diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/I18N/Modules/General/general_en.lex b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/I18N/Modules/General/general_en.lex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1871b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/I18N/Modules/General/general_en.lex
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+'edit' => 'edit',
+'del' => 'del',
+'exit' => 'Exit',
+'cancel' => 'Cancel',
+'hello' => 'hello',
+'All rights reserved' => 'All Rights Reserved',
+'Collaboration' => 'Collaboration',
+'Administration' => 'Administration',
+'Security' => 'Security',
+'Configuration' => 'Configuration',
+'Miscellaneous' => 'Miscellaneous',
+'Your Settings' => 'Your Settings',
+'SAVE' => 'Save',
+'CANCEL' => 'Cancel',
+'ENABLED' => 'Enabled',
+'DISABLED' => 'Disabled',
+'NO' => 'No',
+'YES' => 'Yes',
+'ADD' => 'Add',
+'CREATE' => 'Create',
+'MODIFY' => 'Modify',
+'REMOVE' => 'Remove',
+'COMMENT' => 'Comment',
+'NEXT' => 'Next',
+'SELF' => 'Self',
+'REMOTE' => 'Remote',
+'LOCAL' => 'Local',
+'ACTION' => 'Action',
+'NETWORK' => 'Network',
+'ROUTER' => 'Router',
+'OPERATION_STATUS_REPORT' => 'Operation status report',
+'ACCOUNT' => 'Account',
+'GROUP' => 'Group',
+'NO_PIPES_ALLOWED' => 'Pipe symbols (|) are not permitted in this field',
+'ERROR_BELOW' => 'ERROR: There was an error in the validation of this page. Please scroll down and find the specific problem.',
+'ACCESS' => 'Access',
+'ACCOUNT_LOCKED' => 'Account is locked',
+'GROUP_ADD' => 'Add group',
+'NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL' => 'Allow access only from local networks',
+'NETWORKS_ALLOW_PUBLIC' => 'Allow public access (entire Internet)',
+'ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'An error occurred while attempting to change your password. Please make sure that the old password entered is correct.',
+'BACK' => 'Back',
+'BACKUP' => 'Backup',
+'DESCRIPTION_BRIEF' => 'Brief description',
+'PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'Change Password',
+'RESET_PASSWORD_TITLE' => 'Reset user password',
+'ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'Change account password',
+'CONTENT' => 'Content',
+'CREATE_GROUP' => 'Create user group',
+'USER_LIST_CURRENT' => 'Current list of users',
+'DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
+'DESTINATION' => 'Destination',
+'DOMAIN_NAME' => 'Domain name',
+'DOMAIN' => 'Domain',
+'DOMAINS' => 'Domains',
+'DOWNLOAD' => 'Download',
+'ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION' => 'Error occurred while updating system configuration.',
+'GROUP_MEMBERS' => 'Group Members',
+'GROUP_NAME' => 'Group Name',
+'GROUPS' => 'Groups',
+'IP_ADDRESS' => 'IP Address',
+'IP_ADDRESS_OR_FQDN' => 'IP Address or FQDN',
+'USER_INVALID' => 'Invalid user',
+'LOCATION' => 'Location',
+'MB' => 'Mb',
+'MODIFY_USER_GROUP' => 'Modify user group',
+'NAME' => 'Name',
+'PASSWORD_VERIFY_NEW' => 'New password (verify):',
+'PASSWORD_NEW' => 'New password:',
+'OFF' => 'Off',
+'OK' => 'Ok',
+'PASSWORD_OLD' => 'Old password:',
+'ON' => 'On',
+'PASSWORD' => 'Password',
+'PERFORM' => 'Perform',
+'RECONFIGURE' => 'Reconfigure',
+'REMOVE_USER_GROUP' => 'Remove user group',
+'PASSWORD_RESET' => 'Reset password',
+'RESTORE' => 'Restore',
+'SHUTDOWN' => 'Shutdown',
+'SUCCESS' => 'Success',
+'ACCOUNT_NAME_INVALID' => 'The account name entered is invalid.',
+'ACCOUNT_NAME_INVALID_CHARS' => 'The account name you entered contained invalid characters.',
+'PASSWORD_OLD_INVALID_CHARS' => 'The old password you entered contained invalid characters.',
+'PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS' => 'The password you entered contained invalid characters.',
+'PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR' => 'The passwords you entered did not match.',
+'ACCOUNT_USER_NONE' => 'There are no user accounts in the system.',
+'ACCOUNT_GROUP_NONE' => 'There are no user groups in the system.',
+'ERROR_INVALID_CHARS' => 'Unexpected characters in description.',
+'USER_NAME' => 'User Name',
+'YOUR_ACCOUNT' => 'Your account:',
+'YOUR_ACCOUNT_INVALID' => 'The account name entered is invalid.',
