/*! StateRestore 1.4.1
 * © SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license

import jQuery from 'jquery';
import DataTable from 'datatables.net';

// Allow reassignment of the $ variable
let $ = jQuery;

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var $$2;
    var dataTable$1;
    function setJQuery$1(jq) {
        $$2 = jq;
        dataTable$1 = jq.fn.dataTable;
    var StateRestore = /** @class */ (function () {
        function StateRestore(settings, opts, identifier, state, isPreDefined, successCallback) {
            if (state === void 0) { state = undefined; }
            if (isPreDefined === void 0) { isPreDefined = false; }
            if (successCallback === void 0) { successCallback = function () { return null; }; }
            // Check that the required version of DataTables is included
            if (!dataTable$1 || !dataTable$1.versionCheck || !dataTable$1.versionCheck('1.10.0')) {
                throw new Error('StateRestore requires DataTables 1.10 or newer');
            // Check that Select is included
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens
            if (!dataTable$1.Buttons) {
                throw new Error('StateRestore requires Buttons');
            var table = new dataTable$1.Api(settings);
            this.classes = $$2.extend(true, {}, StateRestore.classes);
            // Get options from user
            this.c = $$2.extend(true, {}, StateRestore.defaults, opts);
            this.s = {
                dt: table,
                identifier: identifier,
                isPreDefined: isPreDefined,
                savedState: null,
                tableId: state && state.stateRestore ? state.stateRestore.tableId : undefined
            this.dom = {
                background: $$2('<div class="' + this.classes.background + '"/>'),
                closeButton: $$2('<div class="' + this.classes.closeButton + '">&times;</div>'),
                confirmation: $$2('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmation + '"/>'),
                confirmationButton: $$2('<button class="' + this.classes.confirmationButton + ' ' + this.classes.dtButton + '">'),
                confirmationTitleRow: $$2('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationTitleRow + '"></div>'),
                dtContainer: $$2(this.s.dt.table().container()),
                duplicateError: $$2('<span class="' + this.classes.modalError + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.duplicateError', this.c.i18n.duplicateError) +
                emptyError: $$2('<span class="' + this.classes.modalError + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.emptyError', this.c.i18n.emptyError) +
                removeContents: $$2('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationText + '"><span>' +
                        .i18n('stateRestore.removeConfirm', this.c.i18n.removeConfirm)
                        .replace(/%s/g, StateRestore.entityEncode(this.s.identifier)) +
                removeError: $$2('<span class="' + this.classes.modalError + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.removeError', this.c.i18n.removeError) +
                removeTitle: $$2('<h2 class="' + this.classes.confirmationTitle + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.removeTitle', this.c.i18n.removeTitle) +
                renameContents: $$2('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationText + ' ' + this.classes.renameModal + '">' +
                    '<label class="' + this.classes.confirmationMessage + '">' +
                        .i18n('stateRestore.renameLabel', this.c.i18n.renameLabel)
                        .replace(/%s/g, StateRestore.entityEncode(this.s.identifier)) +
                    '</label>' +
                renameInput: $$2('<input class="' + this.classes.input + '" type="text"></input>'),
                renameTitle: $$2('<h2 class="' + this.classes.confirmationTitle + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.renameTitle', this.c.i18n.renameTitle) +
            // When a StateRestore instance is created the current state of the table should also be saved.
            this.save(state, successCallback);
         * Removes a state from storage and then triggers the dtsr-remove event
         * so that the StateRestoreCollection class can remove it's references as well.
         * @param skipModal Flag to indicate if the modal should be skipped or not
        StateRestore.prototype.remove = function (skipModal) {
            var _a;
            var _this = this;
            if (skipModal === void 0) { skipModal = false; }
            // Check if removal of states is allowed
            if (!this.c.remove) {
                return false;
            var removeFunction;
            var ajaxData = {
                action: 'remove',
                stateRestore: (_a = {},
                    _a[this.s.identifier] = this.s.savedState,
            var successCallback = function () {
                $$2(document).unbind('keyup', function (e) { return _this._keyupFunction(e); });
            // If the remove is not happening over ajax remove it from local storage and then trigger the event
            if (!this.c.ajax) {
                removeFunction = function () {
                    try {
                        localStorage.removeItem('DataTables_stateRestore_' + _this.s.identifier + '_' + location.pathname +
                            (_this.s.tableId ? '_' + _this.s.tableId : ''));
                    catch (e) {
                        _this.dom.confirmation.children('.' + _this.classes.modalError).remove();
                        return 'remove';
                    return true;
            // Ajax property has to be a string, not just true
            // Also only want to save if the table has been initialised and the states have been loaded in
            else if (typeof this.c.ajax === 'string' && this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) {
                removeFunction = function () {
                        data: ajaxData,
                        success: successCallback,
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: _this.c.ajax
                    return true;
            else if (typeof this.c.ajax === 'function') {
                removeFunction = function () {
                    if (typeof _this.c.ajax === 'function') {
                        _this.c.ajax.call(_this.s.dt, ajaxData, successCallback);
                    return true;
            // If the modal is to be skipped then remove straight away
            if (skipModal) {
            // Otherwise display the modal
            else {
                this._newModal(this.dom.removeTitle, this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.removeSubmit', this.c.i18n.removeSubmit), removeFunction, this.dom.removeContents);
            return true;
         * Compares the state held within this instance with a state that is passed in
         * @param state The state that is to be compared against
         * @returns boolean indicating if the states match
        StateRestore.prototype.compare = function (state) {
            // Order
            if (!this.c.saveState.order) {
                state.order = undefined;
            // Search
            if (!this.c.saveState.search) {
                state.search = undefined;
            // Columns
            if (this.c.saveState.columns && state.columns) {
                for (var i = 0, ien = state.columns.length; i < ien; i++) {
                    // Visibility
                    if (typeof this.c.saveState.columns !== 'boolean' && !this.c.saveState.columns.visible) {
                        state.columns[i].visible = undefined;
                    // Search
                    if (typeof this.c.saveState.columns !== 'boolean' && !this.c.saveState.columns.search) {
                        state.columns[i].search = undefined;
            else if (!this.c.saveState.columns) {
                state.columns = undefined;
            // Paging
            if (!this.c.saveState.paging) {
                state.page = undefined;
            // SearchBuilder
            if (!this.c.saveState.searchBuilder) {
                state.searchBuilder = undefined;
            // SearchPanes
            if (!this.c.saveState.searchPanes) {
                state.searchPanes = undefined;
            // Select
            if (!this.c.saveState.select) {
                state.select = undefined;
            // ColReorder
            if (!this.c.saveState.colReorder) {
                state.ColReorder = undefined;
            // Scroller
            if (!this.c.saveState.scroller) {
                state.scroller = undefined;
                if (dataTable$1.Scroller !== undefined) {
                    state.start = 0;
            // Paging
            if (!this.c.saveState.paging) {
                state.start = 0;
            // Page Length
            if (!this.c.saveState.length) {
                state.length = undefined;
            // Need to delete properties that we do not want to compare
            delete state.time;
            var copyState = this.s.savedState;
            delete copyState.time;
            delete copyState.c;
            delete copyState.stateRestore;
            // Perform a deep compare of the two state objects
            return this._deepCompare(state, copyState);
         * Removes all of the dom elements from the document
        StateRestore.prototype.destroy = function () {
            $$2.each(this.dom, function (name, el) {
         * Loads the state referenced by the identifier from storage
         * @param state The identifier of the state that should be loaded
         * @returns the state that has been loaded
        StateRestore.prototype.load = function () {
            var _this = this;
            var loadedState = this.s.savedState;
            var settings = this.s.dt.settings()[0];
            // Always want the states stored here to be loaded in - regardless of when they were created
            loadedState.time = +new Date();
            settings.oLoadedState = $$2.extend(true, {}, loadedState);
