
79 lines
1.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: ft=perl:
use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Unix::PasswdFile;
use Unix::GroupFile;
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
my $conffile = 'uidgid.conf';
exit 1 if not -e $conffile;
my %passwdlist = ();
my %grouplist = ();
my $passwd = FALSE;
my $group = FALSE;
open(CONF, "<$conffile") or die "Can't open $conffile: $!\n";
next if /^(#|\s)/;
if (/\[passwd]/)
$passwd = TRUE;
elsif (/\[group]/)
$group = TRUE;
$passwd = FALSE;
next if not $passwd and not $group;
if ($passwd)
my ($uid, $name, $gid) = split;
$passwdlist{$name}{uid} = $uid;
$passwdlist{$name}{gid} = $gid;
elsif ($group)
my ($gid, $name) = split;
$grouplist{$name} = $gid;
# We can now confirm the uid and gid of every user, and the gid of every
# group, on the system.
# I don't know of a good way to query every user on the system, so for now
# lets just read them from the passwd file.
my $pw = Unix::PasswdFile->new('/etc/passwd', mode => 'r')
or die "Can't open /etc/passwd: $!\n";
foreach my $user ($pw->users)
my ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,undef) = getpwnam($user);
ok( exists $passwdlist{$name}, "user $name is on our list" );
ok( $uid == $passwdlist{$name}{uid}, "user $name has uid of $uid" );
ok( $gid == $passwdlist{$name}{gid}, "user $name has gid of $gid" );
my $gr = Unix::GroupFile->new('/etc/group', mode => 'r')
or die "Can't open /etc/group: $!\n";
foreach my $group ($gr->groups)
my ($name,$passwd,$gid,$members) = getgrnam($group);
ok( exists $grouplist{$name}, "group $name is on our list" );
ok( $gid == $grouplist{$name}, "group $group has gid of $gid" );
exit 0;