#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2005-2006 Mitel Networks Corporation # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- package esmith::tcpsvd; use strict; =pod =head1 NAME esmith::tcpsvd - Manage tcpsvd "peers" directory =head1 SYNOPSIS use esmith::tcpsvd; esmith::tcpsvd::configure_peers($service) =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides utility functions for use with tcpsvd from Gerrit Pape's ipsvd package - see http://smarden.org/ipsvd/. =cut use esmith::NetworksDB; use esmith::ConfigDB; use esmith::util; use esmith::lockfile; use Carp; =head2 configure_peers($service [, $peers_directory] ) configure_peers() configures the "peers" direectory used by tcpsvd for access control and environment maipulation. $service identifies the name of the service managed by supervise or runit. The peers directory (as specified by the optional $peers_directory argument, defaulting to "/var/service/$service/peers") is expected to contain files "0" defining access conditions for public (default) accesss, and "local", defining access conditions for local access. configure_peers() creates a set of symlinks so that tcpsvd uses "local" for all local network access to the service. See http://smarden.org/ipsvd/ipsvd-instruct.5.html for all details of the contents of the peers directory. =cut sub configure_peers { my $service = shift; my $peers = shift || "/var/service/$service/peers"; unless (opendir(PEERS, $peers)) { carp "Cannot read peers directory: $!"; return; } my $config = esmith::ConfigDB->open; unless ($config) { carp "Could not open config db."; return; } $service = $config->get($service); unless ($service) { carp "No service record for $service"; return; } my $access = $service->prop('access') || "localhost"; my $nets = esmith::NetworksDB->open; unless ($nets) { carp "Could not open networks db."; return; } my $gw = $config->get('GatewayIP'); # Make a list of local networks, in prefix format my %nets = ($access eq "localhost") ? () : map { $_ => 1, } map { esmith::util::computeAllLocalNetworkPrefixes($_->key, $_->prop('Mask')); } ($nets->get_all_by_prop('type', 'network')); $nets{''} = 1; # Setup lock on peers directory while we manipulate it my $lock = esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrWait("$peers/local"); # Now manage a set of symlinks to the "local" instructions file foreach my $insfile (readdir (PEERS)) { next unless -l "$peers/$insfile"; if (exists $nets{$insfile}) { # Cross this one off the list so that we don't bother creating it delete $nets{$insfile}; } else { # We no longer need this entry unlink "$peers/$insfile" or warn "Could not delete access control file $peers/$insfile: $!\n"; } } closedir(PEERS); foreach my $insfile (keys %nets) { symlink "local", "$peers/$insfile" or warn "Cannot add instructions file for $peers/$insfile: $!\n"; } if (defined $gw) { # We have a defined gateway address - make sure that the router doesn't have # relay privileges my $gw_ip = $gw->value; unlink "$peers/$gw_ip"; symlink "0", "$peers/$gw_ip" or warn "Cannot add instructions file for $peers/$gw_ip: $!\n"; } # Unlock peers directory $lock && esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($lock); } 1;