            // Click on a background if there is one to shut the collection
            var loaded = function () {
                var correctPaging = function (e, preSettings) {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        var currpage = preSettings._iDisplayStart / preSettings._iDisplayLength;
                        var intendedPage = loadedState.start / loadedState.length;
                        // If the paging is incorrect then we have to set it again so that it is correct
                        // This happens when a searchpanes filter is removed
                        // This has to happen in a timeout because searchpanes only deselects after a timeout
                        if (currpage >= 0 && intendedPage >= 0 && currpage !== intendedPage) {
                    }, 50);
                _this.s.dt.one('preDraw', correctPaging);
            // Call the internal datatables function to implement the state on the table
            if (DataTable.versionCheck('2')) {
            else {
                // Legacy
                DataTable.ext.oApi._fnImplementState(settings, loadedState, loaded);
            return loadedState;
         * Shows a modal that allows a state to be renamed
         * @param newIdentifier Optional. The new identifier for this state
        StateRestore.prototype.rename = function (newIdentifier, currentIdentifiers) {
            var _this = this;
            if (newIdentifier === void 0) { newIdentifier = null; }
            // Check if renaming of states is allowed
            if (!this.c.rename) {
            var renameFunction = function () {
                var _a;
                if (newIdentifier === null) {
                    var tempIdentifier = $$2('input.' + _this.classes.input.replace(/ /g, '.')).val();
                    if (tempIdentifier.length === 0) {
                        _this.dom.confirmation.children('.' + _this.classes.modalError).remove();
                        return 'empty';
                    else if (currentIdentifiers.includes(tempIdentifier)) {
                        _this.dom.confirmation.children('.' + _this.classes.modalError).remove();
                        return 'duplicate';
                    else {
                        newIdentifier = tempIdentifier;
                var ajaxData = {
                    action: 'rename',
                    stateRestore: (_a = {},
                        _a[_this.s.identifier] = newIdentifier,
                var successCallback = function () {
                    _this.s.identifier = newIdentifier;
                    _this.save(_this.s.savedState, function () { return null; }, false);
                    _this.dom.removeContents = $$2('<div class="' + _this.classes.confirmationText + '"><span>' +
                            .i18n('stateRestore.removeConfirm', _this.c.i18n.removeConfirm)
                            .replace(/%s/g, _this.s.identifier) +
                    $$2(document).unbind('keyup', function (e) { return _this._keyupFunction(e); });
                if (!_this.c.ajax) {
                    try {
                        localStorage.removeItem('DataTables_stateRestore_' + _this.s.identifier + '_' + location.pathname +
                            (_this.s.tableId ? '_' + _this.s.tableId : ''));
                    catch (e) {
                        _this.dom.confirmation.children('.' + _this.classes.modalError).remove();
                        return false;
                else if (typeof _this.c.ajax === 'string' && _this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) {
                        data: ajaxData,
                        success: successCallback,
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: _this.c.ajax
                else if (typeof _this.c.ajax === 'function') {
                    _this.c.ajax.call(_this.s.dt, ajaxData, successCallback);
                return true;
            // Check if a new identifier has been provided, if so no need for a modal
            if (newIdentifier !== null) {
                if (currentIdentifiers.includes(newIdentifier)) {
                    throw new Error(this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.duplicateError', this.c.i18n.duplicateError));
                else if (newIdentifier.length === 0) {
                    throw new Error(this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.emptyError', this.c.i18n.emptyError));
                else {
            else {
                this._newModal(this.dom.renameTitle, this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.renameButton', this.c.i18n.renameButton), renameFunction, this.dom.renameContents);
         * Saves the tables current state using the identifier that is passed in.
         * @param state Optional. If provided this is the state that will be saved rather than using the current state
        StateRestore.prototype.save = function (state, passedSuccessCallback, callAjax) {
            var _a;
            var _this = this;
            if (callAjax === void 0) { callAjax = true; }
            // Check if saving states is allowed
            if (!this.c.save) {
                if (passedSuccessCallback) {
            // this.s.dt.state.save();
            var savedState;
            // If no state has been provided then create a new one from the current state
            if (state === undefined) {
                savedState = this.s.dt.state();
            else if (typeof state !== 'object') {
            else {
                savedState = state;
            if (savedState.stateRestore) {
                savedState.stateRestore.isPreDefined = this.s.isPreDefined;
                savedState.stateRestore.state = this.s.identifier;
                savedState.stateRestore.tableId = this.s.tableId;
            else {
                savedState.stateRestore = {
                    isPreDefined: this.s.isPreDefined,
                    state: this.s.identifier,
                    tableId: this.s.tableId
            this.s.savedState = savedState;
            // Order
            if (!this.c.saveState.order) {
                this.s.savedState.order = undefined;
            // Search
            if (!this.c.saveState.search) {
                this.s.savedState.search = undefined;
            // Columns
            if (this.c.saveState.columns && this.s.savedState.columns) {
                for (var i = 0, ien = this.s.savedState.columns.length; i < ien; i++) {
                    // Visibility
                    if (typeof this.c.saveState.columns !== 'boolean' && !this.c.saveState.columns.visible) {
                        this.s.savedState.columns[i].visible = undefined;
                    // Search
                    if (typeof this.c.saveState.columns !== 'boolean' && !this.c.saveState.columns.search) {
                        this.s.savedState.columns[i].search = undefined;
            else if (!this.c.saveState.columns) {
                this.s.savedState.columns = undefined;
            // SearchBuilder
            if (!this.c.saveState.searchBuilder) {
                this.s.savedState.searchBuilder = undefined;
            // SearchPanes
            if (!this.c.saveState.searchPanes) {
                this.s.savedState.searchPanes = undefined;
            // Select
            if (!this.c.saveState.select) {
                this.s.savedState.select = undefined;
            // ColReorder
            if (!this.c.saveState.colReorder) {
                this.s.savedState.ColReorder = undefined;
            // Scroller
            if (!this.c.saveState.scroller) {
                this.s.savedState.scroller = undefined;
                if (dataTable$1.Scroller !== undefined) {
                    this.s.savedState.start = 0;
            // Paging
            if (!this.c.saveState.paging) {
                this.s.savedState.start = 0;
            // Page Length
            if (!this.c.saveState.length) {
                this.s.savedState.length = undefined;
            this.s.savedState.c = this.c;
            // Need to remove the parent reference before we save the state
            // Its not needed to rebuild, but it does cause a circular reference when converting to JSON
            if (this.s.savedState.c.splitSecondaries.length) {
                for (var _i = 0, _b = this.s.savedState.c.splitSecondaries; _i < _b.length; _i++) {
                    var secondary = _b[_i];
                    if (secondary.parent) {
                        secondary.parent = undefined;
            // If the state is predefined there is no need to save it over ajax or to local storage
            if (this.s.isPreDefined) {
                if (passedSuccessCallback) {
            var ajaxData = {
                action: 'save',
                stateRestore: (_a = {},
                    _a[this.s.identifier] = this.s.savedState,
            var successCallback = function () {
                if (passedSuccessCallback) {
            if (!this.c.ajax) {
                localStorage.setItem('DataTables_stateRestore_' + this.s.identifier + '_' + location.pathname +
                    (this.s.tableId ? '_' + this.s.tableId : ''), JSON.stringify(this.s.savedState));
            else if (typeof this.c.ajax === 'string' && callAjax) {
                if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) {
                        data: ajaxData,
                        success: successCallback,
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: this.c.ajax
                else {
                    this.s.dt.one('init', function () {
                            data: ajaxData,
                            success: successCallback,
                            type: 'POST',
                            url: _this.c.ajax
            else if (typeof this.c.ajax === 'function' && callAjax) {
                this.c.ajax.call(this.s.dt, ajaxData, successCallback);
         * Encode HTML entities
         * @param d String to encode
         * @returns Encoded string
         * @todo When DT1 support is dropped, switch to using `DataTable.util.escapeHtml`
        StateRestore.entityEncode = function (d) {
            return typeof d === 'string' ?
