
50 lines
2.4 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
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#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:15
msgid "Automated quota report"
msgstr "Samodejno poročilo o zasedenosti"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:17
msgid "You have exceeded your disk quota"
msgstr "Prekoračili ste dovoljeni prostor na strežniku"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:19
msgid "Your current disk usage:"
msgstr "Trenutno imate v uporabi:"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:20
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:23
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:25
msgid "Mb"
msgstr "Mb"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:21
msgid "Your maximum usage:"
msgstr "Vaša maksimalna poraba znaša:"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:22
msgid " no limit set"
msgstr ""
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:24
msgid "Warnings start at:"
msgstr "Opozarjati pa vas začne pri:"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:26
msgid "Grace period ends:"
msgstr "Vmesna dovoljena količina se konča pri:"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:27
msgid "System name:"
msgstr "Ime sistema:"
#: root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl:29
msgid "You are currently using more disk space than you have been allotted. You have until the Grace Period above to remove files so that you no longer exceed the warning level. At no time will you be permitted to store more than the maximum usage indicated above. This disk allocation includes all your e-mail, including unread e-mail."
msgstr "Trenutno uporabljate več prostora na disku, kot vam ga je bilo dodeljeno. Dokler ne dosežete konca vmesne kapacitete imate priložnost odvečne datoteke izbrisati in tako izključiti to opozorilo. Nikoli vam sistem ne bo dovolih shranjevati več podatkov, kot vam je bilo dodeljeno. Za poraba prostora se smatrajo vsa vaša e-mail spročila (prebrana in neprebrana), vse vaše datoteke v informacijskih listih in tudi datoteke v vaši domači mapi."