
=head2 stringToASCII($string)
Will convert srings from UTF8 to ASCII where it is required to be ASCII.
sub stringToASCII {
my $self = shift ;
my $string = (ref($self) eq "esmith::util::ldap") ? shift : $self;
return unless ($string);
my $decomposed = NFKD( unidecode($string) );
$decomposed =~ s/\p{NonspacingMark}//g;
return $decomposed;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Summary: smeserver server and gateway - library module
%define name smeserver-lib %define name smeserver-lib
Name: %{name} Name: %{name}
%define version 11.0.0 %define version 11.0.0
%define release 6 %define release 7
Version: %{version} Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist} Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: Artistic License: Artistic
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ Provides: e-smith-lib
smeserver server and gateway software - library module. smeserver server and gateway software - library module.
%changelog %changelog
* Tue Aug 13 2024 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <jpp@koozali.org> 11.0.0-7.sme
- esmith::util:ldap initial commit [SME: 12719]
* Wed Apr 17 2024 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <jpp@koozali.org> 11.0.0-6.sme * Wed Apr 17 2024 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <jpp@koozali.org> 11.0.0-6.sme
- rename update event - rename update event