                    .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
                    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
                    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
                    .replace(/"/g, '&quot;') :
         * Performs a deep compare of two state objects, returning true if they match
         * @param state1 The first object to compare
         * @param state2 The second object to compare
         * @returns boolean indicating if the objects match
        StateRestore.prototype._deepCompare = function (state1, state2) {
            // Put keys and states into arrays as this makes the later code easier to work
            var states = [state1, state2];
            var keys = [Object.keys(state1).sort(), Object.keys(state2).sort()];
            var startIdx, i;
            // If scroller is included then we need to remove the start value
            //  as it can be different but yield the same results
            if (keys[0].includes('scroller')) {
                startIdx = keys[0].indexOf('start');
                if (startIdx) {
                    keys[0].splice(startIdx, 1);
            if (keys[1].includes('scroller')) {
                startIdx = keys[1].indexOf('start');
                if (startIdx) {
                    keys[1].splice(startIdx, 1);
            // We want to remove any private properties within the states
            for (i = 0; i < keys[0].length; i++) {
                if (keys[0][i].indexOf('_') === 0) {
                    keys[0].splice(i, 1);
                // If scroller is included then we need to remove the following values
                //  as they can be different but yield the same results
                if (keys[0][i] === 'baseRowTop' ||
                    keys[0][i] === 'baseScrollTop' ||
                    keys[0][i] === 'scrollTop' ||
                    (!this.c.saveState.paging && keys[0][i] === 'page')) {
                    keys[0].splice(i, 1);
            for (i = 0; i < keys[1].length; i++) {
                if (keys[1][i].indexOf('_') === 0) {
                    keys[1].splice(i, 1);
                if (keys[1][i] === 'baseRowTop' ||
                    keys[1][i] === 'baseScrollTop' ||
                    keys[1][i] === 'scrollTop' ||
                    (!this.c.saveState.paging && keys[0][i] === 'page')) {
                    keys[1].splice(i, 1);
            if (keys[0].length === 0 && keys[1].length > 0 ||
                keys[1].length === 0 && keys[0].length > 0) {
                return false;
            // We are only going to compare the keys that are common between both states
            for (i = 0; i < keys[0].length; i++) {
                if (!keys[1].includes(keys[0][i])) {
                    keys[0].splice(i, 1);
            for (i = 0; i < keys[1].length; i++) {
                if (!keys[0].includes(keys[1][i])) {
                    keys[1].splice(i, 1);
            // Then each key and value has to be checked against each other
            for (i = 0; i < keys[0].length; i++) {
                // If the keys dont equal, or their corresponding types are different we can return false
                if (keys[0][i] !== keys[1][i] || typeof states[0][keys[0][i]] !== typeof states[1][keys[1][i]]) {
                    return false;
                // If the type is an object then further deep comparisons are required
                if (typeof states[0][keys[0][i]] === 'object') {
                    if (!this._deepCompare(states[0][keys[0][i]], states[1][keys[1][i]])) {
                        return false;
                else if (typeof states[0][keys[0][i]] === 'number' && typeof states[1][keys[1][i]] === 'number') {
                    if (Math.round(states[0][keys[0][i]]) !== Math.round(states[1][keys[1][i]])) {
                        return false;
                // Otherwise we can just check the value
                else if (states[0][keys[0][i]] !== states[1][keys[1][i]]) {
                    return false;
            // If we get all the way to here there are no differences so return true for this object
            return true;
        StateRestore.prototype._keyupFunction = function (e) {
            // If enter same action as pressing the button
            if (e.key === 'Enter') {
            // If escape close modal
            else if (e.key === 'Escape') {
                $$2('div.' + this.classes.background.replace(/ /g, '.')).click();
         * Creates a new confirmation modal for the user to approve an action
         * @param title The title that is to be displayed at the top of the modal
         * @param buttonText The text that is to be displayed in the confirmation button of the modal
         * @param buttonAction The action that should be taken when the confirmation button is pressed
         * @param modalContents The contents for the main body of the modal
        StateRestore.prototype._newModal = function (title, buttonText, buttonAction, modalContents) {
            var _this = this;
                .append($$2('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationButtons + '"></div>')
            var inputs = modalContents.children('input');
            // If there is an input focus on that
            if (inputs.length > 0) {
            // Otherwise focus on the confirmation button
            else {
            var background = $$2('div.' + this.classes.background.replace(/ /g, '.'));
            if (this.c.modalCloseButton) {
                this.dom.closeButton.on('click', function () { return background.click(); });
            // When the button is clicked, call the appropriate action,
            // remove the background and modal from the screen and unbind the keyup event.
            this.dom.confirmationButton.on('click', function () { return buttonAction(); });
            this.dom.confirmation.on('click', function (e) {
            // When the button is clicked, remove the background and modal from the screen and unbind the keyup event.
            background.one('click', function () {
                $$2(document).unbind('keyup', function (e) { return _this._keyupFunction(e); });
            $$2(document).on('keyup', function (e) { return _this._keyupFunction(e); });
        StateRestore.version = '1.4.1';
        StateRestore.classes = {
            background: 'dtsr-background',
            closeButton: 'dtsr-popover-close',
            confirmation: 'dtsr-confirmation',
            confirmationButton: 'dtsr-confirmation-button',
            confirmationButtons: 'dtsr-confirmation-buttons',
            confirmationMessage: 'dtsr-confirmation-message dtsr-name-label',
            confirmationText: 'dtsr-confirmation-text',
            confirmationTitle: 'dtsr-confirmation-title',
            confirmationTitleRow: 'dtsr-confirmation-title-row',
            dtButton: 'dt-button',
            input: 'dtsr-input',
            modalError: 'dtsr-modal-error',
            renameModal: 'dtsr-rename-modal'
        StateRestore.defaults = {
            _createInSaved: false,
            ajax: false,
            create: true,
            creationModal: false,
            i18n: {
                creationModal: {
                    button: 'Create',
                    colReorder: 'Column Order:',
                    columns: {
                        search: 'Column Search:',
                        visible: 'Column Visibility:'
                    length: 'Page Length:',
                    name: 'Name:',
                    order: 'Sorting:',
                    paging: 'Paging:',
                    scroller: 'Scroll Position:',
                    search: 'Search:',
                    searchBuilder: 'SearchBuilder:',
                    searchPanes: 'SearchPanes:',
                    select: 'Select:',
                    title: 'Create New State',
                    toggleLabel: 'Includes:'
                duplicateError: 'A state with this name already exists.',
                emptyError: 'Name cannot be empty.',
                emptyStates: 'No saved states',
                removeConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove %s?',
                removeError: 'Failed to remove state.',
                removeJoiner: ' and ',
                removeSubmit: 'Remove',
                removeTitle: 'Remove State',
                renameButton: 'Rename',
                renameLabel: 'New Name for %s:',
                renameTitle: 'Rename State'
            modalCloseButton: true,
            remove: true,
            rename: true,
            save: true,
            saveState: {
                colReorder: true,
                columns: {
                    search: true,
                    visible: true
                length: true,
                order: true,
                paging: true,
                scroller: true,
                search: true,
                searchBuilder: true,
                searchPanes: true,
                select: true
            splitSecondaries: [
            toggle: {
                colReorder: false,
                columns: {
                    search: false,
                    visible: false
                length: false,
                order: false,
                paging: false,
                scroller: false,
                search: false,
                searchBuilder: false,
                searchPanes: false,
                select: false
        return StateRestore;

    var $$1;
    var dataTable;
    function setJQuery(jq) {
        $$1 = jq;
        dataTable = jq.fn.dataTable;
    var StateRestoreCollection = /** @class */ (function () {
        function StateRestoreCollection(settings, opts) {
            var _this = this;
            // Check that the required version of DataTables is included
            if (!dataTable || !dataTable.versionCheck || !dataTable.versionCheck('1.10.0')) {
                throw new Error('StateRestore requires DataTables 1.10 or newer');
            // Check that Select is included
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens
            if (!dataTable.Buttons) {
                throw new Error('StateRestore requires Buttons');
            var table = new dataTable.Api(settings);
            this.classes = $$1.extend(true, {}, StateRestoreCollection.classes);
            if (table.settings()[0]._stateRestore !== undefined) {
            // Get options from user
            this.c = $$1.extend(true, {}, StateRestoreCollection.defaults, opts);
            this.s = {
                dt: table,
                hasColReorder: dataTable.ColReorder !== undefined,
                hasScroller: dataTable.Scroller !== undefined,
                hasSearchBuilder: dataTable.SearchBuilder !== undefined,
                hasSearchPanes: dataTable.SearchPanes !== undefined,
                hasSelect: dataTable.select !== undefined,
                states: []
            this.s.dt.on('xhr', function (e, xhrsettings, json) {
                // Has staterestore been used before? Is there anything to load?
