Collaboration Współpraca Administration Administracja Security Bezpieczeństwo Configuration Konfiguracja Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Your Settings Your Settings SAVE Zapisz CANCEL Anuluj ENABLED Enabled DISABLED Disabled NO Nie YES Tak ADD Dodaj CREATE Utwórz MODIFY Zmodyfikuj REMOVE Usuń COMMENT Comment NEXT Dalej SELF Self REMOTE Zdalny LOCAL Lokalny ACTION Action NETWORK Sieć ROUTER Router OPERATION_STATUS_REPORT Raport o stanie procesu ACCOUNT Konto GROUP Grupa DESC_SECTIONBAR ]]> NO_PIPES_ALLOWED Znaki pionowej kreski (|) nie są dozwolone w tym polu ERROR_BELOW BŁĄD: Wystąpił błąd podczas sprawdzania poprawności tej strony. Przewiń w dół i znajdź konkretny problem. ACCESS Dostęp ACCOUNT_LOCKED Konto jest zablokowane GROUP_ADD Dodaj grupę NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL Zezwalaj na dostęp tylko z sieci lokalnych NETWORKS_ALLOW_PUBLIC Zezwalaj na publiczny dostęp (z całego Internetu) ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE Wystąpił błąd podczas próby zmiany hasła. Upewnij się, że stare wprowadzone hasło jest poprawne. BACK Wstecz BACKUP Kopia zapasowa DESCRIPTION_BRIEF Krótki opis PASSWORD_CHANGE Zmiana hasła RESET_PASSWORD_TITLE Reset user password ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CHANGE Change account password CONTENT Zawartość CREATE_GROUP Create user group USER_LIST_CURRENT Current list of users DESCRIPTION Opis DESTINATION Cel DOMAIN_NAME Domain name DOMAIN Domena DOMAINS Domena DOWNLOAD Pobierz ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION Error occurred while updating system configuration. GROUP_MEMBERS Group Members GROUP_NAME Group Name GROUPS Grupa IP_ADDRESS Adres IP IP_ADDRESS_OR_FQDN Adres IP lub FQDN USER_INVALID Invalid user LOCATION Położenie MB Mb MODIFY_USER_GROUP Modify user group NAME Nazwa PASSWORD_VERIFY_NEW New password (verify): PASSWORD_NEW New password: OFF Off OK Ok PASSWORD_OLD Old password: ON On PASSWORD Hasło PERFORM Perform RECONFIGURE Skonfiguruj ponownie REMOVE_USER_GROUP Remove user group PASSWORD_RESET Reset password RESTORE Restore SHUTDOWN Wyłącz SUCCESS Success ACCOUNT_NAME_INVALID The account name entered is invalid. ACCOUNT_NAME_INVALID_CHARS The account name you entered contained invalid characters. PASSWORD_OLD_INVALID_CHARS The old password you entered contained invalid characters. PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS The password you entered contained invalid characters. PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR The passwords you entered did not match. ACCOUNT_USER_NONE There are no user accounts in the system. ACCOUNT_GROUP_NONE There are no user groups in the system. ERROR_INVALID_CHARS Unexpected characters in description. USER_NAME User Name YOUR_ACCOUNT Your account: YOUR_ACCOUNT_INVALID The account name entered is invalid. PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS Your password has been successfully changed. FM_NONBLANK This field must not be left blank FM_INTEGER This field must contain a positive integer FM_NUMBER This field must contain a number FM_WORD This field must look like a single word. FM_DATE The data entered could not be parsed as a date FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER1 You must enter a credit card number FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER2 Credit card numbers shouldn't have anything but numbers, spaces or dashes FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER3 Must be at least 14 characters in length FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER4 Doesn't appear to be a valid credit card number FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY1 No expiry date entered. FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY2 Expiry date must be in the format MM/YY or MM/YYYY FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY3 This expiry date appears to have already passed FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY4 This expiry date appears to be too far in the future FM_ISO_COUNTRY_CODE1 You must provide a country code FM_ISO_COUNTRY_CODE2 This field does not contain an ISO country code FM_US_STATE This doesn't appear to be a valid 2-letter US state abbreviation FM_US_ZIPCODE US zip codes must contain 5 or 9 numbers FM_MINLENGTH1 Minimum length has been specified meaninglessly as {$minlength} FM_MINLENGTH2 This field must be at least {$minlength} characters FM_MAXLENGTH1 Maximum length has been specified meaninglessly as {$maxlength} FM_MAXLENGTH2 This field must be no more than {$maxlength} characters FM_EXACTLENGTH1 You must specify the length for the field. FM_EXACTLENGTH2 You must specify the exactlength of the field with an integer FM_EXACTLENGTH3 This field must be exactly {$exactlength} characters FM_LENGTHRANGE1 You must specify the maximum and minimum length for the field. FM_LENGTHRANGE2 You must specify the maximum and minimum lengths of the field with an integer FM_LENGTHRANGE3 This field must be between {$minlength} and {$maxlength} characters FM_URL This field must contain a URL starting with http:// or ftp:// FM_EMAIL_SIMPLE1 You must enter an email address. FM_EMAIL_SIMPLE2 This field doesn't look like an RFC822-compliant email address FM_DOMAIN_NAME This field doesn't look like a valid Internet domain name or hostname. FM_IP_NUMBER1 This field must contain a valid IP number and can not be left blank. FM_IP_NUMBER2 Invalid IP address format (expected X.X.X.X) FM_IP_NUMBER3 {$octet} is more than 255 FM_USERNAME This field must look like a valid username (3 to 8 letters and numbers) FM_PASSWORD1 You must provide a password. FM_PASSWORD2 The password you provided was not a good password. A good password must contain all of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, number, non-alphanumeric character, be at least 7 characters long. FM_MAC_ADDRESS1 You must provide a MAC address. FM_MAC_ADDRESS2 The MAC address you provided was not valid. FM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DESC Error: unexpected or missing characters in description CSRF_VALIDATION_FAILURE Error: CSRF token is invalid or outdated.