+'PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS' => 'Your password has been successfully changed.',
+'FM_NONBLANK' => 'This field must not be left blank',
+'FM_INTEGER' => 'This field must contain a positive integer',
+'FM_NUMBER' => 'This field must contain a number',
+'FM_WORD' => 'This field must look like a single word.',
+'FM_DATE' => 'The data entered could not be parsed as a date',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER1' => 'You must enter a credit card number',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER2' => 'Credit card numbers shouldn\'t have anything but numbers, spaces or dashes',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER3' => 'Must be at least 14 characters in length',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER4' => 'Doesn\'t appear to be a valid credit card number',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY1' => 'No expiry date entered.',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY2' => 'Expiry date must be in the format MM/YY or MM/YYYY',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY3' => 'This expiry date appears to have already passed',
+'FM_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRY4' => 'This expiry date appears to be too far in the future',
+'FM_ISO_COUNTRY_CODE1' => 'You must provide a country code',
+'FM_ISO_COUNTRY_CODE2' => 'This field does not contain an ISO country code',
+'FM_US_STATE' => 'This doesn\'t appear to be a valid 2-letter US state abbreviation',
+'FM_US_ZIPCODE' => 'US zip codes must contain 5 or 9 numbers',
+'FM_MINLENGTH1' => 'Minimum length has been specified meaninglessly as [_1]',
+'FM_MINLENGTH2' => 'This field must be at least [_1] characters',
+'FM_MAXLENGTH1' => 'Maximum length has been specified meaninglessly as [_1]',
+'FM_MAXLENGTH2' => 'This field must be no more than [_1] characters',
+'FM_EXACTLENGTH1' => 'You must specify the length for the field.',
+'FM_EXACTLENGTH2' => 'You must specify the exactlength of the field with an integer',
+'FM_EXACTLENGTH3' => 'This field must be exactly [_1] characters',
+'FM_LENGTHRANGE1' => 'You must specify the maximum and minimum length for the field.',
+'FM_LENGTHRANGE2' => 'You must specify the maximum and minimum lengths of the field with an integer',
+'FM_LENGTHRANGE3' => 'This field must be between [_1] and [_2] characters',
+'FM_URL' => 'This field must contain a URL starting with http:// or ftp://',
+'FM_EMAIL_SIMPLE1' => 'You must enter an email address.',
+'FM_EMAIL_SIMPLE2' => 'This field doesn\'t look like an RFC822-compliant email address',
+'FM_DOMAIN_NAME' => 'This field doesn\'t look like a valid Internet domain name or hostname.',
+'FM_IP_NUMBER1' => 'This field must contain a valid IP number and can not be left blank.',
+'FM_IP_NUMBER2' => 'Invalid IP address format (expected X.X.X.X)',
+'FM_IP_NUMBER3' => '[_1] is more than 255',
+'FM_USERNAME' => 'This field must look like a valid username (3 to 8 letters and numbers)',
+'FM_PASSWORD1' => 'You must provide a password.',
+'FM_PASSWORD2' => 'The password you provided was not a good password.A good password must contain all of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, number, non-alphanumeric character, be at least 7 characters long.',
+'FM_MAC_ADDRESS1' => 'You must provide a MAC address.',
+'FM_MAC_ADDRESS2' => 'The MAC address you provided was not valid.',
+'FM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DESC' => 'Error: unexpected or missing characters in description',
+swt_THEME => 'Theme',
+swt_LOGIN_AGAIN => 'You may need to login again to see the choosed theme',
+acs_NO => 'Not Authorized',
+acs_LOGIN => 'Login required',
+acs_ADMIN => 'Admin rights required',
+'User password' => 'User password',
+Logout => 'Logout',
+Home => 'Home',
+CSRF_VALIDATION_FAILURE => 'Error: CSRF token is invalid or outdated.',
+Empty => 'Empty',
+Active => 'Active',
+MINUTE => 'Minute',
+MINUTES => 'Minutes',
+HOUR => 'Hour',
+HOURS => 'Hours',
+SMALL => 'Small',
+MEDIUM => 'Medium',
+LARGE => 'Large',
+FIELD_INVALID_CHARS => 'A field you entered contains invalid characters.',