                if (json && json.stateRestore) {
            this.dom = {
                background: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.background + '"/>'),
                checkboxInputRow: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.formRow + '">' +
                    '<label class="' + this.classes.nameLabel + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.toggleLabel', this.c.i18n.creationModal.toggleLabel) +
                    '</label>' +
                    '<div class="dtsr-input"></div>' +
                closeButton: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.closeButton + '">x</div>'),
                colReorderToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.colReorderToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.colReorder', this.c.i18n.creationModal.colReorder) +
                columnsSearchToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.columnsSearchToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.columns.search', this.c.i18n.creationModal.columns.search) +
                columnsVisibleToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.columnsVisibleToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.columns.visible', this.c.i18n.creationModal.columns.visible) +
                confirmation: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmation + '"/>'),
                confirmationTitleRow: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationTitleRow + '"></div>'),
                createButtonRow: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.formRow + ' ' + this.classes.modalFoot + '">' +
                    '<button class="' + this.classes.creationButton + ' ' + this.classes.dtButton + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.button', this.c.i18n.creationModal.button) +
                    '</button>' +
                creation: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.creation + '"/>'),
                creationForm: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.creationForm + '"/>'),
                creationTitle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.creationText + '">' +
                    '<h2 class="' + this.classes.creationTitle + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.title', this.c.i18n.creationModal.title) +
                    '</h2>' +
                dtContainer: $$1(this.s.dt.table().container()),
                duplicateError: $$1('<span class="' + this.classes.modalError + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.duplicateError', this.c.i18n.duplicateError) +
                emptyError: $$1('<span class="' + this.classes.modalError + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.emptyError', this.c.i18n.emptyError) +
                lengthToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.lengthToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.length', this.c.i18n.creationModal.length) +
                nameInputRow: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.formRow + '">' +
                    '<label class="' + this.classes.nameLabel + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.name', this.c.i18n.creationModal.name) +
                    '</label>' +
                    '<div class="dtsr-input">' +
                    '<input class="' + this.classes.nameInput + '" type="text">' +
                    '</div>' +
                orderToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.orderToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.order', this.c.i18n.creationModal.order) +
                pagingToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.pagingToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.paging', this.c.i18n.creationModal.paging) +
                removeContents: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationText + '"><span></span></div>'),
                removeTitle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.creationText + '">' +
                    '<h2 class="' + this.classes.creationTitle + '">' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.removeTitle', this.c.i18n.removeTitle) +
                    '</h2>' +
                scrollerToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.scrollerToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.scroller', this.c.i18n.creationModal.scroller) +
                searchBuilderToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.searchBuilderToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.searchBuilder', this.c.i18n.creationModal.searchBuilder) +
                searchPanesToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.searchPanesToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.searchPanes', this.c.i18n.creationModal.searchPanes) +
                searchToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.searchToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.search', this.c.i18n.creationModal.search) +
                selectToggle: $$1('<div class="' + this.classes.checkLabel + '">' +
                    '<input type="checkbox" class="' +
                    this.classes.selectToggle + ' ' +
                    this.classes.checkBox +
                    '" checked>' +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.creationModal.select', this.c.i18n.creationModal.select) +
            table.settings()[0]._stateRestore = this;
            // Has staterestore been used before? Is there anything to load?
            var ajaxFunction;
            var ajaxData = {
                action: 'load'
            if (typeof this.c.ajax === 'function') {
                ajaxFunction = function () {
                    if (typeof _this.c.ajax === 'function') {
                        _this.c.ajax.call(_this.s.dt, ajaxData, function (s) { return _this._addPreDefined(s); });
            else if (typeof this.c.ajax === 'string') {
                ajaxFunction = function () {
                        data: ajaxData,
                        success: function (data) {
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: _this.c.ajax
            if (typeof ajaxFunction === 'function') {
                if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) {
                else {
                    this.s.dt.one('preInit.dtsr', function () {
            this.s.dt.on('destroy.dtsr', function () {
            this.s.dt.on('draw.dtsr buttons-action.dtsr', function () { return _this.findActive(); });
            return this;
         * Adds a new StateRestore instance to the collection based on the current properties of the table
         * @param identifier The value that is used to identify a state.
         * @returns The state that has been created
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype.addState = function (identifier, currentIdentifiers, options) {
            var _this = this;
            // If creation/saving is not allowed then return
            if (!this.c.create || !this.c.save) {
            // Check if the state exists before creating a new ones
            var state = this.getState(identifier);
            var createFunction = function (id, toggles) {
                if (id.length === 0) {
                    return 'empty';
                else if (currentIdentifiers.includes(id)) {
                    return 'duplicate';
                var that = _this;
                var successCallback = function () {
                var currState = _this.s.dt.state();
                currState.stateRestore = {
                    isPredefined: false,
                    state: id,
                    tableId: _this.s.dt.table().node().id
                if (toggles.saveState) {
                    var opts = _this.c.saveState;
                    // We don't want to extend, but instead AND all properties of the saveState option
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(toggles.saveState); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var key = _a[_i];
                        if (typeof toggles.saveState[key] === 'object') {
                            for (var _b = 0, _c = Object.keys(toggles.saveState[key]); _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                                var nestedKey = _c[_b];
                                if (!toggles.saveState[key][nestedKey]) {
                                    opts[key][nestedKey] = false;
                        else if (!toggles.saveState[key]) {
                            opts[key] = false;
                    _this.c.saveState = opts;
                var newState = new StateRestore(_this.s.dt.settings()[0], $$1.extend(true, {}, _this.c, options), id, currState, false, successCallback);
                $$1(_this.s.dt.table().node()).on('dtsr-modal-inserted', function () {
                    newState.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-remove', function () { return _this._removeCallback(newState.s.identifier); });
                    newState.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-rename', function () { return _this._collectionRebuild(); });
                    newState.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-save', function () { return _this._collectionRebuild(); });
                return true;
            // If there isn't already a state with this identifier
            if (state === null) {
                if (this.c.creationModal || options !== undefined && options.creationModal) {
                    this._creationModal(createFunction, identifier, options);
                else {
                    var success = createFunction(identifier, {});
                    if (success === 'empty') {
                        throw new Error(this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.emptyError', this.c.i18n.emptyError));
                    else if (success === 'duplicate') {
                        throw new Error(this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.duplicateError', this.c.i18n.duplicateError));
            else {
                throw new Error(this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.duplicateError', this.c.i18n.duplicateError));
         * Removes all of the states, showing a modal to the user for confirmation
         * @param removeFunction The action to be taken when the action is confirmed
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype.removeAll = function (removeFunction) {
            // There are no states to remove so just return
            if (this.s.states.length === 0) {
            var ids = this.s.states.map(function (state) { return state.s.identifier; });
            var replacementString = ids[0];
            if (ids.length > 1) {
                replacementString = ids.slice(0, -1).join(', ') +
                    this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.removeJoiner', this.c.i18n.removeJoiner) +
                .i18n('stateRestore.removeConfirm', this.c.i18n.removeConfirm)
                .replace(/%s/g, replacementString));
            this._newModal(this.dom.removeTitle, this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.removeSubmit', this.c.i18n.removeSubmit), removeFunction, this.dom.removeContents);
         * Removes all of the dom elements from the document for the collection and the stored states
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype.destroy = function () {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.states; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var state = _a[_i];
            $$1.each(this.dom, function (name, el) {
            this.s.states = [];
         * Identifies active states and updates their button to reflect this.
         * @returns An array containing objects with the details of currently active states
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype.findActive = function () {
            // Make sure that the state is up to date
            var currState = this.s.dt.state();
            var button;
            // Make all of the buttons inactive so that only any that match will be marked as active
            var buttons = this.s.dt.buttons().nodes();
            for (var _i = 0, buttons_1 = buttons; _i < buttons_1.length; _i++) {
                button = buttons_1[_i];
                if ($$1(button).hasClass('dtsr-state') || $$1(button).children().hasClass('dtsr-state')) {
            var results = [];
            // Go through all of the states comparing if their state is the same to the current one
            for (var _a = 0, _b = this.s.states; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                var state = _b[_a];
                if (state.compare(currState)) {
                        data: state.s.savedState,
                        name: state.s.identifier
                    // If so, find the corresponding button and mark it as active
                    for (var _c = 0, buttons_2 = buttons; _c < buttons_2.length; _c++) {
                        button = buttons_2[_c];
                        var btn = this.s.dt.button(button);
                        if (btn.text() === state.s.identifier) {
            return results;
         * Gets a single state that has the identifier matching that which is passed in
         * @param identifier The value that is used to identify a state
         * @returns The state that has been identified or null if no states have been identified
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype.getState = function (identifier) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.states; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var state = _a[_i];
                if (state.s.identifier === identifier) {
                    return state;
            return null;
         * Gets an array of all of the states
         * @returns Any states that have been identified
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype.getStates = function (ids) {
            if (ids === undefined) {
                return this.s.states;
            else {
                var states = [];
                for (var _i = 0, ids_1 = ids; _i < ids_1.length; _i++) {
                    var id = ids_1[_i];
                    var found = false;
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = this.s.states; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var state = _b[_a];
                        if (id === state.s.identifier) {
                            found = true;
                    if (!found) {
                return states;
         * Reloads states that are set via datatables config or over ajax
         * @param preDefined Object containing the predefined states that are to be reintroduced
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype._addPreDefined = function (preDefined) {
            var _this = this;
            // There is a potential issue here if sorting where the string parts of the name are the same,
            // only the number differs and there are many states - but this wouldn't be usfeul naming so
            // more of a priority to sort alphabetically
            var states = Object.keys(preDefined).sort(function (a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; });
            var _loop_1 = function (state) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this_1.s.states.length; i++) {
                    if (this_1.s.states[i].s.identifier === state) {
                        this_1.s.states.splice(i, 1);
                var that = this_1;
                var successCallback = function () {
                var loadedState = preDefined[state];
                var newState = new StateRestore(this_1.s.dt, $$1.extend(true, {}, this_1.c, loadedState.c !== undefined ?
                    { saveState: loadedState.c.saveState } :
                    undefined, true), state, loadedState, true, successCallback);
                newState.s.savedState = loadedState;
                $$1(this_1.s.dt.table().node()).on('dtsr-modal-inserted', function () {
                    newState.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-remove', function () { return _this._removeCallback(newState.s.identifier); });
                    newState.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-rename', function () { return _this._collectionRebuild(); });
                    newState.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-save', function () { return _this._collectionRebuild(); });
            var this_1 = this;
            for (var _i = 0, states_1 = states; _i < states_1.length; _i++) {
                var state = states_1[_i];
         * Rebuilds all of the buttons in the collection of states to make sure that states and text is up to date
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype._collectionRebuild = function () {
            var button = this.s.dt.button('SaveStateRestore:name');
            var stateButtons = [];
            var i;
            // Need to get the original configuration object, so we can rebuild it
            // It might be nested, so need to traverse down the tree
            if (button[0]) {
                var idxs = button.index().split('-');
                stateButtons = button[0].inst.c.buttons;
                for (i = 0; i < idxs.length; i++) {
                    if (stateButtons[idxs[i]].buttons) {
                        stateButtons = stateButtons[idxs[i]].buttons;
                    else {
                        stateButtons = [];
            // remove any states from the previous rebuild - if they are still there they will be added later
            for (i = 0; i < stateButtons.length; i++) {
                if (stateButtons[i].extend === 'stateRestore') {
                    stateButtons.splice(i, 1);
            if (this.c._createInSaved) {
            var emptyText = '<span class="' + this.classes.emptyStates + '">' +
                this.s.dt.i18n('stateRestore.emptyStates', this.c.i18n.emptyStates) +
            // If there are no states display an empty message
            if (this.s.states.length === 0) {
                // Don't want the empty text included more than twice
                if (!stateButtons.includes(emptyText)) {
            else {
                // There are states to add so there shouldn't be any empty text left!
                while (stateButtons.includes(emptyText)) {
                    stateButtons.splice(stateButtons.indexOf(emptyText), 1);
                // There is a potential issue here if sorting where the string parts of the name are the same,
                // only the number differs and there are many states - but this wouldn't be usfeul naming so
                // more of a priority to sort alphabetically
                this.s.states = this.s.states.sort(function (a, b) {
                    var aId = a.s.identifier;
                    var bId = b.s.identifier;
                    return aId > bId ?
                        1 :
                        aId < bId ?
                            -1 :
                // Construct the split property of each button
                for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.states; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var state = _a[_i];
                    var split = this.c.splitSecondaries.slice();
                    if (split.includes('updateState') && (!this.c.save || !state.c.save)) {
                        split.splice(split.indexOf('updateState'), 1);
                    if (split.includes('renameState') &&
                        (!this.c.save || !state.c.save || !this.c.rename || !state.c.rename)) {
                        split.splice(split.indexOf('renameState'), 1);
                    if (split.includes('removeState') && (!this.c.remove || !state.c.remove)) {
                        split.splice(split.indexOf('removeState'), 1);
                        _stateRestore: state,
                        attr: {
                            title: state.s.identifier
                        config: {
                            split: split
                        extend: 'stateRestore',
                        text: StateRestore.entityEncode(state.s.identifier),
                        popoverTitle: StateRestore.entityEncode(state.s.identifier)
            // Need to disable the removeAllStates button if there are no states and it is present
            var buttons = this.s.dt.buttons();
            for (var _b = 0, buttons_3 = buttons; _b < buttons_3.length; _b++) {
                var butt = buttons_3[_b];
                if ($$1(butt.node).hasClass('dtsr-removeAllStates')) {
                    if (this.s.states.length === 0) {
                    else {
         * Displays a modal that is used to get information from the user to create a new state.
         * @param buttonAction The action that should be taken when the button is pressed
         * @param identifier The default identifier for the next new state
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype._creationModal = function (buttonAction, identifier, options) {
            var _this = this;
            var tableConfig = this.s.dt.settings()[0].oInit;
            var toggle;
            var togglesToInsert = [];
            var toggleDefined = options !== undefined && options.toggle !== undefined;
            // Order toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.order === undefined) && this.c.toggle.order ||
                toggleDefined && options.toggle.order) &&
                this.c.saveState.order &&
                (tableConfig.ordering === undefined || tableConfig.ordering)) {
            // Search toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.search === undefined) && this.c.toggle.search ||
                toggleDefined && options.toggle.search) &&
                this.c.saveState.search &&
                (tableConfig.searching === undefined || tableConfig.searching)) {
            // Paging toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.paging === undefined) && this.c.toggle.paging ||
                toggleDefined && options.toggle.paging) &&
                this.c.saveState.paging &&
                (tableConfig.paging === undefined || tableConfig.paging)) {
            // Page Length toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.length === undefined) && this.c.toggle.length ||
                toggleDefined && options.toggle.length) &&
                this.c.saveState.length &&
                (tableConfig.length === undefined || tableConfig.length)) {
            // ColReorder toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (this.s.hasColReorder &&
                ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.colReorder === undefined) && this.c.toggle.colReorder ||
                    toggleDefined && options.toggle.colReorder) &&
                this.c.saveState.colReorder) {
            // Scroller toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (this.s.hasScroller &&
                ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.scroller === undefined) && this.c.toggle.scroller ||
                    toggleDefined && options.toggle.scroller) &&
                this.c.saveState.scroller) {
            // SearchBuilder toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (this.s.hasSearchBuilder &&
                ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.searchBuilder === undefined) && this.c.toggle.searchBuilder ||
                    toggleDefined && options.toggle.searchBuilder) &&
                this.c.saveState.searchBuilder) {
            // SearchPanes toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (this.s.hasSearchPanes &&
                ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.searchPanes === undefined) && this.c.toggle.searchPanes ||
                    toggleDefined && options.toggle.searchPanes) &&
                this.c.saveState.searchPanes) {
            // Select toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (this.s.hasSelect &&
                ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.select === undefined) && this.c.toggle.select ||
                    toggleDefined && options.toggle.select) &&
                this.c.saveState.select) {
            // Columns toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
            if (typeof this.c.toggle.columns === 'boolean' &&
                ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.order === undefined) && this.c.toggle.columns ||
                    toggleDefined && options.toggle.order) &&
                this.c.saveState.columns) {
            else if ((!toggleDefined || options.toggle.columns === undefined) && typeof this.c.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' ||
                typeof options.toggle.order !== 'boolean') {
                if (typeof this.c.saveState.columns !== 'boolean' && this.c.saveState.columns) {
                    // Column search toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
                    if ((
                    // columns.search is defined when passed in
                    toggleDefined &&
                        options.toggle.columns !== undefined &&
                        typeof options.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' &&
                        options.toggle.columns.search ||
                        // Columns search is not defined when passed in but is in defaults
                        (!toggleDefined ||
                            options.toggle.columns === undefined ||
                            typeof options.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' && options.toggle.columns.search === undefined) &&
                            typeof this.c.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' &&
                            this.c.toggle.columns.search) &&
                        this.c.saveState.columns.search) {
                    // Column visiblity toggle - check toggle and saving enabled
                    if ((
                    // columns.visible is defined when passed in
                    toggleDefined &&
                        options.toggle.columns !== undefined &&
                        typeof options.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' &&
                        options.toggle.columns.visible ||
                        // Columns visible is not defined when passed in but is in defaults
                        (!toggleDefined ||
                            options.toggle.columns === undefined ||
                            typeof options.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' && options.toggle.columns.visible === undefined) &&
                            typeof this.c.toggle.columns !== 'boolean' &&
                            this.c.toggle.columns.visible) &&
                        this.c.saveState.columns.visible) {
                else if (this.c.saveState.columns) {
            // Make sure that the toggles are displayed alphabetically
            togglesToInsert.sort(function (a, b) {
                var aVal = a.text();
                var bVal = b.text();
                if (aVal < bVal) {
                    return -1;
                else if (aVal > bVal) {
                    return 1;
                else {
                    return 0;
            // Append all of the toggles that are to be inserted
            var checkboxesEl = this.dom.checkboxInputRow
            // let checkboxes = $('<div class="'+this.classes.formRow+' '+this.classes.checkRow+'"></div>')
            // 	.appendTo(this.dom.creationForm);
            for (var _i = 0, togglesToInsert_1 = togglesToInsert; _i < togglesToInsert_1.length; _i++) {
                toggle = togglesToInsert_1[_i];
            // Insert the toggle label next to the first check box
            // $(this.dom.creationForm.children('div.'+this.classes.checkRow)[0]).prepend(this.dom.toggleLabel);
            // Insert the creation modal and the background
            // Allow the label to be clicked to toggle the checkbox
            for (var _a = 0, togglesToInsert_2 = togglesToInsert; _a < togglesToInsert_2.length; _a++) {
                toggle = togglesToInsert_2[_a];
                $$1(toggle.children('label:last-child')).on('click', function () {
                    toggle.children('input').prop('checked', !toggle.children('input').prop('checked'));
            var creationButton = $$1('button.' + this.classes.creationButton.replace(/ /g, '.'));
            var inputs = this.dom.creationForm.find('input');
            // If there is an input focus on that
            if (inputs.length > 0) {
            // Otherwise focus on the confirmation button
            else {
            var background = $$1('div.' + this.classes.background.replace(/ /g, '.'));
            var keyupFunction = function (e) {
                if (e.key === 'Enter') {
                else if (e.key === 'Escape') {
            if (this.c.modalCloseButton) {
                this.dom.closeButton.on('click', function () { return background.click(); });
            creationButton.on('click', function () {
                // Get the values of the checkBoxes
                var saveState = {
                    colReorder: _this.dom.colReorderToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    columns: {
                        search: _this.dom.columnsSearchToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                        visible: _this.dom.columnsVisibleToggle.find('input').is(':checked')
                    length: _this.dom.lengthToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    order: _this.dom.orderToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    paging: _this.dom.pagingToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    scroller: _this.dom.scrollerToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    search: _this.dom.searchToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    searchBuilder: _this.dom.searchBuilderToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    searchPanes: _this.dom.searchPanesToggle.find('input').is(':checked'),
                    select: _this.dom.selectToggle.find('input').is(':checked')
                // Call the buttons functionality passing in the identifier and what should be saved
                var success = buttonAction($$1('input.' + _this.classes.nameInput.replace(/ /g, '.')).val(), { saveState: saveState });
                if (success === true) {
                    // Remove the dom elements as operation has completed
                    // Unbind the keyup function  - don't want it to run unnecessarily on every keypress that occurs
                    $$1(document).unbind('keyup', keyupFunction);
                else {
                    _this.dom.creation.children('.' + _this.classes.modalError).remove();
                    _this.dom.creation.append(_this.dom[success + 'Error']);
            background.one('click', function () {
                // Remove the dome elements as operation has been cancelled
                // Unbind the keyup function - don't want it to run unnecessarily on every keypress that occurs
                $$1(document).unbind('keyup', keyupFunction);
                // Rebuild the collection to ensure that the latest changes are present
            // Have to listen to the keyup event as `escape` doesn't trigger keypress
            $$1(document).on('keyup', keyupFunction);
            // Need to save the state before the focus is lost when the modal is interacted with
         * This callback is called when a state is removed.
         * This removes the state from storage and also strips it's button from the container
         * @param identifier The value that is used to identify a state
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype._removeCallback = function (identifier) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.s.states.length; i++) {
                if (this.s.states[i].s.identifier === identifier) {
                    this.s.states.splice(i, 1);
            return true;
         * Creates a new confirmation modal for the user to approve an action
         * @param title The title that is to be displayed at the top of the modal
         * @param buttonText The text that is to be displayed in the confirmation button of the modal
         * @param buttonAction The action that should be taken when the confirmation button is pressed
         * @param modalContents The contents for the main body of the modal
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype._newModal = function (title, buttonText, buttonAction, modalContents) {
            var _this = this;
            var confirmationButton = $$1('<button class="' + this.classes.confirmationButton + ' ' + this.classes.dtButton + '">' +
                buttonText +
                .append($$1('<div class="' + this.classes.confirmationButtons + '"></div>')
            var inputs = modalContents.children('input');
            // If there is an input focus on that
            if (inputs.length > 0) {
            // Otherwise focus on the confirmation button
            else {
            var background = $$1('div.' + this.classes.background.replace(/ /g, '.'));
            var keyupFunction = function (e) {
                // If enter same action as pressing the button
                if (e.key === 'Enter') {
                // If escape close modal
                else if (e.key === 'Escape') {
            // When the button is clicked, call the appropriate action,
            // remove the background and modal from the screen and unbind the keyup event.
            confirmationButton.on('click', function () {
                var success = buttonAction(true);
                if (success === true) {
                    $$1(document).unbind('keyup', keyupFunction);
                else {
                    _this.dom.confirmation.children('.' + _this.classes.modalError).remove();
                    _this.dom.confirmation.append(_this.dom[success + 'Error']);
            this.dom.confirmation.on('click', function (e) {
            // When the button is clicked, remove the background and modal from the screen and unbind the keyup event.
            background.one('click', function () {
                $$1(document).unbind('keyup', keyupFunction);
            $$1(document).on('keyup', keyupFunction);
         * Private method that checks for previously created states on initialisation
        StateRestoreCollection.prototype._searchForStates = function () {
            var _this = this;
            var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
            var _loop_2 = function (key) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
                if (key.match(new RegExp('^DataTables_stateRestore_.*_' + location.pathname + '$')) ||
                    key.match(new RegExp('^DataTables_stateRestore_.*_' + location.pathname +
                        '_' + this_2.s.dt.table().node().id + '$'))) {
                    var loadedState_1 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
                    if (loadedState_1.stateRestore.isPreDefined ||
                        (loadedState_1.stateRestore.tableId &&
                            loadedState_1.stateRestore.tableId !== this_2.s.dt.table().node().id)) {
                        return "continue";
                    var that_1 = this_2;
                    var successCallback = function () {
                        this.s.savedState = loadedState_1;
                    var newState_1 = new StateRestore(this_2.s.dt, $$1.extend(true, {}, this_2.c, { saveState: loadedState_1.c.saveState }), loadedState_1.stateRestore.state, loadedState_1, false, successCallback);
                    $$1(this_2.s.dt.table().node()).on('dtsr-modal-inserted', function () {
                        newState_1.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-remove', function () { return _this._removeCallback(newState_1.s.identifier); });
                        newState_1.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-rename', function () { return _this._collectionRebuild(); });
                        newState_1.dom.confirmation.one('dtsr-save', function () { return _this._collectionRebuild(); });
            var this_2 = this;
            for (var _i = 0, keys_1 = keys; _i < keys_1.length; _i++) {
                var key = keys_1[_i];
        StateRestoreCollection.version = '1.0.0';
        StateRestoreCollection.classes = {
            background: 'dtsr-background',
            checkBox: 'dtsr-check-box',
            checkLabel: 'dtsr-check-label',
            checkRow: 'dtsr-check-row',
            closeButton: 'dtsr-popover-close',
            colReorderToggle: 'dtsr-colReorder-toggle',
            columnsSearchToggle: 'dtsr-columns-search-toggle',
            columnsVisibleToggle: 'dtsr-columns-visible-toggle',
            confirmation: 'dtsr-confirmation',
            confirmationButton: 'dtsr-confirmation-button',
            confirmationButtons: 'dtsr-confirmation-buttons',
            confirmationMessage: 'dtsr-confirmation-message dtsr-name-label',
            confirmationText: 'dtsr-confirmation-text',
            confirmationTitle: 'dtsr-confirmation-title',
            confirmationTitleRow: 'dtsr-confirmation-title-row',
            creation: 'dtsr-creation',
            creationButton: 'dtsr-creation-button',
            creationForm: 'dtsr-creation-form',
            creationText: 'dtsr-creation-text',
            creationTitle: 'dtsr-creation-title',
            dtButton: 'dt-button',
            emptyStates: 'dtsr-emptyStates',
            formRow: 'dtsr-form-row',
            leftSide: 'dtsr-left',
            lengthToggle: 'dtsr-length-toggle',
            modalError: 'dtsr-modal-error',
            modalFoot: 'dtsr-modal-foot',
            nameInput: 'dtsr-name-input',
            nameLabel: 'dtsr-name-label',
            orderToggle: 'dtsr-order-toggle',
            pagingToggle: 'dtsr-paging-toggle',
            rightSide: 'dtsr-right',
            scrollerToggle: 'dtsr-scroller-toggle',
            searchBuilderToggle: 'dtsr-searchBuilder-toggle',
            searchPanesToggle: 'dtsr-searchPanes-toggle',
            searchToggle: 'dtsr-search-toggle',
            selectToggle: 'dtsr-select-toggle',
            toggleLabel: 'dtsr-toggle-title'
        StateRestoreCollection.defaults = {
            _createInSaved: false,
            ajax: false,
            create: true,
            creationModal: false,
            i18n: {
                creationModal: {
                    button: 'Create',
                    colReorder: 'Column Order',
                    columns: {
                        search: 'Column Search',
                        visible: 'Column Visibility'
                    length: 'Page Length',
                    name: 'Name:',
                    order: 'Sorting',
                    paging: 'Paging',
                    scroller: 'Scroll Position',
                    search: 'Search',
                    searchBuilder: 'SearchBuilder',
                    searchPanes: 'SearchPanes',
                    select: 'Select',
                    title: 'Create New State',
                    toggleLabel: 'Include:'
                duplicateError: 'A state with this name already exists.',
                emptyError: 'Name cannot be empty.',
                emptyStates: 'No saved states',
                removeConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove %s?',
                removeError: 'Failed to remove state.',
                removeJoiner: ' and ',
                removeSubmit: 'Remove',
                removeTitle: 'Remove State',
                renameButton: 'Rename',
                renameLabel: 'New Name for %s:',
                renameTitle: 'Rename State'
            modalCloseButton: true,
            preDefined: {},
            remove: true,
            rename: true,
            save: true,
            saveState: {
                colReorder: true,
                columns: {
                    search: true,
                    visible: true
                length: true,
                order: true,
                paging: true,
                scroller: true,
                search: true,
                searchBuilder: true,
                searchPanes: true,
                select: true
            splitSecondaries: [
            toggle: {
                colReorder: false,
                columns: {
                    search: false,
                    visible: false
                length: false,
                order: false,
                paging: false,
                scroller: false,
                search: false,
                searchBuilder: false,
                searchPanes: false,
                select: false
        return StateRestoreCollection;

    /*! StateRestore 1.4.1
     * © SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license
    $.fn.dataTable.StateRestore = StateRestore;
    $.fn.DataTable.StateRestore = StateRestore;
    $.fn.dataTable.StateRestoreCollection = StateRestoreCollection;
    $.fn.DataTable.StateRestoreCollection = StateRestoreCollection;
    var apiRegister = DataTable.Api.register;
    apiRegister('stateRestore()', function () {
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.state()', function (identifier) {
        var ctx = this.context[0];
        if (!ctx._stateRestore) {
            var api = DataTable.Api(ctx);
            var src = new DataTable.StateRestoreCollection(api, {});
            _stateRegen(api, src);
        this[0] = ctx._stateRestore.getState(identifier);
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.state.add()', function (identifier, options) {
        var ctx = this.context[0];
        if (!ctx._stateRestore) {
            var api = DataTable.Api(ctx);
            var src = new DataTable.StateRestoreCollection(api, {});
            _stateRegen(api, src);
        if (!ctx._stateRestore.c.create) {
            return this;
        if (ctx._stateRestore.addState) {
            var states = ctx._stateRestore.s.states;
            var ids = [];
            for (var _i = 0, states_1 = states; _i < states_1.length; _i++) {
                var intState = states_1[_i];
            ctx._stateRestore.addState(identifier, ids, options);
            return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.states()', function (ids) {
        var ctx = this.context[0];
        if (!ctx._stateRestore) {
            var api = DataTable.Api(ctx);
            var src = new DataTable.StateRestoreCollection(api, {});
            _stateRegen(api, src);
        this.length = 0;
        this.push.apply(this, ctx._stateRestore.getStates(ids));
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.state().save()', function () {
        var ctx = this[0];
        // Check if saving states is allowed
        if (ctx.c.save) {
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.state().rename()', function (newIdentifier) {
        var ctx = this.context[0];
        var state = this[0];
        // Check if renaming states is allowed
        if (state.c.save) {
            var states = ctx._stateRestore.s.states;
            var ids = [];
            for (var _i = 0, states_2 = states; _i < states_2.length; _i++) {
                var intState = states_2[_i];
            state.rename(newIdentifier, ids);
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.state().load()', function () {
        var ctx = this[0];
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.state().remove()', function (skipModal) {
        var ctx = this[0];
        // Check if removal of states is allowed
        if (ctx.c.remove) {
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.states().remove()', function (skipModal) {
        var _this = this;
        var removeAllCallBack = function (skipModalIn) {
            var success = true;
            var that = _this.toArray();
            while (that.length > 0) {
                var set = that[0];
                if (set !== undefined && set.c.remove) {
                    var tempSuccess = set.remove(skipModalIn);
                    if (tempSuccess !== true) {
                        success = tempSuccess;
                    else {
                        that.splice(0, 1);
                else {
            return success;
        if (this.context[0]._stateRestore && this.context[0]._stateRestore.c.remove) {
            if (skipModal) {
            else {
        return this;
    apiRegister('stateRestore.activeStates()', function () {
        var ctx = this.context[0];
        this.length = 0;
        if (!ctx._stateRestore) {
            var api = DataTable.Api(ctx);
            var src = new DataTable.StateRestoreCollection(api, {});
            _stateRegen(api, src);
        if (ctx._stateRestore) {
            this.push.apply(this, ctx._stateRestore.findActive());
        return this;
    DataTable.ext.buttons.stateRestore = {
        action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
        className: 'dtsr-state',
        config: {
            split: ['updateState', 'renameState', 'removeState']
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.stateRestore', 'State %d', dt.stateRestore.states()[0].length + 1);
    DataTable.ext.buttons.updateState = {
        action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.updateState', 'Update');
    DataTable.ext.buttons.savedStates = {
        buttons: [],
        extend: 'collection',
        init: function (dt, node, config) {
            dt.on('stateRestore-change', function () {
                dt.button(node).text(dt.i18n('buttons.savedStates', 'Saved States', dt.stateRestore.states().length));
            if (dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore === undefined) {
                _buttonInit(dt, config);
        name: 'SaveStateRestore',
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.savedStates', 'Saved States', 0);
    DataTable.ext.buttons.savedStatesCreate = {
        buttons: [],
        extend: 'collection',
        init: function (dt, node, config) {
            dt.on('stateRestore-change', function () {
                dt.button(node).text(dt.i18n('buttons.savedStates', 'Saved States', dt.stateRestore.states().length));
            if (dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore === undefined) {
                if (config.config === undefined) {
                    config.config = {};
                config.config._createInSaved = true;
                _buttonInit(dt, config);
        name: 'SaveStateRestore',
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.savedStates', 'Saved States', 0);
    DataTable.ext.buttons.createState = {
        action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
            var stateRestoreOpts = dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore.c;
            var language = dt.settings()[0].oLanguage;
            // If creation/saving is not allowed then return
            if (!stateRestoreOpts.create || !stateRestoreOpts.save) {
            var prevStates = dt.stateRestore.states().toArray();
            // Create a replacement regex based on the i18n values
            var defaultString = language.buttons !== undefined && language.buttons.stateRestore !== undefined ?
                language.buttons.stateRestore :
                'State ';
            var replaceRegex;
            if (defaultString.indexOf('%d') === defaultString.length - 3) {
                replaceRegex = new RegExp(defaultString.replace(/%d/g, ''));
            else {
                var splitString = defaultString.split('%d');
                replaceRegex = [];
                for (var _i = 0, splitString_1 = splitString; _i < splitString_1.length; _i++) {
                    var parts = splitString_1[_i];
                    replaceRegex.push(new RegExp(parts));
            var getId = function (identifier) {
                var id;
                if (Array.isArray(replaceRegex)) {
                    id = identifier;
                    for (var _i = 0, replaceRegex_1 = replaceRegex; _i < replaceRegex_1.length; _i++) {
                        var reg = replaceRegex_1[_i];
                        id = id.replace(reg, '');
                else {
                    id = identifier.replace(replaceRegex, '');
                // If the id after replacement is not a number, or the length is the same as before,
                //  it has been customised so return 0
                if (isNaN(+id) || id.length === identifier) {
                    return 0;
                // Otherwise return the number that has been assigned previously
                else {
                    return +id;
            // Extract the numbers from the identifiers that use the standard naming convention
            var identifiers = prevStates
                .map(function (state) { return getId(state.s.identifier); })
                .sort(function (a, b) { return +a < +b ?
                1 :
                +a > +b ?
                    -1 :
                    0; });
            var lastNumber = identifiers[0];
            dt.stateRestore.state.add(dt.i18n('buttons.stateRestore', 'State %d', lastNumber !== undefined ? lastNumber + 1 : 1), config.config);
            var states = dt.stateRestore.states().sort(function (a, b) {
                var aId = +getId(a.s.identifier);
                var bId = +getId(b.s.identifier);
                return aId > bId ?
                    1 :
                    aId < bId ?
                        -1 :
            var button = dt.button('SaveStateRestore:name');
            var stateButtons = button[0] !== undefined && button[0].inst.c.buttons[0].buttons !== undefined ?
                button[0].inst.c.buttons[0].buttons :
            // remove any states from the previous rebuild - if they are still there they will be added later
            for (var i = 0; i < stateButtons.length; i++) {
                if (stateButtons[i].extend === 'stateRestore') {
                    stateButtons.splice(i, 1);
            if (stateRestoreOpts._createInSaved) {
            for (var _a = 0, states_3 = states; _a < states_3.length; _a++) {
                var state = states_3[_a];
                var split = stateRestoreOpts.splitSecondaries.slice();
                if (split.includes('updateState') && !stateRestoreOpts.save) {
                    split.splice(split.indexOf('updateState'), 1);
                if (split.includes('renameState') &&
                    (!stateRestoreOpts.save || !stateRestoreOpts.rename)) {
                    split.splice(split.indexOf('renameState'), 1);
                if (split.includes('removeState') && !stateRestoreOpts.remove) {
                    split.splice(split.indexOf('removeState'), 1);
                    _stateRestore: state,
                    attr: {
                        title: state.s.identifier
                    config: {
                        split: split
                    extend: 'stateRestore',
                    text: StateRestore.entityEncode(state.s.identifier),
                    popoverTitle: StateRestore.entityEncode(state.s.identifier)
            // Need to disable the removeAllStates button if there are no states and it is present
            var buttons = dt.buttons();
            for (var _b = 0, buttons_1 = buttons; _b < buttons_1.length; _b++) {
                var butt = buttons_1[_b];
                if ($(butt.node).hasClass('dtsr-removeAllStates')) {
                    if (states.length === 0) {
                    else {
        init: function (dt, node, config) {
            if (dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore === undefined && dt.button('SaveStateRestore:name').length > 1) {
                _buttonInit(dt, config);
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.createState', 'Create State');
    DataTable.ext.buttons.removeState = {
        action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.removeState', 'Remove');
    DataTable.ext.buttons.removeAllStates = {
        action: function (e, dt, node) {
        className: 'dt-button dtsr-removeAllStates',
        init: function (dt, node) {
            if (!dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore || dt.stateRestore.states().length === 0) {
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.removeAllStates', 'Remove All States');
    DataTable.ext.buttons.renameState = {
        action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
            var states = dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore.s.states;
            var ids = [];
            for (var _i = 0, states_4 = states; _i < states_4.length; _i++) {
                var state = states_4[_i];
            config.parent._stateRestore.rename(undefined, ids);
        text: function (dt) {
            return dt.i18n('buttons.renameState', 'Rename');
    function _init(settings, options) {
        if (options === void 0) { options = null; }
        var api = new DataTable.Api(settings);
        var opts = options
            ? options
            : api.init().stateRestore || DataTable.defaults.stateRestore;
        var stateRestore = new StateRestoreCollection(api, opts);
        _stateRegen(api, stateRestore);
        return stateRestore;
     * Initialisation function if initialising using a button
     * @param dt The datatables instance
     * @param config the config for the button
    function _buttonInit(dt, config) {
        var SRC = new DataTable.StateRestoreCollection(dt, config.config);
        _stateRegen(dt, SRC);
    function _stateRegen(dt, src) {
        var states = dt.stateRestore.states();
        var button = dt.button('SaveStateRestore:name');
        var stateButtons = [];
        var i;
        // Need to get the original configuration object, so we can rebuild it
        // It might be nested, so need to traverse down the tree
        if (button[0]) {
            var idxs = button.index().split('-');
            stateButtons = button[0].inst.c.buttons;
            for (i = 0; i < idxs.length; i++) {
                if (stateButtons[idxs[i]].buttons) {
                    stateButtons = stateButtons[idxs[i]].buttons;
                else {
                    stateButtons = [];
        var stateRestoreOpts = dt.settings()[0]._stateRestore.c;
        // remove any states from the previous rebuild - if they are still there they will be added later
        for (i = 0; i < stateButtons.length; i++) {
            if (stateButtons[i].extend === 'stateRestore') {
                stateButtons.splice(i, 1);
        if (stateRestoreOpts._createInSaved) {
        if (states === undefined || states.length === 0) {
            stateButtons.push('<span class="' + src.classes.emptyStates + '">' +
                dt.i18n('stateRestore.emptyStates', src.c.i18n.emptyStates) +
        else {
            for (var _i = 0, states_5 = states; _i < states_5.length; _i++) {
                var state = states_5[_i];
                var split = stateRestoreOpts.splitSecondaries.slice();
                if (split.includes('updateState') && !stateRestoreOpts.save) {
                    split.splice(split.indexOf('updateState'), 1);
                if (split.includes('renameState') &&
                    (!stateRestoreOpts.save || !stateRestoreOpts.rename)) {
                    split.splice(split.indexOf('renameState'), 1);
                if (split.includes('removeState') && !stateRestoreOpts.remove) {
                    split.splice(split.indexOf('removeState'), 1);
                    _stateRestore: state,
                    attr: {
                        title: state.s.identifier
                    config: {
                        split: split
                    extend: 'stateRestore',
                    text: StateRestore.entityEncode(state.s.identifier),
                    popoverTitle: StateRestore.entityEncode(state.s.identifier)
        // Need to disable the removeAllStates button if there are no states and it is present
        var buttons = dt.buttons();
        for (var _a = 0, buttons_2 = buttons; _a < buttons_2.length; _a++) {
            var butt = buttons_2[_a];
            if ($(butt.node).hasClass('dtsr-removeAllStates')) {
                if (states.length === 0) {
                else {
    // Attach a listener to the document which listens for DataTables initialisation
    // events so we can automatically initialise
    $(document).on('preInit.dt.dtsr', function (e, settings) {
        if (e.namespace !== 'dt') {
        if (settings.oInit.stateRestore ||
            DataTable.defaults.stateRestore) {
            if (!settings._stateRestore) {
                _init(settings, null);


export default DataTable;